2013-05-25-Q and A with Mother

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Topic: Q & A with Mother

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



NEBADONIA: Greetings, my dear children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. It is such a delight to your Father and me to listen to your conversations as you explore the various ways in which Spirit ministers to your minds to prepare you for outreach to your brothers and sisters, who still hold some very unusual concepts of deity. As you know, this all part of the plan of correction as there is now a very strong current of spiritual energy to outwork these erroneous belief systems that have evolved over centuries of time. These institutionalized belief systems are indeed very ingrained within the human spectrum of consciousness, and it is no small matter to help your brothers and sisters to disengage from them, both on a mental and emotional level.

Therefore, it is important and imperative that you all receive more of the spiritual power that you require to help you maintain your base of stability, strength, courage and confidence as you enter into these domains. Each of you is being prepared for greater service, as your hearts have all desired. We, your Father and I, wish to equip you with mighty resources and tools that you may enter into these institutions with greater faith, strength, courage and clarity. As you know, you do not enter into these fields alone. You have mighty helpers by your side. You have us as your Parents, and you have the essence of Perfection within you to strengthen and to pave the way for what Father wishes to do in and through you to help our children make progress spiritually.

Today, before I address your comments and questions, I invite you to open yourselves to me that your Father and I may move in you and further fortify you in us. Relax and open your hearts to us now, and also focus on that word FAITH as this trust bond between Divine Parent and human child strengthens—fortifies you with what you need. Receive us now, my dear children, receive us and know all is well. (Pause)

You have been mightily prepared for this time of service. Do not doubt your ability or capacity now to follow the inner leadings of the Father and your angels to move you into the places where you can make an impact and effectively serve. While for some time you will harbor questions, lets yourselves rest in this normalcy of the human mind still working, and let yourselves know that you still will find these questions within your heart from time to time to further stimulate your curiosity that you may grow and be able to achieve greater unification within your personality of the meaning and value of what it is you are doing, what it is what you are engaged within in service.

What we ask you to let go of now is any doubt that you may harbor still in the deeper places within your being and trust that what is occurring in your is real and it is the Father’s will for your lives. Trust in us. Trust in your helpers. Above all, open yourself to the Father, whose presence wishes to demonstrate His WILL through you to your brothers and sisters. Hold that intention and desire now to be a greater means of conveyance of the Father’s WILL as your Father and I fortify you in Spirit. (Pause)

There is indeed a richness to the material life. You are beginning to drink deeply of this awareness. It will grow within you the more you press into us and receive. This is the abundance of LOVE all around you. You have truly an unlimited capacity to receive it. You are opening yourselves to new dimensions of it that disclose greater ranges of understanding to appreciate the reality around of the Father’s creative plans. Let yourselves become more fully invested in the creative design and plan. Let yourselves grow in it. Allow your minds to expand in it. Allow your hearts to desire to be more engage in service to the furthering of this plan, especially here now on this material world in service to the Supreme Being of Urantia. Let your minds rest easy in the expanding energy of the Father’s LOVE. (Pause)

If you wish now, you may bring your attention to any comments or questions you may have and I will address them for you. However, if you choose to stay in this meditative state receiving from your Father and me, then simply continue to do so. You may come forward when you feel ready to speak.


Student: Hello this is H. Thank you for the wonderful energies tonight. I like to make a comment as I did before in our conversation. I am so happy for your words from the last time about the feedback system; that is really helping. Sometimes when I am in need to be lifted up I just meditate on the word “feedback-system” and I feel the strength of it. I just want to make a comment that in German language we have a saying, "How you shout into the forest, that´s the way it comes back out," and this to me relates to that.

I also like to make a comment on relating to our conversation before, thinking of people who feel and who express some unworthiness of being God`s children. To me, the highest or one of the best words of Jesus is the parable of the prodigal son, and the love Father shows even when I have been astray and no matter what I did, Father wants to see me back home. Thank you.

Nebadonia: Thank you for your comments, H my son, for your growing awareness in understanding certain principles of how the Father`s WILL operates throughout the universe. The fear mentality or stimulus has been mightily reinforced throughout all institutions of life upon Urantia, and you have understanding now of what this does to curtail the two-way communication between Divine Parent and human child. And as you say in your understanding of the parable of the prodigal son, it is this over-lighting under-shadowing love of the Father that understands all, that knows all and is able to redeem and transform those feelings of unworthiness that come from this fear imprint that has been so troubling to the human heart and mind.

There are ways in which to expand upon this parable in modern phraseology and based on your own experience when you are sharing your heart and your experiences with Spirit with your brothers and sisters. Let your Father as Jesus pave the way, for there is a quality in the presence of Jesus that is both human and divine that touches the human heart and renders the mind more receptive to hearing and receiving truth.

Father`s LOVE pervades all of time and space. It is ever present and yet you know that there has been, let us just say, a shortage of love on Urantia. It is through you that these circuits of LOVE are indeed growing through your acts of kindness, compassion, understanding, forgiveness and mercy when you are engaged with your brothers and sisters.

So in your desire to be of service, ask for those prodigal sons to come before you. Ask for your angels to seek out those who are lost, who are suffering to come into your circle of influence that you may learn and enjoy how Michael, how I will minister to them. Let the power-presence left here in the Spirit of Truth ministers through you to your brother or sister, and trust that a mighty exchange is occurring between you and within them. In this way you are not only strengthening the feedback system within yourself, but helping a person to become, you might say re-circuited, they may hear the voice of the Father within them and grow accordingly. Does this help, my son?

Student: Yes, thank you very much.

Nebadonia: And be in my peace, my dear H.

Student: Hello, Mother, I want to thank you for the recent endowments that you and Father Michael have brought into me these last days and even these last weeks. It seems that everyday I am perceiving new insights and noticing changes within myself. Even other people are noticing these changes within me and I just am so grateful for this. So much is happening now, especially this past week, that is seeming to have an impact on my life and my husband’s life and our future.

I was wondering if you could provide some guidance. This coming week some major decisions to make in regards to the house, property and land that just fell into our lap this past week. We are trying to discern whether this is Father’s Will for us or not. If so, then how this might support our future ministries – meaning my ministry, his ministry, and the ministry that we both know now we will be sharing together. Thank you.

Nebadonia: My dear daughter, B. It is so refreshing to know that you and your dear husband wish to be aligned in the Father’s WILL for your lives and in your decision making process. Please understand that there are many factors that come in to play when you make a particular decision based on your highest understanding of what the Father’s WILL is. When you make a decision and you feel that Father is supporting this, you are giving your angels certain opportunities to create for you to allow this path to unfold. There are many options within any given path or given decision.

So my counsel to you is to sit with your husband before you pray and come together with a unified intention of what your long-range goals are. Perhaps you would wish to write them down. Perhaps you would wish to write your own down and for him to do the same, and then come together to compare notes, compare desires, compare intentions. Then once you have come to a more harmonious agreement, you then come in pray and ask for the guidance of your Father – from his Adjuster and your Adjuster to illuminate your mind. But do take your time with this. Even though you feel a pressing urgency from the human level, also see if you can adopt a sense of peace at the spiritual level about this decision so that you are clear minded and open-hearted about where the Father wishes to direct you on your paths, not only individually, but as a couple. This will also help you and your husband to develop this habit of learning to collaborate together in the Father’s WILL. There is more spiritual energy that you can perceive when you co-mingle like this. I will pause here and ask if this has answered your question, or if you wish me to elaborate further for you.

Student: Yes, Mother, I do believe it has answered my question. It has given me an idea of what we could still do. As you have said – yes, at the human level there are many pressing things that we need to do to even consider this major decision. We have tried to remain calm and clear and recognize that it may or may not happen. If it does…wonderful. If it doesn’t…then it wasn’t meant to be. I like what you say about us sitting down and talking about our long-range goals more intentionally. Then take that into prayer to the Father. Yes, I think you have answered my question. Thank you.

Nebadonia: Let joy in your heart be an underlying motivation that you are operating and growing in Father’s WILL and LOVE. This will set the stage for greater receptivity in your hearts and minds as to the path that is unfolding before you. Enjoy this time of growth as a couple. Be in my peace, my daughter.

Student: Thank you, Mother.


Nebadonia: My dear children, what rich lives you all have! Truly you are full of SPIRIT, and you are growing in your capacity to receive more. Let your hearts be full of JOY and recognize the lightness that comes in being in alignment with Father’s WILL for your lives. There is so much more to anticipate about your human journeys, for this is a time of great service opportunities and greater inner soul development. Your Father and I are ever here to support you, to answer your questions, provide you with guidance and strength, hope and stamina as you minister to those in need.

As I said to your brother H, ask for those prodigal sons and daughters to come your way. This is how you gain in experience in ministry in service. Know that you have much help with you, by your side to share with these children who are ready to grow in Father’s LOVE. So receive your Father and me again as we take our leave. Rest easy in us, my children. All is well. Good day.