2014-04-25-About Solitude

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Topic: About Solitude

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Oscar



Thought Adjuster: “Solitude can be an opportunity for the human being to connect with spiritual influences and thus promote spiritual growth. However, personality isolation is indeed harmful to mortals. Much spiritual progress depends on how you associate with your fellow human beings and the love you offer them. This is the only way to understand the Father's love. If you distance yourself from your brothers and sisters, you are effectively depriving yourself of this great learning opportunity.

It is a fact that the human personality feels the need to commune with its peers sooner or later. It is in your nature to be social beings. Your work in eternity will require the co-creative effort of all individual wills oriented toward common purposes—toward the Father's will. Even here in this world, the great transformations needed to lift this planet from darkness and confusion to levels of light and life require the cooperative efforts of all the inhabitants of this world.

Jesus spent many hours communing alone with the Father, but he spent most of his time in this world among his peers, sharing his experiences, his truth, and his revelation of love with them while at the same time learning to know them better. Jesus knew well that every human being possesses within themselves a Divine Fragment of the Father, and therefore anyone who wishes to know God must first find Him within themselves and then within their brothers and sisters in this world.

It is time for spiritual students to stop yearning for isolation as the most effective route to self-enlightenment. Only by living among your brothers and loving them as yourself—or even as God Himself loves us—can you come to know your Father in heaven and begin to manifest the fruits of the spirit in your experience. This is indeed the surest and most effective way to find and understand God, revealing Him to your fellow human beings through your decisions and actions and illustrating His unconditional love in the way you treat all who cross your path.”