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===Topic: ''Changes Are Upon You''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, as we center ourselves in you, we are grateful for this opportunity to receive more of the spirit vitality that we need to progress during this very tumultuous time. You know there is a great upheaval occurring on our world, and we thank you for rendering us calm, stable, and effective to be your way-showers of the divine ways to this planet. As you encircuit us in your LOVE today, may we be fortified in all areas of our beings and giving our indwelling Father fragments more space to illuminate the truth and the goodness that we need to make progress personal and collective during this Correcting Time. May your WILL be done. Thank you.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. Yes, tumultuous times of CHANGE are upon you. I am here to walk with you on this path of CHANGE, and you will notice in the coming days a new inner reservoir of strength growing within your beings. This is action of your Holy Mother giving you more spiritual power to steer the course of your lives in conjunction with the Father’s objectives for your lives.

While this is not an easy time upon your planet, it does not follow that your path cannot be easy and full of light. You know the truth. You know the Father’s ways, and more and more you are being upstepped to BE the way-showers of these ways to your brothers and sisters. Some of you will find that you have an expanded scope of influence. This is what you might call the field of the heart getting more expressive of those ways of GOODNESS and MERCY. And so in keeping what we have been encouraging over the past few months to align in the WILL of the Father that you may gain and grow in self-mastery, we will continue that today, but in a subtle thread, if you will, of spiritual energy to further fortify you in His WILL.

So, simply relax now, my beloved children. Simply feel that desire in your heart for more of the Father to be expressed through your creative endeavors and your unique personalities, as your Mother and I move in you now. Breathe deeply and relax in us. (Pause)

You may find it helpful to focus on the words THE FATHER’S PERSONALITY CIRCUIT as we move in you, keeping your gaze centered there, and feeling your desire to be more expressive of the Father through your heart energies. (Pause)

A great wave of LIGHT is bathing this planet. It is pulverizing certain influences within your planet’s system of consciousness. It is time for these influences to be corrected through reconciliation and redemption. Some of these changes in this vein will be rather simple to achieve, but others will be hard-won, as you say. But you, my children, are encouraged to have no fear and to recognize the undercurrent of Spirit that is causing this disruption in these old energies that more fresh air and water and all things clean and beautiful and true may purify the minds of your brothers and sisters.

As we move in you now, feel your own desires to be of greater service. By that I mean that your acts of love become more consistent throughout the day. It does not necessarily mean you will do extraordinary or large feats of service as it means that you will sustain these service acts over the course of day and thereby becoming great masters at this energy, achieving your internal greatness. There is greatness in you, my children. It is the action of GOODNESS that makes one great. And more and more your brothers and sisters are beginning to become aware of this universal truth, and you can continue to show the way and demonstrate that universal truism in the way it makes it materially realm for them.

Continue to focus on the FATHER’S PERSONALITY CIRCUIT while these infusions continue to move in you and add more spiritual substance and structure within. (Pause)

The tide is turning upon Urantia. The ways of Spirit are being re-established. While this world has suffered a great deficit of spiritual energy, this re-connection is a time of joyful celebration as the hearts and minds of the citizenry of this world begin to recognize their cosmic citizenship, privileges, and responsibilities. We have told you that you are in thrilling times, and indeed, even for us it is thrilling to watch you as grow, as you impart love to yourselves, to others, to your world, and many individuals are primed and poised to awaken to greater truth to be of more useful service to us in this time of great redemption and rehabilitation.

So as we continue to help you receive what you need for your own growth and soul expression, do not hesitate to come to us when you feel some of the old energies echoing through the planet knock you off balance a little bit. This is normal and there is no need to beat yourselves up with any type of negative feelings. But remember to come to us for this fortification in Spirit.

I am with you as one age opens to the next, as the great parting of the ways continues. Never forget that this is my beloved sphere of my mortal incarnation, and that it is being cleansed of sin and iniquity, but it does require your patience and persistence because it is being done in a way that augments the greatest good in the Father’s ways and WILL as you move toward the era of Light and Life. I am with each one of you personally. Focus on your connection to me now for the next few moments. Allow me to strengthen our connection that you may feel me more accompanying you through these unchartered waters of your lives. (Pause)

The structure of your lives is changing, my children. Allow what is new, truthful, and good to establish in you this firmer structure of Spirit that you may ride these waves of CHANGE and days of uncertainty with courage, fortitude, and peace. Always remember: I AM WITH YOU. I AM WITH YOU. I AM WITH YOU. Good day.

NEBADONIA: My precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. There is frequency of CHANGE in my name as a power of Spirit in the action of God. I invite you to focus on my name as NEBADONIA, allowing the frequency within the cadence of my name to move in you. If it is helpful, ask for my name to move in your bodies. Allow me the space in which I may radiate my frequencies of being into you. Focus on my name and receive me, my children. I am your MOTHER. (Pause)

My children need their Mother. This is an innate requirement of personality development. So many individuals lost in a maze of fear and confusion because of the planet’s constructs of consciousness have not recognized that this need for MOTHER is what has hampered them from feeling my presence. They need me, but they do not know yet where to find me, how to find me, or even that they need a loving mother. But herein is where you may be of assistance by caring this frequency of my NAME, you can in your own being radiate that out to another. Their energy systems can pick up these signals when you are full of what I share with you—my MERCY, my LOVE, my COMPASSION and UNDERSTANDING.

This is the safe environment each hungry soul longs to experience, and you can help them receive what they need and begin to feel fed, nurtured, satisfied. It is a matter of you becoming larger in me that the circuits of your consciousness can expand what I disclose into you. So as these words settle, simply continue to focus on my NAME and feel your need for these energies to reverberate at the deepest levels of your being down to the very core of your beautiful personalities bestowed by the Father in Paradise. (Pause)

One day the world will know its place in our universe family home. Each moment of time that day comes closer. Each thought and expression of love moves that time forward. And each individual is bathed with more LOVE. You are really participating in the Correcting Time now more consciously than before, but it matters not. What is important are your thoughts and actions of LOVE.

As I continue to soften the hard edges in your consciousness, allow these words of LOVE find a greater range of expressions from your lips to another’s ears, and from your heart to another’s heart. Speak gently. When you are with a person who is acrimonious, be gentle and tender. Ask for my LOVE to flow from your heart into theirs. Ask for your Father’s PEACE to soothe their agitation. Use and learn to master the spiritual tools we have shared with you. Know you are all becoming more skillful and deft at handling these energies, and it is good that you learn to apply them where they will do the most good. But it means you must be balanced and centered in the Father in your own personalities and in the presence of your Indwelling Spirits that you may speak the words that individual needs to hear.

Your Father and I recognize that you have challenges, and sometimes you may slip and say the wrong word or express the wrong energy. But as He said earlier, do not beat yourselves up when you do this. Simply ask, “How can I do better? What is a better way to handle and manage this situation?” That is all it takes for you to receive more help and guidance to try again and make better strides at mastering the spiritual tools you have at hand. Continue to imprint upon my NAME as I hold you in my LOVE. (Pause)
I will leave you now, my children, but your angelic sisters will help you integrate into these circuits of our LOVE. Be joyful during these times of change as this will render you more immune to some of the disruption energies occurring here. Keep your thoughts elevated to the Father’s Presence within you and know that all things are moving in the Father’s WILL. Enjoy how you are growing during this very tumultuous time, always keeping in mind that LOVE IS THE WAY AND THE LAW OF THE FATHER as more heavenly energies imprint upon the earth’s, re-establishing the natural order of LIFE to a world in great need. Good day, my beloved children.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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