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I started meditation when i was about 11-12 years of age [i used a fire-heat ball of light method which i will discuss another time] then stopped it when i became a rebel teen, heavy metals bands etc etc.

Later I began zen/transcendental meditation classes which didn't last long due to the fact i could not get into it because it all felt wrong. Especially when the teacher began teaching your basic chakra meditation classes starting with the root chakra and working upwards to the seventh. My inner voice would whisper to me and say ... "you're supposed to start with the heart ... this is the first chakra ... central to all other chakra's".

Long story short, with a little help from out body experience and the astral i ended up with my own meditation technique "the heart-spiral" which for me seems to harmonise well and pretty much every one else i have told/taught it to have given me excellent feedback.

It is my belief from my experience that there actually are 24 prime chakra's. 12 are in this physical manifestation and 12 in the non-physical. We pulse in and out of this existence of focus at approx 24 times per second but are only conscious of the time we are in the physical (possibly why video movie frame rates were based on a minimum 24 hz i.e. frames per second).

Of the 12 prime chakra's, 7 are mirrored and aligned with the body glands. These are the ones I use for the heart-spiral. The other 5 chakras are overlayed as follows; one above your head, i feel it at approx 60 centimetres above the crown and two hovering in and above your wrists, approximately 15 cm and two in the souls/soles of your feet (i.e. one in each foot).

The reason many focus on the 7 gland/chakra system is because these are main the vortex/energy points where the soul interfaces with the biological spacesuit via the gland system which produce hormones (harmony).

Another issue of contention and confusion is which gland is regarded in the position of the crown 7th chakra? Is it the Pineal or the Pituitary? In my astral travels i have learnt that the Pineal is the crown, the communication device between the all-that-is receiving and transmitting all frequencies. The Pituitary is the surveyor the two work closely together setting up a resonance chamber in the brain between the two. I call these the "butterfly".

Everything begins with the heart..The soul's primary node is this area approx 2 inches left of the "liver" up underneath the rib-cage virtually to the bottom right of the heart. Some know this also as the "assemblage" point and there are some that actually claim to move the assemblage point from below the liver into the above area for re-aligning puproses. All energy coming into and out of the body is through the heart chakra which then loops around in spiral fashion feeding into and out of the other chakras.

The sequence is as follows ... from 1 to 7

:4th Chakra - Heart (green) . enters here first
:3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus (yellow)
:5th Chakra - Throat (blue)
:2nd Chakra - Sacral (orange)
:6th Chakra - Brow/3rd Eye (indigo)
:1st Chakra - Base/Root (red)
:7th Chakra - Crown (violet)

:… then cycles thru again to the heart chakra

The above is a simple sequence form 1 to 7 of the chakra's opening up. If you draw the flow of it, it is like a spiral.

<u>Please note: the other 5 additional chakras to the main 7 (i.e. the two feet/leg chakras, two wrist chakras and the chakra 60 cm above the crown are connected to the heart chakra. The last picture "Crown" at the bottom exemplifies this.</u>

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