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===Topic: ''Trustworthiness''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we come before you as your children to receive more of what you wish to provide to us of your natures and essence. You know the challenges that each one of us face individually and collectively as the planet undergoes its birthing into a higher form of consciousness. We thank you for all of the ways you support our lives and we ask to grow in your LOVE, your provision for our lives. We thank our celestials stepping this circuit to amply our spiritual circuitry that we may feed more upon you and grow in your GRACE and BEAUTY through your LOVE and in your WILL. Thank you.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is your Father Michael. I come to you today as your Father to share with you more of my essential personality attributes which you are yours to receive through this imprinting process of the divine mind superimposing upon your consciousness to help you gain that spiritual stature that will edify your souls and help you thrive here on this material realm.

The exchange of your human consciousness for the divine perspective is a very large undertaking, as you well know, and you have been guided very expertly by the Divine Minister’s angelic teams who are here to support you as you walk this path of faith. The underlying quality that you bring into this developing relationship is trust. And we have been encouraging you to develop this trust as part of your desires to master your human minds and to gain that control over your energy systems that foster great spiritual insight and character development.

Life presents you many opportunities to experience how well you perform through your daily lives in the Godly manner. Sometimes you do not always recognize the circumstances that your angelic helpers prepare for you that you may practice demonstrating the ways of the Father to your brothers and sisters. More and more we encourage you to go within and when you see an opportunity presented ask for the best way in which to respond. All of this takes practice, requires patience and tests your perseverance at staying the course.

But your Mother and I are here to support your efforts. One of the greatest means by which you can establish a greater trust relationship in our provision is for you to receive more of the trustworthiness of our natures, that you may completely relax yourselves in the quality of our natures being one hundred percent reliable, dedicated, devoted and supportive of your welfare. This quality of trustworthiness forms the environment for you to grow.

As you know, children need to feel safe and secure in order to become self actualized individuals fulfilling their objectives for life to lead happy, productive and satisfying lives. How many humans of this world truly in this dynamic? But you are all beginning to taste more of this experience what it means to live as a child of God in this safety and security that we provide to you.

Therefore, today, your Mother and I wish to augment that safety and security for you that your growth may continue to grow at a very healthy and dynamic pace in keeping with the Father’s plans of your development seeded within you. So I call your attention to the spiritual quality of TRUSTWORTHINESS that is part of my nature and your Mother’s nature. I invite you to focus on this spiritual energy through this word TRUSTWORTHINESS and let us imprint into your energy systems and help you deepen your experiential awareness and comprehension of how we provide for your lives in all ways. Receive us now, my beloved children. (Pause)

Self mastery grows the more inner confidence and security you perceive. The role of the Father’s presence within you is designed to support your ability to perceive the higher ideals of what it means to live a God-centered life. The objectives of self mastery are to enhance human happiness; to help you convey that inner light out into the world that builds the heavenly culture upon the material realms. It is the construction of the intellectual beauty and spiritual glory of the First Source and Center in material life. Self mastery occurs one individual at a time. But underscoring this, the inner foundation is built upon the trust relationship you have with us so that you may perceive the Father’s presence within trying to convey to you.

The more you trust, the more you can be guided. The more you are guided, the greater your ability to demonstrate the Father’s LOVE out in the world, and the greater you demonstrate this LOVE, the more you master your human consciousness and grow toward Adjuster fusion. So it is very fundamental and necessary for you to grow in trusting the divine nature and let it go into those places within your own systems of consciousness where in there still may be subconscious resistance that takes the form of fear or insecurity.

Continue to receive. Feel your need for this to go into levels of your consciousness that will create new sparks of light and life in your beings and help your thoughts conform around the WILL of the Father and afford your bodies more in alignment with that WILL. (Pause)

In my human life as your brother Jesus, I learned to develop trust in my Heavenly Father. This trust developed over many, many years of my life, but I was fortunate to begin this trust relationship from a very early age. And this trust paved the way for the Spirit Within to guide me through the various stages of development that humans undergo as they mature. Many times when I was confused by my culture and others sought to influence me to their opinions and viewpoints, I knew I had to retreat and sort this out with the help my own Indwelling Spirit.

This is no different than what you are now undergoing. But you have one added advantage that I did not have, and that is my Spirit of Truth. I am within your being, and when you feel that you are not receiving the perspective you need to handle your material challenges or problems, you need only come to me and ask for my perspective to shed truth-light on what it is you are facing. So you might say you are growing a type of Fatherly TRUST that comes not only from me, but from the Paradise Father Himself because as you open yourself to my perspective you also provide more space within your minds for the Father’s WILL to penetrate through your own perceptions and guide you to a more heavenly outlook.

So you see, my children, as you grow in trust things will become, as you say, more easy for you to walk this path of faith. That is not to say you will not face challenges, but you will gain that strength of the inner foundation that serves as that internal compass that keeps you walking on that straight path, and you will find there are fewer times you fall off the path. But even if you do, you will always have the strength and courage to pick yourself up and get back on and walk with confidence and guidance, support and more clarity.

As these TRUSTWORTHY energies continue to move in you, deepen in your awareness, rejoice that you are gaining this inner fortitude that will keep you steady as more change and transformation moves upon Urantian consciousness. Your brothers and sisters need to know that God is trustworthy, and by your example you can help them, encourage them, and demonstrate to them how strong and secure you stay as Urantia goes through this phase of more cleansing of the ways of the rebellion. Continue to receive and then your Mother will address in a few moments. (Pause)

I will leave you now, my children. Your Mother will address you and help you expand in this quality of TRUSTWORTHINESS that is our nature. Rely on us more. Come to us more throughout your days especially when you feel troubled by what your world is currently undergoing. We will help you gain that inner composure to strengthen you and sustain you to chaotic troublous times.

TRUSTWORTHINESS is a part of our natures and we delight in sharing this with you to help you experience more love and that quality of relationship that forges a strong and noble character and leads to self mastery over time. This where we wish to take you. This is where the desires of your heart will lead you and your souls are ready to expand in this quality that you may demonstrate this quality of TRUSTWORTHINESS to your brothers and sisters, and this will breed love, compassion, respect and understanding in human relationships.

May you all gain that deeper sense of TRUSTWORTHINESS in my being, my children, and grow in the GLORY of the presence of the Father Within you. My blessings are upon you. Good day.

NEBADONIA: Greetings, my beloved children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. What you Father and I wish to provide to you is this sense of trustworthiness not only in our natures and characters but in the nature and character in the universe in which you live. Nebadon is a dynamic place to grow to experience life. You live on a world that has been long quarantined so it is normal for you to question the nature of reality and life itself because you live on a world whose perspective has been skewed by a wrongful way of life.

Now as the circuits are reconnected and the spiritual energy of LOVE is streaming into the planet, you are growing in a sense of what it is like to live in the universe. It is a reliable place. It is a friendly place. It is a place where you have a spiritual family. We are your devoted Parents, and you also have devoted brothers and sisters who wish to come close to you and help you gain that sense of trust in the nature of reality and how you are supported in your material lives.

This is a quite a turnaround in your consciousness, as you know. After many years of living in a state of isolation and separation it is normal that you would question how to trust—what is the nature of trust. Especially when you see your less spiritually advanced your brothers and sisters operating like wounded children, you question the nature of trust. That is all important for your growth for a time. But then there comes a time, and it is now upon you, when we ask you to turn to us and imprint upon these actual organic nature of reality, that this may change your thinking patterns and memory imprints of what it means to trust in the LOVE of the Father and His creative plans for LIFE.

So as you continue to imprint upon this TRUSTWORTHINESS, I invite you to consider that this component of TRUSTWORTHINESS comes not only from your Father and me, but in the universe itself—in the divine family that works behind the scenes of your lives to uphold you, to nurture and support you, and to help you gain that internal recognition that you are indeed receiving what you need. It is that positive, affirmative emotional attitude and mental posture that brings what you need to you because you are in this state of trust.

So I invite you to consider this aspect of TRUSTWORTHINESS now as you continue to imprint upon this, as you allow my nature and the divine family to support you in TRUSTWORTHINESS. Continue to focus on this energy-word of Spirit as we move in you, and continue to help you receive, record and grow. (Pause)

Once this level of TRUSTWORTHINESS is more deeply established in you, will you find the fear reflex weakening its grasp in your emotional reactions. What is there to fear when you know that what you need will be provided to you. Insecurity vanishes, and your sense of your value to the universe begins to alter your attitude and perception of life that you are indeed loved and guided into the ways of GOODNESS and the Father’ s LOVE. All things are added to you. So this is truly is antidote for all of the material insecurity that you experience. How liberating is this! Is this not, after all, what your heart desires? What gives you that soul rejuvenation and rejoicing?

So my children, I encourage you to truly reflect in your hearts and minds upon where you still may contain insecurity or fear and ask for more of the TRUSTWORTHINESS to move upon those memories, those experiences of the past and what you see occurring in your planetary culture currently that you may deepen into this sense of support and upholding of your lives. What a beautiful demonstration of LOVE you can provide to your brothers and sisters when they see such a soul as yourself operating in this sense of TRUSTWORTHINESS. Too few people actually witness such a heightened way of living. Self mastery has not been a valued goal of human life.

By growing in this state of TRUSTWORTHINESS in our natures and the nature of the universe, self mastery proceeds apace and can inspire another individual because now they see—they actually experience—a person who is dedicated to living at the highest ideals seeded by the Father Within. So we give you encouragement, we provide you with the underlying foundation in which you can make these changes for yourselves and grow, providing the Father’s presence within you more of the space and room in your consciousness in which to share the Godly ideals that will bring forth such beautiful fruits of the spirit each day of your life.

So let this TRUSTWORTHINESS continue to grow and take deeper root, teaching you the ways of the universe and the nature of Father’s LOVE reaching down to you to support your own unique creative expression in ways that will delight you, surprise you, exhilarate you, and be a joy to behold. (Pause)
I leave you now, my children. Consider what we have shared with you, not only in your thoughts, to experience our TRUSTWORTHINESS more and more, and let yourselves grow in your own ability to be trustworthy friends and brothers and sisters to those around you. And let us grow the Father’s LOVE organically here in Urantian consciousness through these circuits that are gaining spiritual vitality around the globe. You live in our LOVE, and you grow in faith of that LOVE each moment whether you are consciousness of it or not, but now it is time to take precedence in your thoughts that this sense of TRUSTWORTHINESS may indeed give you that innate sense of support and assurance that all is well.

Live in this assurance, my children. It is after all your divine birthright, and even though you live on a troubled world, it is changing and the Father’s GOODNESS is touching more hearts each and every day. Let TRUSTWORTHINESS spring forth new expressions of peace and joy within and without, my children and live faithfully as that tadpole each day as the Father’s presence within guides you ever forward and inward. Good day, my precious children.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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