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===Topic: ''Self Trust''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
Prayer: Mother and Father, we’re deeply grateful to receive your presence and words today as you continue to support our efforts in growth and transformation. We also are very grateful to be a part of this wonderful diverse universe family, and we are learning the ways of what it means to be vibrant members. We thank you for helping us in the numerous ways that you support our lives, giving us brothers and sisters of the various realms to share these important lessons and energies with us. And we now meet here in this forum today to continue to receive from you. We are most grateful and are ready to receive you. Thank you, and may your WILL be done.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children! This is Michael. Today I wish to impart a lesson to you on the concept of SELF TRUST. You are all in the process of growing in faith: faith in me and your Mother, faith in the presence of the Paradise Father within you. But I would turn your attention today to the faith you have in yourselves. Do you trust yourselves? Do you trust in your innate goodness and the fact of your existence as children of God?

Many of my children in this world wallow in feelings of terrible unworthiness, and they suffer from feelings of guilt or shame in their intrinsic humanity. This is an aberration of reality and has its roots in the ancient past through the evolution of many religious beliefs and social mores. And it is time for humanity to cast off this specter of unworthiness and trust in the innate goodness of their intrinsic value as children of our loving Paradise Father. Your Mother and I are here to support your development in trusting yourselves.

In today’s lesson and experience we invite you to focus on the idea of trusting in yourself more and more that the Father’s presence within you may be able to touch upon that attitude of heart and mind and guide you further in your development of soul potential. This is a vast repository of potential good—truth—that will render your lives more active, productive and yield the fragrance of beauty to those around you. It is a growing awareness in your comprehension of your self-identity that you would trust in yourselves more fully.

So today, I invite you to simply focus on that idea to have more faith and trust in your innate self. If it is helpful, focus on the words I TRUST IN MYSELF or SELF TRUST or hold feelings of positive and supportive energies toward yourself that what we may impart to you may help you experience more of this energy that will help you, foster your confidence, security, and render you a deep inner security of who you are as our children. Let us begin. Focus now on what is most helpful, and your Mother and I will move in you now. (Pause)

Trusting in yourself will help you in your attempt toward self-mastery. Your Mother and I are helping you to receive and perceive the components and attitudes of what it means to master your human experience. In my human life as your brother Jesus, I had to learn to trust in myself, which led me to experience a greater revelation of the Father’s presence within me. It was a growing awareness that accrued over time.

It is no different for you. Each individual, sooner or later, begins that journey of trusting in one’s self. And when you do find that inner treasure of who you are, your life changes, and you walk on the path of faith, moving a little more each day towards self mastery under the guidance of the Father’s presence within you.

One of the key components in developing trust in yourself is to recognize your innate goodness. Many of your religious traditions have taught that humans were created in sin, but you know that this is not the truth. Yet, these energies of the collective consciousness do play a subtle subconscious role within your beings. And your Mother and I are here to amplify the truth that you would be more fully influenced by the truth of your innate goodness; cast off any energies of belief systems that would tell you otherwise.

So, you see my children, it is safe to trust in yourself, for you take origin in the Paradise Father and is He not GOODNESS, TRUTH AND BEAUTY personified? While you will ascend in the perfection of His innate personality, at the core of your being this is who you are, and you are learning how to live that a little bit more each and every day. Let these words settle in. Your minds feed on this concept of SELF TRUST as your feelings open to what this means for your lives and how you are growing in your confidence of who you are. (Pause)

There are many benefits in growing in SELF TRUST. Not only does it foster reception from your in-dwelling Father Fragment and help you on your journey toward self-mastery, but you also exude a certain kind of confidence in who you are that is enticing and powerful. It is an attractor. Again, I refer to my human life as Jesus to share with you how I was able to attract many people to the message I proclaimed because it was so liberating for humanity. I helped individuals to recognize their innate worthfulness. This gave them certain stimulation to begin to trust in themselves—that they were worthy sons and daughters of God. What could be more liberating than this?

This is a message and experience your brothers need to comprehend and feel. So as you gain this momentum in trusting yourself, you too will exude this spiritual fragrance that others may see your confidence and that inner authority the Father provides to you of your innate worthfulness. How many people crave this; die for this? And yet you can feed them with this as you grow and increasingly exude this quality out into the world.

So know that this is part of your journey toward self-mastery, and you can only grow in trusting yourself through dynamic life experience. Do you have the potential to achieve greatness in personality expression? Yes, you do! And your Mother and I are increasingly encouraging you to take bolder steps of faith, to move beyond your comfort zones, and to risk more of what your heart is encouraging you to achieve—those desires are seeded into you by the Father Himself. There is so much to gain and experience. Let these energies of SELF TRUST continue to move in you and deepen your ability to feel your innate worthiness. It is your birthright after all, so drink deeply of this awareness. (Pause)

SELF TRUST is one of the exquisite personality attributes you accumulate through your experience. Your Mother and I delight is seeing how you garner this truest in yourself, especially during this human life time here on rugged Urantia. This environment is very productive in growing hardy souls, and your Agondonter (a person who believes in God without visible proof) status is one that will serve you well for it is the actual embodiment of trusting in yourself. The Father’s presence within you has so much more bandwidth, you might say, in your consciousness to support your progression. (Pause)

I will leave you now. Your Mother may speak to you and further amplify these energies that your abilities to trust yourselves would reach new heights and be able to move you out into the world in an expansiveness for your potential to be of service—to be of great use to us and a benefit to your brothers and sisters.

Trust in yourselves, my children, for you are then allowing the Father’s presence to experience and demonstrate life out into the world. And I share myself with you that you may amplify and abundantly display the fruits of the spirit with those around you. I leave you in my LOVE. Good day.

NEBADONIA: Hello, my precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. We are amplifying certain circuits around you that this energy of TRUST may further penetrate into your self-awareness to help you gain that inner fortitude and confidence in the innate worthfulness of your beings. This is an amplification, you might say, of the circuits of spiritual energy of FAITH that are the fundamental relationship that you have with the Paradise Father.

Being created in LOVE, there is a dynamic in your relationship with Him that moves you forward into expression of the Father’s personality, and that is FAITH. And as you grow in this relationship dynamic between the Father and you will you gain that assurance that you are truly beautiful and good in Him. How much human misery and suffering and pain can you leave behind then when you are fully invested in trusting yourself? That is not to say you will never feel pain or struggle. It is to say that you will recognize that these efforts of self development are made in an energy arena of being supported through FAITH and TRUST, and that your innate potential is being forged upon these energies.

So much human potential is wasted because individuals cannot and do not trust in themselves. They squander their mental efforts. They lose their emotional equilibrium to many the factors and facets of unworthiness, not willing to rise above their limitations to find that spark of divinity within them that says “you are good, you are worthy, you are a child of creation and have a vital role to play in its unfolding.”

As these circuits are woven around you, know that they are not just for you to experience, but for you to project and demonstrate that inner confidence and faithfulness in your selves that you may help your brothers and sisters rise above their feelings of insecurity and unworthiness. We have said it many times that we look to you as awakened children to help your brothers and sisters. And you know the truth of this and the reality of it as well. There are many gains for you to achieve and experience as these energies weave into you, but you must desire this more fully and use what we are providing to you on a daily basis.

So know that you are being challenged, encouraged, invited to have more dynamic lives of faith—to step out into those areas where there is unfamiliarity that trust in yourself my grow. And as you learn to trust in yourself, you will begin to understand yourself more and eventually you will master what it means to be a human.

All life is experienced in this way. Your morontia (the level between the material and the spiritual—the level we experience after death) life will be no different. There are always new experiences to conquer, new concepts to embody, new senses to experience all of which adds to your growing evolving spiritual nature and being. So having this level of trust in yourself provides you the firm footing and foundation to grow in your soul development and to demonstrate the fruits of the spirt to your brothers and sisters.

So as these words settle in, let them weave into your minds. Let them strengthen your hearts and let them engage your souls to speak those words of LIFE IN THE SPIRIT to your bodies. (Pause)
SELF TRUST is food for your souls, my children. So when you have lingering thoughts or feelings of self doubt, lack of direction, or any other feelings of insecurity, focus on SELF TRUST—trust in yourself, and know the Father within you will steer you in the direction you need to experience more inner confidence and assurance that all is well.

Trust in yourself is a path toward Adjuster (the Inner Spirit) comprehension and fusion. As you walk on this path each day, celebrate what it is you are accomplishing, even though you might not necessarily see tangible evidence of it at any particular moment. But the Spirit does. The Spirit sees. The Spirit knows. So all is well as you walk this path.

Your devoted angelic sisters will continue to minister to you as I take leave of you in this fashion. Continue to hold that desire to trust in yourselves, my children, that what your Father and I provide to you may take deeper root in you and help you achieve more the potential, that the Father Himself has seeded in you as expressions of His design and loving personality. What joy you will have! What feelings of satisfaction and accomplishment each step of trust in yourself. And we will celebrate with you each step of triumph. Grow in FAITH and TRUST in who you are, and enjoy how you are becoming more beautiful each and every day. My blessings are upon you,’ my children. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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