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===Topic: ''Developing Your Potential''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we thank you for this time together that we may receive from you what you share so generously with us of your divine natures. As we open ourselves to you, may we be further imprinted with the qualities that we need to develop our potential. You know where we are, each one of us, precisely. And we thank you for your gifts shared with us today that we may be here more in an upstepped manner and be able to function more as your children and in the WILL of God. Thank you so much.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. Drink deeply of my presence in you, my children. The connection we share through the Spirit of Truth is a mighty link, and there is much to be shared from my personality to support your development as ascending son and daughter of the First Source and Center.

Your personality order is a most beautiful one. The evolutionary adventure of human life to spirit status is a monumental metamorphosis, and you are in the early stages of your process through this human life experience. And you are gaining some much needed life experience on this world as the springboard from which you will launch and have launched your ascension career.

So many of the children of this world are very much beholden to material pursuits. The ways of the world have placed a heavy toll upon the human psyche and kept you in a state of, what you mighty call, slavish subservience to a way of life that has not nurtured your spiritual development. For it is at the core of your being to evolve spiritually. It is the nature of LIFE itself.

And so in today’s infusion as your Mother and I continue to support you, I invite you to simply relax into the nature of your personality order—an ascending mortal free will child of God—that we may share more of our gifts with you to help you in this ascent to the higher nature that lives within you. It is part of your overall divine life plan and purpose. There is nothing you need to do other than to simply desire to receive from us, and allow us the space to fill you with our LOVE. Let us begin. (Pause)

Your Mother and I love you dearly, my children. This is a love so deep, so profound that it has the ability to reverberate at the very core of your beings, helping you release a way of thinking and its associated feelings that hold you back from achieving this greatness of your human potential. As you know, it was my charge as a Creator Son to live the human life experience and to demonstrate to the world what it means to live in alignment with the WILL of Father. You are on your own individual journeys. But it does behoove you to spend time coming to me as your Father and as your brother Jesus to support you in your own internal growth and development of your souls.

This human nature was designed to ascend to great heights of development and achievement. You have hardly scratched the surface of your human potential. But I say this to you, there is greatness in you. There is greatness in each one of you. Have you considered what this means? Have you truly spent time thinking about what it means to be truly great? I say this to you today to stimulate some internal thought to commingle with your own waking consciousness that the Father Within you may help you open to this idea: What does it mean to be truly great?

You know from your Urantia text to become truly great is to become a helper, and to put other’s interests before your own because you know all of your needs are met by the Father. But we are here to encourage your growth, and in this vein, I ask you to pose that internal question to your self: Do I have what it takes within me to be truly great? What does that greatness mean? What does it look like? Take a few a moments to hold these thoughts while your Mother and I continue to move in you. You can simply focus on this question, pose it to your Indwelling Father fragments, or simply come to me as your Brother Jesus and ask me to share my perspectives with you. Take some time to do this now as we continue to move in you, my children. (Pause)

There is power in you, my children. There is a source of strength and the ability to act upon that strength. This power will you lead you into the achievement of greatness. This power is part of the spiritual potential you have and the gift of free will is assigned as an individual to use in the exercise and development of that power. This is something that I developed in my human life. You have read in your Urantia text the account of my life wherein I was able to use that power in service to others in many ways. And you too have this at your disposal should you fully commit to your spiritual development and ask to be guided into this realm of using your power in service of humanity.

So few people on this world use their power in this way. But I say to you, you can do this! You can develop yourselves in this way. Your potential is so beautiful and waiting for you to develop it. It is the gift from the Father to you as your personality. How will you use this gift? How do you develop it? The presence of the Father’s Spirit Within you provides you the means by which you are able to achieve your understanding and use of your power. And so, if this is something you wish to develop, continue to focus on what we have shared with you and let us continue to move in you now, my children. (Pause)

There is so much for you to gain through this human life experience. It is all available to you. As you allow us to continue to share our LOVE with you, feel your own desire to develop yourselves in these ways of Spirit that you may grow ever stronger and brighter in your power potential. For this truly leads to mastering your human minds and being able to be much greater than you already are. (Pause)

I will leave you now, my children, that your Mother may address you. Continue to drink deeply in us and allow these energies to move through you in whatever ways you perceive them. Gain strength in who you are and know that I am with you as you open yourselves to your higher natures and release the past. And enjoy how you are moving forward during this time of correction. It is all being done to support you in this world on its advancement toward the era of Light and Life. Thrive in my LOVE, my children. It is ever available to you whenever you are in need. Good day.

NEBADONIA: My precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Many new energies are impacting your systems of consciousness. This is a time of great outworking—a time when you are aware of much of the past that has influenced your thinking in detrimental ways that must now be transformed into higher concepts and ideals of spiritual living.

Let that which is not aligned in the Father’s WILL open to me. I know the places within your beings where you have this influence of the rebellion. Invite me into those places that more TRUTH and GOODNESS, LOVE and LIGHT may be restored. All you need to do is to simply say, “Mother, enter into those places where I need your healing touch. Fill me with who you are that I may become more of who I am.” Feel your desire and need to become greater than what you are already are for more of your personal power to be used in service for the healing of this world. (Pause)

There is much occurring in the fields of what you call “consciousness”—the circuits of MIND. This planet is being upstepped, and there are many, many influences that are now being outworked, and it is causing a certain degree of chaos within the human constructs of mind wherein the past patterns are now being agitated with a vibrational rate to render them inert—that more light of TRUTH may be perceived within the human mind.

As you undergo your own outworking process, I encourage you to focus what it is you wish to achieve during your human lifetime of service that your power potential may lead you on to becoming great. This is a type of spiritual greatness that the world has yet to truly experience in a more broad level. You might say there have been prophets and seers and truth-revealers over time and they have made an impact upon human consciousness. What is needed now are many individuals who dare to become great and to use their power potential in service of humanity and to all creation itself—all life here upon Urantia.

It is by opening to me as your Mother where you will feel that surge of POWER course your being and say, “I can do this. I can be LOVE in action. I can demonstrate goodness, peace and compassion in the midst of all this turmoil and chaos. I can do this, and I will do this because there is POWER in me that comes from Spirit!”

As I move in you, allow these words to settle and see where you are in your own internal commitment to this process of becoming power and great in your own sense of self. And if you are reticent or hold back, that is understandable! But it is not something that you need to retain. You can move forward from that place. It is your choice, and once you make that choice, then we as your Parents support you and provide you with certain spiritual energies that you develop as your tools to skillfully develop yourselves.

Just take a few moments to let these energies settle in. Let these words form a blanket upon your mind that these energies may help you in your perceptions of your motivations and your inclinations to move more in alignment with Father’s WILL within you. (Pause)

Release the past that holds you back by allowing me to expand you in LIGHT. Learn what it means to be re-mothered in me that I may further empower you on your path to greatness in achieving your potential as a human. Take this journey with love and joy and pride in being a human—pride in being a son and daughter of God. This is not a form of pride that you call ego-centered, but a real living pride in the faith that you demonstrate each day walking this path of achieving your personal power and potential. After all, it is your own achievement. It is your own acquirement—no one can ever take this from you! And in this level of pride there is a form of humility at its kernel because you know that your achievement is predicated upon your faith in the Father and the Spirit Within you.

Continue to let these thoughts settle in for a few more moments as your Father and I delight in sharing ourselves with you. (Pause)
I will leave you now, my children, that you may savor these energies as they continue to expand in you, and reorient you more along the lines of the WILL of God. Let this internal alignment progress. Do not force its movement. Let yourself relax in how you are growing as children of LIGHT creating a better way of life here on this world. And enjoy your role in this time of transformation. Remember there is much to gain, much to achieve, and your demonstration of faith will be a mighty inspiration to many around you. (Pause)

Enjoy your transformational journeys, my children. Each one is unique and beautiful and a gift to the growing divine MIND upon this planet that is ever-expanding to bring this world into the era of Light and Life. I leave you in my LOVE, and my blessings are upon you. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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