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56:9.1 The [[Unqualified Absolute]] and the [[Deity Absolute]] are unified in the [[Universal Absolute]]. [[The Absolutes]] are [[co-ordinated]] in [ the Ultimate], conditioned in [[the Supreme]], and [[time-space]] [[modified]] in [[God the Sevenfold]]. On subinfinite levels there are [ three Absolutes], but in [[infinity]] they appear to be [[one]]. On [[Paradise]] there are [[three]] [[personalizations]] of [[Deity]], but in the [[Trinity]] they are one.

56:9.2 The major [[philosophic]] [[proposition]] of the [[master universe]] is this: Did [ the Absolute] (the [ three Absolutes] as one in [[infinity]]) exist before the [[Trinity]]? and is the Absolute [[ancestral]] to the [[Trinity]]? or is the Trinity antecedent to the Absolute?

56:9.3 Is the [[Unqualified Absolute]] a [[force]] [[presence]] [[independent]] of the [[Trinity]]? Does the [[presence]] of the [[Deity Absolute]] connote the unlimited [[function]] of the [[Trinity]]? and is the [[Universal Absolute]] the final [[function]] of the [[Trinity]], even a [ Trinity of Trinities]?

56:9.4 On first [[thought]], a concept of [ the Absolute] as [[ancestor]] to all [[things]]—even the [[Trinity]]—seems to afford transitory [[satisfaction]] of consistency [[gratification]] and [[philosophic]] [[unification]], but any such conclusion is invalidated by the [[actuality]] of the [[eternity]] of the [[Paradise Trinity]]. We are taught, and we believe, that the [[Universal Father]] and his [[Trinity]] [[associates]] are [[eternal]] in [[nature]] and [[existence]]. There is, then, but one consistent philosophic conclusion, and that is: [[The Absolute]] is, to all [[universe]] [[intelligences]], the [[impersonal]] and [[co-ordinate]] [[reaction]] of the [ Trinity (of Trinities]) to all basic and primary [[space]] situations, intrauniversal and extrauniversal. To all [[personality]] [[intelligences]] of the [[grand universe]] the [[Paradise Trinity]] forever stands in finality, [[eternity]], [[supremacy]], and [[ultimacy]] and, for all [[practical]] [[purposes]] of [[personal]] [[comprehension]] and [[creature]] [[realization]], as [[absolute]].

56:9.5 As [[creature]] [[minds]] may view this [[problem]], they are led to the final [[postulate]] of the [[Universal]] [[I AM]] as the primal [[cause]] and the unqualified [[source]] of both the [[Trinity]] and the [ Absolute]. When, therefore, we crave to [[entertain]] a [[personal]] [[concept]] of the [[Absolute]], we revert to our [[ideas]] and [[ideals]] of the [[Paradise Father]]. When we [[desire]] to [[facilitate]] [[comprehension]] or to [[augment]] [[consciousness]] of this otherwise [[impersonal]] [[Absolute]], we revert to the [[fact]] that the [[Universal Father]] is the [[existential]] [[Father]] of [[absolute]] [[personality]]; the [[Eternal Son]] is the ''Absolute Person'', though not, in the [[experiential]] sense, the [[personalization]] of [ the Absolute]. And then we go on to envisage the [ experiential Trinities] as culminating in the [[experiential]] [[personalization]] of the [[Deity Absolute]], while conceiving the [[Universal Absolute]] as constituting the [[universe]] and the extrauniverse [[phenomena]] of the [[manifest]] [[presence]] of the [[impersonal]] [[activities]] of the unified and [[co-ordinated]] [[Deity]] [[associations]] of [[supremacy]], [[ultimacy]], and [[infinity]]—the [ Trinity of Trinities].

56:9.6 [[God the Father]] is [[discernible]] on all [[levels]] from the [[finite]] to the [[infinite]], and though his [[creatures]] from [[Paradise]] to the [[evolutionary worlds]] have variously [[perceived]] him, only the [[Eternal Son]] and the [[Infinite Spirit]] know him as an [[infinity]].

56:9.7 [[Spiritual]] [[personality]] is [[absolute]] only on [[Paradise]], and the [[concept]] of [[the Absolute]] is unqualified only in [[infinity]]. [[Deity]] [[presence]] is [[absolute]] only on [[Paradise]], and the [[revelation]] of [[God]] must always be partial, [[relative]], and [[progressive]] until his [[power]] becomes [[experientially]] [[infinite]] in the [[space potency]] of the [[Unqualified Absolute]], while his [[personality]] [[manifestation]] becomes [[experientially]] [[infinite]] in the [[manifest]] [[presence]] of the [[Deity Absolute]], and while these [[two]] [[potentials]] of [[infinity]] become [[reality]]-[[unified]] in the [[Universal Absolute]].

56:9.8 But beyond subinfinite [[levels]] the [[three]] [[Absolutes]] are [[one]], and thereby is [[infinity]] [[Deity]]-[[realized]] regardless of whether any other order of [[existence]] ever [[Self Realization|self-realizes]] [[consciousness]] of [[infinity]].

56:9.9 [[Existential]] [[status]] in [[eternity]] implies [[existential]] [[self-consciousness]] of [[infinity]], even though another [[eternity]] may be required to [[experience]] [[self-realization]] of the [[experiential]] [[potentialities]] [[inherent]] in an [[infinity]] [[eternity]]—an eternal infinity.

56:9.10 And [[God the Father]] is the [[personal]] [[source]] of all [[manifestations]] of [[Deity]] and [[reality]] to all [[intelligent]] [[creatures]] and [[spirit]] [[beings]] throughout all the [[universe of universes]]. As [[personalities]], now or in the [[successive]] [[universe]] [[experiences]] of the [[eternal]] [[future]], no matter if you achieve the [[attainment]] of [[God the Sevenfold]], [[comprehend]] [[God the Supreme]], find [ God the Ultimate], or attempt to grasp the concept of [ God the Absolute], you will [[discover]] to your [[eternal]] [[satisfaction]] that in the consummation of each [[adventure]] you have, on new [[experiential]] [[levels]], rediscovered the [[eternal]] [[God]]—the [[Paradise Father]] of all [[universe]] [[personalities]].

56:9.11 The [[Universal Father]] is the explanation of [[universal]] [[unity]] as it must be supremely, even ultimately, realized in the postultimate [[unity]] of [[absolute]] [[values]] and [[meanings]]—unqualified [[Reality]].

56:9.12 The [ Master Force Organizers] go out into [[space]] and mobilize its [[energies]] to become [[gravity]] responsive to the [[Paradise]] pull of the [[Universal Father]]; and subsequently there come the [[Creator Sons]], who [[organize]] these [[gravity]]-[[responding]] [[forces]] into inhabited [[universes]] and therein evolve [[intelligent]] [[creatures]] who receive unto themselves the [[spirit]] of the [[Paradise Father]] and subsequently [[ascend]] to [[the Father]] to become like him in all possible [[divinity]] [[attributes]].

56:9.13 The ceaseless and expanding march of the [[Paradise]] [[creative]] [[forces]] through [[space]] seems to presage the ever-extending [[domain]] of the [[gravity]] grasp of the [[Universal Father]] and the never-ending multiplication of varied [[types]] of [[intelligent]] [[creatures]] who are able to [[love]] [[God]] and be loved by him, and who, by thus becoming God-knowing, may [[choose]] to be like him, may [[elect]] to [[attain]] [[Paradise]] and find [[God]].

56:9.14 The [[universe of universes]] is altogether unified. [[God]] is one in [[power]] and [[personality]]. There is [[co-ordination]] of all [[levels]] of [[energy]] and all [[phases]] of [[personality]]. Philosophically and [[experientially]], in [[concept]] and in [[reality]], [[all things]] and [[beings]] [[center]] in the [[Paradise Father]]. [[God]] is all and in all, and no [[things]] or [[beings]] exist without him.

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