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===Topic: ''The Nature of Reality''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re here today to receive your guidance and your essence to support our growth, to be nurtured in your LOVE, and to be fortified in FAITH. Thank you for the ways you minister to us now that we may perceive more of your presence in our beings, and be more receptive to the presence and the guidance of our indwelling Spirits. You know our needs and we are grateful to receive from you in the ways you provide to us. Thank you and your may WILL be done now.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. Many individuals upon your planet are undergoing a variety of internal upheavals in their lives. They experience an inner rupture that has fostered various states of insecurity and uncertainty. As you are well aware, there is a vibrant energy of CHANGE moving upon the planet, and this CHANGE is evoking this inner turmoil within people of this rupture within their circuits of consciousness long attached to a system that has fostered a way of life that is essentially unhealthy and unproductive for soul development.

As you traverse this strata of CHANGE within your minds, within your hearts, within your bodies, you will, in your own sense of self, uncover certain areas within your beings that have still maintained a certain stronghold in these ways of the past. Your Mother and I are here to support you to receive more of these CHANGE infusions that you may release the attachments to these ways and be more fortified in the true nature of reality which is at the core of LIFE itself.

In our last time together, we brought into this focus of the NATURE OF REALITY that you would become more energetically attuned to TRUTH and how things function in the universe that you may imprint upon these endowments and receive the CHANGE energy necessary for the restructuring of human consciousness more along the lines of how things actually function in the Father’s creative plans.

We will continue in this way during this day’s infusion. I invite you to place your thoughts on the energies of the NATURE OF REALITY. Bring your attention to this aspect of LIFE, let your hearts open to what this means for your lives as your Mother and I move in you now, my children. Rest easy in us, allowing the energies of the NATURE OF REALITY to move in you now, and gain a greater depth of expression, to nurture you for your own personality expression to come forward. (Pause)

When you focus on the NATURE OF REALITY, whether it is your stillness practice time or in your own conscious waking thoughts, you are essentially allowing more TRUTH to nourish your minds and help you gain through your insight as to how things function in the universe. You well understand that you have lived on a world that has distorted the nature of reality by transgressing the natural order of LIFE, which is part of the overall creative design for universe functioning. It is time to return to this natural order that you may perceive through enhanced spiritual vision the true NATURE OF REALITY and grow from that aligned perspective. We encourage your exploration in this perspective. There is much to learn. Many gains will be made in your own personal edification—intellectually, socially, morally, and spiritually, and you have an opportunity to demonstrate what this means in your everyday experience with your brothers and sisters.

The NATURE OF REALITY is based upon LOVE and the desire to be of service—to do good, to do what is right, and to be in that flow of energy that comes from your Mother to maintain your life in a positive and healthy direction. You are well aware of these concepts—intellectually you comprehend what this means. But there are certain areas within your energy systems that still need these infusions of higher frequencies that you may outgrow the distortions within your planetary culture and rise above them for you to maintain a certain level of dynamism in your beings and help you demonstrate that you have indeed embodied these for your lives.

As we continue to move in you, allow this infusion we impart to you to gain space, dimension, and the LIGHT OF TRUTH to illuminate that which is still a part of your attachment to the planetary system of consciousness that you may rise above it and begin to live life from the true nature of the ways of the universe. (Pause)

Growing in this true NATURE OF REALITY affords you many new experiences. The universe is one vast training ground. It is a school for your progressive eternal careers. It is designed to foster your cosmic citizenship as a member of our divine family, as a son and daughter of moral and spiritual development. You are in the early stages of awakening to this larger picture of LIFE. It is designed for you to, it is designed that you would wish to choose to explore it—to come into greater affinity with the energies of its operation, learning how to use these energies, applying them for your own personal growth and in loving service to a younger brother or sister.

When we look at this world and how it has been distorted through the rebellion mindset, we see the impetus for the reflex of fear and how it has conditioned your ability to rise out of its attachment that you may grow in faith. One of the most fundamental lessons that you are now being encouraged to perceive is the outworking of this fear stimulus. It is being perpetuated in certain quarters of your planetary lives, but truly, my children, it has no place in your beings. For our universe family is a family of love and help and support and there is truly nothing to fear.

But the fear is ingrained and it is also something that you need in your sense of self to recognize that it is false level of perception, and that you no longer need to be encumbered by it. It is as if you are throwing the shackles it has perpetuated in human consciousness off your energy systems that you may be further fortified in FAITH—in LIFE itself and its intrinsic nature designed to move you forward in the WILL of Spirit.

I invite you to take a few moments to reflect on this concept that you may increasingly extricate yourselves from this fear stimulus as your Mother and I support you as you do this. Allow the Father Within you to show the truth of what this stimulus is that you may be further enhanced in spiritual energy to outwork this in your own energy systems. We will continue to minister to you as you do this. If it is helpful, ask for more FAITH to fortify you and allow the impulses of that to penetrate into the fear and release you from its hold over you. (Pause)

As more CHANGE infuses your planet’s system of consciousness, more of your brethren will be internally stimulated to confront this fear reaction. This is part of the necessary correction that they may, as you are now doing, outwork this influence and move into more of the NATURE OF REALITY that functions in the faith dynamic in the Father’s WILL. You are all being encouraged to move through this time of change with a greater fortification of FAITH, that you may provide a place of comfort and stability for your brothers and sisters who have yet to awaken to their own internal call of Spirit.

The time is here and more and more are responding to this call. We look to you, our beautiful children, to continue to learn the lessons we provide to you and embody them as best you can by sharing your love and your ministrations to them to help them. And you will be greatly satisfied and rewarded as you grow in LOVE and service and help us bring about more of the NATURE OF REALITY to move through the planet’s consciousness and help it return to its rightful order.

As you continue to absorb these words and these energies, you may bring forth your questions if you have any now. (Pause)
My precious children, there is truly nothing to fear in this time of CHANGE. It is a time for you to grow in Spirit stature and you will see many, many benefits in your own lives through the experiences to come. When you sense you still have confusion or concerns, come to me, and especially, come to me as your brother Jesus that I may provide you with a certain level of human life experience to walk beside you as you grow through these changes. There is so much good to be experienced and there is and will be a deeper level of joy you will experience as you move through these times.

Breathe deeply in the NATURE OF REALITY, my children! It is all around you. It is supporting you. It is nourishing you. It is LOVE in you, and you are gaining strength in who you are as a part of it. I will leave you now, but truly I am ministering you always. I am only a thought or feeling away, and I cherish our time together when you come to me and ask me to help you through all avenues of your life wherever they take you. I am your Father and I uphold you in my LOVE. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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