
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 35:3.1 The Melchizedeks occupy a world of their own near Salvington, the universe [[headquarter...'

35:3.1 The [[Melchizedeks]] occupy a world of their own near [[Salvington]], the [[universe]] [[headquarters]]. This [[sphere]], by name ''Melchizedek'', is the pilot world of the [[Salvington]] circuit of seventy primary spheres, each of which is encircled by six tributary spheres [[devoted]] to specialized activities. These [[marvelous]] spheres—seventy primaries and 420 tributaries—are often spoken of as the [[Melchizedek University]]. [ Ascending mortals] from all the [[constellations]] of [[Nebadon]] pass through [[training]] on all 490 worlds in the acquirement of residential [[status]] on [[Salvington]]. But the [[education]] of ascenders is only one [[phase]] of the manifold [[activities]] taking place on the [[Salvington]] cluster of [ architectural spheres].

35:3.2 The 490 spheres of the [[Salvington]] [[circuit]] are divided into ten [[groups]], each containing [[seven]] primary and forty-two tributary spheres. Each of these [[groups]] is under the general supervision of some one of the major orders of universe life. The first group, [[embracing]] the pilot world and the next six primary spheres in the encircling [[planetary]] [[procession]], is under the supervision of the [[Melchizedeks]]. These Melchizedek worlds are:

*1. The pilot world—the [[home]] world of the [[Melchizedek]] Sons.
*2. The world of the [[physical]]-life schools and the laboratories of living [[energies]].
*3. The world of [[morontia]] life.
*4. The sphere of initial [[spirit]] life.
*5. The world of mid-[[spirit]] life.
*6. The sphere of advancing [[spirit]] life.
*7. The [[domain]] of [[co-ordinate]] and [[supreme]] [[self-realization]].

35:3.3 The six tributary worlds of each of these [[Melchizedek]] [[spheres]] are [[devoted]] to [[activities]] germane to the [[work]] of the associated primary sphere.

35:3.4 The pilot world, the sphere [[Melchizedek]], is the common meeting ground for all [[beings]] who are engaged in educating and spiritualizing the [ ascending mortals] of [[time and space]]. To an ascender this world is probably the most interesting place in all [[Nebadon]]. All [ evolutionary mortals] who [[graduate]] from their [[constellation]] [[training]] are destined to land on ''Melchizedek'', where they are initiated into the [[regime]] of the [[disciplines]] and [[spirit]] [[progression]] of the [[Salvington]] [[educational]] [[system]]. And never will you forget your [[reactions]] to the first day of life on this [[unique]] world, not even after you have reached your [[Paradise]] destination.

35:3.5 [ Ascending mortals] maintain [[Home|residence]] on the Melchizedek world while pursuing their [[training]] on the six encircling [[planets]] of specialized [[education]]. And this same [[method]] is adhered to throughout their [[sojourn]] on the seventy cultural worlds, the primary spheres of the [[Salvington]] circuit.

35:3.6 Many [[diverse]] [[activities]] occupy the [[time]] of the numerous [[beings]] who reside on the six tributary worlds of the ''Melchizedek'' [[sphere]], but as concerns the [ ascending mortals], these [[satellites]] are [[devoted]] to the following special [[phases]] of [[study]]:

*1. 35:3.7 ''Sphere number one'' is occupied with the review of the initial [[planetary]] life of the ascending [[mortals]]. This [[work]] is carried on in classes [[composed]] of those who hail from a given world of [[mortal]] [[origin]]. Those from [[Urantia]] pursue such an experiential review together.
*2. 35:3.8 The special [[work]] of ''sphere number two'' consists in a similar review of the [[experiences]] passed through on the [[mansion worlds]] encircling the premier [[satellite]] of the [ local system headquarters].
*3. 35:3.9 The reviews of this sphere pertain to the [[sojourn]] on the [[Jerusem|capital]] of the [[local system]] and [[embrace]] the activities of the remainder of the [ architectural worlds] of the [Jerusem|system headquarters] cluster.
*4. 35:3.10 The ''fourth sphere'' is occupied with a review of the [[experiences]] of the seventy tributary worlds of the [[constellation]] and of their associated spheres.
*5. 35:3.11 On the'' fifth sphere'' there is conducted the review of the [[ascendant]] [[sojourn]] on the [[Edentia|constellation headquarters]] world.
*6. 35:3.12 The time on ''sphere number six'' is [[devoted]] to an attempt to correlate these five [[epochs]] and thus [[achieve]] [[co-ordination]] of [[experience]] preparatory to entering the Melchizedek primary schools of [[universe]] [[training]].

35:3.13 The schools of [[universe]] [[administration]] and [[spiritual]] [[wisdom]] are located on the [[Melchizedek]] [[home]] world, where also are to be found those schools [[devoted]] to a single line of [[research]], such as [[energy]], [[matter]], [[organization]], [[communication]], [[records]], [[ethics]], and comparative [[creature]] [[existence]].

35:3.14 In the ''Melchizedek College of Spiritual Endowment'' all orders—even the [[Paradise]] orders—of the [[Sons of God]] [[co-operate]] with the [[Melchizedek]] and the [[seraphic]] [[teachers]] in [[training]] the hosts who go forth as evangels of [[destiny]], proclaiming [[spiritual]] [[liberty]] and divine sonship even to the remote worlds of the [[universe]]. This particular school of the [[Melchizedek University]] is an exclusive [[universe]] [[institution]]; student visitors are not received from other realms.

35:3.15 The highest [[course]] of [[training]] in [[universe]] [[administration]] is given by the [[Melchizedeks]] on their home world. This ''College of High Ethics'' is presided over by the [[original]] [ Father Melchizedek]. It is to these schools that the various universes send exchange students. While the young [[universe]] of [[Nebadon]] stands low in the [[scale]] of [[universes]] as regards [[spiritual]] [[achievement]] and high [[ethical]] [[development]], nevertheless, our [[administrative]] [[Challenge|troubles]] have so turned the whole [[universe]] into a vast clinic for other near-by [[creations]] that the Melchizedek colleges are thronged with student visitors and [[observers]] from other realms. Besides the immense [[group]] of local registrants there are always upward of one hundred thousand foreign students in attendance upon the [[Melchizedek schools]], for the order of [[Melchizedeks]] in [[Nebadon]] is renowned throughout all [[Splandon]].

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