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===Topic: ''Q & A with Michael''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for preparing our minds and hearts to receive your presence and to perceive your counsel. Thank you for weaving into your love as one. We open ourselves to you now that what you share with us will be felt not only through our heart energies, but be amplified within our understanding that we may be able to fulfill your will through the Father within us. Thank you.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children! This is Michael. I am very pleased that you have come together today, and that you are still carrying the energies of conference with you within your hearts. I was there in Spirit, and it was a great delight to watch you interact with one another and how you comported yourselves with great love and compassion and desire to truly get to know another person. This is, after all, the way of the universe, and as you become further socialized with one another, you will enjoy even more richness and depth of personality satisfaction. This will amplify your soul growth.

Today, before I address your questions, let us simply amplify those energies you received during the conference that this may carry that reverberating love energy out in the world as your lives return to your routines; that you are upstepped… you are what you might say supercharged in being of more desire to serve and love your brethren. Receive me now, my children, and let me share in this outpouring of love that you generated from your hearts and that we shared with you. (Pause)

Each one of you brought your beautiful selves to the conference. Each one of you had something unique to contribute and receive. Let the memory imprint of this experience go deep into your beings and remember that this is the way in which your Mother and I desire you to live each day. Of course, yes, there will be times when you do not sense this love energy, this fellowshipping experience, and that is normal and to be expected. But know that you can return anytime into those recesses of your memory and remember what it was like to live a piece of Light and Life for a few days. Continue to receive for a few more moments and then I will address your questions. (Pause)

Now if you would wish to engage your questioning minds in discourse with me, I will be happy to entertain those thoughts on your minds. However, if you wish to remain in stillness, you will continue to receive from me. You may shift your awareness now, and when you feel ready, please address me.
Student: Hi, Michael, this is L. I’m not sure if I know exactly how to phrase my question, but it has to do with people who seem to want to keep to themselves. I’ve been trying to understand why that happens. I was wondering if it has to do with a vibration or quality of frequency that they carry; and what is the best way to sort of draw them out of that desire to keep to themselves, and help them interact more with others? Does it need to be a two way street, a desire on both parts, or can more outgoing people can draw those people out with their desire, working on it somehow, soul to soul or Adjuster to Adjuster. I hope you can understand that. Thank you.

Michael: Yes, I understand, my daughter. First of all, let me say that there are many reasons why people withdraw into themselves. Sometimes they are on their own inner journey and they wish to be quiet and to interpret and intuit what is being conveyed within their minds of the higher realms. There are people who will withdraw into themselves because of fear, because of hesitancy of their own self worth, feeling that they have nothing to contribute into life and into relationships with other people. And there are those who feel socially isolated given that their society has failed them and they do not know where to turn. Sometimes their thoughts are seethed with revenge and violence. And there are those who are simply naturally shy and may not have the social skills to venture forth.

So it is important to perhaps go to that person’s Adjuster and to intuit at which level this person is so withdrawn. It may take some practice for you to develop a habit of doing this. But that indwelling Father Fragment knows the ward well and is able to convey to your own adjuster the best means of helping this brother or sister come out of his or her shell.

As you may well imagine, this is done in a very prayerful, meditative state, and as you have learned techniques of communicating at this deeper level, you can simply hold that intention of having a soul to soul exchange, wherein words may not necessarily be conveyed verbally. The energies can be shared through these circuits of soul: morontia circuitry as well as the Adjuster circuitry. This is, what you might consider to be, a very wonderful skill to develop.

This is one that I had to master when I was here on your planet sojourning as Jesus. It took me many years to develop that ability to relate to a person soul to soul, Adjuster to Adjuster, and yet if I can do it, I certainly extend the invitation to you to try, and do not be afraid that you will sometimes not get it exactly accurate and that person may not sometimes respond. It does not mean that you are not being effective. It merely means that the communication perhaps did not connect as powerfully as it may have as its potential.

So experiment this with people who are close to you, albeit do it silently. Do not try to tell them verbally that you are trying to help them out of their shell. In this way you will develop certain faith attitudes in your heart, for you will see the outworking evidence as they do start to feel safe enough to share with you what is on their heart.

The human heart is a very tender and delicate energy center because of the massive love deprivation on this world. The human heart is tentative in opening, especially when you have these categories of individuals who are withdrawn due to these factors. There are other factors as well, but these seem to be some of the main, you might call it, categories of why people withdraw. As you ponder the answer to this question, I invite you to not only come to me as your Father, but as your bother Jesus, that we may help you develop these soul to soul listening and sharing techniques that will render you more effective in ministering to the people you wish to help. Does this answer satisfy you, my daughter? (Yes, thank you very much.) Be in my peace, my beloved little one.

Student: Good afternoon, Michael, thank you for coming to us today and bestowing on us your energies and love and answering our questions. The question that is weighing on my heart at this moment comes from a message from - if I have received and perceived it correctly - Sidhauwa, who I believe is one of my seraphim pair. He spoke to me one evening and told me that I am a 'bearer of the flame', a 'carrier of the flame'. He gave a little bit about that, but not much detail. I was wondering if you could speak to this as to what this is, or what this means. Do others carry the flame? Or do they carry other elements inside them? Thank you.

Michael: My dear daughter, B, I do well understand the question that is pressing upon your heart, and yet I am constrained to limit my answer in as much as it is up to you to be on your own journey of discovery as to the meaning and value of this. I will say this, do you not love opening to the Light of Love? (Student: Yes, I do.)

Does it not fill your heart with such joy and celebration when you reach and interpret these invitations to open to new ideas? (Student: Yes it does. It is like opening a Christmas present.) Well, here is another one (chuckles). Each person has a light within them. So think about the metaphor of the candle. How much light does a candle emit when the flame is high and flickering brightly? How many people can see the light and how far at a distance? Remember the parable of hiding your light under a bushel. Think about this as your light was meant to be fueled by the desires of your heart. So how high can your flame grow? How brightly can it shine? It is up to you.

The potential is there and you are being encouraged, stimulated, and teased to accepting this aspect of yourself. As to the meaning of it, we want you to open that Christmas package on your own. Do you understand, my daughter?

Student: Yes I do, Michael. I understand entirely. I am reminded of at the age of 14 when I went through confirmation class. Each student was required to select a verse from the Bible that they felt really spoke to their heart. I still remember mine 40 years later: Let your light so shine before others so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Thank you, Michael. I look forward to exploring what this means for me on my journey. I am eager to receive the joy when that package is opened...and the joy along the journey.

Michael: So keep this Bible verse close to your heart. Let it penetrate into its depths so that you may open this package with great joy as the meaning becomes more clear in mind and body. Be in my peace, beautiful little one. (Thank you, Michael.)

Student: Hello, Michael, this is L and I just want to thank you for the way that you entered into probably all of the healing sessions that people during the conference gave me the opportunity to share with them. I thank you for that. I’m also thinking about how I have been instructed to keep a journal or take notes about what I perceive is happening for people during these releasing sessions. As I was thinking back on the sessions I had I was struck by how easily each one of these people seemed to relax and go into a beautiful space of stillness. Some of these occurred after we had done the releasing [in the labyrinth] . My question is, I’m asking if you would comment on that. Also recently MICHAEL’S TIME has been coming into the labyrinth through me from you; I’m wondering if that also -- your TIME -- was in operation in our activities in the labyrinth during the conference. Thank you.

Michael: My dear daughter, I will answer the first question. As people begin to release all of their inhibitions and fears that are a part of these pent up emotions, they will feel relaxation in their body, especially when they feel there is someone who is close by who is helping them release it.

Many of my children walk their journeys of life in isolation. They feel there is no one who understands them or who even wants to understand them. You are before them with a compassionate heart, and whether or not they consciously recognize it, your compassion is helping them to release the burdens they carry. Of course we know it is a process to release all of them, so the ones they can release they do. Your compassion is a catalyst for them to feel safe so they can indeed let go, and as you say, let God.

So what does this do? This prepares the mind for worship for communion so when people enter the labyrinth, they are already in a favorable mental and heart-felt attitude to commune with their Adjusters. Now you were working with a group of people who are already aware of the Father within them. So it will become incumbent upon you to help others who enter your labyrinth when you return home. Begin to appreciate that they have something within them that is so beautiful and wonderful beyond comprehension; they have the joy to discover who and what that is over the course of their lifetime. Does this answer satisfy your first question?

Student: Yes, I believe it does, thank you. It wasn’t quite what I was expecting.

Michael: Now to answer your question about the time element. I will say this, it was somewhat working in the labyrinth, but there is more to come. As you might be well aware, we are outworking some old cultural conditioning energies that you have contained within your being as a part of the influence of the rebellion, and this will take, pardon the pun, more time to outwork.

That you are open to receiving this endowment and this correction of the time element will underscore your ability to grow in a greater capacity of understanding the relationship of time to eternity. And now some of your close associates are receiving more of these understandings, and so it will be very helpful for you all to engage in conversation to share your impressions of what this means so that you can continue to outwork this linear ideational relationship of time into more of what time truly means from a cosmic level in relationship to the Father within you and in relationship to your eternal career.

So know that as you grow in this time element and you deposit this into your labyrinth that these energies will work synergistically together. For those who are ready to move into this heightened awareness, they will receive this as well. Not all will receive this, and not all will recognize this. So do not have the expectation that there is some broad collective interpretation of this at this time. Each person will need to grow in their own understanding with the orchestrations of their indwelling Father Fragment. Does this answer your question, my daughter?

Student: Yes, I think I will have to take some “time” to absorb it when I go back and reread this. I know I’m questioning in my mind just how this change in perception of time will play out, how it affects what we do. But I’m sure you’re going to tell me we will figure that out along the way. So if you have more comments you would like to make on this factor of time, I would appreciate that. If not, thank you so much for all the beautiful endowments you have given for my labyrinth work.

Michael: My suggestion is to allow the old conditioned relationship you’ve had with time to be outworked just as you have allowed so many other imprints that were holding you back; it is no different. Hold the desire strong in your heart, hold that intention to be in the time coding that I wish to share with you and you will continue to open to something very new, very hopeful to your work, and of course most beneficial to the people to whom you minister. Be patient and know things are all working together in the Father’s time, my beloved daughter.

Student: Thank you very much.

Michael: Be in my peace. (I feel it.)

Student: I have a question related to the messages that Monjoronson has sent through our TR network on the topic of population decimation. I know that there are many how and when questions on this topic. But my question is why must this happen on Urantia in these times?

Michael: R, my son, some of the information you have received has come through a human filter. There are, as you might be aware, the natural decline of the population of the planets due to natural causes. It is not as if we have a plan to diminish the population levels of your planet arbitrarily. But we do see that over the course of your current population growth, that this world will either have to expand in the ratio of land mass to population or the population will need to shrink. I cannot say to you how this will occur, because this is part of your planet’s evolutionary growth that you will have to undergo.

But I will encourage you to pay careful attention to the emotional quality of certain of these transmissions. If you have questions of this nature, ask your Father Fragment to help you intuit and interpret what is the emotional quality or attitude of the person who is transmitting this message. You are well aware that these transmissions go through the filter of the human mind. They also go through the filter of the human heart. Will you consider this? (Yes). So having said that, you may want to revisit some of these transmissions and ask your own Father Fragment to help you come into a new understanding and perspective of what this means.

I love all my children – each and every one. There is a plan for them that they may accept eternal survival. From our perspective, it matters not whether they make this decision on Urantia or on the mansion worlds. This life is so fleeting; it is so transitory. Yet it is the training ground for those brave, faith-filled souls who are willing to say yes and step onto this eternal adventure.

As you have heard me say as your brother Jesus and have read in your Urantia text, “What does it matter if all things start to crumble?” For your path is assured, and so is each one who chooses to walk into eternity.

So revisit these transcripts, my son. Let your heart shed new light on the meaning of what it is you read. Does this help?

Randy: Yes, thank you Michael.

Michael: Then be in my peace, my precious little one.
My children, my beloved children! Do you know how brave you are? Do you know how courageous you are each day you step out in faith? This world would be changed so quickly if more of my children would act as you. You are the way-showers, and it is through your actions, large and small, that you change the consciousness, and help your brothers and sisters see through the demonstration of your lives how to live in a more aligned way.

Truly this was really the way I lived as Jesus that so inspired my followers. Why should it be any different for you? Let yourselves become the masters of your lives, thereby rendering yourselves so fruitful, so delectable, so desirable to your brothers and sisters that they would wish to come to you and receive what it is that you know and have to offer them.

So I will leave you with this thought today. I ask you to ponder this carefully, that you may become masters of your minds and hearts and grow the beauty of your soul. You too are not only the carrier of the flame of your hearts, but that it blazes forth with a thousand suns illuminating all who come and draw close to you. Good day, my beautiful children.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2013]]

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