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===Topic: ''Living in Peace''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, We’re so grateful to be your children and receive your LOVE and the spirit coding we need to continue to grow in you and release all that no longer serves our highest good. We open ourselves to receive your words and your ministrations in our minds and bodies that we may become more like you and be here in a manner that’s more consistent and cooperative with the WILL of our Father. Thank you, and may your WILL be done now.
MICHAEL: Peace be upon you, my beloved children. This is Michael. I invite you today into this place of peace wherein you release your concerns and that which you call “baggage” to me. The collective heart of humanity is going through a very challenging time of transformation, and there are many, many new circuits that your world needs, that you, yourselves, need that you may complete this transition and be here in a way that brings you great joy and love of life.

Your Mother and I know your needs. We see them before you do. All we ask is for you to trust in our provision for your lives that we may continue to impart these energies to you to help you grow in that organic manner as a noble son and daughter of the First Source and Center.

Sometimes when we use words, the language of which you are familiar, it can create certain types of ideas in your minds to foster your own spiritual development and intellectual wisdom. But today is a day to go beyond words—to go into SPIRIT that you may receive this impartation of my PEACE upon you to help with the restructuring of your consciousness and how it relates to your emotional stability and physical vitality.

As we begin, I invite you to focus on the words I AM MY FATHER’S PEACE. I AM MY FATHER’S PEACE. I AM MY FATHER’S PEACE. You may place this over your heart. You may apply your gaze over your heart. But what is most important is to simply invite me in and to allow our ministrations to move in you now, my beloved children—I AM MY FATHER’S PEACE. Receive me now. (Pause)

If it is helpful as you receive this endowment of PEACE to reflect upon my life as your brother Jesus. I lived my life in the Father’s PEACE. There was an assurance and steadiness I experienced of my deep devotion to the Father’s WILL. It came from an aligning of my human will to the Father. It is an experience I desire to share with you now to help you retrain your consciousness that it may respond to what we are imparting to you now more effectively. If it is helpful, simply invite me in as your brother as I share my PEACE and the experiences of my life here on Urantia with you of being at peace in my Father. (Pause)

Living in PEACE will provide you a profound sense of joy and a certainty with life that keeps you balanced and strong. I call upon you, my children, to receive this that you may carry this with you and demonstrate what it means to live a life of peace and joy in the midst of a chaotic time. This is, after all, what your brothers and sisters need. They fight and claw at one another, jockeying for position and dominance over one another because of their great inner insecurity and need for love and validation.

Those of you have chosen to walk this path with me to become these living expressions of the Christ nature walk a path of great change and inner transformation. You do not have to rush upon this path, but to trust and enjoy how the natural process of LIFE in the Father unfolds in you. Sometimes you will have to be very quiet in mind and body in order to pick up these subtle signals. Sometimes you will have to take yourselves away from the busyness of your world to establish that quietness wherein the PEACE connection will be forged and grow.

Today’s infusion is designed to enhance your capacity and ability to receive more of this spiritual quality that is a vital energy for your sustenance upon this path. So continue to receive and allow what is growing inside to circulate through your system. (Pause)

I will leave you now, my children. Your Mother will speak to you and continue Her ministrations in your beings. Allow this endowment to unfold gradually and trust in where it will lead you on this path of being—the peace that passes all understanding. This is my desire for you, my children, and it is up to you to use it wisely and well, and to know that this is a part of your divine inheritance. I leave you in my LOVE, my children and my blessings are upon you. Good day.

NEBADONIA: Greetings, my little ones! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. The energies of PEACE form an interlacing network in and around you. And a particular kind of calibration is being conducted for you to more organically absorb these energies of PEACE into your physical bodies. This is part of the divine nature. It is part of the Adamic inheritance. And it is a gift to you that you may imprint upon this and allow for the recoding of those patterns within you that still require a more massive infusion of the energies of PEACE.

When we think of the word PEACE-FULLNESS, what does that mean to you? There is a richness, an expansion, a saturation of PEACE that your bodies can absorb and maintain. And you use it as a spiritual energy to sustain you throughout your busy day. Now you all live lives in your culture and have certain obligations to fulfill. The rhythm of your cultural life is out of step with the energies of peace. Therefore the more busyness and stress you have in your lives the more will you need to return to the wellspring of PEACE to grow and satiate yourself in a feeling of PEACE-FULLNESS. Are you full of PEACE? Do you feel this throughout the day? This is the goal and objective, and in today’s infusion we are here to help you establish a greater affinity to receive this PEACE that your capacity to maintain this state of PEACEFULNESS may nurture you throughout the day.

So I invite you to focus on this energy of PEACE-FULLNESS now and know and accept and desire this as the state of being in which you wish to live. We will continue to minister to you as you maintain gaze on this word and the desire to be expanded in it. (Pause)

The human evolutionary nature evolving from raw primitive emotions is designed to grow in this state of PEACE-FULLNESS. You see how your brothers and sisters still react in very crude and primitive ways because of their unhealed and unspiritized emotions. We are affording this gift of PEACE to establish your PEACE-FULLNESS that you may carry this around you and maintain an energy field that will help others to perceive something of great value in and from you.

Is it not beautiful and enjoyable to be around those who are peaceful? This is one of the greatest attractors between human beings. It is so necessary for your brothers and sisters to know that they can receive this, and you can bring this to them by growing and grounding in PEACE-FULLNESS. You must do your part each day and come back to the well when your own peacefulness runs dry. We encourage you to not let it get to the place where you are dry, to pay attention to those inner cues and thoughts when you feel yourselves rushing or being stressed that you may take that pause of spiritual refreshment and ask us to renew you in PEACE.

Over time as you develop more of the mindfulness, it will become more apparent when you are running low, as you might say. You can return to the well to receive. Continue to expand in PEACE-FULLNESS as your angelic sisters help you calibrate to these energies and circuits we are providing to you now. (Pause)
My PEACE is upon you, my children. You will continue to receive and expand in PEACE-FULLNESS as you go about your day, especially when you have that thought and desire to remain in this state. Your Father and I love you beyond your comprehension so we make many provisions available to you for your spiritual advancement, and PEACE is one of the necessary attributes that you need for your spiritual well-being and for the healing of your emotions and the de-stressing of your bodies. Please remember to come to us when you need this. We are only too happy to provide this to you, and so it always is. Grow in PEACE. Live in PEACE. Be PEACE. Good day, my beloved children.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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