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===Topic: ''Q & A with Michael''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Thank you, Mother and Father, for this time together. Thank you for helping us to receive your presence within our beings. You know the questions within our hearts and minds and we open ourselves to receive your words and your presences. As we quiet our minds, we thank you for preparing us to receive you in the ways you wish to share yourselves with us; that your will may be done through us, by us, through your grace. Thank you.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. I extend my PEACE to you today that you may carry this energy within your being to conduct your affairs today in this attitude of serenity and assurance. I am with you! Today before I address your questions, I invite you to open your hearts to receive me that this PEACE may be infused at deeper levels of your being. Receive me now, my children, and receive my PEACE. (Pause)

When you are grounded in my PEACE, you are in a place of centeredness and stability. It may seem from your outward observation of the circumstances of your life that the world is spinning around you, and sometimes this creates, this what you might call, a blur within your consciousness that creates confusion within your mind—and not only within your mind, but within your emotions. As you become more secure in this foundation of my PEACE, what will start to accrue as you observe your world is that you are somewhat distanced from it and that you begin to attract more of what you need to your inner being and to be less influenced by the conditions of the world around you.

Today, I invite you to think of yourselves as being in that place of stability, letting your innermost being become an anchor in my PEACE, that what you observe of your world and its chaos and turbulence seems less emotionally distracting and mentally unsettling, and that what you need can come into your being. Let this image of your being an anchor in my PEACE grow stronger within your own mind and heart. As you observe the conditions of your life, notice if you feel that some of the turbulence around you is modified and alleviated. (Pause)

From this place then, I invite you to formulate your questions or concerns that I may address these things for you. Do try to keep that dual focus of being in my PEACE as your mind focuses on your question. Or, if you wish to simply remain in this grounding of PEACE, then please do so. I am ready to receive you when you feel you are ready to speak.

Student: Father Michael, this is D. I would like some more insight on how a person could go about repairing a relationship. Let’s say someone has a belief that they’ve been wronged and you don’t quite understand why because you tried to do your best in that situation. But you do want to repair the relationship and try to bring some harmony back in it. Would you talk to us about how we can do that with our relationships?

Michael: Certainly, my dear daughter. Relationships are the cornerstone of universe life. All life is but relationship to the source of all life. At the human level there are various factors that yield times of harmony, fraternity, mutual respect, and understanding. And this is all based on the Father’s love—Father’s overarching and underlying love for the individuals involved. Sometimes it is very difficult for humans to achieve this state of love because of misperceptions, misunderstandings, not truly understanding the motivations of the individuals involved. So the relationships will need to evolve over time.

When there is conflict and when there is disharmony, it is helpful for the individuals to first come into a state of stillness. Quiet the mind; open the heart to have that intention of coming to a place of mutual understanding. This does not mean that the understanding will occur at that particular moment. It may mean that some time will have to evolve that relationship. That is one of the first steps to resolving any kind of conflict. And then as the conversation ensues from the stilled mind, it is helpful if the parties form a soul to soul, Adjuster to Adjuster bond of intention so that again over time this can grow and to speak from the heart of any sense of what they experienced or perceive from the interchange or the experience of conflict.

Sometimes it is helpful to have an uninvolved third party act as a facilitator. But the two elements that are most productive and helpful are to come into that state of love and intention and also to appreciate that some time may need to progress the relationship further. I will stop here and ask if this has satisfied you or if you wish me to expound upon this a little further.
Student: Well, that going into stillness works for everyone who’s on this call and many others that we know in our Urantia associations but what if you are trying to relate to someone who doesn’t realize the value of stillness. It’s not something they practice, so what do you recommend to start opening up that possibility of communicating heart to heart with them?

Michael: You can still enter into a state of stillness on your own and set that intention on your own part to come from a place of love and to recognize that you have an ability to develop soul bonds and adjuster liaisons with this other individual irrespective of their awareness of the spiritual content of the relationship. But what you are doing is that you are making the appeal to the higher nature of that individual, and you are setting a spiritual tone, you might say, to any ensuing dialogue that may be exchanged between two parties.

Here is where you may need to have several discussions and for more time to evolve the relationship to a higher level. But regardless how long it takes for you as a spiritually awakened individual to hold that focus for the highest good to come out of these exchanges, it will help that individual to receive from their adjuster at some future time, especially if you come from a place of great love, understanding, and compassion. Does this help my daughter?

Student: Yes, Father Michael. It does. We always need to go to our source whenever we want to relate to anyone on any level. Thank you

Michael: And grow in my peace my daughter.
Student: Hello, Michael, I am happy to be here, and thank you that I was put on a path to move into churches. It is a very interesting experience, it is like an adventure. I have been to quite a few churches now in Berlin and it is very helpful to understand the German culture. It gets me deeper into that, and I just like to ask you: is there something that I can and need to improve in these efforts and how can I improve the harmonization with the other human who is involved in that process? Thank you.
Michael: I appreciate your diligence in moving into the institution of the church to bring about transformational change and healing. You are gaining confidence and strength of mind and heart in bringing in these energies of spirit which are sorely needed in this arena of planetary life. Much of what you are doing is experimental on your part, and yet each time you have an experience you gain a little bit more understanding, if not always conscious but yet you are growing in your ability to perform these acts of service.
My only suggestion other than to continue to do this is to focus more on the angelic corps whom are coming into this circuit of transformation to support your efforts. I encourage you to open your heart that you may embrace them more fully and to expand in the energies that they are sharing with you. The human spiritual capacity is so largely undeveloped—your minds are elastic, expandable and flexible. When you open your mind and heart to them in these types of collaborative efforts you are actually growing and more spiritual energy is able to be sent your ways.
Your Mother and I desire your capacities of spiritual receptivity to be at heights that you can hardly conceive yet, but yet you have the potential therefore. It is these exercises you are now undergoing that provide you these opportunities to expand. So when you are in the church and you are focusing your efforts, feel the joy that is part of this undertaking and allow your angelic supporters to, as you say, tickle your fancy and help you grow in the joy that they are experiencing as they bring more light and rekindle more spiritual life into your efforts. Does this help, my son?

Student: Yes, thank you. I just can add to that, as you know I was so happy to be in that church of my youth where I really could feel that. This is the church that brought me to you, connected me very early, although I did not really know. But I was able to feel this joy at that time this week, thank you.

Michael: And then carry that with you as you continue to move into other churches. Your brothers and sisters need this joy. They need this lightness of heart to calm their worries and allay their fears that they carry within them still. So as you grow in your in your expressiveness of joy, know that it will continue to be enhanced by the angelic corps who serve you during these times. Let my life as your brother Jesus come into this energetic circuit, connect with me as your brother Jesus on a human level and allow the angels to bring in my joy of life and living that your brothers and sisters may begin to pick up on this energy of the heart to lighten their burdens of life, and be in my peace, my son. (Thank you)

Student: Father, this R. I have question about the anchor your spoke of just now. You said that we are anchored in your peace. That’s the way I heard it. The anchor has been a metaphor that I have pondered in recent days, severely, because I have felt the winds of the storms so intense. I have known I did not need to be afraid because you were there, but I’ve not understood this about the anchor. I think understanding is critical for me right now as I somehow seem to be led to reach my hands or something like a life raft to someone when they are drowning. If I’m not anchored, I’ll drown too! Could you talk about this anchor…what it is and how it is that we who believe and who trust you are anchored in this reality of life and peace and love and survival…could you talk about that?

Michael: Yes, my dear daughter, I will be happy to address your concern. The anchor of which I speak is your connection to me. It is primarily an energy that you perceive within our heart. It is a feeling. It is a sense of stability that discloses to your mind, “even though there is much turmoil me, I am uninfluenced by it.”

Now, this is not necessarily something that is easy to achieve and sustain while you are in the midst of the storm. Before, it is very important for you to come to me on a regular basis throughout the day to maintain this quality of centeredness, which we are using the word ‘anchor’ to identify. Sometimes it requires to you to retreat into the safety of your own sacred space of a room, state of meditation, state of prayer, whatever it is that will help you cultivate a deeper awareness within your being of this state of peace. Sometimes the turmoil around an individual is so great that you must retreat for longer periods of time in order to meet the challenges of those situations.

But let me simply say this: that there is, what you might call, a reciprocal exchange of energy…as the turmoil increases and you retreat into the centeredness of your own heart you will grow in your capacity, your receptivity for my peace. My energy is greater than the turmoil of the world. My peace is greater than the energies that you may perceive within your own mind and heart.

There are certain visualizations or exercises you might wish to use for example: to see this situation and simply ask for my PEACE to embrace it, for my peace is truly greater than the turmoil in any particular situation. As you envision this in your mind’s eye, simply ask for me to feed you with my PEACE into your heart, the PEACE that I am bringing into this situation, the LOVE that I am bringing into this situation; for you to feed upon this rather than for you to see this situation and feel the energy come from it to disrupt your emotional and mental equilibrium and stability.

That is merely one focusing technique, but if it helps, I encourage you to practice this and to see every situation that comes before you with my presence embracing it. For I am there amongst you, but you must use the powers of your mind and the powers of your heart to attract my PEACE into you. I will pause here and ask you if this is helpful, or do you wish me to elaborate further on this idea?

Student: It’s very helpful, Father…very helpful. I could see on that boat in the storm you standing there and casting us a net; your peace over the storm and raging sea. Thank you for bringing us all home. Thank you.

Michael: My daughter, as you go through these storms of your life, this anchor will continue to gain its strength within your being. But if this visualization is helpful, I encourage you to see all of these circumstances and conditions of your life with me there, embracing that and the embracing the individuals involved and embracing you. Let your mental imagery become so strong that there is unbroken bond between us; for truly there is, yet so few people develop this strength of mind, this courage of heart to prolong our connection and to feel that you are always in the presence of deep PEACE.

Center yourself in the energies of the words to you, my daughter, and let your heart know that it is truly receiving the PEACE it so richly desires and deserves. Let it grow. One day you will truly embody this in every fiber of your being and be able to minister to your brethren the way your heart truly desires. Does this help, my daughter? (Yes…thank you!) Continue to receive and embody my PEACE, my dear.
Are there any more questions for today? My children, I well understand your desires for PEACE, not only in your hearts but for the whole as a whole. It is true that the human heart has grown weary with all of the war, violence, deception, animosity that is rampant here. While I know many of you wish that we would just wave a magic wand and everything become peaceful, it is truly not the Father’s way. Each individual has been given the gift of free will to choose how they would conduct their lives, so we look to you to transform your lives and to grow in the divine attributes to which you have access that you would be these beacons of LOVE, MERCY, PEACE and UNDERSTANDING to your brothers and sisters—to act as catalysts within their own minds and hearts for them to choose the higher path, the divine ways and the creative life in Spirit.

Know that when you falter in your own humanity, call on us, and we will fortify you in SPIRIT. Your capacities are hardly developed and your potential is great. So as I leave you today, know that your ability to grow in my PEACE is ever expanding throughout all the experiences of your life. Remember to ask for my PEACE to come into any situation that is beyond your human ability to handle on your own. I am with you. I live inside you. You have access to me at all times. You must use that power to call upon it when you are in need, and to hone your skill to harness the power of your mind as you learn how to master what has been given to you. I learned this as your brother Jesus and I now ask you to participate with me in this adventure of building the ways of PEACE and LIGHT and LOVE upon this beleaguered world.

Draw in my PEACE once more to fortify you and to see the PEACE of the universe blanketing this world, as my hands hold Urantia, as my PEACE radiates into it. (Pause) Good day.

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