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The Master learned from everyone and thereby became a teacher for all. It would appear the demythologizing of "the teachers" or "celestials" is gaining ground as we slowly surrender to the truth that we have been trained as teachers whose 'authority' is measured by our love.
The Master learned from everyone and thereby became a teacher for all. It would appear the demythologizing of "the teachers" or "celestials" is gaining ground as we slowly surrender to the truth that we have been trained as teachers whose 'authority' is measured by our love.
'''Steffani wrote:Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 11:19 AM'''
John says:
"The only true leaders in all of this are Christ Michael, Machiventa and Monjoronson." [[50:5|50:5.1]], [[50:5|50:5.11]],[[50:1|50:1.4]]
Well, IF  'Monjoronson' is actually an acceptable and usable appellation for the Avonal Son whom Christ Michael has assigned to the first Magisterial Son he sends us to enliven the FIFTH Dispensation... You got THAT right! (Hey Mon...izzy that one God's Son OR Ron's son? ;-)
Passing generations of short-lived humans have little to do with determining planetary dispensations or characteriatic epochs of mortal progression...
Although any individual with steadfast Godly intention can actually attain light and life potentials and/or fusion with their Divine Indweller NOW!  [[20:3|20:3.1]], [[20:3|20:3.4]]
And I sincerely hope you understand and can accept Gerdean's clear exposition of how she sees all this as a completely valid perspective...her own...whether or not you agree with any or all of it!
Due to your strong tendency to want pat black or white answers, to label people and things to have convenient boxes and pigeonholes for them...I rather doubt it...Just maybe for once you can let go of that need?
The textual portion of the Revelation is designed to teach us about Divine Government and the coming next visitation of another Paradise Son to fulfill its premises...It is a practical infomative preparatory 'shop manual', not a set of "fetish writings" to biblify...It was given as a helpful guide to give humans a clue or two as to how certain events and situations have developed here on Urantia, and how they usually unfold on evolutionary let us know that there ARE other peopled worlds throughout the universes and we are NOT alone...We have other brothers and sisters throughout the vast starry cosmos...That ALL of it is God's Realm of which He maintains perfect cognizance of EVERYONE throughout creation...He has a Will and a Plan and everything is under His good Orderly matter how it appears to mortals. [[20:5|20:5.4]]
20:5.4 During the course of the long history of an inhabited planet, many dispensational adjudications will take place, and more than one magisterial mission may occur, but ordinarily only once will a bestowal Son serve on the sphere. It is only required that each inhabited world have one bestowal Son come to live the full mortal life from birth to death. Sooner or later, regardless of spiritual status, every mortal-inhabited world is destined to become host to a Magisterial Son on a bestowal mission except the one planet in each local universe whereon a Creator Son elects to make his mortal bestowal.
Few human beings have availed themselves of this gift of revelation which has been provided for us, and the few who have tried to read it have given the material but a cursory glance rather than studied the UB with the kind of diligence that might be given a college class in order to begin to understand. Students hardly scratch the surface of any the field of knowledge those studies only begin to introduce...and only after 'graduation' does career experience begin to reveal the actualities of what was learned about but...not yet truly known.  [[4:5|4:5.2]], [[52:5|52:5.8]], [[51:7|51:7.5]], [[52:1|52:1.4]], [[52:2|52:2.3]]
God isn't 'the Author of Confusion',
...anyone who is confused and confusing may not be working towards His goals for our planet
'''Rob wrote:Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 11:38 AM'''
Frankly, the words attributed to Monjoronson are incorrect. There is one leader who lives and works through each and every child willing to express the truth of his love, in any moment, any place throughout the cosmos. That an executive committee exists for planetary administrative purposes does not negate the necessity of human leadership on the ground. In the absence thereof, we have but chaos to confirm.