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==March 21, 2013==
'''Steffani wrote: Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 10:23 AM'''
'''Steffani wrote: Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 10:23 AM'''
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IMS, Michael
IMS, Michael
==March 22, 2013==
'''Rob wrote: Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 1:56 PM'''
'''Rob wrote: Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 1:56 PM'''
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ORIGIN late 15th cent. (in the sense ‘easily accomplished’): from French, or from Latin facilis ‘easy,’ from facere ‘do, make.’
ORIGIN late 15th cent. (in the sense ‘easily accomplished’): from French, or from Latin facilis ‘easy,’ from facere ‘do, make.’
'''Marty wrote: Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 6:56 PM'''
The Illuminati have the Satanic Church of Lucifer and hold rituals in which children are sacrificed. They are murderers, kidnappers and enslavers of sex slaves and mind-controlled assassins.
Steffani wrote:Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 4:18 PM'''
Or unless perhaps they are to be trained in the art of 'easily' UNDOING deception?
There's one hell of a mess of BS to be cleaned up around here...
Even so, "the Way. the truth, and the Light" is more than capable of getting that job done finally!
'''Oliver wrote: Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 4:49 PM'''
Hello Michael, Roxanne, Steffani, and those interested in the questions raised by Charles,
A Teaching Mission group (and I have little experience with a MS groups) that meets week after week, grows into an attachment to the teacher. The relationship can become intimate and exclusive and this inner circle often grows to defend against any discernments by others. The mechanism are not always conscious, as little of what we do, actually is.
While I appreciate both of your responses, Michael and Roxanne, and feel honored to be told what my misconception are, and how it really is, I am also experienced enough to trust my own guidance.
I live among Catholics. I exchange with Catholics each day. I observe the preparations for Semana Santa, the most important week of the Catholic calendar. I have seen people bleed from their hands and feet, not often, but sometimes, indicating to me the power of religious dogma, stigmata. The purpose of Holy Week is to reenact, relive, and participate in the passion of Jesus Christ. Early Christians came to Jerusalem, and took these rituals back to their home lands. Spain reenacted the passion of Christ in the fifth century. England the seventh, and surprisingly Rom accepted the rituals in the 12th century.
When Charles tell me/us, therefore, that "we have taken such a tremendous interest in South America and that the angelic corps has so diligently worked its function of raising the consciousness on this continent, …" I think, 'it's about time.' And then I think, why the heck did you angels wait so long, and isn't it your job anyway to raise consciousness everywhere on the planet. O, I got candidates for you, How about Hindus? Another religion buried in age-old dogmas with a caste system, which, while rejected by the yuppie generation, has now lost the positive parts of Hinduism, namely the respect for the other, who is seen as indwelled by god.
There is so much to talk about with Charles, and I would not allow discouragement of any topic. Let the teacher answer, or tell you that you are not ready, or that he checked with his hierarchy and is not allowed to dive into a topic. Or just don't know enough about it.
For instance, conspiracy theories, have been put on the table in what some of us call, the greater teaching mission. Corporation and banks in collusion for world domination, double/tripple-secret organizations of which even the highest in our governments know nothing about, celestial assassins who will clean the planet of the so called cabala, etc. etc.
From my human viewpoint, and if this interests your inner circle of students, because obviously he is conversing primarily with you who are there, it would be a great topic to clear up some of the ever newly created spiritual fiction in our Missions as well as in the world-wide, non-Urantia Book-based channelings. If I was one of the moderators, and Michael McCray obviously enjoys his conversations with the celestials, I would explain why I wanted to know. Now, of course, you are not me, and it is possible that you do not care about these things yourself, in which case you could still pass on the concerns of your others.
My "misunderstanding"
Well, Michael McCray remembered something like "eventual re-organization of all the states of South America will result in two states, one including Mexico down through Central America, the other to include the South American Continent up into Central America?" And I was accused of misunderstanding, because it was allegedly Michael who did not remember completely, and I was putting words in Charles' mouth.
But let's see, later on Charles shared: "…that all nations of South America, with the exception of two nations, would begin to dissolve the borders and boundaries that separate them. There is far more good to be achieved by integration and the softening of borders between nations than by living separately and alone.  Does that help?
"MMc:  It certainly does.  Now I understand how I got off base.
"CHARLES:  There will still be individual nations, just as there are individual states in the United States, but the borders will be very permeable and very easily negotiable; there will be a unified trade arrangement or agreement among all those nations with the eventuality of a unified monetary system. The European Union has not fulfilled its potential yet because of the ethnic and sovereign distinctiveness of those nations."
And I merely said that living here, and scanning the politics of the area, have not found evidence that any "union" such as the ones mentioned, the US and the European Union are even being considered on a public level.
To answer you, Steffani, each nation in Central America has it's own border procedures. All borders are however more "permeable" than the border with Mexico. Canada is the only nation who stood up the the Americans, while saying, treat our citizens with respect or we will do what you do to your citizens when they come to Canada. My Canandian friends report regular that they are not questions unduly when touching down in the US like most other citizens are.
Of course the US dominated in getting a trade union off the ground and get access to the countries' computers and can and does keep track of their expatriates.
It always amazes me how easy it is for US citizens to come here, and how exceedingly difficulty the US administration makes it for these people to enter the States.
The Central American borders are easy to negotiate, if you have the exit and entry fees, which for the poor are pretty high. But why not take if from the tourists? It is all bureaucratic paperwork, filling out permits, which no one reads, and paying for exit and entry visas. Bingo. Luggage control happens as random samples. The occasional big find of drugs is usually snitched. It is the US government that wants to enforce their "war on drugs," and it is only they who perpetually demand for tighter border controls. If anybody wants less "permeability" it is the US government, and that government alone.
But back to my alleged questions about conspiracies, I feel it necessary to remind that this was not all I wanted Michael McCray to include into this repertoire of conversations. And it would neatly fit in with the topic of moral sustainability as the basis for interactions between governments and their peoples. That is why I attached "Political Sovereignty".
We know that economic interdependence between nations can prevent war for only relatively short periods. If raw material become sparse, wars will be fought even by united states and unions, if we do not have a world government.
Nationalism is high in Central America as well, as is prejudice against people from neighboring countries. Nicaragua has had several devastating hurricanes and people fled to Costa Rica, a nation of 4.5 million. An estimated million and a half are now foreigners, mostly from Nicaragua.
It seems to me that only a cataclysmic event will force people into cooperation and the vital understanding that the uniting of individual nations is a vital and beneficial step towards world government. May be Charles desires to talk about the "sustainable morality" to building unions of nations, a term or conception not mentioned in the UB.
'''Rob wrote: Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 5:02 PM'''
The Scriptures always have, and always will, reflect the intellectual, moral, and spiritual status of those who create them. [ 1]

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