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===Topic: '''''Assembling the Mortal Staff'''''===
===Group: [[At Large|Reflectivator Network]]===
===Teacher: [[Gabriel]]===
===TR: [[Ron Besser]]===
Gabriel, The Bright and Morning Star of Nebadon wishes a word with all of you
reading The Flurry.

Scribe, commence transcribing what is required from you for the glory of the
Universal Father and in His name!

Faithfully and dutifully record the extraordinary events that you will witness for
the benefit of the future generations of mortals that will inhabit the future sphere
of perfection that this world will become, in beautiful harmony with the countless
celestials that will come here to serve as well as to learn, for schools like the one
will become are extremely rare in the entire grand universe.

Record the hard but glorious spiritual lessons that will be imparted and learned in
this world, so thirsty for them. The sovereign of this universe and my Lord sends
me again to announce his physical reappearance on Urantia, for all mankind to
see, to fulfill a rare and unique promise that he made 20 centuries ago to those
that served and followed him then.

What a great experience it will be to serve your Sovereign as he walks again in
the flesh! His presence will be his gift and that of the Paradise Father to you all,
for all the faith and valor that you have exhibited even in the total absence of the
physical and spiritual guidance available in worlds not affected by rebellion.
However, before the sovereign of Nebadon graces you with his physical presence
on Urantia, many and profound changes will take place, so that those that will be
alive to witness the greatest event in the history of this world, can truly
comprehend its real significance.

As commanded by the Paradise Father Himself, the Magisterial Son of
assignment will be arriving shortly to prepare the way for the return of Jesus of
Nazareth, our sovereign Michael of Nebadon.

In order for the required preparations for Michael's return to be made as quickly
and efficiently as possible, all those that are aware of the 5th revelation,
especially those that can transmit and receive messages from the realms of spirit,
are being invited by Monjoronson to assist him is such important preparation

Again, important and extraordinary events that will forever change the spiritual
and physical aspects of life on Urantia are now very close at hand. Prepare
yourselves to serve the Universal Father in unimaginable ways, and to help
rewrite the history of this world.

I am Gabriel, the Bright and Morning Star of Nebadon.
===Section I===
*Magisterial Staff Makeup & The Coming of the Order of Melchizedek
The arrival of the Magisterial Son, when completed, will have with him, a staff of thirty-two
different celestial Orders represented. Each of these Orders contain many versions of the same
types, but they will be dispersed all over the globe, and comparisons with each other will be
difficult to do by the human population. Most are unrevealed to you in the Urantia Book
including certain Sons of God who will not incarnate with Monjoronson now. Their work will
be to prepare the return of Michael to Urantia when they do arrive.

In particular, those who have followed the narratives of the ABC Summaries know of the name
Serena and Juliana. These two, along with about fifteen others who did not speak with
transmitters, are Uversa-origin Sons of God and incarnate in the likeness of woman. Their
presence was essential to establish good communications between Urantia, Jerusem, Salvington,
and Uversa. The fiat of the Father to establish reflectivity directly on Urantia in May of 2011,
effectively removed their role for the coming Magisterial Mission. Serena and Juliana and their
associates will now be used to command the public appearances of Monjoronson. We await
their incarnation when that time comes.

Of these thirty-two different Orders to appear with Monjoronson, one will be of the Melchizedek
Order represented by individuals you know such as Machiventa Melchizedek. There is a
distinction based on service that operates within the Order of Melchizedeks.
We have indicated a certain status within the Melchizedek Order which we wish to further
explain to the reader.

Melchizedeks vary by certain prerogatives of personality abilities. Those with the highest order
of experience and acquisition of these personality prerogatives are in a class by themselves,
sometimes designated as primary. For example, Machiventa Melchizedek had incarnated in the
flesh during the time of Abraham. This is an unusual thing for Melchizedeks to do, and of the
seven times it has happened in the history of Nebadon, such is now being recognized for the
heroic work it symbolizes. Machiventa Melchizedek, as one who did incarnate on Urantia, has
been given the award of the Order of The Cross by Christ Michael.

The Order of the Cross is an award given to all Orders of Local Universe Sonship all over
Nebadon who have forthrightly and with compassion dealt with the human population on an
evolutionary sphere to reduce the suffering caused by rebellion or by other factors not revealed
to humans on Urantia. This award classification is rarely given and it is a great distinction to
even be nominated to receive the “medal.”

Among these personality enhancements is the ability to withstand the harsh reality as the world
one serves on stands still without spiritual progression, or it fails to acclimate to a new world
order. No other Melchizedeks have been awarded the Order of the Cross. These awards are given
only when the selected Melchizedek has done such extraordinary work that he must be set aside
temporarily to achieve the personalty abilities granted by Michael. The required rest following
receipt of the Order of The Cross is short, but when these Melchizedek personalities emerge,
they are resplendent in wisdom and hail as high as any order can, even to being received on
Paradise for the acclamation of what they have achieved.

The Order of the Cross is sometimes considered for those who serve on the staff of bestowal
Sons or other divine missions of extraordinary length and breadth. The award may become
available to those who serve on the Magisterial Mission and/or Michael return staff because
these individuals, as outline by Master Sprit Seven below, become verified ascendens no longer
on mansion world probation. No one may serve without the decision to ascend and signals that it
is a decision that is not revokable as ascertained by the indwelling Thought Adjuster. As new
citizens of Nebadon, the mortal staff are morontia sons of God and become eligible for
nomination to receive the Order of the Cross.

The Nebadon Order of The Cross is available to angels, man, the Melchizedeks, and all other
Orders which can and do ascribe in the belief of Michael that all worlds shall become his
regardless of their relationship to Lucifer or to other rebellious Sons who have created mayhem
in his universe. The Order of The Cross endowment to personality bears no resemblance to the
personality enhancements in human fusion with the Adjuster, but both do expand the unification
of personality to the point it approaches the higher morontial levels of expression in man, and
Melchizedek personality expression on the Paradise worlds of the Spirit. Mortal staff work on
Urantia establishes the criteria upon which all staff members in the future will be modeled from,
and the Melchizedek Receivers who serve on Urantia will disclose much of the work of
Machiventa to be placed on high as examples of the divine interventions that occur when the last
best hope for mankind is a Melchizedek emergency Son.
===Section II===
*Master Spirit Seven Confirms Appearance of Incarnated Melchizedeks And The Role of Mortal Staff on Urantia
AYA : I am AYA, Master Spirit N°7 of Superuniverse N°7 Orvonton. I come to you to
announce extraordinary news.

We have managed to establish a connection between Uversa, the capital of your
Superuniverse of Orvonton, and Salvington, the capital of your local universe Nebadon
and Jerusem, the capital of your system of Satania and your planet Urantia. It is a system
that works under the control of the tertiary Seconaphim [28:6|Paper 28, Section 6]]. We can
thus in time send you messages and images that your Thought Adjuster will receive and
place into your super-conscious mind. Then it will be possible to see by the internal eyes
of the person to whom these images and these words will be sent.

The Melchizedek brothers have worked very hard these last weeks to connect everything
to the people who will start the Reflectivity communication system adapted to the
morontia grid created by the Melchizedeks. [Editor’s Note: The Melchizedeks redid the
grid and took it upon themselves to install and/or repair grid section with the help of the
superuniverse Omniaphim. [[28:2|Paper 28, Section II details who the Omniaphim are.]] They
also installed the reflectivity system on Urantia with the aid of the Omniaphim.]

This Morontia Energy grid, which has replaced the former (Caligastian) Morontia
Energy grid that was damaged by rebels and their companions, will soon be functioning

The time is up and those people, personalities and angels who continue to follow their
former leaders will thus be destroyed. All circuits, all energy systems, including the
Morontia support system within the grid will be replaced. This will be done at once and
without notice– in the same way that a sudden rainstorm can make you run for cover in
the Spring.

This will allow the Life Carriers which are now waiting to act, to prepare the
transformations of life support systems needed to achieve certain indispensable changes
that will enable individuals on Urantia to experience “genetic jumps” in themselves and
in their future offspring. No one will be terminated for having been brought before the
Council of 24 at this stage of the adjudication, but there will be changes made to those
who remain to work for the Magisterial Son and Christ Michael when he returns.
[Editor’s Note: Aya is referring to the adjudication of all living humans on Urantia when
Michael and Monjoronson jointly call the roll call of justice. [[See a Justice description
in The ABC Summaries, Doc “J”. Section IV, ff.]] Mortal staff humans will have already
been through the process of adjudication clearing the way for them to remain and for
future consideration of Adjuster fusion on Urantia.]

The God Fragments who came here to support this highly specialized program are also
the eyes and the voices of The Universal Father and The Eternal Son so that this
operation happens exactly according to the wishes of the Eternal Mother-Son and the
plans of the Universal Father. This Reflectivity communication system will also allow
The Ancient of Days, the Melchizedeks, Christ Michael and Nebadonia, to monitor the
operations of the Life Carriers to the millimeter.

The modified reflectivity system now installed will enable, and speed up, the arrival of
the Magisterial Son and his Mission on Urantia. This will also allow all human beings
who have achieved the 3rd psychic circle and for those who are now very close or already
in the first psychic circle, to be screened to see if their soul is infected with the latent
Lucifer ideas of freedom. This will allow and confirm, in a very easy way, for the
Ancient of Days, the Council of 24 and The Eternal Son, that if these souls are not
infected, each may continue in their path for fusion with their Thought Adjuster.
[Editor’s Note: See The FLURRY Number 4 and announcement of Spirit Directive
Number 55 for a detailed account of these operations; pp 3 ff.]

This “special fusion” which is permitted for persons who will be chosen to work and stay
longer on Earth with the "mortal corps" chosen by Monjoronson, the Magisterial Son,
Machiventa Melchizedek and Christ Michael, will become available the moment the
Adjuster signals he is prepared to undertake the specialized fusion technique with the
person he indwells. [Editor’s Note: This fusion is not mansion world fusion but Supreme
fusion as it uses energies of the Supreme and not of the Paradise Sons or Daughters or of
the primal Paradise pre-personal energies of the Father. It still constitutes fusion but is
not replete. Candidates for fusion as mortal staff will terminate their work on Urantia
when signaled by their Adjusters to do so, and then be prepared to obtain Mansonia 1
and then on to the correct status sphere as of their spiritual growth at the time of the
termination of spiritual service on Urantia. Aya or other Master Spirits will address this
type of fusion in greater detail as the Magisterial Mission approaches.]

Once this "mortal corps" who remains on Urantia to details the work of the Magisterial
Son and Christ Michael is examined and fount to be 100% pure, this corp will begin to do
very important preparatory work for the Magisterial Son. It is in this manner that the
"Breath of The Universal Father" actualizes on Urantia which will transform the potential
of God to become personality resident on Urantia. It can be said that the current mortal
mind of human beings who undergo the fusion will feel and understand the presence of
God in them.

[Editor’s Note: The Father will be personality resident in human form in these plans
while he will also be resident on Urantia in the Planetary Prince, the Melchizedek
Receivers, the unidentified Sons of God attending Monjoronson, and in many others as
the prepare to incarnate on Urantia.]

Once this is done, those who will stay and who will be trained to be part of the "mortal
Staff" of the Magisterial Son, this group will also receive more instructions concerning
their preparatory work to prepare for his coming. When the mortal corp completes the
projects outlined to them for the arrival of the Magisterial Son, Monjoronson will come
in the flesh with his twelve (12) incarnated Melchizedeks to Urantia.

Meanwhile it was decided that several Melchizedeks, twenty-four (24) in total, will come
some time before the twelve (12) Melchizedeks arriving with Monjoronson. These
twenty-four Melchizedeks who will incarnate early will help the "mortal corps" that has
been chosen and accepted to prepare for the arrival of Monjoronson and before the arrival
of the "Breath of The Universal Father" in the minds of everyone on your planet.

These Melchizedeks will be known by name later. It is too early to give their names and
tell you if they are already there or when they will come. They will be there with you,
close to you, before the arrival of the Magisterial Son. These twenty-four (24)It will be
other Melchizedeks who currently work in regions on your world and will manifest
themselves as humans. The reflectivity communication system is available and the
incarnations are achievable now.

[Editor: Now enters the transmission, in reflective reception, the Melchizedek Maltucia.
Maltucia explained that he is the Melchizedek who appears [i.e. who will incarnate]
with others to work the east coast region of the United States. He is also a chief
investigator of the events which led up to the carnage of 100,000 Mayans in the early
part of the 20th century, and as such has located his headquarters in the Central
American nation of Belize. In the transmission allowed to be seen for the first time
below, Maltucia indicates that he has acquired a physical home in the countryside, and
that his incarnation will be very close by the network reflectivator doing the work of
transmitting AYA above.]

MALTUCIA: This is Maltucia here my little one. Soon I will be working more closely
with you and your group and with the others who work remotely [Editor: i.e.
simultaneous meditation with others elsewhere and the reception of visions and
information from around the world] with you. It has been a long time I spoke to you. One
day we will discover together that cave behind this Maya village that you all called "the
House of Maltucia". I will give you a signal when you can enter and discover this well
hidden "House". Goodbye my little one, goodbye.
===Section III===
*Some Additional Melchizedek Details & The Changing Role of Universe Government on Urantia
On May 15 and 16 if 2012, your Editor was introduced to a discussion concerning the
incarnation of the twenty-four (24) Melchizedeks by the Supreme Seraphim Manotia and
Loyalatia, and with the midwayer aide, DEF 14, who calls herself Andrea, which developed into
the following narrative for release.

Regarding the Melchizedek proposal to incarnate: Mantutia Melchizedek speaks with some
authority on this question of appearance. He tells that they will appear in human form and
represent all the races found on Urantia. In other words, they would be virtually impossible to
tell apart from the normal appearance and variations of the current racial groups on Urantia.

While I do not know the significance of the number given of 24, it is these 24 who have been
given the charge to set up the conditions on Urantia that will make the appearance of the
Magisterial Son easier to comprehend on Urantia. They are also mindful of the exposition
required to prepare Urantia for the return of Michael. These preparations really go hand in hand
with each other, and will be directed by these 24 Melchizedeks within the already-discussed
mortal staff by the Master Spirit, Aya, above.

They do not require assistance in housing and other sustainment for being the flesh. They have
already acquired housing and are establishing themselves within the communities they will
operate from. It has been said that already there exists several houses in close proximity to some
of you where the Melchizedek households are established and operating. Since this subject of
location and operations is yet confidential I am not able to tell anyone more, and that is not to
imply I know more than what I have said.

The big picture begins with the introduction of the Melchizedeks who have volunteered to
undergo this exercise. Those volunteers are 24 in number initially.

There then follows an additional 12 Melchizedeks on the Magisterial staff who will be
incarnated upon the arrival of Monjoronson on Urantia. The 12 Melchizedeks on staff serve a
different function than the initial 24. The 12 on staff Melchizedeks are actually "retainers".
Retainers play the role of overseeing the affairs of Urantia during the Magisterial Mission and
act as a collective Planetary Prince.

Machiventa Melchizedek has been retained as the acting Planetary Prince for Urantia. However,
he is also one of the 12 on-staff Melchizedeks who will incarnate with Monjoronson and will be
the chief "retainer" for the duration of the mission. The 12 Melchizedek retainers who appear
with Monjoronson will incarnate in the likeness of mortal flesh and will be indistinguishable
from the normal human appearance of our population just as the other 24 Melchizedeks shall

There will be additional Melchizedeks appearing on Urantia aside from the group of 36
described above. Do not forget that Urantia will be divided into districts for the Magisterial
Mission. No one has finally determined the number of these geographical districts, but they will
number from about 50 to 100. Whatever the final number will be, each district will have a
Melchizedek governor, with but a few anticipated exceptions. Each district will contain a
physical headquarters out of which will operate the various concerns having to do with the
Magisterial Mission and the return of Michael. Humans will be on staff with the Melchizedeks
in each of these districts.

At the very least we will have on Urantia 50 Melchizedek district governors plus the 36 spoken
to earlier making a total of 86 visible Melchizedek representatives serving at one time. I would
expect that the actual number may approach or be 100 incarnations of Melchizedeks when all is
said and done, but the 100 number is a guess and not yet supported by any statements from the
Melchizedeks themselves.

The Planetary government organization will change dramatically. It already has in places. The
appearance of Monjoronson will signal the revisions designed into the system to actually operate
in the new procedures.

The Planetary Prince as an administrative office will be revised. Sovereignty is always vested in
Christ Michael as Prince, but direct representatives as done on other planets will be suspended in
favor of a administrative regime devoted to the 12 receivers spoken to in other documents.

Because Christ Michael is the Planetary Prince of Urantia, his appearance on Urantia will signal
his assumption of that office until he returns to Salvington.

To accommodate his assumption of the office of the Planetary Prince when he arrives on
Urantia, the acting Planetary Prince, Machiventa Melchizedek, will be transferring his authority
to acting as Chief of the Melchizedek Order of Twelve, the body of retainers acting on behalf of
Monjoronson in the governance of Urantia aside from the duties Christ Michael will assume as
the Planetary Prince. The Council of 24 governorships will continue as they are the personal
representatives of Michael on Urantia, and with Michael himself on 606, the Council of 24 will
have additional duties to perform.

No information has yet become available of the final disposition of the various personnel in the
Urantia spiritual government after Michael returns to Salvington and after Monjoronson finishes
his work on Urantia. I think we need to understand we are speaking to the passage of at least
1,000 years before these future questions can be addressed on our level. I think all readers have
to keep in mind that the spiritual governance of Urantia will not go back to the Planetary Prince
idea envisioned in the Urantia Book, but will become a version of how architectural worlds are
administered, and with the morontia temple in place after Monjoronson leaves the planet
established in the first phases of Light and Life. We can only question when Michael leaves
after his second return whether the Melchizedek 12 who arrive with Monjoronson in the flesh
will retain their administrative duties and stay on Urantia as Receivers. There will be the
Magisterial Mission, the second return of Michael, and then an interim period before a Trinity
Teacher Son appears. Is it possible that when Michael returns once more to be installed as the
bestowal Son of Urantia in the Temple, that he will share with the Acting Chief of Finaliters
some significant other Order of universe Son to assume the chair of what is normally the
Planetary Sovereign? [See Paper 55 Section I] The answer seems to be as mysterious as the
personality who will fill the role of the Consummator of Universe Destiny for the grand
universe. [See Paper 106 section 5].

The Urantia Book itself warns the readers of the revelation that what is outlined in the Urantia
Book may not actually be what will be put into place on Urantia.
<blockquote>From Paper 56
[[56:7|56:7.5]] " Each new evolutionary attainment within a sector of creation, as well as
every new invasion of space by divinity manifestations, is attended by
simultaneous expansions of Deity functional-revelation within the then existing
and previously organized units of all creation. This new invasion of the
administrative work of the universes and their component units may not always
appear to be executed exactly in accordance with the technique herewith outlined
because it is the practice to send forth advance groups of administrators to prepare
the way for the subsequent and successive eras of new administrative overcontrol.
Even God the Ultimate foreshadows his transcendental overcontrol of the
universes during the later stages of a local universe settled in light and life."</blockquote>

Urantia's disdain-ment is to be turned into its attain-ment through a simultaneous injection of
evolutionary change with an attendant change in its destiny-status. The Master Spirits
underlined Michael's announcement several years ago by sustaining Michael on his announced
intention to use Urantia as part of the Salvington educational worlds for the work of ascension
and the study of the Lucifer rebellion. When Michael appears on Urantia, regardless of what
else he appears to do, he will assume the duties of Chief Director of the School for the Study of
Rebellion. This school now existing on Edentia is being moved to Urantia with Christ Michael
becoming the head of the school.

The appearance of about 100 Melchizedeks in the flesh spoken to above represent the invasion
of space by divinity manifestations not predictable at the time of the original Urantia Book
disclosures. At best it can be said the book understood the presence of the 12 Melchizedek
functions on the Magisterial Staff, but the addition of more than that was not seen at that 20th
century stage of revelatory discussions. Nor were the divinity manifestations of the Master
Spirits seen in the early Urantia Book to be remotely concerned with the outworking of the
rebellion consequences on Urantia and in Satania. And perhaps the greatest divinity
manifestation to unfold on Urantia which was completely under reported by the Urantia Book, is
the unique position of Michael and the Father in the unfolding affairs of Urantia. These
relationships are worthy of several new chapters in the second volume of the text to be offered
sometime probably in the next century.

The quote cited from Paper 56 reminds us that when the revelators first establish a narrative for
us to understand, that the narrative itself may no longer be entirely true or will events unfold as
the text outlines as the Urantia process that will be followed. That is what has happened here.
The Father acts as chairman of the board of universe affairs and his fiduciary responsibilities
include acting for the greatest good for the greatest number of creatures, which always
determines whether a decision as to what to do follows normal procedures or if the decisions
must be tailored made for the situation. Urantia is having tailor made operations to achieve the
greatest good.

What is essential to grasp for the reader in the various programs meant to support and
disseminate the revelation is that the vision of a Urantia outlined in the first Urantia Book is no
longer entirely valid. Now I am talking about the planet Urantia and not speaking to each
individuals relationship to Jesus and the Father - those are separate considerations which shall
remain eternally true regardless of further disclosures. But I am speaking to the entire system of
revelation given to us over 70 years ago as being outdated enough that it sends to the mind of
readers those expectations of changes that will not be entirely realized in the mode they were
expected to appear in. Urantia will experience an alternative reality to the one outlined in the
first Urantia Book, and that has to be addressed further by Michael and Monjoronson when they
appear on Urantia.

While The Book is the best reference volume on the planet for definitions and relationship
discussions, its cosmology of what Urantia is to become can not be said to be true in every
respect anymore either. I foresee this mismatch of print and actual accomplishment to cause a
great deal of angst among readers when the divine missions actually come to Urantia to begin
the Father’s business of reclamation. Unhappiness with what happens can be reduced when
communications such as these begin under the detailed watch care of the celestial staff
overseeing unofficial disclosures that are not yet part of the publication of the Urantia Book.

This change from what the reference text is stating and what is to become, causes more people
to doubt the whole thing then it should, but that is the case right now especially among the young
who see it as dated even before they understand or read it. I do not know what Monjoronson or
Michael or even the Master Spirits will do about the disconnect with the present generation of
readers concerning what they read and then what they are being told through other venues.
There may be a period of broken connections for a while between what is printed and what is
being established on Urantia in almost every city on the globe. However this problem is to be
addressed, I am sure they will find a way and be successful in reconciling these differences.
===Section IV===
*Learning To Accept What We Can Not Know
The secret of incarnation is to be found on Sonarington and it is in a sector of that sacred sphere
we are never allowed to visit. What that means consequentially is that the appearance of flesh
and blood in an incarnated divinity appears just like that regardless of the nature of that flesh and
blood. Vicegerington holds the secrets about how divinity may incarnate and actually represent
the Deities on Paradise. Again, unless we are trinitized for specific service which requires our
incarnation or some representation of some one of the functions of Paradise Deity, that sector
too is withheld from our experience. The Urantia Book makes no excuses for keeping
manifestation secrets about the personnel assembled from the spiritual hierarchy who gather on
Urantia to reclaim her. As in any mystery then, there are plenty of questions but almost no
explanation to all that can be seen.

And the changes Urantia is to undergo very soon will never be understood by everyone even in

Manotia (Seraphim) writes: "The world of Urantia begins its trek toward being well again
through the manifestation of thought brought forward through myriads of spiritual persons who
understand as much about the spiritual administration on Urantia as I do. However, there are
elements of the proposed changes to Urantia that even we, Completion Seraphim, can not
persuade ourselves is entirely possible, much less operable within the confines of Nebadon."

We now close this session of the narrative to ask Father and Mother Spirit to endow everyone of
us with the ability to become better citizens of our countries and of our universe. We pray for
the success of Michael’s plans and for the Magisterial Mission to successfully reclaim our
wounded sphere. We beseech our Father in heaven to place all resources that can be made
available in accordance with His will for Urantia.

Thank you dear readers for participating with these disclosures and staying the course during
these increasingly turbulent times. Our next FLURRY as will the next release of The ABC
SUMMARIES, appear when the powers-to-be decide more should be announced. Your editor
thanks you for waiting through delays not entirely determined to be scheduled by human hands.
The FLURRY is a publication by subscription only. Persons who wish to receive it and any future ABC
Summaries are asked to send to a request to subscribe you to the BCC list. All
persons subscribed to the BCC list for the ABC Summaries are also subscribed to The FLURRY.

Persons who wish to no longer receive these documents may send to the same email address requesting I
remove them from the distribution list.

Thank you.
Ron Besser

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: At Large]]
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[[Category: Gabriel]]
[[Category: Aya]]
[[Category: Maltucia]]
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[[Category: 2012]]