
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 44:8.1 Although celestial artisans do not personally work on material planets, such as ...'

44:8.1 Although [[celestial]] [[artisans]] do not [[personally]] work on [[material]] [[planets]], such as [[Urantia]], they do come, from time to time, from the [[headquarters]] of [[the system]] to proffer help to the [[naturally]] [[gifted]] [[individuals]] of the [[mortal]] [[races]]. When thus assigned, these [[artisans]] temporarily [[work]] under the supervision of the [ planetary angels of progress]. The [[seraphic hosts]] [[co-operate]] with these [[artisans]] in attempting to [[assist]] those [[mortal]] artists who [[possess]] [[inherent]] [[endowments]], and who also possess [[Adjusters]] of [ special and previous] [[experience]].

44:8.2 There are [[three]] possible [[sources]] of special [[human]] [[ability]]: At the bottom always there [[exists]] the [[natural]] or [[inherent]] [[aptitude]]. Special [[ability]] is never an [[arbitrary]] gift of the [[Gods]]; there is always an [[ancestral]] [[foundation]] for every outstanding [[talent]]. In addition to this [[natural]] [[ability]], or rather supplemental thereto, there may be [[contributed]] the leadings of the [[Thought Adjuster]] in those [[individuals]] whose indwelling [[Adjusters]] may have had [[actual]] and [[bona fide]] [[experiences]] along such lines on other worlds and in other [[mortal]] [[creatures]]. In those cases where both the [[human]] [[mind]] and the [[indwelling Adjuster]] are unusually [[skillful]], the [[spirit]] [[artisans]] may be [[delegated]] to [[act]] as [[harmonizers]] of these [[talents]] and otherwise to [[assist]] and [[inspire]] these [[mortals]] to seek for ever-[[perfecting]] [[ideals]] and to attempt their enhanced portrayal for the edification of the realm.

44:8.3 There is no [[caste]] in the ranks of [[spirit]] [[artisans]]. No matter how lowly your [[origin]], if you have [[ability]] and the gift of [[expression]], you will gain adequate [[recognition]] and receive due [[appreciation]] as you [[ascend]] upward in the [[scale]] of [[morontia]] [[experience]] and [[spiritual]] [[attainment]]. There can be no [[handicap]] of [[human]] [[heredity]] or deprivation of [[mortal]] [[environment]] which the [[morontia]] [[career]] will not fully [[compensate]] and wholly remove. And all such [[satisfactions]] of artistic [[achievement]] and [[expression]]ful [[self-realization]] will be [[effected]] by your own [[personal]] [[efforts]] in [[progressive]] [[advancement]]. At last the [[aspirations]] of [[evolutionary]] mediocrity may be [[realized]]. While [[the Gods]] do not [[arbitrarily]] bestow [[talents]] and [[ability]] upon the [[children]] of [[time]], they do [[provide]] for the [[attainment]] of the [[satisfaction]] of all their [[noble]] longings and for the [[gratification]] of all [[human]] [[hunger]] for [[supernal]] [[self]]-[[expression]].

44:8.4 But every [[human being]] should [[remember]]: Many [[ambitions]] to excel which tantalize [[mortals]] in the [[flesh]] will not [[persist]] with these same [[mortals]] in the [[morontia]] and [[spirit]] [[careers]]. The [[ascending]] [[morontia]]ns [[learn]] to [[socialize]] their former purely selfish longings and egoistic [[ambitions]]. Nevertheless, those [[things]] which you so [[earnestly]] longed to do on [[earth]] and which circumstances so [[persistently]] denied you, if, after acquiring true [[mota]] [[insight]] in the [[morontia]] [[career]], you still [[desire]] to do, then will you most certainly be granted every [[opportunity]] fully to [[satisfy]] your long-cherished [[desires]].

44:8.5 Before [[ascending mortals]] leave the [[local universe]] to embark upon their [[spirit]] [[careers]], they will be satiated respecting every [[intellectual]], [[artistic]], and [[social]] longing or true [[ambition]] which ever characterized their [[mortal]] or [[morontia]] [[planes]] of [[existence]]. This is the [[achievement]] of [[equality]] of the [[satisfaction]] of [[self]]-[[expression]] and [[self-realization]] but not the [[attainment]] of [[identical]] [[experiential]] [[status]] nor the complete obliteration of characteristic [[individuality]] in [[skill]], [[technique]], and [[expression]]. But the new [[spirit]] [[differential]] of [[personal]] [[experiential]] [[attainment]] will not become thus leveled off and [[equalized]] until after you have finished the last [[circle]] of the [[Havona]] [[career]]. And then will the [[Paradise]] residents be confronted with the [[necessity]] of [[adjusting]] to that [[absonite]] [[differential]] of [[personal]] [[experience]] which can be leveled off only by the [[group]] [[attainment]] of the [[ultimate]] of [[creature]] [[status]]—the [ seventh-stage-spirit] [[destiny]] of the [[mortal]] [[finaliters]].

44:8.6 And this is the story of the celestial artisans, that cosmopolitan body of exquisite workers who do so much to glorify the architectural spheres with the artistic portrayals of the divine beauty of the Paradise Creators.

44:8.7 Indited by an [[Archangel]] of [[Nebadon]].

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