2005-07-11-Prepare To See Entire Breakdown

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Topic: Prepare to See Entire Breakdown

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Unknown

TR: Helen Whitworth



Angel of Death: "It is time to be harsh. It is time to wake up and hear the claxon call to battle. It is no longer possible to permeate spirit into your being simply by keeping an eye to the beauty and an ear to the truth. Each of you must now embody those learnings. You must BE tolerance, you must BE impartial, and you must BE the wisdom and guidance of ages. There is much that this world is experiencing for the first time; swings and shifts that take the limits past those previously accepted and considered acceptable. There is no stop once these limits have been broached and you must be prepared to see the entire breakdown of the structure of reality you know as your world.

"Only by allowing full disintegration do you allow the truth to shine forth from beyond the mirage, the reality behind the creation that you, as humanity, hold onto—sure, too, that the light and beauty you see is of necessity the truth whilst only the darkness is of illusion.

"All is of illusion. By seeing a difference between light and dark you intrinsically hold it into being, maintaining the illusion of separation and of duality. Cease this. It is only when individuals allow all their conceptions to be thrown to the wind that they will see the true fundamental unity behind all that is, and slowly the mirage will fade and the true city of gold will appear from its ashes.

"There is only one tool to guide you through this most shattering of tasks and of changing views, and that is the discernment of your own heart. As one by one you no longer believe and hold onto the myth that you have created, both individually and as a mass consciousness, then the unity of reality gains a foothold, first tentative and then stronger and surer as more and more people throw away the confines of the Emperor’s new clothes, and accept truth within its cold stark naked reality. You are on the brink. The carpet is swept from under you because it cannot be any other way.

"Do you have enough faith to trust? To Really trust? To find that which stirs deep within you, wakening from its slumber, to allow that to rise and claim its birthright from within its truth and the truth of all eternity?

"Or do you prefer instead to live your reality through the cinema screen of illusion? Attaching to events and to objects, which are mere two-dimensional objects, shadows and projections of what really matters and what really exists.

"As the reality you live in is merely projection, so how do you find the essence of that truth? We have been showing you for so long now how to do that. To go into stillness and accept all that you find there, but know now that much will come that is not for comfort, much will come that will shake all that you know. How else does the snake shed its skin, and then emerge anew with colors undimmed and a new glossy vigor?

"There is no aspect of life which is left unturned in such a matter. You must examine all and find only that which unites. You must cease turning away from that which disgusts and angers you. For your disgust and anger are only signs that judgment is still within you. You must turn and face these instead. And if your faith is strong enough, then you will see that truly ALL exists and unfolds for good reason in the perfect of times, and then you will stare it in its face and no longer feel disgust but feel stirred and warmed that you have been witness to such a manifestation of God’s glory and that you have learnt and become enriched by such a circumstance.

"You will find in those moments, too, your own true discernment. The appreciation of beauty in all, beautiful or ugly, alongside an appreciation of all that you are and all that you have done, both beautiful and ugly. For in that truth of non-judgment then you can find the essence of the Grail of Unity, which binds all of God’s creation as One within itself.

"The blazing fires and trumpeting calls heard now are battle for all of humanity, as many have heard the cry before for their own flight to spirit. Humanity faces its Guardian—its dark shadow-self that threatens to expire the light and kill the flames. It is only through the battle of recognition and acceptance that this challenge can be fully met and so you must stand and face all that You are. All that You, as a conscious and free-willed, capable member of the human race is responsible for alongside all of humanity. For what one member of your race commits, you all commit, whether life affirming, or destructive and from hatred. This is how you choose. Humanity must look into its own heart and find its own truth, and the light bearers only stand by that heart to illuminate the heart, and allow it to be seen by those who must choose.

"As lightworkers you chose long ago to perform this task, but know that having taken such responsibility, it is not your responsibility to make the choices and fight the fights yourself. You forsook that right by the undertakings you have agreed to.

"It is the time when all who strive to hold the light must stop, and simply beam, as those who hold the dark must stop and simply absorb, and each human being that has not chosen one of those two ways must make their way to the ballot box and cast their vote.

"The Divine Decree has been sounded. Events unfold, and no more may be done till the votes are counted. Monjoronson waits, silently, for the results to be known in due time. His methods and aims will be tailored for each possible answer.

"The matrix of perceived reality crumbles. You find yourselves adrift. You can mourn its loss and cling to its wreckage, or you can continue quietly tilling the field and sewing the cloth. Pushing onward quietly and gently, in accordance with Divine Will and with acceptance in your heart.

"I am the Angel of Death. My function, and not my name, are what is important. I have been gone from this planet for some long time, and my words are adequately captured. I come to see the death of ages, and, if God and Humanity so decide, to clear the way for the new growth of evolution."


I met this being recently in dreamtime, and knew I would be called upon to act as his human voice. I did not expect this to be so soon, or within my role as receiver. His energy is unmistakable. It is iron. Unyieldingly strong. Yet fair. The ultimate symbol perhaps of Justice. The Raven, the Scythe, all seem fitting, yet there is nothing of evil in this being. Neither is there anything of love. He IS. And that is all I can find in myself, or am allowed to articulate. I feel myself being as Ice Maiden for this moment, and can offer no thoughts of light and love to soften this message, for to do so would be to remove its essence.

I leave this transmit then with you each on the Revelations list individually to think on and to absorb. To spend time alone with. And to truly consider the points where judgment is made within your life. And, please, feel free to share experiences and thoughts. Responses to the list-op will be forwarded to the whole list where appropriate as always.