
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 160:2.1 There are just two ways in which mortals may live together: the material or [[anima...'

160:2.1 There are just [[two]] ways in which [[mortals]] may live [[together]]: the [[material]] or [[animal]] way and the [[spiritual]] or [[human]] way. By the use of [[signals]] and [[sounds]] animals are able to [[communicate]] with each other in a [[limited]] way. But such [[forms]] of [[communication]] do not convey [[meanings]], [[values]], or [[ideas]]. The one distinction between man and the animal is that man can communicate with his fellows by means of [[symbols]] which most certainly designate and identify [[meanings]], [[values]], [[ideas]], and even [[ideals]].

160:2.2 Since [[animals]] cannot [[communicate]] [[ideas]] to each other, they cannot develop [[personality]]. Man [[develops]] personality because he can thus [[communicate]] with his fellows concerning both [[ideas]] and [[ideals]].

160:2.3 It is this [[ability]] to [[communicate]] and [[share]] [[meanings]] that constitutes human [[culture]] and enables man, through [[social]] [[associations]], to build [[civilizations]]. [[Knowledge]] and [[wisdom]] become cumulative because of man's [[ability]] to [[communicate]] these possessions to [[succeeding]] [[generations]]. And thereby arise the cultural [[activities]] of the [[race]]: [[art]], [[science]], [[religion]], and [[philosophy]].

160:2.4 [[Symbolic]] [[communication]] between [[human being]]s predetermines the bringing into [[existence]] of social groups. The most effective of all social [[groups]] is the [[family]], more particularly the [[two]] [[parents]]. Personal [[affection]] is the spiritual bond which holds [[together]] these [[material]] associations. Such an effective [[relationship]] is also possible between two persons of the same [[Gender|sex]], as is so abundantly [[illustrated]] in the [[devotions]] of genuine [[friendships]].

160:2.5 These [[associations]] of [[friendship]] and [[mutual]] [[affection]] are socializing and ennobling because they [[encourage]] and facilitate the following [[essential]] [[factors]] of the higher levels of the [[art of living]]:

*1. 160:2.6 ''[[Mutual]] [[self]]-[[expression]] and self-[[understanding]]''. Many [[noble]] [[human]] [[impulses]] die because there is no one to hear their [[expression]]. Truly, it is not [[good]] for man to be [[alone]]. Some [[degree]] of [[recognition]] and a certain amount of [[appreciation]] are [[essential]] to the [[development]] of human [[character]]. Without the genuine [[love]] of a [[home]], no child can achieve the full development of [normal] [[character]]. Character is something more than mere [[mind]] and [[morals]]. Of all [[social]] [[relations]] calculated to develop [[character]], the most [[effective]] and [[ideal]] is the affectionate and [[understanding]] [[friendship]] of [[man]] and [[woman]] in the mutual [[embrace]] of intelligent [[Marriage|wedlock]]. Marriage, with its manifold [[relations]], is best designed to draw forth those precious [[impulses]] and those higher [[motives]] which are indispensable to the [[development]] of a strong [[character]]. I do not hesitate thus to [[glorify]] [[family]] life, for your [[the Master|Master]] has [[wisely]] chosen the [[father]]-[[child]] [[relationship]] as the very cornerstone of this new [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]. And such a matchless [[community]] of [[relationship]], man and woman in the fond [[embrace]] of the highest [[ideals]] of time, is so valuable and [[satisfying]] an [[experience]] that it is worth any price, any [[sacrifice]], requisite for its [[possession]].
*2. 160:2.7 ''[[Union]] of [[souls]]—the mobilization of [[wisdom]]''. Every [[human being]] sooner or later acquires a certain [[concept]] of this world and a certain [[vision]] of the next. Now it is possible, through [[personality]] [[association]], to unite these views of [[temporal]] [[existence]] and [[eternal]] prospects. Thus does the [[mind]] of one augment its [[spiritual]] [[values]] by gaining much of the [[insight]] of the [[other]]. In this way men enrich the [[soul]] by pooling their respective [[spiritual]] [[possessions]]. Likewise, in this same way, man is enabled to avoid that ever-present [[tendency]] to fall [[victim]] to [[distortion]] of [[vision]], [[prejudice]] of [[viewpoint]], and narrowness of [[judgment]]. [[Fear]], [[envy]], and [[conceit]] can be prevented only by [[intimate]] contact with other [[minds]]. I call your [[attention]] to the [[fact]] that [[the Master]] never sends you out [[alone]] to labor for the extension of [[the kingdom]]; he always sends you out [[two]] and two. And since [[wisdom]] is superknowledge, it follows that, in the [[union]] of [[wisdom]], the [[social]] group, small or large, mutually [[shares]] all [[knowledge]].
*3. 160:2.8 ''The [[enthusiasm]] for living''. [[Isolation]] tends to [[exhaust]] the [[energy]] charge of the [[soul]]. [[Association]] with one's fellows is [[essential]] to the [[renewal]] of the zest for life and is indispensable to the [[maintenance]] of the [[courage]] to fight those [[battles]] consequent upon the [[ascent]] to the higher levels of human living. [[Friendship]] enhances the [[joys]] and [[glorifies]] the [[triumphs]] of life. [[Loving]] and [[intimate]] human [[associations]] tend to rob [[suffering]] of its [[sorrow]] and hardship of much of its [[bitterness]]. The [[presence]] of a [[friend]] enhances all [[beauty]] and exalts every [[goodness]]. By [[intelligent]] [[symbols]] man is able to quicken and enlarge the appreciative [[capacities]] of his friends. One of the crowning [[glories]] of human [[friendship]] is this [[power]] and [[possibility]] of the [[mutual]] [[stimulation]] of the [[imagination]]. Great [[spiritual]] [[power]] is [[inherent]] in the [[consciousness]] of wholehearted [[devotion]] to a common cause, mutual [[loyalty]] to a [[cosmic]] [[Deity]].
*4. 160:2.9 ''The enhanced [[defense]] against all [[evil]]''. [[Personality]] [[association]] and [[mutual]] [[affection]] is an efficient insurance against [[evil]]. [[Difficulties]], [[sorrow]], [[disappointment]], and [[defeat]] are more [[painful]] and disheartening when borne alone. Association does not [[transmute]] [[evil]] into [[righteousness]], but it does aid in greatly lessening the sting. Said your [[the Master|Master]], " Happy are they who mourn "[]—if a [[friend]] is at hand to [[comfort]]. There is [[positive]] [[strength]] in the [[knowledge]] that you live for the [[welfare]] of others, and that these others likewise live for your welfare and advancement. Man languishes in [[isolation]]. [[Human being]]s unfailingly become discouraged when they view only the transitory [[transactions]] of time. The [[present]], when [[divorced]] from the [[past]] and the [[future]], becomes exasperatingly trivial. Only a glimpse of the [[circle]] of [[eternity]] can [[inspire]] man to do his best and can [[challenge]] the best in him to do its utmost. And when man is thus at his best, he lives most [[unselfishly]] for the [[good]] of others, his fellow [[sojourners]] in [[time]] and [[eternity]].

160:2.10 I [[repeat]], such [[inspiring]] and ennobling [[association]] finds its [[ideal]] [[possibilities]] in the human [[marriage]] [[relation]]. True, much is [[attained]] out of marriage, and many, many marriages utterly fail to produce these [[moral]] and [[spiritual]] fruits. Too many times [[marriage]] is entered by those who seek other [[values]] which are lower than these superior accompaniments of human [[maturity]]. [[Ideal]] [[marriage]] must be founded on something more [[stable]] than the fluctuations of sentiment and the fickleness of mere [[sex]] [[attraction]]; it must be based on genuine and [[mutual]] [[personal]] [[devotion]]. And thus, if you can build up such trustworthy and [[effective]] small [[units]] of human [[association]], when these are assembled in the [[aggregate]], the world will behold a great and [[glorified]] social [[structure]], the [[civilization]] of [[mortal]] [[maturity]]. Such a [[race]] might begin to [[realize]] something of your [[the Master|Master]]'s [[ideal]] of " peace on earth and good will among men. "[] While such a [[society]] would not be [[perfect]] or entirely [[free]] from [[evil]], it would at least approach the [[stabilization]] of [[maturity]].

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