2006-12-20-The Awakening Is Proceeding

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Topic: The Awakening Is Proceeding

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: The Beloved One

TR: Lytske



The Beloved: “It will be gratifying for you to realize how your inner growth is picking up despite outer circumstances remaining the same, or even deteriorating. You are now on the threshold of new inner growth, which can only be nurtured through Me, as I am the Provider of your satisfaction and joy. Your day-to-day life will begin to take second place to your spiritual life, the more you put Me first.

After all, this is the ideal and progressive situation far more common among this planet’s more stable citizens, who thus advance more rapidly towards harmony and balance. Such is not just the case with individuals but also within their governments, courts of law, corporations, education, business, health, and all other fields of endeavor, as every citizen begins to strive for their personal individual balance, taking full responsibility for this.

Conniving and backstabbing with hidden agendas and backroom deals will become a thing of the past. Each person will take full responsibility for their thoughts and actions. Blaming others and scheming about how to get ahead, even using ways that are harmful for their souls, which deteriorate the fabric of society, will no longer occur.

Unethical practices by humans, if persisted with, will cause them to possibly lose their eternal souls. Eternal judgment may be slow, but it is always sure. This planet will be returned from the darkness it has slipped into, and she will be washed clean in the ages to come from the blights of evil and sin.

These blights shall be eradicated, one person at a time. The awakening is proceeding: going full speed ahead. It is in the hearts of those, who desire to live in peace with their neighbors and other nationalities.”