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===Topic: ''Urantia's Energy Grid, First Project''===
===Group: [[At Large]]===
===Teacher: [[Gabriel]], [[Lanaforge]], [[Monsanloran]], [[Lumerion]], [[Loyalatia]], [[Exaltatia]]===
===TR: [[Unknown]]===
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<center>'''Training of Reflectivators & Implementation of Reflectivity'''</center>
<center>'''First Project'''</center>
<center>'''Urantia’s Energy Grid'''</center>
<center>''Released for Publication July 10, 2011''</center>
<center><i>Section I.</i></center>
*Gabriel, The Bright and Morning Star, Salvington
<u>Declaration of Assignment</u>

This document will be the first to be implemented through the reflectivity circuit in collaboration
with those chosen for this assignment.

This is in effect a way to show information that has been brought forth in parts without one
reflectivator knowing what the others received until the time that this paper was compiled as one
document. For security reasons names will not be used, but we will be using numbers to identify the
reflectivators. We wish to allow those who have been chosen for this assignment to remain

No one personality compiled this paper; it was a collaborative effort using five reflectivators. There
were many different methods utilized to create the document to bring this information to light.
More and more individuals capable of using reflectivity are coming on line, and it is being asked that
all who may demonstrate spiritual adeptness and the ability to communicate with spirit, to make
your selves available if you are willing to be a part of this. You will be lead to the proper channels,
if you are given the approval by your Adjuster as stated in previous documentation.

<u>Subjects to Be Found Within</u>

*1 - The clearing of the root causes of rebellious energies now being dismantled on Urantia which
include energies or “codes” that Lucifer and Caligastia implemented and have been identified. They
are being removed by the Paradise Father and others. Lanaforge the System Sovereign of Norlatiadek
will comment on this aspect.

*2 - The reflectivity circuit and the way that new ones will be trained and brought on board, and the
Seraphic involvement that allows the connection to take place.
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<center><i>Section II</i></center>
*3- The Grid work the Melchizedeks are doing and the anchoring of light on Urantia.

<center>From Our System Sovereign, Lanaforge</center>

<u>Lanaforge to Reflectivator #5:</u>

Welcome my dear friend to the reflectivity service that has been set up on Paradise. Iam the System
Sovereign of Satania. It is mytask to bring primitive and sometimes coarse beings up to par with the
universal scheme of things. All of you on Urantia have evolved far and away from those primitive
times. Yet, in a spiritual sense things are still in a primitive stage. I am pleased that developments
are moving along nicely upon your world. The Melchizedeks have worked tirelessly in reinforcing
the grid that encircles your planet. This works on a morontia and spiritual level for the uplifting and
ushering in of Light and Life, and is proving to be a very effective tool against these dark energies
set in place by the celestial rebels. The Melchizedeks efforts are Herculean you may say.

What is the next phase of our work?

The next phase is to eradicate the dark energies that Lucifer set up so very long ago. He knew full
well that he would be removed from the scene. So, he devised a traitorous line of attack upon the
helpless humans he was once in charge of overseeing. Lucifer proposed that if he could keep the
children of Urantia in a self perpetuating loop of fear, anxietyand confusion, then he would succeed
in keeping the majority on your planet in their own prison cells. He deduced that if he was going
down, he would take as many as he could with him.

Now we have reached a very conspicuous time in Urantia’s history. We are at the forefront of
amazing changes. Yet, as you can imagine the dark forces and the dark energies** that hold sway
over your world do not want this. They are performing a no-holds barred attack on any person or
celestial that would dare challenge the powers that be. These powers thrive on the energies of
darkness, fear, anxiety, confusion, hatred, and violence to name a few. Liken it to a virus acting
aimlessly to infect as much as it can. The antidote and cleansing of this virus is now in operation,
as with the many Paradise personalities alongside Christ Michael are working in love to free all of
Urantia from this infection holding sway over so many.

<blockquote>[Editor’s Note: What is named here as, “dark forces and the dark energies” actually refers to the energy system itself arranged in a grid formation completely encircling Urantia.
Picture something in your mind like a wire mesh used in a kitchen strainer to obtain a visual
picture of the grid construction. The energy flashing around the globe in all of the grid
strands is encoded to be used by our mind receptors. Even the Adjutant Spirits must locate
entry points on the grid to find encircuitment within each human mind, and therefore, the
Adjutants themselves often bring with them some of the encoding Lucifer placed there to
settle themselves into human perception. These are programmed, life-like intelligent
energies and not personalities within the energy grid.]</blockquote>
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This dark and energetic matrix was a nefarious implanting from your former System Sovereign,
Lucifer, who is no longer. It is a system that feeds in on itself in a continuous looping. Any persons
that strive to break free from the constraints of these dark energies will be met by the resistance of
punishment. These fear “codes” or energies set up byLucifer will continue to fight against the light,
but the light will be victorious! There was always a way to free oneself from these dark energies, but
so many on your world were not able to discover this, due to the overwhelming confusion and
ignorance of the light. When you connect with the Father within, that is a sure deterrent to escape
from the dark fear codes that Satan and Lucifer set up as a snare against the children in their
ascension inward to the Father.

<u>Lanaforge to Reflectivator #3</u>

These energies are being dismantled by the Paradise Father’s love. We will now bring about the
spiritual vision relayed in identifying and dismantling of these codes and the inter-workings therein.
This is lodged in and has infiltrated the human subconscious of the majority of humanity still on
Urantia. They have tried to impede against the morontia blending** that is a necessary process in

<blockquote>[Editor’s Note: ** Morontia blending as it is used here refers to the development of the
human soul that is being prepared for survival upon the death in the flesh of those
indwelt by the Father. Attunement is hampered by the grid codes which can completely
deflect a human from the pursuit of more easily dedicating the human will to the Father’s
by introducing codes which produce something called ego-bearing distractions. In this
way ascension is not only delayed, but it can be destroyed if allowed to cause total
disenchantment with life.]</blockquote>

<u>Unknown to Reflectivator #4</u>

Working with Reflectivator #4, we discover Fear Codes emerged from the subconscious. Correction
was accomplished by intentionally moving Forgiveness energy up to illuminate the Fear Codes.
Then “MY WILL BE DONE” was focused on the codes, followed by “ALL WILL BE
REVEALED”. Reflectivator #4 then saw an image of a very dark Luciferi(a)n face emerge, very evil
in intent . . . . Then appeared in view the words: “ IAM THE ENGINEER OF HUMAN MISERY”.
The statement radiated for a moment and then there arose a new intention stating, “ I AM THE
thereafter, the refreshed and cleansed section of the grid flashed: “RELEASE OF LUCIFER
CODES.” This took several minutes to clear.

I remind you all that energies in operation by some can be seen in a code like fashion as a gift of
spirit, as this proves to be easier to understand by the human psyche and those workingon the ground
in the light work involved in dismantling this energy. Children, I admonish you that this is a brave
and noble universal aspect of service being undertaken by certain ones now alongside the unseen
forces of light, and it is not going unnoticed on high.
===Page 4===
<u>Lanaforge to Reflectivator #3</u>

The energies as you saw conveyed above were immediately identified and dismantled by the coding
or energy of the Spirit of Truth and The Paradise Fathers Love and Will. Showing this on a human
level will allow those who may not understand how this energy works on a human mind. The reason
I bring this information is by the orders of Michael on behalf of the Paradise Father’s request to show
you all that you are loved and being cared for ever so tenderly.

I hold the office that Lucifer once occupied as System Sovereign. Therefore, I can utilize my
knowledge of this office to try to convey to you all what Lucifer had implemented in his rebellious
actions. There were so many traitorous acts he imposed on the humans of Urantia. Essentially the
codes at work impede human free will. These codes and energies as presently established remain
able to punish all who seek to defy their implementation.

This is one aspect of the energies in place that Lucifer implemented. You must remember, he was
privy to information on a universal scale and was throughly knowledgeable of the actions that would
be taken against him for rebelling. The celestials that joined him on Urantia then proceeded to
expose the children of Urantia to things that should not have been known in the name of Lucifer.
The rebel chief knew full well that the collective universe of those not in the lines with his thinking
would come against him. He knew he would be attacked for what he did, and used the most
despicable methods of warfare against those who rebuked him.

Fear not children of Urantia, for the light is come. The entire superuniverse of Orvonton, all of
Nebadon, and the light of Paradise is with you all standing brave and tall in this work. Love, Mercy
and Grace will break the chains of the final vestiges of the Lucifer rebellion.

I am with you children of Urantia, and Ilove you with a full heart. I say to each and everyone of you
undertaking the work on the ground that you have all made all of Nebadon, Orvonton, and Paradise
proud in your courageous work.

<u>Monsanloran Melchizedek To Reflectivator #2</u>

In our depiction of these grids we are unable to indicate to the reader the true horror of what has
taken place on Urantia and how the grids were used by Lucifer to hide the sins of murder and child
sacrifice. These are natural consequences of the fear factor instilled by Lucifer into his Urantia
children. Recently I asked on behalf of my Melchizedek brethren to promote a project where we
could cleanse a particularly bad segment of the grid in a central location unknown to most of you
reading this. For security reasons we will maintain the secrecyof this individual we asked to clean
the grid, but are allowing the publication of the pictures showing what was found deep within the

Picture 1 below (right) has a river flowing to the outside from within the chamber of horrors which has so
contaminated the grid in this area that monumental efforts are being made to cleanse this one first.
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It could contaminate others around it if allowed to continues “as is”. A human team has been trained by we Melchizedeks, and as they stand by to help the team, they enter and intentionally remove the contaminated sections. Here it shows the underground entrance to the ceremonial area using child sacrifice and human desecration.

Picture 2 (right) has been determined by anthropologists to be a girl of 19 who was sacrificed within the depths of the ceremonial cave from about 3,000 years ago.. It would have been lit at that time with bonfires illuminating the priests standing around her in their ceremonial robes holding the sacred daggers and the poison herbs to be administered so that she would keep the gods from
becoming angry..

Picture #3, (right): It is difficult to see the little child whose bones were thrown into a depression of rock within the cave. This sacrificed child would have been about 14 months old and was placed there by the priests around the year 800 AD.

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<center><i>Section III</i></center>
<center>Preparing the Mortal for Service with the Melchizedeks and Monjoronson</center>

<u>Reflectivator #2</u>
Readers of the Urantia Book have been advised that Urantia’s Chief of Seraphim then present at the
beginning of the Lucifer Rebellion actually vacated her seat of power and joined Lucifer and
Caligastia. Her replacement was initially Loyalaita, her second in command and the able reservists
of the planetary prince who deserted her and the rest of her seraphim then stationed on Urantia.
Within seven years after the rebellion began on Urantia, Loyalatia was summoned byGabriel to learn
she would resume her commission as second in command under the newly arrived Primary
Supernaphim dispatched from Paradise to lead the angelic corp on Urantia. The name of the present
Primary Supernaphim is Lumerion. He is the second Primary Supernaphim to hold this position,
having been recently installed on Urantia about four years ago. His predecessor’s name was
Hermarion, the officiating head and guide to the Urantia Seraphic Corp then floundering in the
confusion of a system-wide rebellion.

<u>Lumerion, Primary Supernaphim and Chief of the Urantia Seraphic Corp to Reflectivator #3 -</u>
There has been much information brought forth erroneously in the past, especially for those working
in the teaching mission, mainly due to the very human personality element that you all have to work
from. I can state a few things today that will be helpful for your human mind and aspects on a
personality level to assimilate more fully this implemented reflectivity. The human personalities
along with Seraphim will provide an overview of things that have in the past puzzled celestial
personalities regarding reflectivity. Through this implemented reflectivity those who have made
themselves availableundertook this assignment upon approval of the Father in conjunction with the
orders of Christ Michael through Gabriel of Salvington.

<u>Lumerion to Reflectivator #2</u>
A word about the morontia-mind blend we will speak to a little later. It consists of being able to
promote that which would come forth if a person died and was resurrected on one of the mansion
world. However, because the Magisterial Mission requires humans to be able to think and do on
a superhuman level, it has been decided to allow certain individuals to retain their human minds
but to upstep the mind component which connects to their minds to be on a level known as
cosmic mind. It is with cosmic mind that the blend will take place. All of this will be made
possible by the Adjutant of Worship which encircuits with all normal mortals about age 6 or

<u>Lumerion to Reflectivator #3</u>
For this Morontia-Mind blend now being utilized on Urantia you must have a celestial sponsor. The celestial
chosen for Reflectivator #5 was Gabriella which sponsored this to be undertaken for the human personality,
as he will recognize and has undergone many of the changes initialed for this reflectivity circuit.
This sponsor, Gabriella, will recognize the potentials in your Paradise assent and will be selected in
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conjunction with myself [Lumerion]. You will be under the watch care of the Bright and Morning
Star of Nebadon, Gabriel. You will be overseen by Gabriel directly, in this undertaking, which
Reflectivator #3 and the rest on this team of five have been. As the five have been approved, and
for those in the future who will join you, you will be provided two Supreme Seraphic Guardians of
unmatched experience.

<center>Actual Preparation Undertaken for Mortal-Morontia Blending</center>

<u>Lumerion to Reflectivator #5</u>
What we are undertaking here is unique upon this world. Although, it is part of the normal process
on other worlds that are not affected by rebellion. What the Reflectivator is going through is the
process of mortal-morontial blending. As was discussed earlier in this transmission by our System
Sovereign, Lanaforge, Lucifer implanted codes that would prevent the ascension process. Is it any
wonder that the vast majority of Urantian’s have never heard of the ascension process? That process
whereby the mortals of time and space transforms hundreds and hundreds of times as they progress
inwards towards the Father.

What we would like for you to convey Reflectivator #5 is what is to be expected when you
undergo this process blend for the reflectivity circuit. What does the process of mortal/morontial
blending feels like from the human perspective. Since we need many more to come “online” to
offer themselves willingly in the last days of Lucifer’s dying stranglehold on Urantian citizens.
By sharing this one’s unique perspective it can eliminate, or at least, reduce, the fear that humans
will feel when they reach out to become a blended mortal/morontial citizen and be ushered onto
this reflectivity circuit.

<center><u>Reflectivator #5 Speaks About The Experience He Is Going Through</u></center>

Reflectivator #5- To those individuals that want to partake in this mortal/morontial blending I
recommend that you allay all fears. As human beings we have been subject to fears that have kept
us in the prison cells of our minds. Some of the fears that we have are as a result of being mortals
growing up on an evolutionary world. But upon our world these fears have been greatly exaggerated
by the Luciferi(a)n energies. These energies have prevented so many of us from moving on to the
mansion worlds. I offer my insight as I just recently been brought on board to this reflectivity.

What first needs to be considered is that we must gain the approval of our Father fragment to move
forward in this process. We also must have a sponsorship. MyDestinySeraphicGuardian Gabriella
sponsored me in this endeavor. She saw my heart and recommended me to her superiors to allow me
to go through this blending procedure. Then we are called upon to accept this assignment. I was
offered to be a part of the Magisterial Mission. To be a part of that mission, I needed to become
aware of the morontia state. By going through that process I would be enabled to be on our
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Magisterial Son’s mortal staff. When I accepted the offer, of my own free will, this process began
and I have recently been brought on to the reflectivity circuit.

In the most recent session I was “blown away” as the saying goes. Many wonderful celestials came
through. I was given so much of the spirit that I was filled to capacity. I need to tell you all that I
was feeling a little bit nervous and fearful as the session began. All my fears quickly faded as this
process continued. Nebadonia relayed to me through another reflectivator that I was fidgety. I
laughed because I was feeling nervous and that calmed me down.

I had many other celestials come through with their love and their infusion of power. I was filled
to capacity with the Spirit and with their love. One thing I kept hearing from Christ Michael was
that; “It is time to be about the business of the Father.” Indeed it is my friends. The Father on
high looks down upon our tiny world and He takes action to end the deleterious effects of the
Lucifer rebellion. I say with all of my heart: “Fear not, my friends.” If you partake of this
mission to work with our Magisterial Son you will be embarking upon an eternal adventure of
joy and discovery. The Paradise Father gives to us all that He is because we are His precious
children. In turn we, the light warriors of this world, go forth to forever destroy the energies of
the darkness. “Father,” we say,” may your name be praised forever and ever.

<center>The Work By Supreme Seraphim With Mortals Receiving Approval</center>

Supreme Seraphim Pair Loyalatia and Exaltatia to Reflectivator #3

Let me clarify what we two Supreme Seraphim that have been assigned to this undertaking. We will
be conjointly acting alongside your physical, morontia, and spiritual forms to work with you and the
Magisterial Son’s staff the implementation of the reflectivity circuit. This will be a conjoint
collaborative effort of those ones in service to the Magisterial Son before his physical incarnation.
Fear not for those that have been selected for this assignment that you are all safe and under the
watch care of Gabriel, the Bright and Morning Star of Nebadon in this undertaking. This is a
wondrous time in the universe of Nebadon, and it is sure that the world of Urantia will become a
diamond in all of Nebadon, the mortal home of Christ Michael.


[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: At Large]]
[[Category: Gabriel]]
[[Category: Lanaforge]]
[[Category: Monsanloran]]
[[Category: Lumerion]]
[[Category: Loyalatia]]
[[Category: Exaltatia]]
[[Category: Energy]]
[[Category: Circuits]]
[[Category: Reflectivity]]
[[Category: Magisterial Mission]]
[[Category: 2011]]