
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 148:3.1 Throughout this period Jesus conducted public services at the encampment less than a dozen ...'

148:3.1 Throughout this period [[Jesus]] conducted [[public]] services at the encampment less than a dozen times and [[spoke]] only once in the [ Capernaum] [[synagogue]], the second [[Sabbath]] before their departure with the newly [[trained]] [[evangelists]] upon their [ second public preaching tour] of [[Galilee]].

148:3.2 Not since his [[baptism]] had [[the Master]] been so much [[alone]] as during this period of the [[evangelists]]' [[training]] encampment at [ Bethsaida]. Whenever any one of [[the apostles]] ventured to ask [[Jesus]] why he was absent so much from their midst, he would invariably answer that he was " about [[the Father]]'s business. "

148:3.3 During these periods of [[absence]], [[Jesus]] was accompanied by only two of [[the apostles]]. He had released [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]], [[James, the Apostle|James]], and [[John, the Apostle|John]] temporarily from their assignment as his [[personal]] companions that they might also [[participate]] in the work of [[training]] the new [[evangelistic]] [[candidates]], numbering more than one hundred. When [[the Master]] [[desired]] to go to the hills about [[the Father]]'s business, he would summon to accompany him any [[two]] of [[the apostles]] who might be at [[liberty]]. In this way each of the twelve enjoyed an [[opportunity]] for close [[association]] and [[intimate]] contact with [[Jesus]].

148:3.4 It has not been [[revealed]] for the [[purposes]] of this [[record]], but we have been led to [[infer]] that [[the Master]], during many of these [[solitary]] [[seasons]] in the hills, was in direct and [[executive]] [[association]] with many of his [ chief directors] of [[universe]] affairs. Ever since about the time of his [[baptism]] this [[incarnated]] [[Master Son|Sovereign]] of [[Nebadon|our universe]] had become increasingly and consciously [[active]] in the direction of certain [[phases]] of [[Paper 33 - Administration of the Local Universe|universe administration]]. And we have always held the [[opinion]] that, in some way not [[revealed]] to his [[immediate]] [[associates]], during these weeks of decreased [[participation]] in the affairs of [[earth]] he was [[engaged]] in the direction of those [ high spirit intelligences] who were charged with the running of a [[Local Universe|vast universe]], and that the [[human]] [[Jesus]] chose to designate such [[activities]] on his part as being " about [[Universal Father|his Father]]'s business. "

148:3.5 Many times, when [[Jesus]] was [[alone]] for hours, but when two of his [[apostles]] were near by, they [[observed]] his features undergo rapid and multitudinous [[changes]], although they heard him speak no [[words]]. Neither did they [[observe]] any visible [[manifestation]] of [[celestial]] [[beings]] who might have been in [[communication]] with their [[The Master|Master]], such as some of them did [[witness]] on a [ subsequent occasion].

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