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== Session==
== Session==
Opening prayer and [ Prayer of St. Francis]
Opening prayer and [ Prayer of St. Francis]
Daniel: "Good afternoon my [[friends]]; I am Daniel, your [[teacher]] and friend. I come to you today with a [[commitment]] to you as a [[guide]] in helping you in your [[spiritual ascent]]. I come in [[service]], to serve Christ [[Michael]] and His work in bringing [[the Father]]'s [[the Kingdom|Kingdom]] into the [[hearts]] and [[souls]] of [[Urantia]]ns. As a teacher I am always pleased to hear your comments and to know that the [[work]] that is being done is, indeed, working in your lives. For you to come together and [[discuss]] openly, helps you to see with broader [[perspective]]; and helps you in fine tuning those parts of your [[character]], which is that part of the [[personality]] of who you are, that [[changes]] and [[grows]]. [[Character]] formation does not take place if one resides in a glass ball. It can only come about through daily [[experiencing]] life; and as you experience life you are beginning to see that you are [[desiring]] that the [[path]] that you are taking follows that of [[the Father]]'s will in your [[life]]. If you were, of course, born [[perfect]], these [[experiences]] would not be [[necessary]].
Daniel: "Good afternoon my [[friends]]; I am Daniel, your [[teacher]] and friend. I come to you today with a [[commitment]] to you as a [[guide]] in helping you in your [[spiritual ascent]]. I come in [[service]], to serve Christ [[Michael]] and His work in bringing [[the Father]]'s [[the Kingdom|Kingdom]] into the [[hearts]] and [[souls]] of [[Urantia]]ns. As a teacher I am always pleased to hear your comments and to know that the [[work]] that is being done is, indeed, working in your lives. For you to come together and [[discuss]] openly, helps you to see with broader [[perspective]]; and helps you in fine tuning those parts of your [[character]], which is that part of the [[personality]] of who you are, that [[changes]] and [[grows]]. [[Character]] formation does not take place if one resides in a glass ball. It can only come about through daily [[experiencing]] life; and as you experience life you are beginning to see that you are [[desiring]] that the [[path]] that you are taking follows that of [[the Father]]'s will in your [[life]]. If you were, of course, born [[perfect]], these [[experiences]] would not be [[necessary]].
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This is a grand task, indeed! In your [[understanding]] of [[the Father]] you begin to understand in greater [[human]] terms those things [[necessary]] to bring about [[change]]. The way you [[process]] through your [[life]] does have an [[effect]] on your [[brothers and sisters]]. The more that the [[love]] of the Father can be spread, the [[groundwork]] will be laid and will continue to flourish so that the [[love]] of the Father does, indeed, [[rectify]] and [[change]] the [[hearts]] of men, thereby bringing [[this planet]] out of the [[darkness]] and into the [[light]]. As you, my [[students]], weekly work on the [[stillness]], as you weekly [[commune]] with [[the Father]], you are becoming more instrumental in [[this mission]], for your [[thought]] [[processes]] put into the general [[consciousness]] more [[good]], more benevolence. And so the task that you are asked to do is really a [[duty]]. The [[person]] who does, indeed, [[understand]] [[God]], the person who has had the [[experience]] of the Father can no longer turn his or her back. The steps you have taken will continue to [[guide]] you along the [[righteous]] path, for your understanding of [[the Father]] will in time help you to overcome those [[character]] flaws that so plague you.
This is a grand task, indeed! In your [[understanding]] of [[the Father]] you begin to understand in greater [[human]] terms those things [[necessary]] to bring about [[change]]. The way you [[process]] through your [[life]] does have an [[effect]] on your [[brothers and sisters]]. The more that the [[love]] of the Father can be spread, the [[groundwork]] will be laid and will continue to flourish so that the [[love]] of the Father does, indeed, [[rectify]] and [[change]] the [[hearts]] of men, thereby bringing [[this planet]] out of the [[darkness]] and into the [[light]]. As you, my [[students]], weekly work on the [[stillness]], as you weekly [[commune]] with [[the Father]], you are becoming more instrumental in [[this mission]], for your [[thought]] [[processes]] put into the general [[consciousness]] more [[good]], more benevolence. And so the task that you are asked to do is really a [[duty]]. The [[person]] who does, indeed, [[understand]] [[God]], the person who has had the [[experience]] of the Father can no longer turn his or her back. The steps you have taken will continue to [[guide]] you along the [[righteous]] path, for your understanding of [[the Father]] will in time help you to overcome those [[character]] flaws that so plague you.
[[The Father]] is [[difficult]], even for myself, to [[understand]]; yet through [[faith]] you have affirmed your [[belief]] in Him. Your belief becomes that which gives [[purpose]] to your life. This week I wish to [[speak]] with you about [[courage]]. I have selected this topic because of the [ topic of our last get together, shame and guilt]. [[Guilt]], my friends, does serve a [[positive]] [[purpose]] if it is used correctly. If it stirs you to see a [[difference]] between that which is right and that which is wrong, it has brought you to a higher level. [[Guilt]] becomes [[negative]] when you hold on to it instead of using it as a [[tool]] to help you in [[transcending]] the [[ego]] into a more spirit/[[God]]-[[conscious]] framework.
[[The Father]] is [[difficult]], even for myself, to [[understand]]; yet through [[faith]] you have affirmed your [[belief]] in Him. Your belief becomes that which gives [[purpose]] to your life. This week I wish to [[speak]] with you about [[courage]]. I have selected this topic because of the [ topic of our last get together, shame and guilt]. [[Guilt]], my friends, does serve a [[positive]] [[purpose]] if it is used correctly. If it stirs you to see a [[difference]] between that which is right and that which is wrong, it has brought you to a higher level. [[Guilt]] becomes [[negative]] when you hold on to it instead of using it as a [[tool]] to help you in [[transcending]] the [[ego]] into a more spirit/[[God]]-[[conscious]] framework.
[[Courage]], my friends, is that [[attribute]] that is needed by all of you to [[transcend]] the [[shame]] and [[guilt]] of your being. Courage is a gift that will be your [ ally] when the [[struggles]] of [[life]] are upon you. When you live your lives, it becomes very easy to settle for the [[norm]] of what you are doing, of your own [[routine]]. It is easy to say..I will [[think]] about that tomorrow. I will deal with that issue at another [[time]], but presently I am too [[busy]]; I have other pressing [[earthly]] matters. And this can and will serve you on occasion. But in order for there to be real [[growth]] one must [[eventually]] stop and consider those [[things]] that are [[blocking]] [[progress]]. And [[courage]] is a [[necessary]] ingredient in helping you to take those steps [[necessary]] to [[change]] and to [[grow]]. Courage is not reckless [[abandon]], my dear [[students]]. Courage is that attribute that when it is asked of [[the Father]] in [[faith]], His [[love]] and [[mercy]] will [[support]] you in your [[growth]]; then that is [[understanding]] [[courage]]. For [[the Father]] will always be there. You need to take the step, be [[courageous]] in your [[faith]] and know, yes, He is there, and that no matter what occurs, if you are in the [[presence]] of [[the Father]], all will, in [[time]], be made right.
[[Courage]], my friends, is that [[attribute]] that is needed by all of you to [[transcend]] the [[shame]] and [[guilt]] of your being. Courage is a gift that will be your [ ally] when the [[struggles]] of [[life]] are upon you. When you live your lives, it becomes very easy to settle for the [[norm]] of what you are doing, of your own [[routine]]. It is easy to say..I will [[think]] about that tomorrow. I will deal with that issue at another [[time]], but presently I am too [[busy]]; I have other pressing [[earthly]] matters. And this can and will serve you on occasion. But in order for there to be real [[growth]] one must [[eventually]] stop and consider those [[things]] that are [[blocking]] [[progress]]. And [[courage]] is a [[necessary]] ingredient in helping you to take those steps [[necessary]] to [[change]] and to [[grow]]. Courage is not reckless [[abandon]], my dear [[students]]. Courage is that attribute that when it is asked of [[the Father]] in [[faith]], His [[love]] and [[mercy]] will [[support]] you in your [[growth]]; then that is [[understanding]] [[courage]]. For [[the Father]] will always be there. You need to take the step, be [[courageous]] in your [[faith]] and know, yes, He is there, and that no matter what occurs, if you are in the [[presence]] of [[the Father]], all will, in [[time]], be made right.
[[Courage]] is likened, if you will, to a [[song]] that children sing..'a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down'. [[Courage]] is the sugar that helps you in taking those steps to [[grow]]. Let it be a part of your [[prayers]], that through courage and the willingness to take the next step to [[grow]] and [[change]] that you not only aid in your [[character]] [[development]], but because you have taken a step further, you are becoming a more whole person; and you are able to [[understand]] [[life]] a little better, with more [[perspective]], with more [[understanding]] and [[tolerance]]. And through your [[courage]], your willingness to grow, others may use your situation as an [[example]] for them.
[[Courage]] is likened, if you will, to a [[song]] that children sing..'a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down'. [[Courage]] is the sugar that helps you in taking those steps to [[grow]]. Let it be a part of your [[prayers]], that through courage and the willingness to take the next step to [[grow]] and [[change]] that you not only aid in your [[character]] [[development]], but because you have taken a step further, you are becoming a more whole person; and you are able to [[understand]] [[life]] a little better, with more [[perspective]], with more [[understanding]] and [[tolerance]]. And through your [[courage]], your willingness to grow, others may use your situation as an [[example]] for them.
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You, my [[friends]], are, indeed, [[lights]] to others. You are not always [[aware]] of this. It is important to be with [[the Father]] so that you are able to keep your [[light]] bright and [[glowing]]. Time spent with the Father nourishes this light. Time spent away brings layers and veils around the [[light]], making it hard to see, not only for others, but, my friends, (do you see?) it becomes hard for you, yourself, to see, to know, and to [[feel]]. God is for everyone! He is alive only to the [[degree]] that you allow Him to be in your life! Through [[courage]], the [[act]] of allowing God to be [[paramount]], this is a step in keeping the [[light]] bright for others as well as for yourself. This week think about [[courage]]. Ask yourself questions regarding your courage. Ask [[the Father]] to fortify you that you may continually, courageously know Him, love Him, and serve Him. I will now [[accept]] questions."
You, my [[friends]], are, indeed, [[lights]] to others. You are not always [[aware]] of this. It is important to be with [[the Father]] so that you are able to keep your [[light]] bright and [[glowing]]. Time spent with the Father nourishes this light. Time spent away brings layers and veils around the [[light]], making it hard to see, not only for others, but, my friends, (do you see?) it becomes hard for you, yourself, to see, to know, and to [[feel]]. God is for everyone! He is alive only to the [[degree]] that you allow Him to be in your life! Through [[courage]], the [[act]] of allowing God to be [[paramount]], this is a step in keeping the [[light]] bright for others as well as for yourself. This week think about [[courage]]. Ask yourself questions regarding your courage. Ask [[the Father]] to fortify you that you may continually, courageously know Him, love Him, and serve Him. I will now [[accept]] questions."
C2: "Daniel, this is C2. In [[working]] with people in [ recovery] and my own recovery from life, the [ Serenity Prayer] that [[encourages]] us to have [[courage]] and [[wisdom]], and then somewhere in Southern California it is, 'Lord, grant me the courage to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference'. And then there is an addendum I found. I'm not exactly sure how it goes but 'Lord, grant me the courage to hang in there with what I know is right, even at the expense of this sort of [[serenity]]', even though I know that it might not make any [[difference]], be [[committed]] to a [[principle]] and in doing so that continues to give us serenity by [[being]] at one with the principles of [[God]] and [[love]]. Can you say more about that, because I would like to [[share]] that with people in recovery, but it seems counterproductive sometimes if they don't [[understand]] what else that means?"
C2: "Daniel, this is C2. In [[working]] with people in [ recovery] and my own recovery from life, the [ Serenity Prayer] that [[encourages]] us to have [[courage]] and [[wisdom]], and then somewhere in Southern California it is, 'Lord, grant me the courage to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference'. And then there is an addendum I found. I'm not exactly sure how it goes but 'Lord, grant me the courage to hang in there with what I know is right, even at the expense of this sort of [[serenity]]', even though I know that it might not make any [[difference]], be [[committed]] to a [[principle]] and in doing so that continues to give us serenity by [[being]] at one with the principles of [[God]] and [[love]]. Can you say more about that, because I would like to [[share]] that with people in recovery, but it seems counterproductive sometimes if they don't [[understand]] what else that means?"
Daniel: "The [[problem]] as seen by these [[individuals]] is a problem that stems from deep within their own [[being]], their [[history]], their [[understanding]], and their [[heredity]] [[character]], etc., etc. And the important aspect that is [[necessary]] in any recovery from whatever, is that the [[person]] is looking for a sense of [[peace]]. And one must [[realize]] that [[life]] is a [[process]] and in a process there is involved a person working in their own [[individual]] selves as well as working in [[relationships]], working in an [[environment]]. Life cannot be [[isolated]] in the [[fact]] that one cannot put their life into [[God]]'s hands without a [[commitment]] and willingness and work toward that end of finding [[the Father]]. Finding the Father is the [[difficult]] aspect for many. While they search for [[peace]], [[serenity]], and [[desire]] [[courage]] to [[change]], there is always the [[necessary]] ingredient of the [[person]] being willing to work toward that [[change]]. The change will not be given. It must be worked for and toward. It is not a freebee of life. Any time you [[exercise]] your [[free will]] [[choice]] you are either bringing about a greater [[change]], or you are [[perpetuating]] the [[status quo]]. When people in [ recovery] are at the [[point]] of the [[junction]] in the road where their recovery is imminent if they choose to really [[change]], then helping them to see [[God]] is more plausible than for those who are not at that point. And I say seeing [[God]] as the [[fact]] of them [[understanding]] His [[love]] and [[mercy]]. In seeing love and mercy they can [[realize]] [[forgiveness]]. Forgiveness of the [[self]] is [[essential]] and this is what they [[desire]] when they wish for serenity and [[peace]]. This comes about through one's willingness to [[commit]] to time spent with [[the Father]]. If you can daily, even for short times, or several times throughout the day, sit in [[quiet]], then that [[peace]] which they so [[desire]] and are seeking, will [[emerge]] for them. Prayer beforehand asking the Father to help them in their [[growth]], in [[understanding]] love and self love, in understanding [[forgiveness]] and self forgiveness, in [[understanding]] these things, and asking for the [[courage]] to bring it about, will benefit these people. And let me state that you all know that it would benefit all. But these people especially are in a situation where they are needing to be mended and [[healed]] from the inner parts of their [[being]]. He who wishes [[peace]] of [[mind]] is centered on [[the Father]]. It is a [[wonderful]] [[quote]] that you have in your [[understanding]], and this peace and serenity will come to those who have the [[courage]] to make the [[commitment]] to [[the Father]]. Is this helping?"
Daniel: "The [[problem]] as seen by these [[individuals]] is a problem that stems from deep within their own [[being]], their [[history]], their [[understanding]], and their [[heredity]] [[character]], etc., etc. And the important aspect that is [[necessary]] in any recovery from whatever, is that the [[person]] is looking for a sense of [[peace]]. And one must [[realize]] that [[life]] is a [[process]] and in a process there is involved a person working in their own [[individual]] selves as well as working in [[relationships]], working in an [[environment]]. Life cannot be [[isolated]] in the [[fact]] that one cannot put their life into [[God]]'s hands without a [[commitment]] and willingness and work toward that end of finding [[the Father]]. Finding the Father is the [[difficult]] aspect for many. While they search for [[peace]], [[serenity]], and [[desire]] [[courage]] to [[change]], there is always the [[necessary]] ingredient of the [[person]] being willing to work toward that [[change]]. The change will not be given. It must be worked for and toward. It is not a freebee of life. Any time you [[exercise]] your [[free will]] [[choice]] you are either bringing about a greater [[change]], or you are [[perpetuating]] the [[status quo]]. When people in [ recovery] are at the [[point]] of the [[junction]] in the road where their recovery is imminent if they choose to really [[change]], then helping them to see [[God]] is more plausible than for those who are not at that point. And I say seeing [[God]] as the [[fact]] of them [[understanding]] His [[love]] and [[mercy]]. In seeing love and mercy they can [[realize]] [[forgiveness]]. Forgiveness of the [[self]] is [[essential]] and this is what they [[desire]] when they wish for serenity and [[peace]]. This comes about through one's willingness to [[commit]] to time spent with [[the Father]]. If you can daily, even for short times, or several times throughout the day, sit in [[quiet]], then that [[peace]] which they so [[desire]] and are seeking, will [[emerge]] for them. Prayer beforehand asking the Father to help them in their [[growth]], in [[understanding]] love and self love, in understanding [[forgiveness]] and self forgiveness, in [[understanding]] these things, and asking for the [[courage]] to bring it about, will benefit these people. And let me state that you all know that it would benefit all. But these people especially are in a situation where they are needing to be mended and [[healed]] from the inner parts of their [[being]]. He who wishes [[peace]] of [[mind]] is centered on [[the Father]]. It is a [[wonderful]] [[quote]] that you have in your [[understanding]], and this peace and serenity will come to those who have the [[courage]] to make the [[commitment]] to [[the Father]]. Is this helping?"
C2: "Yes, thank you Daniel. That expands on that [[statement]] and helps me phrase that. Thank you."
C2: "Yes, thank you Daniel. That expands on that [[statement]] and helps me phrase that. Thank you."
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Daniel: "You are [[welcome]]."
Daniel: "You are [[welcome]]."
N2: "Daniel, this is N2. Earlier this week I was [[reading]] about a [[phenomena]] that has occurred on several occasions, but they chose to make a large article about it, and this is concerning the [ weeping statues]. I have heard that sometimes people have a need for some sort of a [[physical]] [[manifestation]] to reinforce their [[faith]]. This happened to a very [[devout]] young Catholic [[priest]] and to people who otherwise had no need for a [[strengthening]] of their [[faith]]. And I also remember that the [[Urantia Book]] has taught us that such things would [[represent]] [[interference]] with our natural way of [[thinking]]. I was very interested in the article. I was kind of puzzled at it. I just [[wondered]], could you comment a little on this [[phenomena]]?"
N2: "Daniel, this is N2. Earlier this week I was [[reading]] about a [[phenomena]] that has occurred on several occasions, but they chose to make a large article about it, and this is concerning the [ weeping statues]. I have heard that sometimes people have a need for some sort of a [[physical]] [[manifestation]] to reinforce their [[faith]]. This happened to a very [[devout]] young Catholic [[priest]] and to people who otherwise had no need for a [[strengthening]] of their [[faith]]. And I also remember that the [[Urantia Book]] has taught us that such things would [[represent]] [[interference]] with our natural way of [[thinking]]. I was very interested in the article. I was kind of puzzled at it. I just [[wondered]], could you comment a little on this [[phenomena]]?"
Daniel: "Through the [[eons]] of [[time]] there have always been [[phenomena]], [[natural]] and what appears to be unnatural. In the realm of this [[Teaching Mission]], many such [[questions]] are addressed to [[teachers]], and it is understood by us, out of your own [[curiosity]] and [[desire]] to know. What I am allowed to state in regards to these types of situations is [[limited]]. It is, of course, the [[desire]] of [[the Father]] and the will of [[the Son]] that all peoples will choose [[ascension]], will receive the gift of [[faith]] that they can have within them a personal [[experience]] of [[the Father]]. These [[phenomena]] are not within my [[jurisdiction]] to speak on. Understand that [[spiritual growth]] and [[faith]] are the characteristics that [[Isolated worlds|planets such as this]] gain the most in [[soul growth]]. You, who must take on [[faith]] the [[reality]] of the Father, are the ones who, as you [[progress]], will be instrumental in [[future]] [[mission]] and [[service]] to [[the Father]]. Faith in the Father is a giant step for you all. These [[phenomena]], whether [[natural]] or unnatural, are, and have, and do provide many with a greater sense of [[the Father]], provide a greater source from which they can draw [[faith]]. This is the extent to which I can address these [[things]]. I understand your [[curiosity]]. I [[regret]] my [[limitations]]. Please understand."
Daniel: "Through the [[eons]] of [[time]] there have always been [[phenomena]], [[natural]] and what appears to be unnatural. In the realm of this [[Teaching Mission]], many such [[questions]] are addressed to [[teachers]], and it is understood by us, out of your own [[curiosity]] and [[desire]] to know. What I am allowed to state in regards to these types of situations is [[limited]]. It is, of course, the [[desire]] of [[the Father]] and the will of [[the Son]] that all peoples will choose [[ascension]], will receive the gift of [[faith]] that they can have within them a personal [[experience]] of [[the Father]]. These [[phenomena]] are not within my [[jurisdiction]] to speak on. Understand that [[spiritual growth]] and [[faith]] are the characteristics that [[Isolated worlds|planets such as this]] gain the most in [[soul growth]]. You, who must take on [[faith]] the [[reality]] of the Father, are the ones who, as you [[progress]], will be instrumental in [[future]] [[mission]] and [[service]] to [[the Father]]. Faith in the Father is a giant step for you all. These [[phenomena]], whether [[natural]] or unnatural, are, and have, and do provide many with a greater sense of [[the Father]], provide a greater source from which they can draw [[faith]]. This is the extent to which I can address these [[things]]. I understand your [[curiosity]]. I [[regret]] my [[limitations]]. Please understand."
N2: "No problem. The other thing that I was [[wondering]] about; just in this short period of [[time]] in the last few years we have seen so many of our [[cult]] [[phenomena]] and a person claiming either to be [[God]] or a [[Son of God]] or some special being has [[attracted]] a following; and that following seems to have occurred mostly in this particular country. Is there something [[unique]] about our nationality or anything about our [[culture]] that makes this possible? I don't recall those things happening in places like [ Europe] or other places. I am [[curious]]. Is there something about us that makes this possible?"
N2: "No problem. The other thing that I was [[wondering]] about; just in this short period of [[time]] in the last few years we have seen so many of our [[cult]] [[phenomena]] and a person claiming either to be [[God]] or a [[Son of God]] or some special being has [[attracted]] a following; and that following seems to have occurred mostly in this particular country. Is there something [[unique]] about our nationality or anything about our [[culture]] that makes this possible? I don't recall those things happening in places like [ Europe] or other places. I am [[curious]]. Is there something about us that makes this possible?"
Daniel: "Question [[understood]]. And this [[explanation]] is for you to [[think]] upon as a genuine [[cause]]. In order to bring about this answer we must have a [[history]] lesson. Are you ready?"
Daniel: "Question [[understood]]. And this [[explanation]] is for you to [[think]] upon as a genuine [[cause]]. In order to bring about this answer we must have a [[history]] lesson. Are you ready?"
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N2: "I'm ready."(much laughter and shifting in seats)
N2: "I'm ready."(much laughter and shifting in seats)
Daniel: "As [[religions]] came about, and I am specifically relating now to [[Christianity]] for it is the line from which [[Christ]] [[Michael]] is known, let me remind you that even in the [ birth of Christianity] there was much [[compromise]] and the coming together of various [[thoughts]], [[Greek]], [[Roman]], etc. and the infusion of the [ Pauline doctrines], etc., from these beginnings [[Christianity]] grew. And while it brought about much [[good]], certain [[principles]] underlying [[Jesus]]' real [[message]] were glossed over so that other messages and [[unity]] could be [[established]]. While this religion was established in the countries, [[Christianity]] has in effect been subjected to and become a part of a [[social]] [[institution]] (which has brought about many [[problems]] not related to this question); and so countries that are predominately one religion are so fixed in their [[thought]], and in the [[cultural]] aspect of [[religion]] being a part of it, that [[cult]] type [[experiences]] are not possible as readily, are not introduced to a culture because of the strong background that all people hold to. Do you see? And the [ United States] is a country that is infused with a world [[population]] of many [[ideas]], many [[religions]], many thoughts. And while this country has [[progressed]] in the [[material]] realm, and while there is a wondrous unifying of [[diversity]], there is also, then, opened up the possibility of [[cultish]] things coming about. This country is [[unique]] in that there is so much [[diversity]], yet in the overall thought of this country toward more [[materialism]], the [[spiritual]] part of man, especially through the [ industrial revolution], has waned. And the people in this country are [[hungry]] and [[thirsty]] for spiritual watering. And because there is not a centralized [[church]] and because so many are [[seeking]], there is this [[ability]], then, of very [[charismatic]] [[individuals]] to bring and speak to these people who are searching. Does this help?"
Daniel: "As [[religions]] came about, and I am specifically relating now to [[Christianity]] for it is the line from which [[Christ]] [[Michael]] is known, let me remind you that even in the [ birth of Christianity] there was much [[compromise]] and the coming together of various [[thoughts]], [[Greek]], [[Roman]], etc. and the infusion of the [ Pauline doctrines], etc., from these beginnings [[Christianity]] grew. And while it brought about much [[good]], certain [[principles]] underlying [[Jesus]]' real [[message]] were glossed over so that other messages and [[unity]] could be [[established]]. While this religion was established in the countries, [[Christianity]] has in effect been subjected to and become a part of a [[social]] [[institution]] (which has brought about many [[problems]] not related to this question); and so countries that are predominately one religion are so fixed in their [[thought]], and in the [[cultural]] aspect of [[religion]] being a part of it, that [[cult]] type [[experiences]] are not possible as readily, are not introduced to a culture because of the strong background that all people hold to. Do you see? And the [ United States] is a country that is infused with a world [[population]] of many [[ideas]], many [[religions]], many thoughts. And while this country has [[progressed]] in the [[material]] realm, and while there is a wondrous unifying of [[diversity]], there is also, then, opened up the possibility of [[cultish]] things coming about. This country is [[unique]] in that there is so much [[diversity]], yet in the overall thought of this country toward more [[materialism]], the [[spiritual]] part of man, especially through the [ industrial revolution], has waned. And the people in this country are [[hungry]] and [[thirsty]] for spiritual watering. And because there is not a centralized [[church]] and because so many are [[seeking]], there is this [[ability]], then, of very [[charismatic]] [[individuals]] to bring and speak to these people who are searching. Does this help?"
N2: "Yes, that's helpful. I was a [[searcher]] too, but I somehow knew no person who could claim to be a special [[emissary]] of [[God]] would be one that I would follow, but others seem all to readily to follow such a [[person]]. Somewhere along the line I knew that that wasn't the way it would be."
N2: "Yes, that's helpful. I was a [[searcher]] too, but I somehow knew no person who could claim to be a special [[emissary]] of [[God]] would be one that I would follow, but others seem all to readily to follow such a [[person]]. Somewhere along the line I knew that that wasn't the way it would be."
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Daniel: "[[The Father]], and [[the Son]] Who is your guidepost/[[leader]] to Him, could never bring to [[this planet]] or to any of [[His planets]] or [[creations]] a sense of [[fear]], a sense of needing to set up [[barriers]], or a sense of exclusion. Those who follow in this vein do so out of [[fear]] for what they have been told or what they [[understand]] about [[the Father]]. When [[Christ]] [[Michael]] comes again there will be no compounds with fences or artillery or ways of [[annihilating]] a whole group when the winds of discontent are upon them. [[Christ]] [[Michael]] already has shown His [[courage]]. His [[death]] on [[this planet]] should be one that all see as [[courageous]], of the willingness to not put up fences or [[barriers]]. [[Paper 187 - The Crucifixion|His death]] was one of teaching His [[brothers and sisters]] about true [[love]]. True love does not [[fear]]. Fear builds [[barriers]]. Fear traps people into [[cultish]] ways of [[thinking]], into [[traditions]] and [[ceremonies]] and the like which are not grounded in [[the Kingdom]]. Those who follow in this [[path]] do so because of their erroneous [[understanding]] of [[the Father]]. And this is not to be [[judged]] by us, for these [[individuals]] are in many respects feeling that their [[path]] to the Father is correct. Those who know the [[love]] of the Father must help put out this [[love]] so that those who [[fear]], can be brought to greater [[enlightenment]]. Do you see?"
Daniel: "[[The Father]], and [[the Son]] Who is your guidepost/[[leader]] to Him, could never bring to [[this planet]] or to any of [[His planets]] or [[creations]] a sense of [[fear]], a sense of needing to set up [[barriers]], or a sense of exclusion. Those who follow in this vein do so out of [[fear]] for what they have been told or what they [[understand]] about [[the Father]]. When [[Christ]] [[Michael]] comes again there will be no compounds with fences or artillery or ways of [[annihilating]] a whole group when the winds of discontent are upon them. [[Christ]] [[Michael]] already has shown His [[courage]]. His [[death]] on [[this planet]] should be one that all see as [[courageous]], of the willingness to not put up fences or [[barriers]]. [[Paper 187 - The Crucifixion|His death]] was one of teaching His [[brothers and sisters]] about true [[love]]. True love does not [[fear]]. Fear builds [[barriers]]. Fear traps people into [[cultish]] ways of [[thinking]], into [[traditions]] and [[ceremonies]] and the like which are not grounded in [[the Kingdom]]. Those who follow in this [[path]] do so because of their erroneous [[understanding]] of [[the Father]]. And this is not to be [[judged]] by us, for these [[individuals]] are in many respects feeling that their [[path]] to the Father is correct. Those who know the [[love]] of the Father must help put out this [[love]] so that those who [[fear]], can be brought to greater [[enlightenment]]. Do you see?"
N2: "Yes, I see that. It seems to me then, that the [[pathway]] that the [ law enforcement] agencies are following now, by taking the [[pathway]] of no [[violent]] maneuvers, seems to be at least somewhat correct, then?"
N2: "Yes, I see that. It seems to me then, that the [[pathway]] that the [ law enforcement] agencies are following now, by taking the [[pathway]] of no [[violent]] maneuvers, seems to be at least somewhat correct, then?"
Daniel: "This is not for me to say in that regard. This is N2's [[opinion]] and we [[respect]] opinions of all our students. Those who sit with [[the Father]] are guided and given answers. Those who turn themselves over to the Father as N2 is doing, as all of you are doing, [[receive]] answers. The [[life]] you lead is not easy. The questions [[proposed]] to you are most [[difficult]]. The best you can do is to make that [[commitment]] to [[the Father]] that your lives will lead you to be [[perfect]] as He is. And I [[applaud]] you all in your willingness to look at situations to see [[different]] sides, [[perspectives]], to [[research]] and do what is [[necessary]] to help you to [[formulate]] opinions based on [[knowledge]] and based on the time you sit with the Father. This is all."
Daniel: "This is not for me to say in that regard. This is N2's [[opinion]] and we [[respect]] opinions of all our students. Those who sit with [[the Father]] are guided and given answers. Those who turn themselves over to the Father as N2 is doing, as all of you are doing, [[receive]] answers. The [[life]] you lead is not easy. The questions [[proposed]] to you are most [[difficult]]. The best you can do is to make that [[commitment]] to [[the Father]] that your lives will lead you to be [[perfect]] as He is. And I [[applaud]] you all in your willingness to look at situations to see [[different]] sides, [[perspectives]], to [[research]] and do what is [[necessary]] to help you to [[formulate]] opinions based on [[knowledge]] and based on the time you sit with the Father. This is all."