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It has been well spoken tonight in your discussion that your perspective on the meaning of the events in your life has major impact upon your reaction to those events which occur, whether internally or externally, on a daily basis. One of the recommendations of humor is that it is a means of altering a perspective in such a way as to see the progress that a person, a being, makes over time and to appreciate one's own childishness in retrospect. So first, then, I commend to you the full hearted enjoyment of humor to help deal with your tendency to become swallowed up and limited in a 'now' oriented view of the importance of a particular event.
It has been well spoken tonight in your discussion that your perspective on the meaning of the events in your life has major impact upon your reaction to those events which occur, whether internally or externally, on a daily basis. One of the recommendations of humor is that it is a means of altering a perspective in such a way as to see the progress that a person, a being, makes over time and to appreciate one's own childishness in retrospect. So first, then, I commend to you the full hearted enjoyment of humor to help deal with your tendency to become swallowed up and limited in a 'now' oriented view of the importance of a particular event.
Your culture is very persuaded that the fast lane, as it's termed, is the place to be in order to benefit the most from everyday events. And because of this orientation one, and this includes you all as well, one is put into a state of electro-chemical tension and priorities are arranged in such a way that the unexpected interruptions of unplanned for problems can disrupt a person's equilibrium and cause them to become disoriented. Therefor another strategy of great importance in dealing with disappointments is to look upon the whole stretch of time which is your real reality. For you, my friends, are given to know that this short life is but the prelude to eternity and that the desires of your heart and your plans cannot be fulfilled in entirety in this lifetime. These desires are not put there to frustrate you but to speak of your true eternal status, if you so choose the ascension career.
Your culture is very persuaded that the fast lane, as it's termed, is the place to be in order to benefit the most from everyday events. And because of this orientation one, and this includes you all as well, one is put into a state of electro-chemical tension and priorities are arranged in such a way that the unexpected interruptions of unplanned for problems can disrupt a person's equilibrium and cause them to become disoriented. Therefore another strategy of great importance in dealing with disappointments is to look upon the whole stretch of time which is your real reality. For you, my friends, are given to know that this short life is but the prelude to eternity and that the desires of your heart and your plans cannot be fulfilled in entirety in this lifetime. These desires are not put there to frustrate you but to speak of your true eternal status, if you so choose the ascension career.
Another realization which has been presented in your discussion has to do with the relative status that each of you have in regard to your influence on the outcome of 'everything'. I know that I speak words that you have heard before, words that you intellectually understand when I say that you are not responsible for the overcare of this world. Yes, Isaac [TR #3] is concerned that this lesson is primarily intended for him, but I will say that we teachers do not single anyone out. Our lessons are broadly based.
Another realization which has been presented in your discussion has to do with the relative status that each of you have in regard to your influence on the outcome of 'everything'. I know that I speak words that you have heard before, words that you intellectually understand when I say that you are not responsible for the overcare of this world. Yes, Isaac [TR #3] is concerned that this lesson is primarily intended for him, but I will say that we teachers do not single anyone out. Our lessons are broadly based.  
Disappointment is inevitable. It is part of your humanity. You should not be surprised when it occurs to you for even our own Master wept when He was disappointed because the planned rendezvous between Himself and His family was aborted. Do not criticize and punish yourself for your humanity. No, your humanity, our humanity,(for I also am a former mortal) our humanity is our gift from our Creator Son and His cohort our Universe Mother Spirit.
Disappointment is inevitable. It is part of your humanity. You should not be surprised when it occurs to you for even our own Master wept when He was disappointed because the planned rendezvous between Himself and His family was aborted. Do not criticize and punish yourself for your humanity. No, your humanity, our humanity, (for I also am a former mortal) our humanity is our gift from our Creator Son and His cohort our Universe Mother Spirit.  
You see there are many beings who do not share our mortality who are actually [almost] envious of us for experiencing things that they never will have the opportunity to do. And I refer to our Havona natives in particular. Regard the struggles of life as your opportunity to turn over control, the control you tend to naturally seek, to the overcare of our great Parent. Tomas, you may offer words at this time."
You see there are many beings who do not share our mortality who are actually [almost] envious of us for experiencing things that they never will have the opportunity to do. And I refer to our Havona natives in particular. Regard the struggles of life as your opportunity to turn over control, the control you tend to naturally seek, to the overcare of our great Parent. Tomas, you may offer words at this time.  
Tomas: "Thank you Daniel. Good evening group, my friends and loyal students of this Teaching Mission. The process which you all experience in learning at the hands of we teachers is fascinating to us as it is to you for whereas Daniel's transmitter/receiver this evening felt the lesson was directed towards him, I, myself have been shunted aside that my transmitter/receiver could hear those words which were certainly directed personally to her. The quality of our teaching attempts to prevail in spite of the many colorings of personalities and the individual level of understanding which you find yourself in today or on a day that the lesson takes root in your mind or your heart or your soul.
TOMAS: Thank you Daniel. Good evening group, my friends and loyal students of this Teaching Mission. The process which you all experience in learning at the hands of we teachers is fascinating to us as it is to you for whereas Daniel's transmitter/receiver this evening felt the lesson was directed towards him, I, myself have been shunted aside that my transmitter/receiver could hear those words which were certainly directed personally to her. The quality of our teaching attempts to prevail in spite of the many colorings of personalities and the individual level of understanding which you find yourself in today or on a day that the lesson takes root in your mind or your heart or your soul.  
In reference now to the theme of disappointment there are those which are relevant to mind, the heart, and the soul. As you, of course, are familiar, the disappointments which are hardest to bear are those which never come. This bit of mota has caused many a mortal to puzzle over what disappointment the authors could be making reference to.
In reference now to the theme of disappointment there are those which are relevant to mind, the heart, and the soul. As you, of course, are familiar, the disappointments which are hardest to bear are those which never come. This bit of mota has caused many a mortal to puzzle over what disappointment the authors could be making reference to.  
The materialist is disappointed by the lack of possessions and ease with which to attain, prosper, negotiate, and effuse.
The materialist is disappointed by the lack of possessions and ease with which to attain, prosper, negotiate, and effuse.  
The emotional disappointments relate to your heart's desires, which range of heart's desires bear directly upon your evolutionary standing at the time. Much of your concept of love is focused on romantic disappointments and disappointments related to your home including your physical temple, your family environment to include your planetary condition.
The emotional disappointments relate to your heart's desires, which range of heart's desires bear directly upon your evolutionary standing at the time. Much of your concept of love is focused on romantic disappointments and disappointments related to your home including your physical temple, your family environment to include your planetary condition.  
Also your soul disappointments are often presented to you for pondering and in a disappointment of the soul you might consider those times when your integrity is misunderstood or when you have been betrayed by a friend.
Also your soul disappointments are often presented to you for pondering and in a disappointment of the soul you might consider those times when your integrity is misunderstood or when you have been betrayed by a friend.  
Your efforts in the field of planting seeds of spiritual truth often times are met with disappointments when your seed is seemingly cast aside for more tangible goodies or more sensual response.
Your efforts in the field of planting seeds of spiritual truth often times are met with disappointments when your seed is seemingly cast aside for more tangible goodies or more sensual response.  
The disappointment hardest to bear will never come for your greatest anticipation is always on the next crest, on the next adventure, on the next piece of insight and revelation.
The disappointment hardest to bear will never come for your greatest anticipation is always on the next crest, on the next adventure, on the next piece of insight and revelation.
In your true soul growth, in your identity-becoming your soul may transcend all seeming disappointments by the realization of the relative merit of your perception of the disappointment. In the long range you are brought forward to develop anew a stage on which to experience yet more disappointments and observe our God experience yet more victories.
In your true soul growth, in your identity-becoming your soul may transcend all seeming disappointments by the realization of the relative merit of your perception of the disappointment. In the long range you are brought forward to develop anew a stage on which to experience yet more disappointments and observe our God experience yet more victories.  
Are you disappointed that the work which you have dedicated yourself to doing is work on behalf of others than yourself? In which case you will know great disappointment in your soul. The manifestation of divine love welling up from your Source is given to you and you give freely without concern for disappointment. The fruit you produce is the fruit or the living vine. It is not your fruit except that you nourish yourself and feed others with that fruit that has been provided.
Are you disappointed that the work which you have dedicated yourself to doing is work on behalf of others than yourself? In which case you will know great disappointment in your soul. The manifestation of divine love welling up from your Source is given to you and you give freely without concern for disappointment. The fruit you produce is the fruit or the living vine. It is not your fruit except that you nourish yourself and feed others with that fruit that has been provided.  
If you find that the burden of service is great consider the burden of life without knowledge of your eternal self-becoming. What remnants of disappointment there are in this truth are but shadows which will evaporate in the light of the sun which falls on you who remain true to your divine purpose. [This is] the final remark from Tomas this evening."
If you find that the burden of service is great consider the burden of life without knowledge of your eternal self-becoming. What remnants of disappointment there are in this truth are but shadows which will evaporate in the light of the sun which falls on you who remain true to your divine purpose. [This is] the final remark from Tomas this evening.  
Daniel: "Thank you Tomas for your wise words, your added thoughts to our joint lesson together. Before I open this conversation to this group's involvement I would remark briefly that overcoming disappointment is a major accomplishment of the ascension career, for there will come a time when we all will have reached that point that is described in your text as disappointment proof, no longer battered and shattered and distraught by events that come out of the blue, as it were.
DANIEL: Thank you Tomas for your wise words, your added thoughts to our joint lesson together. Before I open this conversation to this group's involvement I would remark briefly that overcoming disappointment is a major accomplishment of the ascension career, for there will come a time when we all will have reached that point that is described in your text as disappointment proof, no longer battered and shattered and distraught by events that come out of the blue, as it were.  
And as I said last week it is not my intention to tell you to lower your ideals for that is a strategy that some have attempted in order to avoid disappointment. No, rather rest in the security of your sonship and daughtership. Rest in the overcare of the First Source and Center and all His divine agencies of administration, mercy, and care. Do not neglect your time in silence for you only are cutting yourself off from your Strength. And now any comments and questions to Tomas and myself or any other discussion that you wish to propose?"
And as I said last week it is not my intention to tell you to lower your ideals for that is a strategy that some have attempted in order to avoid disappointment. No, rather rest in the security of your sonship and daughtership. Rest in the overcare of the First Source and Center and all His divine agencies of administration, mercy, and care. Do not neglect your time in silence for you only are cutting yourself off from your Strength. And now any comments and questions to Tomas and myself or any other discussion that you wish to propose?  
Tomas: I am responding to a question which has been asked. I am Tomas. And the question which has been posed has to do with the perspective of the teachers as compared to the perspective of mortals in the flesh, the seeming vast gulf between the levels of growth. It is a curiosity question and yet I respond since this has been a thorn in the side of one of my students.
TOMAS: I am responding to a question which has been asked. I am Tomas. And the question which has been posed has to do with the perspective of the teachers as compared to the perspective of mortals in the flesh, the seeming vast gulf between the levels of growth. It is a curiosity question and yet I respond since this has been a thorn in the side of one of my students.  
We have experienced being flesh and blood. We have known the emotions of human animals. We have known fear and love and the entire range of feelings as you have experienced them. That many of us teachers have experienced our mortal existence on advanced planets, worlds often approaching Light and Life or, indeed, well settled in Light and Life is irrespective of the feeling value which we know and which is part of our ascending experience like yours is part of your ascending experience. We are not superior in a sense of being better than you but in having maturity of experience. If our lessons sometimes appear to you as though we were speaking down to you, be at peace in your mind for we are merely elders and have little choice in how we portray our values for we are now the embodiment of those values as you, too, will embody your values as you ascend. That is all."
We have experienced being flesh and blood. We have known the emotions of human animals. We have known fear and love and the entire range of feelings as you have experienced them. That many of us teachers have experienced our mortal existence on advanced planets, worlds often approaching Light and Life or, indeed, well settled in Light and Life is irrespective of the feeling value which we know and which is part of our ascending experience like yours is part of your ascending experience. We are not superior in a sense of being better than you but in having maturity of experience. If our lessons sometimes appear to you as though we were speaking down to you, be at peace in your mind for we are merely elders and have little choice in how we portray our values for we are now the embodiment of those values as you, too, will embody your values as you ascend. That is all.  
(very long pause)
(Very long pause)
Daniel: "Well, Tomas, perhaps we put them all to sleep or perhaps there is enough food for thought and weariness of flesh combined to make it appropriate for us to conclude our conversation. What say you?"
DANIEL: Well, Tomas, perhaps we put them all to sleep or perhaps there is enough food for thought and weariness of flesh combined to make it appropriate for us to conclude our conversation. What say you?  
TOMAS:  I am disappointed. However, I will survive.
Tomas: "I am disappointed. However, I will survive."
Nancy: "If you would like a reaction, an honest reaction rather than a question or whatever I guess I am willing to take that role tonight. I had a couple of thoughts but my initial reaction was to Daniel when you said for us to take the longer view, I think that really is an impossible thing for us to do because it is asking us to do something which is beyond our experience! Although now I can look back to childhood easily and understand children I can remember being a child and thinking about being a grownup and being assured that that would never happen, because it was so long and far away. Even though I knew intellectually that someday I would be a grownup, an adult, my emotional reaction was, no, I will never be a grownup, never be an adult. And so that's how I feel when that is given as..I was sort of in and out but I interpreted to be as solace to our disappointment to realize that this is just the preface to eternity. Well, that just doesn't help because right now this is my existence and it's my entire existence. I did like the comment on humor. I have found that a good laugh helps break up my disappointment. Well, anyway, there is a reaction, not necessarily a question."
Nancy: "If you would like a reaction, an honest reaction rather than a question or whatever I guess I am willing to take that role tonight. I had a couple of thoughts but my initial reaction was to Daniel when you said for us to take the longer view, I think that really is an impossible thing for us to do because it is asking us to do something which is beyond our experience! Although now I can look back to childhood easily and understand children I can remember being a child and thinking about being a grownup and being assured that that would never happen, because it was so long and far away. Even though I knew intellectually that someday I would be a grownup, an adult, my emotional reaction was, no, I will never be a grownup, never be an adult. And so that's how I feel when that is given as..I was sort of in and out but I interpreted to be as solace to our disappointment to realize that this is just the preface to eternity. Well, that just doesn't help because right now this is my existence and it's my entire existence. I did like the comment on humor. I have found that a good laugh helps break up my disappointment. Well, anyway, there is a reaction, not necessarily a question."