2006-01-15-I Am Your Source of Spirit

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Topic: I Am Your Source of Spirit

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo, Helen Whitworth

Session 1

Oakland, California, US of A, January 15, 2006. Subject: "I AM Your Source Of Spirit."


Divine Father: "My children, this is your Father Michael. Many of you who are looking for peace of mind and strength of heart are walking with me. There is an energy that is moving within you to compel you to desire these qualities. I invite you to yield to this. Feel your desire for peace and for strength. I am there; you have summoned me. Ask for peace and strength. I am there; you have opened yourself to my presence to feed you.

"I am a spiritual power in your life and when you allow me to come into your mind and body, I bring into you something dynamic and uplifting. I bring into you SPIRIT—the essence of love and goodness, truth and beauty—the substance your body and mind requires to grow strong and healthy.

"You cannot live without SPIRIT. You are an essential part of SPIRIT. You were made to grow into it and to come to understand who SPIRIT is, what SPIRIT is, why SPIRIT is vital, and how to become SPIRIT. I will speak into your mind and body about these things when you come to me and simply ask these questions.

"I am SPIRIT. I am your Source of SPIRIT, and I invite you to come to know who I am and what role I play in your life. This invitation is always open to you when you are ready, and I await your decision to become more imbued with me. I will satisfy every longing of your soul and set you on the path to fulfillment beyond your wildest imaginings for you are my dearly beloved child."

Session 2

North Yorkshire, January 18, 2006. Subject: "Threefold Connection." [Part 1 of transmission].


Michael: "You may begin to transcribe my words now. In the event of any misunderstanding do please know I have a sense of humor and am most fond of you, but I am here in official capacity now to teach you, and others, a lesson, and at such points frivolity, or indeed doubt, is not always possible.

"I begin by reminding you to look back to basics on a regular basis, for in truth they hold the only lessons required in your lifetime. Look to open your channels ‘upwards’ to Spirit in pure connection, without doubt, shame, judgment or feelings of lack of worthiness, that you may receive in the most concentrated manner, the blessings of the Father, the benefit of wisdom and the guidance that is His will.

"Look to open clearly your channels to the earth, the planet upon which you live as physical beings, to honor the Mother, Her in whom all physical nature is birthed, supported and raised. Upon this world as but one of the many of Her offspring, housing so many such as yourselves, learning to be at one with all creation by living in amongst it as if you were not truly the children of the Divine we know you to be.

"And look to open clearly your heart channel, for that is the method by which you may make both the Father and Mother channels most clear, and also the method by which you reach out to others that reside within the same reality existence as yourselves, whether other humans, animals, plants, beings of nature and personality in many realms. Truly as you look to bring the wisdom of the Father, into birth within the supportive of the Mother's form, through your own heart nature, as Son/Sun then there is nothing else to teach.

"Stand tall, reaching down and up to stretch yourself to your utmost ability, bringing forth your own magical combination of gifts to their fullest potential, and not claiming them as your own, but sharing them generously with your Brothers and Sisters, then you shall have lived a life worth living, and will have started your journey upon the very long road to Divine Perfection in your eternal career.

"I understand that the understanding of such concepts is simple, and the manifestation of them within your life of much greater complexity. You, whose time flit so quickly, become so easily distracted by that which is irrelevant to your general purpose. In choosing moments, whenever possible, to slow yourself, both in physical action, and in mental thought, you may bring to awareness more easily the truth of each moment, the nature of each touch, sound, taste smell, sight and action and find yourself more centered within the moment, and not at the mercy of your thoughts, which run away with you so frequently. From this point it is a simple matter to alight your thought, in concentration, upon the Father above, the Mother below, and the Heart within your centre in turn and feel the blessings and refreshment of once more being aligned in your true place as Holy (wholly) Humans.

"Each moment you slow down the benefits become obvious, and so it begins to trigger a pattern within you, built through use over many repetitions, till after time, each time you find your thoughts distracted you bring yourself easily, and automatically back to a place of connection and being. And from that place it becomes much easier to wash away the detritus that is clouding the clarity of your connections within each of the three directions. Remember too that the heart connection not only faces outwards to others, but also in towards self, as do the connections to Father and Mother.

"None of the channels are intended to be used only as one-way traffic. But each in their right and proper time and place as giving and receiving perspectives as befits the lesson and essence of the moment.

"I Am Michael, and I have had to learn these lessons, much as you do."

Session 3

North Yorkshire, January 18, 2006. Subject: "Threefold Connection." [Part 2 of transmission].


Michael: "Yes, consider Me the Elder Statesman if you like. I quite enjoy that image in your mind, but also consider Me to be your Brother—one to hold your hand at times, but also to encourage you onto your best, by standing to one side and taunting you, through love, to do it yourself; to cross that river by a rope and plank, and without matter if you fall in and drench yourself.

"Just a laugh, a shrug, and push back onto it to try once more until you succeed, then home to a roaring fire, some shared ale, and some warm clothes and food. Remember, I can only laugh here, because I too know what it is like to find yourself on your backside, dunked in cold and stale water, with friends smiling around you.

"Yes, My name gives limitation in that it means something to one peoples, and another thing to others, and nothing to yet more. Yet throughout your history you have been aware of Me in some form or another, in each culture, and all have hints of the truth, and all also are clouded. In time humanity may clear its collective vision enough to see the bulk of the truth, but for now it is goal enough for individuals to find some essence of that truth within their own breasts, and to join Me in the never-ending quest for the bringing of light, understanding, truth and creation in to the eye of the Divine.

"I answer you too that My energy may at times seem similar to that of the Scribe because we are strongly linked. Remember My energies as present in the man Jesus of Nazareth, and the relationship of his nature to The Scribe of Damascus. Truly is that not just another facet upon the crystal? I have not appeared to you before in quite this energetic guise, which makes things less clear to you. Trust the flow of words in your head as mine, dear one. You are more than ready for that little step.

"Go now, and ground yourself into Spirit, Matter (your eternal Ancestors) and Heart once more, and recollect the joy and peace of Now. I Am Michael,"


My initial instincts where that this was Michael, but I doubted this since His bearing felt so much like The Scribe’s. This is addressed at the end, and confirmed, and also explains the first paragraph, as I had been hedging starting to record until I was more certain ‘who’ it was that had entered my field, and was engaging in an amount of banter to assuage my uncertainty.

Session 4

Oakland, California, US of A, January 29, 2006. Subject: "The Cost Of Growing Spiritually."


Divine Father: "Greetings, my child! This is your Creator Father. I am Michael. What is the cost of growing spiritually? What does it cost you to become more Spirit-like? This week, I ask you to ponder these questions and to challenge yourself with honesty and sincerity to look inside.

"You live in a culture that is dominated by the idea of "cost"—if something is valuable, then there must be a price to pay to acquire it. In keeping with this train of thought, ask yourself what it personally costs you to develop the spiritual side of your nature.

"The ways of Spirit are goodness and light propelled by the underlying energy of change, and that is something many people do not wish to encounter in their lives. As spiritually seeking individuals, you will inevitably encounter this energy in your lives as Spirit moves you forward in a direction that is unknown to you. Yet, you will sense that this direction is something that will be tremendously good for you.

"Understanding the cost of growth will help you appreciate that change is the by-product. As you, in your culture, exchange money for an item of value, you will receive change when you pay. So it is in terms of your growth, but the change you receive back from the "cost" of growing spiritually will delight you. There are only great benefits.

"I am with you in Spirit as you ponder these questions. Come into my presence and ask, and I will show you the truth of the real cost of growth."

Session 5

North Yorkshire, UK, January 31, 2006. Subject: "Truth Being."


Christ Michael: "Speak, and find the voice to state out loud that which you write of my words.

"It is in truth a most remarkable day when you take full knowledge and acceptance of your Divine heritage, being, and career. It is a day that is heralded with gladness by your Divine Essence, your Teachers and Angels alike. Yet from that day there is much, for once you have accepted this truth comes the hard labor of making it so in each and every moment.

"Finding yourself deviating from this remembrance is usual and expected for some time, years even, until every moment of every day you know and claim your Divine Mastery, and through this time you also grow through learning more of the ways of love—of denying malicious and fearful thought and action until these animal responses no longer cloud your Truth Being.

"We recognize the difficulty in manifesting yourself as your truth reality. So much of your society’s reckonings hold you back from being as you truly are, as you have learnt their ways for so long, since your innocence in childhood. Yet it is not an impossible task to walk in your own mastery upon a world so hidden in shadows of its own makings. And as each one joins the growing brigade of light which say ‘enough to fear and violence, to shrinking back into the gloomy shadows’, then the light beckons stronger for all people, making each successive recruit’s walk to the starting block so much easier.

"And so as you strive in unending battle to hold your own Divinity in both hands, and claim it, so too, you assist others in doing the same by right of the natural laws of resonance.

"Listen a while longer in silence to my unvoiced transmission and feel my love; my friend and sister. I AM Michael."

Session 6

US of A, February 1, 2006. Subject: "For Him and Through Him."

Lesson 7

Michael: "I AM here, My sister. And we begin another lovely day together.

"You will learn that each day can be delightful, for they are always as good as your attitude, and a healthy attitude is as important as a healthy body. A healthy attitude is of as much value to your body as are the vitamins you daily ingest. It would surprise you to know that a smile and a kind and gentle thought each day go a long way in the field of alternative medicine. You can grow very healthy from the wisdom of a happy thought life.

"You know now that happiness is a very wise choice for we have discussed this before. But I know we have never discussed the health benefits of happiness, and you do know that many of your brothers and sisters suffer from disease and many maladies, and of course, they are very unhappy in their manifold distresses.

Did you ever wonder which came first? Was it their unhappiness or their dis-ease? For in truth dis-ease always leads to sickness. So why wouldn’t happiness lead to the passing of disease? Now let Me offer again the idea of this lovely day providing you with many opportunities for happiness, so choose to smile even in the midst of challenges.

"You know that whatever may occur today, we can handle it together. Yesterday brought its difficulties, and we came through every one of them. It will not be as difficult today, and still you know that if it were, we would make it through. We always do! Together we accomplish so very much. And we always will.

"Enjoy today! Smile often! Be kind and gentle towards any one of your brothers and sisters that cross your path today. Every smile and gentle touch from your blessed hands will give someone My smile and gentle touch. The Father’s very great love goes forth through us. We have much love to give and we never grow tired of this important business that we are involved in, for Him and through Him.

"I AM Michael, your Brother and closest Friend. I never tire of our adventures together. We are love incarnate! Remember always it is My great privilege to serve with each and every one of you."

Session 8

Oakland, California, US of A, February 12, 2006. Subject: "I Long To Share Myself."


Divine Father: "The Father of Lights lives within you, my child. I Am your Father, and you may call Me by the name most comfortable to you. Within your innermost being is a place where I reside and My presence grows in you the more you ask Me to be a part of your life.

"Unlike any human parent who is fraught with his own insecurities, I, as your Divine Parent, know you perfectly and completely, and I know best how to guide you and counsel you on your life. I never punish or hold grudges against you, and it is indeed safe to come to Me with all of your earthly and spiritual concerns.

"I long to share Myself with you and to give you a higher perspective on meeting the demands of daily life. I had human life experience as Jesus on your world so I know full well the variety of obstacles you face each day. I can give you support and help you feel that you are not alone in living.

"In stillness, feel your desire for a strong spiritual presence to walk beside you. When you do this, I Am there. Keep your mind quiet as much as possible by focusing on your need and desire for Me, and I will strengthen My presence within you so you can feel more support and courage to keep moving forward. This is something you can do many times over during the day to the degree that one day you will never feel alone or without Me.

"I am in you and you are in Me. Together we can grow you into a strong, capable, and creative son and daughter of Spirit whose life is a blessing to others. Would that not be the greatest gift to give yourself? By coming into Me, you are becoming more of who you are, and a treasure to all."

Session 9

Oakland, California, US of A, February 12, 2006. Subject: "I Long To Share Myself."


Divine Father: "The Father of Lights lives within you, my child. I Am your Father, and you may call Me by the name most comfortable to you. Within your innermost being is a place where I reside and My presence grows in you the more you ask Me to be a part of your life.

"Unlike any human parent who is fraught with his own insecurities, I, as your Divine Parent, know you perfectly and completely, and I know best how to guide you and counsel you on your life. I never punish or hold grudges against you, and it is indeed safe to come to Me with all of your earthly and spiritual concerns.

"I long to share Myself with you and to give you a higher perspective on meeting the demands of daily life. I had human life experience as Jesus on your world so I know full well the variety of obstacles you face each day. I can give you support and help you feel that you are not alone in living.

"In stillness, feel your desire for a strong spiritual presence to walk beside you. When you do this, I Am there. Keep your mind quiet as much as possible by focusing on your need and desire for Me, and I will strengthen My presence within you so you can feel more support and courage to keep moving forward. This is something you can do many times over during the day to the degree that one day you will never feel alone or without Me.

"I am in you and you are in Me. Together we can grow you into a strong, capable, and creative son and daughter of Spirit whose life is a blessing to others. Would that not be the greatest gift to give yourself? By coming into Me, you are becoming more of who you are, and a treasure to all."