2011-06-11-Imprinting Upon Divine Love

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Topic: Imprinting Upon Divine Love

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael, Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Prayer: Mother and Father, we are very grateful to spend this time with you now, to receive you in the ways that you wish us to open us to your love and your counsel, that we may be prepared in mind and body to receive the love that you extend to us so generously.


Michael: My children, my peace is upon you. This is Michael. I share my love with you today because that is the nature of this quality of the Father’s being that is ever available to the entire universe. In your culture you have many definitions and attenuations of what you have conceived as love, but love is so much bigger, deeper, broader than what you can conceive. Each of you receives this energy in a unique way. The presence within your being of your indwelling Father Fragment helps you to perceive this energy in this unique way based on your own personality.

Today I invite you to receive and perceive more of this energy. Your Mother and I will expand you, yet it is your desire to receive more of this love that will truly make the flow to these circuits more available to you. You do not yet understand the full impact of what your personality was designed to do: to bring you into closer relationship with the source of all life. You come from the Father, as I have come from the Father, yet you are still also created in the image that your Mother and I had planned for the will creatures of our universe.

As we move in you today, hold this idea in your mind, in your thoughts, to become a larger expression of personality. It is not important that you understand what this personality concept truly is, for this is something you will increasingly explore as you ascend into the various levels of universe living and comprehension. As we have shared with you many times, it is your desire, your motivation, the attention that you focus on, which stimulates your growth. Feel this desire, this motivation, to become more lovely expressions of personality. We will move in you now. Center in your hearts; focus on your desire for this, and receive us now, my beloved children. (Pause)

As you know, your personalities are gifts of our Father. Throughout your long and exciting universe career, you will have many opportunities to explore this inter-dimensional reality of your being. You have just begun this journey. You have many factors of heredity that your beings are influenced by. It is the personality you have that is the, you might call it, the catalyzing agent—that quality of life, that beingness of being—that moves you into operation. As these words settle into your mind, allow yourselves to go deeper to your being and begin to feel that gratefulness for the personality you have that comes from the Father. (Pause)

Your Mother and I give you life, but the Father gives you existence. While you might think that these are one and the same, and in some ways they are, there is a distinction to be made here. Existence is that which gives you the right to be, and life is that catalyzing force to trust who you are. They are interdependent you might say. It is part of your journey to discover all of these facets of your unique beingness in relation to the universe you live in. Continue to receive our ministrations. (Pause)

My children, your Mother and I desire your joy to see you truly celebrate the incarnation of physicality and to savor the experiences you have every day. My terminal bestowal on Urantia was designed especially for you, children of this world and the other worlds of rebellion, to appreciate more sweetly the variation of life and the ways in which they function. It is not always the easy path that your culture seems to dictate. Material ease does not mean that your spiritual path will be easy, but it will be seen with a more rewarding sense of joy when you embrace your life fully and what this planet teaches you, what your relationships teach you, what your growing understanding helps you make sense of, and to celebrate this each and every day. Here is where you will find the true joy that stimulates your growth for more life experience and exposure to higher operating principles of the universe. Then you have an opportunity to test them out, to see what they are made of. All this is given to you as part of your ability to express your personality. Again, allow these words to settle in. (Pause)

I will leave you now in the hands of your Mother who will address any questions you may have. I leave you in my peace, my children; that you may enjoy yourselves in the various dimensions of your personality that are your gifts from the Father who loves you. The enormity of that love stimulates your growth and progression to live and enjoy the universe. Good day.

Nebadonia: My children, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. The vast mindal circuit connecting your bodies to your spirit is a journey for you to traverse as you come to appreciate more of your life and yourself, and these components that you begin to appreciate as personality. How do you make the best use of your gifts throughout your day? Sometimes you struggle in your thoughts, trying to make sense of situations, of relationships, of career, basic decisions about what you will do, how you will think, what you will say, how you will respond in any given situation.

Much of what you do is what you might consider to be automatic reflexive action. For those of you who have awakened more fully to the call of Spirit, begin to appreciate there is wisdom in having a time lag between the stimulus of your environment and your thoughts. This time lag is where you have an opportunity to quiet your mind, ask your Adjuster to guide you, ask your Father and me to anchor you in more spiritual current that you may have better information upon which to make your decision and to express your personality gifts. Your personalities are very diverse in terms of your own individual uniqueness. While your culture may constrain you in your expression of your personality, the Father never will.

It is important for you to keep in mind that you are bigger than you understand or experience. You have more dimensions to you than you understand or experience. You are more creative than you have experienced and practiced. You are more beautiful than what you have demonstrated to others and yourselves.

As these words lift your heart, expand your mind, know that your Father and I are pledged to help you grow in these understandings that you may truly benefit what life has to teach you in all dimensions, no matter how long it takes you to master these requirements. As we move in you experience our love, our validation of you in your unique personality, be in our peace. (Pause)

If you wish to reorient yourself in your thoughts, I will be happy to address any questions you may have about our subject matter. Take your time.


Student: Mother, I have a new way of looking at my personality today in things that you and Father said that I’m linking to what I learned yesterday about the structure of my muscles and my bones and that the more you learn about even the intricate parts of your body and they’re brought into awareness, you realize that the same things are true about our personality. I’ve become more in awe of my body’s structure from what I learned yesterday and I would see how we could be more in awe of the structure of our personality, which is designed by our Universal Father. No wonder it takes us what feels like half of forever for us to even begin to fully demonstrate all that the Father has designed in us. I don’t know if you want to comment on that further, but that’s what I wanted to bring out. Thank you.

Nebadonia: It is an interesting analogy, and one of the factors of the ascension design is in this long journey of coming back to your divine source. Can you imagine the enormity of the First Source and Center? You have some starting glimpses of this here on this little world. You have, in terms of your own consciousness of time, almost an eternity to come into that understanding and expression of who the Father is through you as you journey back to the source of all.

If you were the Father of all, would you not want your children to make this journey in great love and joy, to learn so many wonderful facets and facts of the full creative plan? You are beginning to awaken to this now. Your world is awakening to the bigger reality of the universe. The more you begin to see the patterns and the designs of your body as part of this you can even extrapolate them even further as these patterns take you into the realm of morontia mota and then spiritual luminosity as you increasingly journey inward.

We want you to enjoy this journey. It was designed for you to learn and to enjoy. Be in joy as you take this journey. Savor this journey as we have shared with you many times, as you would a delicious meal or beautiful fragrance of a flower. As this experience and these words go deeper into your soul, we ask you to be more and feel more and experience more of the joy your personality wants to express. Be in my peace, my beautiful daughter.

Student: Thank you.

Student: Hi, this is H. I want to refer to what you just said before. For the last maybe 10 years I would call one of my highest thoughts, and I’m very thankful for that, when I try to imagine the existence of God, of the First Source, our Father in Paradise. I’m very thankful for that, that’s what I call my highest thought that I can imagine, just to think about what eternity is and that the Father has always been. I think what I’m experiencing is the gap between eternity and time and space.

Nebadonia: That gap, as you call it, is the space in which you take this journey. You have the time; you have the quality of experience. It is somewhat challenging to convey these concepts through the medium of a human mind. You have the long adventure to explore these various dimensions of the Father. You will always be enthralled at how your indwelling Father Fragment is able to correlate these understandings with who and what the Father is in your being. When we say to you that you are all very young and all starting out, this is true. You have no comprehension of the magnitude of your being. Yet this personality that you have, you might you, has a quality of elasticity even though it is unchanging, it is allowing you to expand in your experience so that you are ever renewing yourself in the Father’s love.

You might say it provides you that bandwidth to be, to live, to express, to create, to correlate with relationships, with people, with ideas. Then you have this expansive journey ahead of you that will be long and expressive. You are all gaining in, you might call it, an awareness of what you are all about and what this universe entails. This is very helpful to stimulate your faith because there will be times when you will be in experiences that seem to be beyond your capacity to control. What you will do to move through these experiences are those dimensions of your personality you will be able to co-create with your Adjuster to express. The advice we give to you is to embrace these experiences, embrace this growth, and to see it not through the eyes of sadness or confusion or fear but with joy, reverence, and gratitude.

If these are the attitudes and understandings that you glean each and every day, you will enjoy this journey so much, much more. You will be a light to your brothers and sisters, and hopefully stimulate them through their own personality gifts. Be in my peace, my son.

Student: Hello, Mother. As you probably know, I got confirmation today that my family life will be changing quite a bit, and I was going to ask you for advice, but I think you just gave me advice. So I wanted to thank you and say I love you.

Nebadonia: The tumultuousness of your planet and the changes that you are undergoing here now are designed to strengthen and bring out those facets of the Father’s gifts in you. We invite you all to embrace these changes, for these types of conditions on your world are still somewhat rare in the universe in terms of what happens on more normal planets. We would desire that our children embrace the enormity of service opportunities for yourself and for your brothers and sisters, and to increasingly come to appreciate the gifts that you have to surmount any challenge. So be in our peace as you move through your day. Embrace your personality more resoundingly. Say to yourself, “I know I have it within me to live, to move through all the experiences of my life in peace and in joy, purity and with great heart.” Let this peace be so deep within you that it anchors you in unswerving faith in the beauty and the grandeur of the personality that you have. Be in my peace.

Student: This is H again. One of my other most beautiful thoughts I had the last few years is the idea of the indwelling Spirit is part of the Father, then within it is part of the infinite being of the Father. What an enormous potential is in there – it’s amazing and it’s more than that! I also would like if you can make a comment on the stuff I’ve been studying the last few months and my experiences lately with energies and geomancy (healing the earth plane) because I’m just getting through the gap between the information from my teacher here and the teachings of the Urantia Book. I’ll leave like that and see if you have a comment here. Thank you.

Nebadonia: H, my son, your study of the earth and the functions of its physicality are a part of the universal fabric of education. The world operates under certain physical and spiritual laws that your world is now learning together a little bit at a time. Had your planet followed a normal path of ascension, your current timeline of existence would have expressed to you the, what you might consider to be, secrets you are now understanding. Your best guide and teacher to help you sort through what you are learning is your indwelling Father Fragment.

You are working with other humans who have their own understanding, their own experience through the agency of their personality. It is important for you to spend time each day with your Adjuster in asking for the understanding your Adjuster, your Father within you, wants you to appreciate and come forth in your mind.

The world has much to teach you of its physicality, of its operation, and how it has existed within this energy of the rebellion for such a long period of time. This is what you might consider to be a new field of study, although it is always been available for the humans of this world to understand. Now is an opportune moment for people of this world to appreciate the nature and function of the physical domicile that you are on for this physical incarnation. Explore and meet with other people who are dedicated to learning these principles, these rules and laws of operation, always keeping in mind to bring this to your Father Fragment each day what you have learned and ask for that which may not be the rightful interpretation for you to be discarded so that the truth is crystallized in your mind and you will continue to act as a springboard for new and deeper understanding to come into your being. Does this help, my son?

Student: Yes, thank you very much; that was very helpful. I’d like to add to one more thought of what I have experienced the last few months in the field of geomancy, I just have one confusion how the teachers we have talked about before in the philosophies of the modern esoteric movement. What I can see again is how careful we have to be with our thoughts and what a spiritual power we are handling with our thoughts. I hope you get what I mean, thank you.

Nebadonia: You are learning the relationship of thought to creating a reality around you and how that creation impacts the planet. It is a multi-dimensional reality, and there are times of great confusion around this because there is still so much, what you might call, resident thought error, on the planet. It is one of the factors of confusion that is still part of this growing field of study, so it is imperative to bring this to your Adjusters if you are working in this field or whatever field you are working in so that you are operating with the highest and most clear truth you can appreciate at this particular moment. Then further understanding will come into your awareness when you are ready. Continue to study, continue to explore, and you will be guided to many other individuals who also share your passion and have room to share your understanding and experience with them. Deepen your connection to this world as you grow in peace and love.

Student: Thank you.


Nebadonia: You are most welcome, my son. Is there any other comment or question before we conclude today? My children, we leave you in our joy of you. If you were to truly see the beauty you are all radiating! We see you as gems that are being carefully crafted and faceted into these brilliant lights—so clear, so beautiful, so precious. They are changing the very structure of the physicality upon which you reside at this time. Enjoy yourselves more, for this truly is the state of being you were designed to live and grow; notwithstanding you will have many challenges and choices to make. Underlying attitude is to be in peace, be in joy, to love each moment you have been given to experience life. I bid you good day now, my children. Allow these words, this experience, to soak in more fully.