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===Topic: ''Rightful Action''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we settle into our hearts to receive from you today that which you so bountifully and generously provide to us of your divine natures, that we may grow in your likeness in thought, word, and deed. We are grateful for all of the ways you support us during this very rigorous time of change on our world, and we thank you for your WILL being done now.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children! This is Michael, your Universe Father. Growing in stature as a citizen of the universe is a noble undertaking for humans to achieve during this earth-life phase. As your brother Jesus, I was charged with this, as well you know, and it was only through my will and that of the ministry of my Indwelling Spirit that I was able to become more consciously aware of who I was as a Creator Son and to live a human life that was based on doing the WILL of the Father.

This is the objective and goal for each human life, and you are given much support and guidance throughout the course of your life should you choose to undertake this as your own life’s objective. Your Mother and I are here to provide you the means and the environment in which you continue to progress on this path of self-mastery, which offers you a glimpse of your place in our divine universe family.

Today, to support you in this direction, I invite you to consider how it is you comport yourselves throughout the day. Are your actions based on motivations of love, compassion, understanding of your brethren? Take a few moments to go within and evaluate yourselves now, that the Spirit within you may guide you along this path of self-mastery on the road to your cosmic citizenship. (Pause)

During this particular phase of your ascension journeys—the material life on a physical world—you are given many choices and options to explore about how you will live. In the coming eras of your life you still have choices to make but there is a difference because living on this world you are confronted with much that is evil and sinful, and you must always weigh the needs of your own desires against what your culture is speaking to you. Spiritual growth, therefore, can be very, very rugged indeed, my children. And there are times when you don’t even know if you are doing the right thing—acting in a Godly manner.

Therefore in today’s infusion your Mother and I are here to support you to make those decisions that help you act in those loving Father-like ways. So if this appeals to you and you feel you need some additional spiritual support from us, I invite you to place your focus upon your heart and allow the energies of RIGHTFUL ACTION to be imparted into you from us to support your own ability to make those choices that are more in keeping with the WILL of the Father, that you may demonstrate more of the fruits of the Spirit throughout your daily activities. So take a few deep breaths. Feel your desire to be supported in RIGHTFUL ACTION as your Mother and I move in you now, my beloved children. (Pause)

This infusion is designed to provide you some inner space within your minds to consider what is the rightful course of action to pursue especially when you are in difficult situations. There are reflexive, almost instinctive, reactions to circumstances that trigger various negative responses to situation with your brothers and sisters that interfere with your spiritual receptivity. It is only after a difficult exchange wherein you have time to reflect upon what was done to consider that there could have been another response. As you allow RIGHTFUL ACTION to move into you, it is there to help you take a few moments to think and ask the Father Within to help you make that decision about how to respond and proceed forward.

Again, this is all part of learning how to master yourselves: master your emotional responses, your verbal exchanges, and even the way you perceive a situation. It is not necessary to always respond so immediately to any type of interchange between one another. Bbut you have many habits of responding very reactively so this is designed to help you become aware that there is another way to approach a situation. Take a step back; take some deep breaths. Ask the Father to show you the higher picture in a better way. Consider this for a few moments as we continue to provide you with this infusion of RIGHTFUL ACTION that you may become more aware how you interact with your brothers and sisters. (Pause)

You all contain various memory patterns that have formed into habits of thinking, feeling, and acting. As we imprint upon you these spiritual energies, feel your need for RIGHTFUL ACTION to move into those places where you know there are habit patterns that still need to be aligned in Father’s WILL. Your Spirit knows where these patterns exist within your energy bodies. Invite your Spirits to help you perceive where you are out of step or alignment with the more optimal spiritually fragrant response. Ask for RIGHFUL ACTION to move into those areas that you may respond in a better way and allow more change to occur within your beings of a positive nature. (Pause)

Self-mastery is a very serious undertaking on the part of the human child. But it can be a joyful experience, especially if you come to me when you are unsure of what to do and do not feel you are receiving the information you need from the Spirit Within. But I can shed light upon your mind and help you perceive the better way until you feel more comfortable and familiar with being able to perceive from the presence of Spirt Within.

This is one of the undertakings of my human life. I spent time in reflection during encounters with individuals and I sought the Father’s guidance about how to best approach certain situations even before they occurred. And you can do this too when you know you may need to deal with a human who has a very different perspective than you, take some time to pray and ask for help. Set that intention to respond in that RIGHTFUL WAY, and you can be more assured that you get the guidance you need or the words you need to speak, or the emotions you need to convey of a higher nature to that individual or individuals. And from this place of a positive interchange you grow your souls and you begin to develop those patterns of behavior that are indeed lovely to behold by your brethren, and they will set you apart. And over time, should you master this, you will be looked to and at as an individual who is spiritually aligned and has something valuable to offer.

So let these energies go deep, my children. Let them further set you on that course of self-mastery and soul growth. All you need do is desire this, and we will help you continue to receive, as well as provide you with opportunities to practice this until it becomes more effortless as you are filled with grace and beauty. (Pause)

As you progress on your journeys of self-mastery, the lights in your souls will radiate out to a world in need. We have encouraged you to let these lights shine. Allow your brothers and sisters to draw close to you. Let each experience be an opportunity to demonstrate RIGHTFUL ACTION to them in thought, word, and deed.

I will leave you now, my children, that your Mother may address you. Know that you are making strides in who you are as a child of the Father, and the light in your souls gaining strength and luminosity. Enjoy your experiences of RIGHTFUL ACTION and gain a depth of understanding and insight as to what it means to live as a cosmic citizen in our universe family of LOVE. Good day, my beloved children.

NEBADONIA: Greetings, my precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. When you encounter a situation with another person, invite the energies of RIGHTFUL ACTION to hold you in an energy field, a light bubble you might call it. If you can remember, see in your mind’s eye the words RIGHTFUL ACTION, and take a few moments to create that sphere of light around you and the individual or individuals with whom you interact. This creates a more spiritually upstepped vibrational field in which the interchange becomes more positive and Spirit led.

Part of the journey of self-mastery is also learning to use the circuits of mind in a way that helps you to create more positive experiences with your brothers and sisters. The mind is the environment for the Spirit to connect with the physical plane, and as you undergo your material lives it would be highly beneficial for you to learn how to use these circuits of mind for the Father’s WILL.

So I invite you now to see yourselves in a field of RIGHTFUL ACTION. Take a few moments to invite a circle or circuit of light, you might say, to grow around you, and within that circuit of light you are standing in the midst. Envision, if you will, in your mind’s eye that RIGHTFUL ACTION is gently, easily pulsating in that field, encircuiting your mind with its energies. Take a few moments to visualize this, my children. (Pause)

As you see yourselves in this field, feel your heart’s desire to respond more according to the ways and the WILL of the Father through this environment of RIGHTFUL ACTION. Notice what happens in this field, if you are so able to perceive in your mind’s eye—the energy flow of this dynamic. Let your minds and bodies become comfortable in this field, let your desires to live in this field become very strong and keen. (Pause)

Everyone has decisions to make about how they will interact with one another. We encourage you to experiment with this energy field, containing yourself and RIGHTFUL ACTION, and to hold it as a focal point in both your mind’s eye and within your heart’s intention when you are engaged with another person, especially if you have a situation that might be a little troubling or difficult for you. Expand that energy field in your mind’s eye to encompass and embrace that other individual. Ask for your Spirit to communicate with that individual’s Spirit. Draw a line of energy from your heart to that other person’s heart with the intention to relate to them in RIGHTFUL ACTION.

You can use this as an aid to help you develop that most beautiful habit of responding this way as you practice this over and over again. Doing this simple exercise helps you create that space you need within your mind to consider how you will respond. But it takes so much of the pressure off because you are setting up a spiritual circuit, and herein the Father within you can help you perceive the rightful way to respond.

So few humans of this world truly know how to manage their own energy. Yet, when you truly understand these dynamics it will help you practice this until you reach that stage of perfecting the technique and be able to demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit to not only one individual but to many. You can expand this energy field to embrace as many people as you desire. But let that be over time, and try this with one person, or two, and evaluate the response and the results you accrue over time.

This type of management of your own energy system provides many and various benefits to others. It gives their Spirits an opportunity to flash or convey something of TRUTH and LOVE to their minds and hearts. It may not be registered immediately, but you plant a seed, and that is good. It provides an individual with a safe space in which they may be able to consider a better response. It fosters better social harmony, and should you become so adept at this you will gain greater understanding of another person and be able to elicit their cooperation. So in the coming days your Father and I will support you in this endeavor, and we ask you to practice this as you go about your day. Let the intentions of your heart reflect that it is RIGHTFUL ACTION that will produce more of the fruits of Love, tolerance, and patient, and you will grow your souls.

As you still envision yourself in this field of RIGHTFUL ACTION, let it circulate throughout your being. Let that field communicate into those memory patterns--provide you more space within to see your own actions and situations and how you may have been responding erroneously, provide you more insight to see another way. (Pause)
We have given you much to consider and practice today, my children. Take this experience and information to heart and allow your Father Fragments to shed more light on how you may use this in your own quest of self-mastery and in loving service to your brothers and sisters. There is so much help and support for you to grow in this way now. Even in the midst of all of the chaos embroiled upon your world, use this time to grow in Spirit, to become bigger and brighter beacons of light to show the way. Allow the Father Within to illuminate your hearts and fill your souls with such devotion to the duty of growing your cosmic citizenship, and you will indeed be able to help you brother and sisters better, provide them with what they need to grow into who they are.

I will leave you now in this manner, but as you know we are always connected through the circuits of Mind. I live in you as you live in me, as you are growing in your ability to understand yourselves and become more of these sons and daughters you have been destined to become a little bit more each day. Use your time wisely and well, and allow all things to align in the Father’s LOVE. I leave you in that place, my children. Farewell.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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