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17:3.1 The forty-nine Reflective Spirits are of [[Trinity]] [[origin]], but each of the seven [[creative]] [[episodes]] attendant upon their [[appearance]] was productive of a [[type]] of [[being]] in [[nature]] resembling the characteristics of the coancestral [[Master Spirit]]. Thus they variously [[reflect]] the [[natures]] and [[characters]] of the seven possible combinations of the [[association]] of the [[divinity]] characteristics of the [[Universal Father]], the [[Eternal Son]], and the [[Infinite Spirit]]. For this [[reason]] it is [[necessary]] to have seven of these Reflective Spirits on the headquarters of each [[superuniverse]]. One of each of the seven [[types]] is required in order to [[achieve]] the [[perfect]] [[reflection]] of all [[phases]] of every possible [[manifestation]] of the three [[Paradise Deities]] as such [[phenomena]] might occur in any part of the [[seven superuniverses]]. One of each [[type]] was accordingly assigned to [[service]] in each of the [[superuniverses]]. These [[groups]] of seven dissimilar Reflective Spirits maintain headquarters on the capitals of the superuniverses at the [[reflective]] [[focus]] of each realm, and this is not identical with the point of [[spiritual]] [[polarity]].

17:3.2 The Reflective Spirits have [[names]], but these designations are [[Secret|not revealed]] on the [ worlds of space]. They pertain to the [[nature]] and [[character]] of these [[beings]] and are a [[part]] of one of the seven [[universal]] [[mysteries]] of the [ secret spheres of Paradise].

17:3.3 The [[attribute]] of [[reflectivity]], the [[phenomenon]] of the [[mind]] levels of the [[Conjoint Actor]], the [[Supreme Being]], and the [[Master Spirits]], is transmissible to all [[beings]] concerned in the working of this vast scheme of [[universal]] [[intelligence]]. And herein is a great [[mystery]]: Neither the [[Master Spirits]] nor the [[Paradise Deities]], singly or [[collectively]], disclose these [[powers]] of [[co-ordinate]] [[universal]] [[reflectivity]] just as they are [[manifested]] in these forty-nine [[liaison]] [[personalities]] of [[Majeston]], and yet they are the [[creators]] of all these marvelously endowed [[beings]]. [[Divine]] [[heredity]] does sometimes disclose in the [[creature]] certain [[attributes]] which are not [[discernible]] in the [[Creator]].

17:3.4 The personnel of the [[reflectivity]] [[service]], with the exception of [[Majeston]] and the Reflective Spirits, are all the [[creatures]] of the [[Infinite Spirit]] and his [[immediate]] [ associates] and [ subordinates]. The Reflective Spirits of each [[superuniverse]] are the [[creators]] of their [ Reflective Image Aids], their [[personal]] [[voices]] to the [[courts]] of the [[Ancients of Days]].

17:3.5 The Reflective Spirits are not merely [[transmitting]] [[agents]]; they are [[Memory|retentive]] [[personalities]] as well. Their offspring, the [ seconaphim], are also retentive or record personalities. [[Everything]] of true [[spiritual]] [[value]] is registered in duplicate, and one impression is preserved in the [[personal]] equipment of some member of one of the numerous orders of [ secoraphic personalities] belonging to the vast staff of the Reflective Spirits.

17:3.6 The [[formal]] records of the [[universes]] are passed up by and through the angelic recorders, but the true [[spiritual]] [[records]] are assembled by [[reflectivity]] and are preserved in the [[minds]] of suitable and appropriate [[personalities]] belonging to the [[family]] of the [[Infinite Spirit]]. These are the live records in [[contrast]] with the [[formal]] and dead records of the [[universe]], and they are [[perfectly]] preserved in the living minds of the recording [[personalities]] of the [[Infinite Spirit]].

17:3.7 The [[reflectivity]] [[organization]] is also the news-gathering and the decree-[[disseminating]] [[mechanism]] of all [[creation]]. It is in constant operation in [[contrast]] with the periodic functioning of the various broadcast services.

17:3.8 [[Everything]] of import transpiring on a [[local universe]] headquarters is [[inherently]] [[reflected]] to the capital of its [[superuniverse]]. And conversely, everything of local universe significance is reflected outward to the local universe capitals from the headquarters of their superuniverse. The [[reflectivity]] service from the universes of time up to the [[superuniverses]] is apparently [[automatic]] or self-operating, but it is not. It is all very [[personal]] and [[intelligent]]; its precision results from [[perfection]] of [[personality]] [[co-operation]] and therefore can hardly be [[attributed]] to the [[impersonal]] [[presence]]-[[performances]] of [[the Absolutes]].

17:3.9 While [[Thought Adjusters]] do not [[participate]] in the operation of the [[universal]] [[reflectivity]] [[system]], we have every [[reason]] to [[believe]] that all [[Father fragments]] are fully cognizant of these transactions and are able to avail themselves of their [[content]].

17:3.10 During the present universe age the [[space]] range of the extra-Paradise [[reflectivity]] [[service]] seems to be limited by the [[periphery]] of the [[seven superuniverses]]. Otherwise, the [[function]] of this service seems to be [[independent]] of [[time and space]]. It appears to be [[independent]] of all known subabsolute [[universe]] [[circuits]].

17:3.11 On the headquarters of each [[superuniverse]] the [[reflective]] [[organization]] [[acts]] as a segregated [[unit]]; but on certain special occasions, under the direction of [[Majeston]], all seven may and do [[act]] in [[universal]] unison, as in the [[event]] of the jubilee occasioned by the settling of an entire [[local universe]] in [[light and life]][] and at the times of the millennial greetings of the [ Seven Supreme Executives].

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