2012-07-28-Q and A with Michael

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Topic: Q and A with Michael

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Opening Prayer: Mother and Father, we gather here to receive you in the various ways you can minister to us. We are so grateful for your presence in our lives, and for all the help you provide us to help us grow, to become strong in spiritual stature, and to be able to perceive the leadings of our indwelling Father Fragments more consistently throughout the day. We thank you that your will may be done through us.


Michael: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. Today when you come to me with those questions weighing upon your hearts, I invite you to allow the words that I convey into your minds to form a stream of energy that will also infiltrate your heart centers. In your mind’s eye, envision that the words are coming from my heart into yours. The encoding of truth—living truth—is a quality of my presence that you need now. Staying secure in this foundation of truth will help you surmount those planetary obstacles that are soon come into your Urantian consciousness. The obstacles are the surmounting of fear, of doubt and confusion when you see your brothers and sisters stumbling about, wresting themselves from their own insecurities and fears.

As my words feed your thoughts, let them also feed your bodies through your hearts that you may grow stronger in spirit—in that living language of information that holds you steadfast and anchored in that which is real, substantial, and will provide the seeds for a new planetary culture to emerge. With that being said then, let your hearts open now to receive me as your Mother and I move in you, and when you feel you wish to address me with your question or concern, please do so. Receive us now, children, and drink deeply of our love. (Pause)

As my presence seeds itself deeper into your own consciousness, feel your desire for TRUTH to liberate your thinking, leading you into new compositions of idea arrangement. This expansiveness of thought energy will help you perceive with the eyes of spirit that is happening in the material realm and provide you with a mental and emotional anchor to ensure your steadiness and strength of character. Continue to receive for a few more moments, and then when you feel you are being nudged to ask your question or voice your concern, you may do so, keeping your heart center open that my presence may continue to draw into you. (Pause)


Student: Hello, Father Michael, this is B. I want to thank you for this opportunity for us to spend time with you and Mother and to ask our questions. My question today revolves around my husband and I preparing for our 3-month sabbatical. We are so grateful for this opportunity. We are trying to remain so open to you and to Mother during this time. What I would like to ask today is if you have any thoughts, encouragement, or advice to us as we embark on all of our travels – both spiritually and physically in these next three months. Thank you.

Michael: B, my daughter, I appreciate your desire for you and your husband to remain true to your Spirit leadings during this time when your normal routine is changed. In some ways, during your daily routine you become accustomed to a particular rhythm or a flow of your day. While on your sabbatical this will be altered as you will be traveling, and visiting, and involved in activities that are outside your normal routine. I encourage both of you to use this time to become more familiar and comfortable with the WILL–the flow–of the Father within you, moving you in certain activities and avenues of consideration. Your consciousness has various levels to it. And there are times when you are being moved in your material life to do something–to go somewhere because there is another person who wishes to meet with you, or there is an activity that the Father within you wishes to experience. Then, there are those times when your thoughts are directed into certain channels of thinking, and you sometimes wonder why you are pondering such a concept or idea.

As you have this opportunity to exist outside of your normal routine, let this be a time when you become more familiar with the WILL or the flow of the Spirit within you. It will, of necessity, mean that you will need to slow down your thinking and simply BE. This is very difficult for humans in your culture because of the constant mindal chatter. Since you will be away from the day-to-day activities you are used to doing to maintaining your material existence, this will give you an opportunity to be more reflective, especially during your times of travel when you are simply engaged the state of existence where you have the latitude to allow your thoughts to go wherever they wish. Let them go to the Father. Let them be guided by the Father that you are more familiar and comfortable with being in His WILL, and where the Father wishes for you to explore in the various dimensions of your life during this time. Does this help, my daughter?

Student: Yes, it does very much so, Michael. It is very helpful. Though we have certain plans and schedules to be in certain states, places, mountains, and all of that throughout these three months, we’ve tried to keep much of the time in these places open so that we can hear more of the voice of the Father within. We are trying not to place any expectation on this time away, but to just – as you say – just “be” and allow you and Mother and our Adjusters to work within us so we may learned what needs to be learned. So your words, advice, and encouragement are very much appreciated.

Michael: Enjoy this time and know that you will be supported by your teams and have experiences that will also help you to enjoin your energy of beingness to greater depths than you have heretofore experienced. So thrive in this state and be in my peace, my daughter. (Thank you, Michael.)

Student: Hello Michael, this is L. I just wanted to thank you for what I consider very much to be a prayer that was answered this week, a prayer I’ve been praying for quite a long time. I was talking to somebody I don’t know terribly well with whom I deal in a business setting and as often happens, when we finished our business matters, we started chatting about more personal things. Just the way the conversation was going I was prompted, I felt, to ask her if she’d ever heard of the Urantia Book and she said “no” but was very interested in it just with the brief explanation I could give her.

I don’t know if it’s going to go anywhere but for a very long time, I’ve felt alone in my community in terms of the spiritual growth that I’ve been experiencing and wishing that I had others to share this with and start a group of some kind. So I just want to thank you for this. I know spirit is behind this coming about and I’m very excited that something might be happening here along the lines of a study group and having more people to share what I’ve been experiencing with on a face-to-face basis. So thank you very much.

Michael: L, my daughter, you are experiencing that exquisite state of faith that comes from asking for help and receiving an answer to prayer. As you deepen your commitment to walking in faith you will begin to speak more about what it is you need to help you in your journey and how you may wish to help others as well. You do not know any particular outcome, you will not know how your prayer will be answered, the individuals who may come into your life, or how you will, in your own way, minister to them uniquely. But the important consideration here is that you asked for help and you received, and I encourage you to allow this experience to become a richly imprinted understanding in your mind and that you may turn to this experience again to appreciate that your true, sincere and childlike faith will receive an answer to your heart’s desire.

So few people truly learn to trust, and while we well understand the conditions and factors that impede our children from fully trusting in us, you have had an inner experience that will deepen this capacity. Should you continue to pursue this spiritual path, you will continue to deepen your faith and trust implicitly upon us for all your needs no matter how trivial they may seem to you or how preposterous. The most important thing for you is to trust in childlike faith and sincerity and let us move in your life to our heart’s delight to help you grow, because we delight in watching you perceive what we share with you. Does this help? (Yes, thank you so much. This is definitely something that has boosted my faith.) And grow in this faith as you learn to be in my peace more and more each day. (Thank you.)

Student: Hello this is H., I would like to say thanks for the guidance and the care during my trip in Great Britain and all the uplifting experiences with the landscape and with the people, but I also like to share something what I experience now the last half hour, or in the beginning when we got together I had a feeling, it is almost when you said that your presence coming closer to us or into us is like I am getting a fresh drink, a drink of fresh water. That reminded me of the word, of what you said: receive the living water. Yes, I just like to say thanks and maybe you can comment on that, thank you.

Michael: Truth is living, my son H., and it is perceivable, it translates into the constructs of your consciousness in various ways and those signals that it creates within your awareness translate into certain neurological feelings that flush over your body as you perceive this as a refreshing drink of water. It is designed to do so to flush out those erroneous belief systems, to refresh and renew your thinking.

Spirit consciousness has a correlating and corresponding reverberating effect upon the physical body; it helps you perceive what is good, what is true, what is right, what is of the Father, what is love. These signals were designed to help you intuit your way to the Father, to keep you on this path. What is more desirable and conducive to growth than to feel beautiful, to feel good, to feel renewed, strengthened? So you will always receive this uplifting sense of refreshment as you continue to seek truth, to seek goodness, to seek the Father in all you do, think and speak.

You have been living in a cultural reality that tries to distort these spirit sparks into something more artificial, and yet there is an authenticity of spiritual awareness that you intuitively know is real and correct. So as you continue to grow in your comprehension of the Father within, let your body open to the truth and goodness He wishes for your physical being to receive as well. Does this help, my son?

Student: Yes, thank you and I would like to add from what you said a few times before, comparing, or you pointed that out, that we live an artificial life, or live in artificial surroundings. It is my urge to, for the last few years, I sense that very deeply that people come away to live an artificial live and not natural and just pointing out on this because I am getting deeper into that, just have the joy, or to be able to hear the joy that this little bird expresses, this little "black cap" I hear the last few days in the garden. And how simple the beauty can be, the beauty of creation and the beauty of being natural, thank you.

Michael: And this desire will continue to grow as you attune and align yourself to the will of the Father. It is increasing not only in your awareness but in the awareness of your brothers and sisters who have opened their hearts, and this is all designed to help you foster that return to the natural working of the world and to glean wisdom within the process of creation to create better living standards for the whole population of this planet. But as you know, this will take time and it is a momentous undertaking for this planet to change course. So continue to study and learn the ways and know that you are being altered internally for the power of nature as the creative life force within you continues to get stronger and moves you closer into the will of the Father. And be in my peace, my son. (Thank you.)


My children, you have all received certain words that were designed for you and you alone. Take a few moments to open your hearts and let the words I conveyed to you to impress deeper upon your hearts. Let the energies in these words ring more deeply into your systems of consciousness, thereby setting up new reverberation pathways for your physical beings to encode that you may follow these instructions more carefully and let them become an indelible part of your soul. (Pause) TRUST IN TRUTH, my children. TRURST IN TRUTH. I will leave you now in this manner, but truly you know I am always with you, and your Mother’s consciousness stirs deeply within you. You know wherein lies your source of TRUTH and LIFE, and that the Father Within you is creating you anew in His great LOVE. BE in that LOVE, my children. Good day.