2014-11-08-Developing Your Faith

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Topic: Developing Your Faith

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Nebadonia, Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for this time with you today. We ask to be opened to your presence that we may imprint upon what you provide to us of your essence and personality. We thank our celestial helpers for coming into this circuit to help us receive in your grace and in your will. Help us to become better representatives of your presence here on this earth plane as we move into more adventurous times of planetary correction and change. Thank you.


NEBADONIA: Greetings, my beloved children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. There are many circuits of light bathing this world, pouring in from the streams of LIGHT a higher reality to which your minds are being acclimated to grow and change. For some, it is not easy to connect to these frequencies of light. The shadows contained within the human construct of consciousness prevent this light from fully illuminating the human heart and soul. It is helpful for others to receive this outpouring of light from their human associates, which is why we have encouraged you to become the most luminous and beautiful lights to carry this energy with you and to allow it to shine forth from your souls to nurture the souls of others with whom you are in contact.

It will ever be thus for your planet’s transformation. There will be those who act as way-showers, path-finders to encourage others to turn within and to develop their inner resources as they begin to perceive that there is a great wealth to be mined within their own consciousness. It is a matter of faith. It is a condition of willingness within the heart and decision making faculties of human consciousness to open to this internal arena.

And so today, to further support your own internal transformation, I invite you to simply open to me as your Mother that you may imprint more upon your Father and His divine qualities. Let us impart broader frequencies of LIGHT that you may use as you integrate these energies to help your brothers and sisters, some of whom are very much struggling to survive during this very challenging time. Let your thoughts and your intentions focus on this dynamic of FAITH IN THE FATHER, FAITH IN THE UNFOLDING OF THE WAYS OF SPIRIT UPON URANTIA and allow us to move in you, my beloved children. (Pause)

The consciousness of FAITH is a mighty protection that forms this shield around you that the darkness contained within the planet that other people experience will not have an adverse impact upon you. Let this energy of FAITH grow deeper, expand wider around you, holding you in a ball of light that affords you this spiritual defense system, you might call it, that the actions of others who are still unawakened would have no influence upon you. Continue to receive as your Father and I move in you now. (Pause)

There is a power and authority that your Father Michael shares with you to strengthen you in FAITH in this dynamic relationship between human child and Divine Parent. As you allow us to continue to infuse these circuits with our personality energies, set your gaze upon your heart and ask for more of Michael’s POWER AND AUTHORITY to take deeper root within you. It is not as important for you to understand what this means, but to desire this that you may be strengthened in your relationship with your Father Michael and your indwelling Father Fragment, for this gives you more of that uplift to move you into a position of greater spiritual influence amongst your brethren.

This is a type of power that has not been well cultivated. So much of what you conceive of as “power” has been corrupt and used for self-centered purposes. Michael’s POWER has none of that, and by opening to what He wishes to impart to you of this quality of His personality will give you a more commanding presence when you are with your brothers and sisters and help them recognize that you have something valuable to share with them. It is not anything you must convey with words, but a powerful energy that comes from being aligned in your Father Michael. Continue to focus in your heart as we impart these circuits into you now. (Pause)

When Michael was here as Jesus, his presence exuded an authority. He had a very powerful personality and yet it was safe and approachable. He used His power and authority not to influence people into what He believed, but to invite them to feel the love of the Father,for His love was indeed powerful and it was authoritative. It brought people to their senses. It struck and helped their higher nature to activate something within them of their soul potential.

You have the same ability to become as Michael did in His earthly sojourn to contain those same energies. And herein is where you imprint upon them, that the Father Within you may use these and create new ways of understanding these endowments to use them wisely and to become more powerful and authoritative in His LOVE. So continue to receive as these words settle in. Allow the desire for more Father-likeness to imprint upon your heart and soul. (Pause)

I will leave you now in this manner, my children, as your Father wishes to speak to you as His words build you in a new reality as I continue to minister into you. These gifts we share with you come your way because of your faith. Let your faith lead the way into more POWER AND AUTHORITY IN MICHAEL, and may the Father Within you shine the LIGHT upon your soul to live more fully and faithfully from that place each day. Farewell, my precious children.

MICHAEL: My blessings of PEACE are upon you my children! This is Michael. Continue to allow this infusion of my POWER AND AUTHORITY to make its mark upon your system of consciousness. Over time as these energies integrate, you will have a better appreciation of what is being afforded to you today. New concepts will be forged within your thought currents, and you will be able to use these endowments effectively, especially in ministry to your brothers and sisters.

The power structure on your planet is changing, and the change comes from this enhanced endowment that we share with you to receive the corrections of what true POWER and AUTHORITY means. These gifts are meant to be used for the betterment of the entire planet and all of its varied life forms—human and otherwise. And so what you open to receive today can help with the change that is necessary to help the power structure come into more divine alignment.

Allow me to continue to share my POWER with you. Your minds relax and your bodies open as I continue to imprint upon you what is my delight to share with you of this essential quality of my being. These endowments we provide to you are incremental. It is not as if you will become as I am in one fell swoop. Little by little you gain a sense of what it means to truly powerful—to use authority in alignment with the Father’s WILL. Each one of you will have certain life experiences to demonstrate this, and it is all good. It is all part of the change that is so necessary for this planet to move beyond the legacy of rebellion and into the thriving ways of creation. (Pause)

You cannot see the change of power with physical eyes. But there is a deliverance, you might call it, from the ways of greed and corruption that is now outworking. So I encourage you to maintain that attitude of faith, continue to provide the means by which you incorporate my POWER AND AUTHORITY into your lives. Over time you will be able to use this appropriately, but first you must be acclimated to what you might call its energy signature and allow it to circulate through your systems of consciousness to change how you have been affected by a power structure that has fomented sin and iniquity and come into more beautiful and grace-filled alignment in the Father’s WILL. (Pause)

This POWER AND AUTHORITY plays a part in your soul development and process of self-mastery. We share these endowments with you to have time to in-work these energies into your systems and to demonstrate the fruits in your daily experiences with your brothers and sisters. While you are in the midst of integrating them, it is important for you to set that intention to be aligned in the Father’s WILL, to use these gifts only for the Father’s higher purposes, and thereby your indwelling Father Fragments are able to guide you, give you room for experimentation of how you manage your own personal power and when you are in more alignment with my POWER and AUTHORITY. These are some of the challenges of transformation, and the more you align your intention and ability to use these gifts for the Father’s higher purposes, the more you receive, the more responsibilities and privileges of use are given to you.

You might ask, “Father, how can I be assured that I am using this for the Father’s higher purposes?” And I say to you, you will know by the fruits of your efforts when you use your power and you are able to help a person open and awaken; when you use authority to help another person come into a deeper relationship with who they are; when you speak up against that which is evil and misdirected and have a profound effect in helping another person open to information that will feed their souls, heal their hearts. These are the fruits to look for. This is the evidence that you seek. (Pause)

And now, my beloved children, allow the GLORY of the presence of the Father Within you to illuminate your souls, liberate your hearts, align your wills in the Father. Simply open your desire to receive this outpouring of GLORY and let its energy bathe you in the living reality of the Father in Paradise, whose Spirit dwells within you. (Pause)


My beautiful children, I thank you for your faith and for opening yourselves to your Mother and me that you may continue to grow in who you are as our children. Your faith has served you well. And the more you live in this state of faith, the more you receive and become who you were created to be as living expressions of the Father’s WILL here on this very rugged earth plane.

Help your planet’s consciousness continue to grow in the mind of the Supreme by your individual efforts, and be mindful of how you are engaging in these circuits more and more, moment by moment. This is, after all, one of the factors of self-mastery. You have unlimited potential to achieve this here on Urantia during this time of the mighty shift in power. Stand in my AUTHORITY, my children. It is yours! I am with you as you faithfully walk on your path of growth and transformation each day. I leave you in my LOVE, my children. Good day.