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===Topic: ''The Value of Human Nature''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: We’re grateful to be here with you today, Mother and Father, to receive your words and the imprinting into our systems of consciousness of your personalities. Thank you for upstepping us in the ways we need that we may be open and more guided in your WILL. We thank our brothers and sisters who step into these circuits of our consciousness to provide us with these energies of your LOVE that our so important for us now that we may maintain our composure and inner fortitude as things continue to change upon Urantia. We are ready to receive you. Thank you. May your WILL be done.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. I come to you today to continue to share the essence of my being with you that you may grow in the comprehension of who you are as a child of the First Source and Center. Your Mother and I have been helping you open to that which you understand as your human nature, that you may trust in yourselves more, trust in one another.

Trust is a fundamental need of your soul to develop the healthy stamina and perseverance for the long ascension journey. All through your lives will you be discovering new facets of the Father’s creative plan. Of course, you do not do this alone. You have many expert guides and teachers to provide you with the support you need for this journey, and your Mother and I uphold you in this environment of growth that you may progress through faith and living experience.

As we begin this call today, I invite you to focus on value of your human nature. What does it mean? What is your innate value to creation and the evolutionary unfolding of your creative individuated personality expression? The Father’s presence within you has what you need to discover this, and your Mother and I wish to reinforce this discovery that you may perceive more of your innate value.

This value comes in the form of your perception—your feeling, your experiencing of the Father’s great LOVE for you, my love for you and how your Mother upholds you in our universe that you may continue to gain strength in your own inner sense of self and your innate value to the whole spectrum of creation. This is a necessary part of your self-mastery that you may become fully operative in the range of your creative potential and live more fully as a human.

The children of this world need to see, to experience more individuals such as yourselves who are dedicated to gaining true experience with your innate value. The human soul is hungry for this. When you come to your Mother and me and reflect upon your value, you will receive more in experience and the Father’s presence within you will illuminate in your mind the greater breadth of understanding of who you are, why you are having this rugged human experience upon Urantia.

We invite you now to simply relax. Focus on your desire and intention to imprint upon your human value. Let this go into your hearts. Let this settle upon your energy systems. We will minister in you now along with your celestial brothers and sisters to help you more integrate of these energies into your beings. Let us begin. If it is helpful, focus on the words HUMAN VALUE. Hold that intention and desire and need for this to resonate deeply within you, my beloved children. (Pause)

My children, you are so precious to your Mother and me, to the whole fabric of creation. We understand why it is challenging for you experience this feeling of preciousness. Yet I encourage you to set that intention as a deep soul need to experience how your Mother and I regard you. You all carry such burdens of responsibility. While here on the material plane you must account for your well being—physical maintenance, but let this be a light burden. Let the endowment that we provide to you today move you into an expanded sensory awareness of your selves as precious children.

Children have a right to be loved and supported within their family structure while the parents guide that child to maturity. This is what we are here to provide to you. The more you attain those attitudes of child-like faith and trust will you perceive more of your innate value. You might say that there is this synergistic relationship between your perception of your value and growing in faith. So let yourselves receive this imprinting of value to catalyze your faith, to help you trust more, not only your innate personality structure, but open new doors within your consciousness of our love for you. As these words settle in, let your hearts be expanded in what we wish to provide to you today. (Pause)

Growing in your human value sets the stage for your evolutionary adventure. The realization that you have something important and valuable to contribute to the growing mind of the Supreme affords the Father’s presence within you to encourage you more, communicate with you more directly, that fosters your path toward Adjuster fusion. There is so much to gain when you achieve the recognition of your value—the fullness of what this means for your life will give you more strength, perseverance, dedication and desire to be of service.

So release all feelings of insecurity, self doubt, unworthiness, guilt or shame, that this value imprinting may go deeper into your systems of consciousness moving into your memory patterns of experiences and shine the divine light of TRUTH into your hearts to alter your gaze of perception of yourself to that of the Father’s. This is a big change in perception. But it is one that you need now to secure you in a deeper level of peace and security as your world undergoes more change.

There are those on your world who would seek to diminish human value, perpetuate states of unworthiness and guilt and fear. But you know that this is not the truth, and it is important for you to stay true, stay connected in these energies of your value that you may ride out the storms of change and stand firm in the light that others may perceive this and be attracted and find their own salvation. Continue to receive these energies. Continue to hold that desire for your value to go into those deep places of your consciousness, bringing you into new truths of who you are and your creator potential. (Pause)

I invite you to shift focus slightly now onto the desire to value your human brothers and sisters. Simply focus on this desire, and if it is helpful, ask for the memory patterns that I experienced as Jesus in coming to value humanity during my human lifetime to imprint upon you. I share this with you, my children, to help you grow in your appreciation of your brothers and sisters, to go beyond the unloveliness that they portray, to find that pearl of great beauty and treasure within them. If this is something you wish to experience, you only need to ask, and I will help you grow in this awareness. You may perceive your brothers and sisters more at the soul level. (Pause)

The beauty of this time of change upon Urantia is here to help individuals grow in their understanding of their innate value and worth. What could be more beautiful than that? For all humanity awaken to their true nature and potential! This is the great shift you have long sought. And while I understand you all would so enjoying having me back here with you on earth in the flesh, having your Magisterial Son here with you in the flesh, and other personalities you would wish to see here in material form, I say to you, the power in the flesh comes when people truly value their human nature and grow in comprehension of their creator potential.

Yes, this is a struggle! This is challenging! It can be painful at times. But the evolutionary nature of your personalities is equipped to handle this. And of course, you are getting a tremendous amount of celestial and spiritual support to overcome your own limitations of thinking and experience from the past. What a glorious time it is upon Urantia to see more and more people awakening to the Spirit Within. So do not lose sight of this, my children, and keep this in perspective. You may be not deterred in your spiritual growth as more change comes to Urantia. Know that it is all moving toward the greater glory of God and the liberation of humanity.

I will pause here and invite you to step forward with your questions or concerns, especially related to how you may continue to grow in your value. However, should you wish to remain in silence and continue to receive what your Mother and I are sharing with you, that is certainly acceptable. It is your choice. But if you do feel so inclined to ask a question, you may do so when you are ready to speak. (Pause)
My beautiful precious children, there is so much to enjoy about your human nature and the evolutionary journeys you are now embarked upon. Remember my human life as one of joyful service. Even though there were sorrowful times, the joy I perceived in growing in my human value and nature led me to the fullness of my comprehension as your Universe Father Michael. Indeed it was one of the most thrilling adventures of my life. You have so much to enjoy—many new adventures of self perception and service to experience. We invite you to step more fully into the value of your human nature and enjoy your life adventures with more gusto and relish. After all, life is an adventure and you were all created for it. But you can move at your own pace, provided you keep your eye on the Father and desiring His WILL to be made manifest through you.

I will leave you now in this manner, my children. But in any moment during the way when you feel depleted, come to me, ask for what you need and you will receive. My blessings are upon you. Live in my LOVE and share it freely with those around you. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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