Appendix III: Space Levels of the Master Universe

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Author's Introductory Comments

We are informed all space comes from Paradise (124,6), that there are two kinds of space, and these two kinds of space are separated from each other by something called "midspace." This is something we can think of as "not-space." Both kinds of space are completely surrounded and enclosed, encapsulated, by this "not-space." (124,3) In our study of the master universe, we are not at all concerned with one of the two kinds of space. The kind of space in which we have no interest is called "unpervaded space." It extends above and below the Isle of Paradise and is not pervaded by (does not contain) anything we know about. So far as we are informed, it is empty space. (123, §6)

The kind of space that does concern us in this study is called "pervaded space." This kind of space extends horizontally outward from Paradise. (124,6) All of the master universe is coming into existence in this kind of space. This space is pervaded by the space potency that Paradise bestowed and which the Unqualified Absolute received and from which all material creation is being derived. (See Appendix II, §2. Paradise Bestowal of Space Potency.)

From here on, in our study we will completely ignore "unpervaded space." Our study of the master universe is concerned only with "pervaded space." When we use the word "space" we mean only "pervaded space."


We are used to thinking about space as something negative, as the absence of mass and energy. The Papers present the concept of space as something positive, as something that is very real. Perhaps this difference can be illustrated by stating, and then by rephrasing, a physical law with which we are familiar: "The drawing power of gravity diminishes as of the square of the distance traversed." In this statement, the function of space is muffled and obscured by the word "distance." But this physical law could be rephrased as follows: "Space is a positive reality that so acts upon the drawing power of (linear) gravity as to cause this drawing power to diminish as of the square of the distance traversed." This is the same statement, but it emphasizes the active and positive reality of space itself.

What do the Papers have to say about space? What are its various functions and properties? Before we take inventory of the space levels of the master universe, we should consider the nature of space itself:

(133,10) Space contains and conditions motion; it also moves.
(133,4) Nothing in space is stationary; everything moves.
(124,3-4) That which is not-space (midspace) is relatively quiet.
(1297,7) Much about space is absolute, but it is not.
(ibid.) Space is not absolute, but it is "absolutely ultimate."
(135,2) "Space is not infinite."
(124,5) Not-space (midspace) eventually encapsulates all space.

Space, then, is a condition of seeming emptiness in Reality; a condition that is favorable to motion, and one which requires motion. It stands in contrast to that which is not-space (midspace), one which is resistant to motion. Space has limits in all directions; these limits are reached whenever space gives way to midspace.

(For further discussion of the origin and nature of space, see Appendix II, §1. Space Bestowal of Paradise. For a discussion of the problem of space-limits in relation to the possible limitless expansion of the universe, see Appendix XXI, §3. The Problem of Space and Infinity.)


The entire space of the present and the projected master universe is internally subdivided into six major divisions. These are the six space levels. Each of them has two names (129,2-8), (351,6-9) through (352,1-2) that are used rather interchangeably:

  • (1) The Havona space level - The central universe
  • (2) The superuniverse space level - The seven superuniverses
  • (3) The first outer space level - The Primary Space Level
  • (4) The second outer space level - The Secondary Space Level
  • (5) The third outer space level - The Tertiary Space Level
  • (6) The fourth outer space level - The Quartan Space Level

Each of these space levels is an elliptical zone of "lessened resistance to motion," and each is horizontally separated from adjacent space levels by zones of relative quiescence." (128,5) Since each space level is also ". . . bounded above and below by the midspace zones of quiescence . ." (125,2), it follows that a space level is something like an elliptical tube that is favorable to motion and which is surrounded on all sides by relative motionlessness." (125,3)

Each space level favors motion in a given direction around Paradise -clockwise or counterclockwise. (125,4) These favored directions alternate. Havona revolves clockwise (152,5); the superuniverses revolve counterclockwise (134,4); the Primary Space Level revolves clockwise (ibid.); and so on. There is a reason for this alternating directional flow of movement in each space level. There is also a reason for the organization of (master universe) space into the six space levels. Such alternating movements and such an organization of space permits the exercise of control over excessive gravity-pressures and mass-velocities. (125,4) This is an equalizing function performed by the Universal Absolute (134,5), the source of compensatory motion (133,14): motion designed to equalize all tensions that have been caused by all other motions. (133,8)

The boundaries of space. Space has boundaries in all directions - inner and outer, upper and nether - as well as having internal zones of relative quiet in between the space levels. These bounds are given as follows:

(a) The inner margins of space.
(124,6) The inner margins of space are in the near regions of Paradise.
(124,3) Space does not actually touch Paradise; the midspace zones lie in between the inner margins of space and the central Isle.
(b) The upper and nether limits of space.
(125,1) Space is bounded above and below by the midspace zones.
(c) The internal boundaries of the space levels.
(125,2), (152,10) Each space level is horizontally separated from the adjacent space level by a semi-quiet zone. There is evidently no mass materialization (130, 1) in these zones; they are spoken of as being "free from star dust - cosmic fog." There is a semi-quiet zone separating the central universe from the superuniverses. We are not given its dimensions.
(130,1) The semi-quiet zone between the superuniverses and the first outer space level is about four-hundred thousand light-years across.
(d) The outer margins of space.
(124,6) Space extends beyond the outer edge of the master universe, but how far beyond is not known. (135,2) The absolute limits of space are not known. (124,5) The midspace zones eventually encapsulate all space.

Deduction: It is known that space has an outer margin, but the geographic location of this outer boundary is not known.

Concerning total space, space inside the master universe and all space external to the master universe, we are further informed:

(98,5) The Conjoint Actor pervades all space.
(135,2) The Unqualified Absolute is present in space
(133,5) and is functionally limited to space.

This gives us a picture of the whole of space. It has limits, but the exact whereabouts of its outer limit is not known. It is the arena in which the entire master universe is being created, and it extends for an unknown distance on beyond the outer periphery of the master creation. Total space is pervaded by the Conjoint Actor and by the Unqualified Absolute.


Perhaps the most unifying characteristic of the six space levels of the master universe is the emerging presence of God the Ultimate. Concerning this presence we are informed:

(137,3) The Ultimate is (or will be) space present to the outer margins of the Quartan Space Level, but not beyond this perimeter of the master universe.

Much as the space presence of a Creative Spirit defines a local universe (455,1), so does the space presence of the emerging Ultimate define the master universe. Where the Ultimate is (or will be) present, that is the master universe; that which is outside of this presence is also outside of the master universe.

The Isle of Paradise. The central Isle is the one material thing that is of concern to us and that is not in space. (124,3) Everything else of a material nature that is of concern to us is in space. The super-administration of the Architects of the Master Universe starts on Paradise and extends from the eternal Isle to the limits of the outermost space level. One Master Architect is assigned to the co-ordination of Paradise affairs. (351,5)

Let us explore the master creation, starting at Peripheral Paradise and proceeding outward. As we move horizontally away from the periphery of Paradise, we are in midspace, for space itself does not actually touch the central Isle. (124,3) We would still be in the near-regions of Paradise, however, when we entered the inner margin of actual space. This would mark our entrance into the Havona space level.


Havona is the divine universe of original perfection that eternally circles the motionless Isle of Paradise at the center of all things. It is an eternal universe, of origin in the Paradise Trinity. (157,2)

(351,6) There are three Master Architects assigned to Havona.
(152,3-10) The physical organization of Havona consists of twelve circuits: the three circuits of Paradise satellites, the seven circuits of a billion worlds, and the two outer belts of dark gravity bodies.
(152,5) The ten inner circuits of the central universe move in a clockwise direction around Paradise.
(143,1-5) Very near to Paradise (but in space) are the three circuits of the Paradise satellites - the sacred spheres of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. There are seven worlds in each circuit, 21 worlds in all.
(152,11) The seven planetary circuits of Havona contain one billion worlds. They are proportionally distributed among the circuits, with fewer worlds in the inner circuits and more in the outer circuits.
(152,2) These seven circuits are not superimposed; the worlds orbit in each circuit in a linear procession.
(152,6) There is a semi-quiet zone separating the planetary circuits of Havona from the two circuits of dark gravity bodies at the periphery of the central universe.

The dark gravity bodies at peripheral Havona constitute the outermost two circuits of the central creation. (152,7-9) These space bodies are quite unique; we are informed that there will be nothing else like them in the entire master universe. (154,3) The Papers comment on them as follows:

(153,6-8) There are two circuits of dark gravity bodies at the periphery of the central universe. They are separated by a unique space zone that contains very unusual energy activities. The inner belt of
(154,1-3) dark gravity bodies revolves counterclockwise around Paradise; the outer belt revolves clockwise.
(129,9) They are so massive that the total mass of the central universe is greater than the mass of the seven superuniverses.
(126,3) These dark gravity bodies are neither triata, like the Havona worlds - nor gravita, like the superuniverse spheres. They are a unique materialization and disclose both forms of gravity - linear and absolute.
(125,6) They complement Paradise in the exercise of absolute material-gravity control.
(153,6) They "neither reflect nor absorb light" and they completely hide Havona from external observation.
(152,10) There is a semi-quiet space zone separating the two belts of the dark gravity bodies from the seven superuniverses.


The seven superuniverses encircle the central universe. They are very ancient, having existed from "near eternity" (164,2), but they do have an origin in time. Each superuniverse is isolated from the others (179,11); these are evolutionary universes.

(351,7) Seven Master Architects are assigned to the seven superuniverses.
(134,4) The superuniverses revolve counterclockwise around Paradise and Havona.
(129,11) The superuniverse space level is divided into seven equal segments and each contains about one-seventh of the post-Havona creations that are organized and inhabited.
(164, §1) Each superuniverse can be located in its position in the superuniverse space level.
(165,4) Orvonton is the name of our superuniverse.

Orvonton is roughly identifiable with what our astronomers call the Milky Way. (167,17) Like the other superuniverses, ours is subdivided for administrative purposes into 10 major sectors, of which eight have been identified by our astronomers. (167,20) Each major sector is, in turn, subdivided into 100 minor sectors (166,7), and the center of our minor sector (around which its component parts revolve) is situated in what our astronomers call "the star cloud of Sagittarius." (168,1)

Nebadon, our local universe, is one of 100 such creations that comprise a minor sector of a superuniverse. (166,6) A local universe is administratively subdivided into 100 Constellations and 10,000 Local Systems. It is designed to have 10 million inhabited worlds. (167,10-12)

(359,8) The radius of Orvonton, the distance from its center to the outer edge, is given as a little less than one-quarter million light-years.

Deduction: The transverse diameter of Orvonton, the distance across the superuniverse, must be twice the radius or one-half million light-years.

(130,1) Beyond the outer rim of the superuniverses is a semi-quiet zone that averages in width around 400,000 light-years. This zone separates the superuniverses from the first outer space level. It could hardly contain any mass materializations because it is spoken of as being "free from star dust - cosmic fog."


While there are four distinct and separate outer space levels, the Papers often deal with them as though they were a single unit. Section 2 of Paper 12 gives a general picture of these outer regions. At the present time they are unorganized and uninhabited. It is believed that the finaliters are destined to serve in these outer domains. (353,6-9) The sometime organization of these outer creations will inaugurate the transcendental approach to Paradise Deity - the absonite quest to find God as ultimate. (12,4)

The Papers make two general statements concerning mass materialization in the outer space levels:

(130,6) Someday, our astronomers will see 375 million galaxies in the remote regions of outer space.
(354,5) There are 70,000 aggregations of mass that are being mobilized in outer space; each one of these is already larger than a superuniverse.

Question: Do these two statements refer to the same, or to two different mass materializations? Or, do they overlap? Are the 375 million galaxies being organized into the 70,000 aggregations of mass?

We advance the opinion that both statements refer to the same materialization of mass, that the 375 million galaxies are being organized into the 70,000 aggregations of mass, and all of this is taking place in the Primary Space Level. It is not likely that our astronomers would ever be able to see all the way across the Primary Space Level and into the Secondary Level, for the Primary Space Level is probably all of 50 million light-years across. We cannot even see all the way across the superuniverse of Orvonton and this is only one-half million light-years. This is because our astronomic vision is blanketed by space dust, cosmic fog - something that is absent from the quiet zone that separates us from the first outer space level.


This is the space level most suited to our astronomic study. We are now on the outer edge of Orvonton (359,8), so we cannot be too far away from the quiet zone that is free from space dust and that gives us such a good view of the Primary Space Level. Concerning this domain, the Papers state:

(351,8) Seventy Master Architects are assigned to this level.
(134,4) The physical masses in this space level rotate clockwise around the grand universe and Paradise.
(130,1) Approximately one-half million light-years beyond the outer rim of the superuniverses, there is a zone of energy activity that grows in intensity for "over 25 million light-years." This is all taking place in the first outer space level.

If this energy activity grows in intensity for "over 25 million light-years," then it is likely that it would diminish in activity for another 25 million light-years. If this is the case, then the Primary Space Level is 50 million light-years across. This is 100 times the width of the superuniverse space level.

(354,5) There are 70,000 aggregations of matter that are being mobilized in this space level; each one of these is already larger than a superuniverse.

The first outer space level is now in process of physical mobilization; it is "winding up." Already it is 10,000 times as massive as are the seven superuniverses. How much more massive will it be when its physical organization is beginning to reach maturity?


We are told less about this space level than the previous one. And, as we have noted, it is unlikely that our astronomers will ever be able to see the physical creations in the Secondary Level; there is too much cosmic fog in between.

(351,9) There are 490 Architects assigned to this space level.
(134,4) The physical masses in this level rotate in a counterclockwise direction around Paradise and the inner universes.
(130,2) The dimensions of this space level are suggested. We are informed that more than 50 million light-years beyond the material activities in the Primary Space Level there are still greater physical activities now under way.

If the now-incomplete mass materializations in the Primary Level are more than 10,000 times as massive as the superuniverses, and if the Secondary Level is the scene of "still greater physical activities," then just how massive are these now-organizing universes going to be?


As we proceed through outer space, the Papers have less and less to tell us concerning these increasingly remote regions. Concerning the Tertiary Space Level, the Papers make only two statements:

(352,1) There are 3,420 Master Architects assigned to this space level.
(134,4) A clockwise trend of motion around Paradise has been observed in this space level by the Uversa observers.

Something is beginning to happen here. Energy is becoming sufficiently emergent to be able to disclose a directional trend of motion.


Concerning the activities of this space level we have the least information of all. The Papers refer to it only twice:

(352,2) There are 24,010 Master Architects assigned to this outermost space level.
(129,8) The fact of the existence of this level is stated. No further data is given.

We deduce that the Quartan Space Level is totally dormant so far as any physical activities are concerned.

This completes our exploration of the six space levels of the master universe. We have proceeded from the periphery of Paradise to the inner margins of space, have conceptually traversed all six of the space levels, and have finally reached the outer edge of the last one. If we pause in concept at this periphery of the Quartan Space Level and "look" outward, we would see empty space reaching on and on and on. We would be looking outside of the master universe!

The plans and the super-administration of the Master Architects ends at the outer boundary of the last space level. It is believed these absonite universe planners have an understanding of the relationship of the total master universe to something larger - something external to it. (1169,7)


The informed reader cannot help but be impressed by a very significant omission in the Papers. This omission concerns their studied ignoring of the entire concept of relativity. The authors of the Papers carefully present the geography of the master universe in terms of Newtonian concepts that have long since broken down when applied to the larger astronomic universe. This is such an obvious and such a deliberate act of omission that there must be some very good reason behind it.

We can perceive two possible reasons for this obvious avoidance of any mention of the concepts of relativity:

a. Comprehensibility. The Papers are written to be read by the average reader. Even so, portions of them are hard enough to understand. If they are to make a general appeal, then their concepts must be put in language - not mathematical symbols.
b. Fallacy. Could it possibly be that Newton's concepts contain less fallacy than Einstein's? Could the choice of the Newtonian conception represent a deliberate choice of the lesser of two distortions?

And, of course, there is always the possibility that both of these reasons may have contributed to the choice to avoid any mention of relativity in the Papers. There is the further possibility that neither reason applies. (It is the writer's personal opinion that the two reasons cited above do explain why no mention of relativity is to be found in the Papers.)

Could it be that any comprehensible presentation of cosmography is going to involve distortions of fact, and that the Newtonian presentation results in a lesser distortion than a presentation in terms of Einstein's relativity? Suppose we briefly examine the successive cosmographies that occidental civilizations have devised and consider the distortions of fact which they have encompassed and which they have successfully rationalized. Including the concepts presented in the Papers, there seem to have been four major cosmographies: geocentric, heliocentric, non-centric, and Paradise-centric. Stated otherwise, man's cosmographies have been devised first, as centered around our world; second, as centered around our sun; third, as having no center; and fourth, as centering around the motionless Isle of Paradise. Let us examine these four cosmographical conceptions:

The geocentric cosmography. From the perspective of man's senses, this is the most delightfully simple and satisfying way to look at things. The earth is motionless and everything swings around it. We still say that "the sun rises and sets." To the discerning thinker, however, the movements of the planets in the solar system present a complexity of motion that requires major rationalizations. Such rationalizations were successfully made. It was possible to offer a logical explanation as to why a planet would seemingly reverse its motion in the night skies. (But then, we have always been able to rationalize: Before oxygen was identified as the supporter of combustion, the substance "phlogiston" was supposed to be a property of all combustibles, and the loss of weight in burning was good evidence that the "phlogiston" had been used up.)

The heliocentric cosmography. It was hard for the mind to accept the fact that the earth is not stationary, that the rising of the sun is an illusion produced by the rotation of the earth. At first, this conception was beset with a multitude of unexplained irregularities. Planetary orbits were first conceived as circles, but the planets refused to conform. Much rationalizing (much "phlogiston") was required to account for unaccountable differences. Finally the concept of ellipses replaced circles and the solar system became comprehensible as a simple system where the out-pull of motion is in balance with the in-pull of the sun's gravity and the planets swing in regular elliptical orbits around the sun.

The non-centric cosmography. But the sun, our sun, is not the center of things. It, too, swings in orbit, and the Papers discuss (168,5-10) the six simultaneous directions of motion which our sun, our solar system, presently follows. The impossibility of scientifically deducing the motionless Isle of Paradise makes the devising of a non-centric cosmography inescapable. Relativity assumes no real center of the space-time continuum and, perhaps, this is the prime fallacy that makes it completely unacceptable to the authors of the Papers - it is non-centric. It is possible that relativity also contains its traces of "phlogiston" and that it may tend to break down in the farther reaches of the master universe.

The Paradise-centric cosmography. The cosmography presented in the Papers is that of a creation which does have a center, and wherein absolute motion (motion in relation to this center) can take place. The clockwise-counter-clockwise processional of the space levels is absolute motion -motion in relation to something that is completely motionless, the stationary Isle of Paradise. (133,12) All other motion of physical bodies in the space levels is relative motion. (133,13)

It may be that, in the largest sense, the Newtonian concept of universe with a center offers less distortion of fact than the Einsteinian conception of no center.