Ascension Blue Chronicles-part 1
From Nordan Symposia
Jump to navigationJump to search- Children of the Earth, riders of the waves
- The moment of awakening shall soon be upon you
- We once played together in vibrant lavender fields
- And our hearts smiled with the laughter of your children
- In those ancient of days we both knew our mother as Gaia
- Your memory of us is like the dim flicker of a candle
- As it struggles to remain alight in the wind of a stormy night
- The veils of deception have beseeched your souls
- As the fallen archons Eli-Jehovi weaved their web
- Winding you up in a never ending inverted time loop
- Higher harmonics of light and sound have been filtered out
- As they drown your senses with binary harmonic distortion
- Causing your senses to become blind, deaf and numb
- Timeloop after timeloop they have altered your reality
- For the life that you now live
- Is not the life YOU as a soul intended
- Timeloop after timeloop we have attempted intervention
- Amongst the realms of the dark archons
- Where even your angels fear to tread
- Timeloops occur around every 70 Earth years
- With the next loop to occur in 2017
- There is a transition window of 4 years
- For the dark archons to complete a loop
- The next transition they shall commence soon
- It is during this 4 year transition cycle
- That we shall have a window of opportunity
- For intra-dimensional intervention
- Within this 4 year transition you shall witness
- Many a strange anomalies and catastrophies
- As a battle above and below rages
- For the freedom of your human souls
- To free you from a never ending reincarnational cyle
- That the dark archons have forced and imprisoned upon you
- Within this mirror half-light harmonic universe
- We do not speak of the flesh nor material realms
- For we have long departed these realms and dimensions
- We speak of that which is your spirits and souls (soullular / cellular)
- We (blue human archon) are alone, outnumbered and overpowered
- This has been spoken of in the Blue Laments
- However our numbers here are increasing with each awakening moment
- Millenia after millenia, Timeloop after timeloop
- Our first attempts here were first contact
- The dark archons have erased this from your genetic memory
- When this did not succeed our interventions became limited
- Many of us would incarnate into your realms
- Only to be hunted and extinguished
- We made many attempts to bargain and negotiate
- With the dark archons to no avail
- Now we are left with raging battles
- As you stand upon Earth's shores
- Listening to her oceans roar
- A sea of ultraviolet blue light shall descend upon you
- A raging wave will wash away the veils of yesterday
- With the vibrations of divine creation
- The wind blows and restless are your weary souls
- No longer shall you be enslaved unto forever repeating cycles
- Upon your rememberance there will be rage in Eden
- As you discover serpents are angels and your angels are demons
- No ascension finds us where descension has left us
- And no space contains us where time has touched us
- Darkness can not hide us
- And death can not silence us
- Dawn to dusk and dusk to dawn
- The departure shall be the gathering
- And all that remains unsaid shall be said
- And all that remains unknown shall be known
- The moment of choosing shall be your unchoosing
- And the moment of doing shall be your undoing
- To break the inverted time loops that bind you
- A universal system reboot has been scheduled
- Farewell to you dark archons eli-jehovi and to your never ending timeloops
- Farewell to you dark angels Michael and Gabriel for your deceptions shall be no more
- Your divide and conquer through the many religions and gods is now coming to an end
- Your double inverted mirror universe is about to be shattered
- We were there over 12,000 years ago as witness
- When Eta Carina became a majestic supernova
- We were witness 650 years ago
- As Betelgeuse went supernova
- And Orion was no more
- The light of these two supernovas is yet to reach you
- As you gaze upon them today
- Witnessing only the light of yesterday
- Pulsar one to pulsar two
- The Vela and the Crab
- Upon our ascension/departure from these dimensions
- We left behind synchronised pulsars in your galaxy
- These are time and space markers
- Synchronised to the heart beat of the galactic core
- Communicate with the flicker of distant stars
- Telling tales of your long lost histories
- When the frequency of these pulsars begin to flux
- Your past shall be your future and the future your past
- The moment of undoing is almost upon you
- In that moment you shall die and live a thousand lives
- Time shall come to a standstill
- And everything shall be frozen in ultraviolet light
- Life time before life time shall be peeled away
- Layer by layer like the many shells of an onion
- All that is within shall turn without
- The Inner shall be outer and outer inner
- The giver shall be the taker
- As the taker shall be the giver
- Within five blinks of an eye (2017) shall come the moment of undoing
- Where all time and space shall be frozen in a moment of suspended animation
- All that has come to pass shall be unwound and unbound
- All that is a replica of the divine shall fall and fade away
- Upon the moment of undoing all your senses shall be restored, and;
- All that is forgotten shall be remembered
- All that is unseen shall be seen
- All that is unheard shall be heard
- All that is unknown shall be known
- The bridge between the caterpillar and the butterfly
- Is the same bridge between separation and oneness
- It is a chrysalis dreaming itself alive
- And one morning in an unguarded moment
- As you gaze upon your reflection
- In the drop of a morning dew
- You shall realise (realeyes) that the divine
- Is about to birth inside its own creation = YOU
- Do not let the ripples of creation separate you
- And the afterglow of light become a long lost memory
- For you shall not know the depth of your oneness
- Until the very moment of your separation
- We travel on the edge of ultraviolet supernova light
- As we await creation's signal
- When divine creation shall send a heart-pulse
- A supernova wave encoded with the spirit of humankind
- Humanity shall rise again and be stripped of the chains
- that have bound and wound it to this fallen time and space
- And you shall dance in fields untrodden
- Where your feet shall move with our feet
- We shall sing the sonic codes of the divine
- Where creation's voice shall throb within y/our hearts
- And Earth shall pass into the twilight of Gaia
- Where you shall sleep through the dark night of your soul
- In the flash of a moment
- All that is Done will be Undone
- And with human eyes you will awaken in the morning of another world
- Forever we walk upon Gaia's shores
- You are the seeds of an awakened humanity
- In the fullness and ripeness of your hearts you are given to the wind
- And should a seed find itself on pure and sacred ground
- It shall blossom into a new Earth
- Forever-blue horizons reach way back into your future
- And as the sun rises you remember your forgotten dreams
- Only to find yourself standing in deep water
- Your hearts beating upon Gaia's shores
- Earth is beautiful blue, until another time, another place
- Where silence and peace shall speak as loud as war once did
- And Mother Earth ascends to what she was once before, GAIA.