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142:2.1 There was in [[Jerusalem]] in attendance upon the [[Passover]] festivities one Jacob, a [[wealthy]] Jewish trader from [ Crete], and he came to [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] making request to see [[Jesus]] [[private]]ly. Andrew arranged this [[secret]] meeting with [[Jesus]] at [ Flavius]'s [[home]] the evening of the next day. This man could not [[comprehend]] [[the Master]]'s teachings, and he came because he [[desired]] to [[inquire]] more fully about the [[kingdom of God]]. Said Jacob to [[Jesus]]: " But, [[Rabbi]], [ Moses] and the olden [[The Prophets|prophets]] tell us that [[Yahweh]] is a [[jealous]] [[God]], a God of great [[wrath]] and fierce [[anger]]. [[The prophets]] say he [[hate]]s evildoers and takes [[vengeance]] on those who [[obey]] not his [[law]]. You and your [[disciples]] teach us that [[God]] is a kind and [[compassionate]] [[Father]] who so [[loves]] all men that he would [[welcome]] them into this new [[kingdom of heaven]], which you [[proclaim]] is so near at hand. "

142:2.2 When Jacob finished speaking, [[Jesus]] replied: " Jacob, you have well stated the teachings of the olden [[prophets]] who taught the [[children]] of their [[generation]] in [[accordance]] with the [[light]] of their day. [[Our Father]] in [[Paradise]] is changeless. But the [[concept]] of his [[nature]] has enlarged and [[grown]] from the days of [ Moses] down through the times of [ Amos] and even to the [[generation]] of the [[prophet]] [ Isaiah]. And now have I come in the [[flesh]] to [[reveal]] [[the Father]] in new [[glory]] and to show forth his [[love]] and [[mercy]] to all men on [ all worlds]. As the [[gospel]] of this kingdom shall spread over the world with its [[message]] of [[good]] cheer and good will to all men, there will grow up improved and better [[relations]] among the [[families]] of all [[nations]]. As time passes, [[fathers]] and their [[children]] will [[love]] each other more, and thus will be brought about a better [[understanding]] of the [[love]] of [[the Father]] in heaven for his [[children]] on [[earth]]. Remember, Jacob, that a [[good]] and true [[father]] not only loves his [[family]] as a [[whole]]—as a family—but he also truly loves and [[affection]]ately cares for each [[individual]] member. "

142:2.3 After considerable [[discussion]] of the heavenly Father's [[character]], [[Jesus]] paused to say: " You, Jacob, being a [[father]] of many, know well the [[truth]] of my [[words]]. " And Jacob said: " But, Master, who told you I was the [[father]] of six children? How did you know this about me? " And [[the Master]] replied: " Suffice it to say that [[the Father]] and [[the Son]] know all things, for indeed they see all. Loving your [[children]] as a [[father]] on [[earth]], you must now [[accept]] as a [[reality]] the [[love]] of the heavenly Father for you —not just for all the [[children]] of [[Abraham]], but for you, your [[individual]] [[soul]]. "

142:2.4 Then Jesus went on to say: " When your [[children]] are very young and immature, and when you must chastise them, they may [[reflect]] that their [[father]] is [[angry]] and filled with resentful [[wrath]]. Their immaturity cannot penetrate beyond the [[punishment]] to [[discern]] the [[father]]'s farseeing and corrective [[affection]]. But when these same [[children]] become grown-up [[men]] and [[women]], would it not be folly for them to cling to these earlier and misconceived notions regarding their [[father]]? As men and women they should now [[discern]] their father's [[love]] in all these early [[discipline]]s. And should not [[mankind]], as the centuries pass, come the better to [[understand]] the true [[nature]] and loving [[character]] of [[the Father]] in heaven? What profit have you from [[successive]] [[generations]] of [[spiritual]] [[illumination]] if you [[persist]] in viewing [[God]] as [ Moses] and [[the prophets]] saw him? I say to you, Jacob, under the bright [[light]] of this hour you should see [[the Father]] as none of those who have gone before ever beheld him. And thus seeing him, you should [[rejoice]] to enter [[the kingdom]] wherein such a [[merciful]] [[Father]] rules, and you should seek to have his will of [[love]] [[dominate]] your life henceforth. "

142:2.5 And Jacob answered: " [[Rabbi]], I [[believe]]; I [[desire]] that you [[lead]] me into [[the Father]]'s kingdom. "

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