
Created page with 'Image:lighterstill.jpg ==Session== By: Ron Besser Released on July 03, 2011 ===Document -D=== *Summary of Document -A- dated 23 June 2011: It is in Document -A- we find a d...'

By: Ron Besser
Released on July 03, 2011
===Document -D===
*Summary of Document -A- dated 23 June 2011:

It is in Document -A- we find a description of the new communication circuit placed on Urantia at the end of May, 2011 It will be used extensively when Monjoronson appears in the flesh on Urantia. In -A- we said that the reflectivity circuits are to be used to forward messages simultaneously from a great distance as from Paradise and Havona to Urantia and surrounding universes in Orvonton. It is important to realize that the receipt of one message by hundreds of Reflectivators, messages all worded the same, will prevent fraud, establish legitimacy of the message, and provide users a sure way to confirm what is asked of them.

*Summary of -B-
And Additional Explanations
June 24, 25, 2011

It is in -B- that we learned that Urantia has a monumental problem resulting from the unfortunate legacy of the Lucifer rebellion. The rebels prevented those humans who died during the reign of Caligastia to transfer to the mansion worlds to receive an adjudication of their standing and to resume their ascension careers. Lucifer considered it a waste of resources to send mortals to another world when he could train them on Urantia. He forbade mortals to enter into the seraphic sleep and then be taken to the mansion worlds. Instead, he arranged the energy grids on Urantia to support their morontia-soul forms when he repersonalized them on Urantia to work for him. Caligastia fully supported this regime and made all spiritual and morontia resources available to Lucifer to carry out the scheme of re-personalization without ascension.

*Document -B- was appended to when the -C- Summary appeared. The additional Summary -B- information discussed that approximately 35,000,000 souls, along with other operational groups and sub-groups still present on Urantia , must be adjudicated to regain their status as ascenders. The Melchizedeks are working through the coordination of their college on Edentia with Melchizedeks stationed on Urantia to begin to clear the various energy grids that surround our planet. It is these infected grids which are responsible for the large numbers of individuals remaining on the planet even after death has terminated their life in the flesh.

*Summary of -C-
June 26, 2011

We learned what the Melchizedeks on Urantia are doing to begin the cleansing of the planets energy grids so contaminated by Lucifer, and how the Melchizedek university on Edentia is providing leadership and liaison control for those on the ground who have begun this work. The Magisterial Mission can not easily proceed while these circuits are so highly debased, but the Mission will still proceed with fits and starts until some clearing has returned enough circuits to the Father on Paradise that a foothold can be established to cleanse the rest of the planet.

Racial blending and cultural rejuvenation is essential to stabilize Urantia for those future eras we call Light and Life, a term borrowed from the Urantia Book that describes life after the bestowal Son has completed his work and the Trinity Teacher Sons have begun their work on the planet. Urantia has had its bestowal Son out of the normal order of epochal Son dispensations, so it becomes necessary for Monjoronson to begin the process to normalize what has gone astray and invite Adam and Eve to participate. Summary -C- provides the reader conditional details about their return, the schools they will help run, and the direction of curricula through their children now residing on Edentia.

*Summary -C- concluded with a description of how mortals will be attached to the Magisterial Mission and gave some insight into the approvals necessary for this to happen on Urantia while remaining in the flesh.

*Document -D-
*Unofficial Series
*By: Ron Besser
*Released on July 03, 2011

Production of these ABC Summaries Acknowledgment:
[Acknowledgments: Monsanloran Melchizedek is stationed in the Central American region of the northern hemisphere and has operations and control programs for South America, Central America, and the western United States. His work is to cleanse the communication circuits established all around the globe starting in Central America where they are particularly corrupted by the practice of “obeah”, the Mayan name for black magic and child sacrifice. Monsanloran has provided the information in portions of this document to me.

To Mantutia Melchizedek, the Melchizedek in charge of the Edentia Melchizedek University, who has also graciously provided input into this document reviewed and approved for release today.

The Father Melchizedek has also approved the general content of this release. Document -D- discusses plans not yet put into effect and are future usages of personnel not yet assigned. It was deemed so important that the general idea of what reorganization is to take place very soon, that we (the Father Melchizedek) rather err in too much than not enough information.

On the human side, I am indebted to the help of two reflectivators who helped to clarify for me names and origins of information contained herein. I only mention these reflectivators by their function rather than their personal names in order to help them maintain anonymity at this time at the request of the Melchizedek receivers.

Thank you to all celestials and spiritual supervisors whose network of communication circuits and permissions by our Supervisors has allowed these Papers to come forth. Myself and on behalf of our readers alike, we thank spirit for your support, help, and contributions to these papers. I could not possibly produce this information without the inside help of the Melchizedek administration and the humans employed by them. Thank you.

Ron Besser]

*The Melchizedek University and the Melchizedek Receivers

Because Urantia has had such a checkered history, it has had several examples of universe government which have been changed over the millennia. Today’s discussion is how the Planetary Government is going to change dramatically once again. Please note we are not officially informed of all the details yet, but we will make them available when we can.

Beginning in the fall of 2005, the Melchizedek University began the work of consulting to reorganize the planetary government on Urantia. I is necessary to change the present arrangement of personnel because the present Planetary Prince, Machiventa Melchizedek, is to be on the visible staff of the Magisterial Son.

Monjoronson, the Avonal Son chosen by Christ Michael more than a millennia ago to come to Urantia, will be provided 12 Melchizedeks who will be visible to mortal eyes. Among the twelve Melchizedeks incarnating to serve with Monjoronson is Machiventa Melchizedek.

To provide Urantia a semblance of organization to be carried over from the planetary traditions of past administrative heads (excepting Caligastia), it was decided by the Nebadon executive branch that Machiventa would be even more effective if he were to provide leadership through the staff of Monjoronson. This left the question of what shall replace Machiventa when he incarnates with the Magisterial Son.

During the compilation of the Urantia Book, there were present on Urantia twelve receivers who substituted for the deposed Lanonandek Order of Sonship known as the Planetary Prince. Lucifer and Caligastia were of the Lanonandek Order, but created havoc when they seceded, with 37 inhabited planets, from the System of Satania to form what they considered their own space enclave to be headquartered on Jerusem, the capital of Satania. Thirty seven planets of the 609 then-inhabited planets well enough progressed to be considered of the status of evolutionary life that can recognize God, went over to Lucifer with their Planetary Princes. Upon the final bestowal of Nebadon’s Creator Son on Urantia, the rebellion was terminated by the bestowal Son, Jesus. Lucifer was interned and Caligastia was allowed to remain on the planet but was highly restricted in what he could or could not do.

Upon the termination of Lucifer as System Sovereign on Jerusem, the authorities in Nebadon requisitioned Melchizedek receivers to hold the Urantia government in place until a suitable replacement was found to be the Planetary Prince. We can now report that the 12 receivers who came to Urantia to replace Caligastia are now being asked to return and replace Machiventa Melchizedek as temporary rulers of Urantia until the regime of the Magisterial Son is completed and the last of the Lucifer rebellion is adjudicated on all apostate planets.

*Current Status of the Rebel Planets in Satania

The 37 apostate planets have now all received their Magisterial Sons except for Urantia! Very little more can be reported about this collection rebel planets until they have undergone the changes their Magisterial Sons have initiated. This change of status will require that no visitors may approach these planets for any reason until the Avonal Sons of record on these planets signify that they may receive contact from off-planet species. In addition to the status change mentioned here, these planets will be arrayed in a new form of government not tried before in Nebadon and will be reporting directly to Lanaforge instead of a Planetary Prince until further notice.

*The Melchizedek University Status on Edentia

As reported in Section -B- of these Summaries, the university established on Edentia, the Constellation capital of Norlatiadek, was established to study the Lucifer rebellion as well as to understand what the bestowal of Michael spiritually, morontially, and physically, changed in the system of Satania and specifically what it changed on Urantia. In many respects the study of the bestowal is also a study of Supreme values not yet well understood in our local universe.

Preparatory to the return of Christ to Urantia, there will be a conclave of universe Sons who will attend a consortium of teachers drawn from Paradise who will provide seminars about the Paradise philosophy and view of the rebellion on Urantia. The Melchizedek University at the same time will host tens of thousands of new students now permitted to visit Satania which has been closed to them since the rebellion. Visitors to Urantia and other rebel planets in Satania who were stranded when the circuits were seized isolating them, will come to share their experiences of “making do” for hundreds of thousands of earth years.

The university will now host those students who experienced first hand what it was like to see war in heaven breakout, but the Melchizedek institution will also be changing its location to Urantia. Its new location will be the placement where it will continue to specialize in the affairs of the Lucifer rebellion and to study the after affects on the rebellion on the vital energy circuits which give life and support life on Urantia. All of these circuits are nearly down to basic or minimal standards of operation today, and the Melchizedeks are working feverishly to put some back into good working order before Monjoronson incarnates.

When the Melchizedek University from Edentia relocates to Urantia, it will become the first university in Nebadon to have as its chief director a Creator Son. The Creator Son of Nebadon has been nominated by the Paradise Father to stand for election as the Melchizedek University’s new Viceroy. Such is an eternal office of honor and genuine effort by the new Viceroy for this universe age.

The Melchizedeks will continue to staff and teach the courses designed to describe what actually happened and what repercussions it has had on Urantia, Norlatiadek, Nebadon, and Orvonton, and why the Master Spirits intervened to overcome the startling decline of Urantia back to the barbarianism of war and sacrifice.

*The Twelve Melchizedek Receivers

The selection of the twelve Melchizedek receivers was made in June of 2005. It contains names of those who originally came to Urantia around the time Michael ended the rule of Lucifer and removed Caligastia as Planetary Prince. It is these twelve receivers who were in office when the Urantia Foundation began publishing the Urantia Book in 1955. They recently had resigned their posts sometime during 1992 when Machiventa Melchizedek replaced them as head of the planetary government at Christ Michael’s request. Because there are humans who will be reading these Summaries will also transition into the new era, we have chosen to publish the twelve names in order to become familiar with them. They will become known to all Urantians over the next millennium of time during the reign of Monjoronson.

Membership of Urantia’s Interim Melchizedek Government is as follows:

*(01) Malvantra
*(02) Mantecha
*(03) Monsanloran
*(04) Mancortia
*(05) Mandelphi
*(06) Manturgia
*(07) Mamonjonlarson
*(08) Manluermia
*(09) Mantumia
*(10) Monjeremiah
*(11) Malcormutia
*(12) Machiventa (Present Planetary Prince)

The twelve will govern Urantia through the Council of Twenty-Four.

*Redefining The Council of Twenty-Four

Readers of the Urantia Book know this Council was formed from one-time humans and other Orders of life who served on Urantia with distinction. They were appointed for their life-times as morontia beings on the system capital until released by a millennia dispensation or by other decree. One such member has been approved to move on to the higher spheres of learning and spirit, known as the midwayer ABC The First, who distinguished himself during the Lucifer rebellion. His work on behalf of Urantia is applauded by all who knew him.

At the time of the presentation of the Urantia Papers, the Council had twenty-four seats but only eighteen members were assigned to this service. That membership has declined slightly due to the release of ABC The First (Midwayer), and Adam and Eve (who count as 1), who will be dispatched to Urantia with Monjoronson when the Mission begins.

The remaining Elders number sixteen at the present time. However, upon the approval of Adam and Eve to take an assignment on Urantia as the Magisterial Son’s agents for change in the education system, the Council will be replenished with new Elders. These two seats will be filled with mortals who also served with distinction on Urantia. Those placed in nomination include names you are all familiar with as they belong to the late twentieth-century history of events most of you reading this will remember.

The Council will remain with eighteen members until there is an additional adjudication of the sleeping survivors upon the release of Monjoronson from the Magisterial Mission in anticipation of the inauguration of the first stage of Light and Life. Normally, this release occurs every semi-millennial spans of time, but in Urantia’s case, they will be released when Michael feels they should be adjudicated.

The new status of the Council of Twenty-Four will also now hold what we in America call a press conference by a visible representative of the Council explaining the world view to those mortals on Urantia who can not otherwise see for themselves what is being prepared. It is likely that the public conference will be scheduled regularly to keep the population updated about these extraordinary changes. The Council will be advising the twelve Melchizedek receivers at the same time, and will continue to provide a Governor General as was done since Pentecost.
The Council of Twenty-Four will also provide liaison with those new forces on the planet which have to do with communication with other worlds that Urantia belongs to in the Satania System. Satania, a system which when completed will contain 1,000 inhabited planets under the direction of the Lanonandek Son who holds the title of System Sovereign (Lanaforge), is to be placed on probationary status in order to complete the plans of Christ Michael who wishes Urantia to become a combined evolutionary sphere and architectural status sphere for ascension studies.

*The Probationary Status of The System of Satania

The probationary status for Satania is necessary for several reasons:

The one that receives the most attention is, of course, the requirement of the rebel planets to quietly be removed from intra-universe visitors during the beginning phases of their Magisterial Missions.

But of a fare greater reach of meaning, the probation is due to the inclusion within Satania of a new system of architectural planets built to order to compliment Urantia’s status as a school with universe standing in Nebadon.

These architectural spheres, when completed, will be in nearby space. Your moon will remain closer to Urantia than the new spheres will be. The to-be-built- architectural spheres will be constructed to house administration and student assemblies for viewing Urantia and will orbit in space between the orbits of Mars and Urantia. It is to Urantia that students from all over Nebadon will come to study the rule of law, the dangers of rebellion and its consequences, and in what way the will of God is triumphant and complete over, and in spite of, rebellion. The architectural worlds nearby are administrative centers are also for affairs not yet revealed to occur on Urantia.

*The Constellation Fathers Prepare for Urantia’s Ascension

The Most Highs of Norlatiadek are preparing an announcement to the other ninety-nine systems under their jurisdiction that they may no longer send visitors to Urantia for the foreseeable period due to the change in status of Urantia as a special case in need of rebuilding. Urantia’s status change will be in effect the moment Monjoronson lands upon Urantia in the flesh to begin his mission. To some this news will disappoint many who felt that the day for inter-species, off-planet contact was about to be approved. The changes in planetary status from becoming a universe shrine to Christ Michael’s bestowal as a human to the planet, to a planet that now will have a whole new destiny as a universe educator and moral symbol of the triumph of the Father’s will in planetary history, make it necessary to restrict too much attention at this time. Human visitors from other planets will be delayed by decades as far as first contact is concerned.

This concludes Document -D-. Additional Summaries are forthcoming as they can be received and documented and approved now that we have many more persons interested in them than was originally forecast.

Thank you
Ron Besser


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