2014-05-01-Slow Changes

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Topic: Slow Changes

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Oscar



Thought Adjuster: “The true religion of Jesus has an inexhaustible capacity to inspire the best in the souls of humanity. Men and women of elevated thought and great aspirations would find everything they need to achieve their spiritual goals and be the best they can be if exposed to the living example of the Master's life. How can we offer them what their souls so deeply yearn for and need?

Showing the life of Jesus as narrated in the Urantia Book is a good start. However, it would be much more effective if there were genuine living illustrations of this life. For this reason, the best thing you can do to serve your fellow beings, to help elevate the condition of this world, to achieve maximum spiritual growth, and to attain perfection is to live a life like the one Jesus lived—a life devoted to the will of the Father. This is the main mission of the spiritual leaders at this moment in the history of this world.

Can a single life really be the catalyst for the great changes needed in this world? Changes may not occur tomorrow or next year, or even in the next century. You may not see the results of your efforts in this life. However, you can live a life that is a gift to the Father and a service of love to your fellow beings, and by living this way, you will bring the world one step closer to spiritual progress.

The world’s problems would practically vanish if everyone lived a life devoted to doing the will of the Father and being the best they can be. But how others live their lives is not your responsibility. You will only be required to live your own life in the best way you can imagine. However, a life devoted to the divine will is always rich in spiritual fruits that inevitably benefit those who encounter personalities living similar lives.

You are one person, and perhaps your life will not be known to the masses. Perhaps only one or two people will grasp the magnitude and importance of the life you have lived, but they will be transformed in such a way that they will aspire only to live their own lives in the same manner, inspired by your example and by the love they received from you. They may be your family, your children, your siblings, or your friends. And if they live glorious lives thanks to your inspiration, they, in turn, will inspire others, and thus, gradually, the virus of love will spread across this world, and many will find a better way to live, with peace and equal opportunities for all.

Permanent and significant changes are generally slow, and this is desirable to avoid confusion and to follow the normal evolutionary process of worlds, as decreed by the Creator. Do not forget that Lucifer’s mistake was seeking shortcuts. Do not forget the great confusion and the consequences that this mistake caused, consequences that are still painfully evident in your world. Use the desire of your soul that seeks change and wishes to do something positive and brave for the world to live a life devoted to the pursuit of perfection—the will of God. In doing so, you will discover great personal satisfaction in your individual life experience while offering the greatest gift that a creature can give to its Creator—being all that the Creator wishes the creature to be.”