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===Topic: ''Q and A with Michael''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for this time to share yourselves with us as we brings our concerns regarding our spiritual development. You know what is on our hearts and on our minds. We are ready to receive you in whatever ways you know are appropriate for us. We open our hearts to receive you, and we thank you so much for all you provide to us in our development. May your will be done. Thank you.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. I welcome you to this forum today that you may come to me for concerns that I would address them for you and help you come to a fuller understanding of what you need.

Before we begin with the questions, take a few moments to focus upon me as I resonate within you through your Spirit of Truth. Let this be a time when you and I come closer together in harmonic convergence that those around you could help you attune to the sound of my voice resonating within your heart. Receive me now, my children. Let me speak inside of you. (Pause)

The time is coming when changes will be made upon the Urantian fabric of consciousness. For many of your brethren it will be a time of disruption, and a major shift in their perception of reality. One of the exercises that we have been sharing with you is in coming to your Mother and me to anchor you in our spirit gravity wherein your stabilization of mind and emotion will secure you in our peace, our truth, our love and mercy. You are being called to labor on my behalf for your brethren to help them come into a greater understanding of who they are and the nature of the spirit reality in which all life exists. You have much greater advantage over many and the more you desire to serve, the more we can send you out in the field to labor and help your brothers and sisters.

Prepare yourselves now by drinking deeply of this cup of LIFE that renews you from the inside as I continue to share myself with you, and your Mother continues to expand you in what you need. (Pause)

Expansion means growth. Sometimes that growth will stimulate those hidden pockets of resistance within your being that have actually thwarted your progress. So as the LIGHT OF TRUTH presses upon those resistant places, it causes some emotion and mental turmoil for a time. Ask for my TRUTH to imprint upon these places within you that your indwelling Father Fragments may help you look at what holds you back, that you may reach new plateaus of experiential understanding as you interact with your brothers and sisters. Continue to receive for a few more moments. Let your Mother and me wash through, cleansing and purifying you. (Pause)

Thank you, my children, for your loyal dedication to me and to your world. If you wish to ask any questions, I will receive them when you feel moved to speak. (Pause)
Q&A Portion:

Student: Hello, Michael, this is B. The last time we met in this forum, I came to you with questions and confusion about how best to fuel our bodies with food and beverage. You had a wonderful solution for me to take these questions into stillness with my Adjuster and ask, “What are the best foods for me specifically?” I have spent time doing such. I have not worked through all of the food groups, but I have worked through many of them. I have been surprised by some of the answers that my Thought Adjuster has given me. Foods that I thought were fine for me are not. Some foods that I thought were off limits, are actually very appropriate for my body. I have changed my diet as best as I can.

I think I am actually noticing a difference in my metabolism and how my body responds to how I am fueling it. You warned me that it would be a time consuming effort to undertake, and it is, which is why I have not been able to complete the effort yet. I wanted to just thank you for the encouragement and the answers that you gave me last time we met. No specific question other than if you have some additional advice that would be great. Thank you, Michael, this really has been very beneficial. Fueling my body—our bodies—nutrition, I should say, has always been a very strong interest of mine. I appreciate the gift you gave me last month to pursue. Thank you.

Michael: I am pleased that you took my advice to heart, my daughter, and that you have made progress. I encourage you to go the distance on charting your nutritional course and to be patient as your body goes through its adaptations to a healthier eating plan. That you have taken the time to do this for your body helps you to appreciate the delicate balance of the frequencies of your entire being of the continuum spiritual energies.

The regard for the physical body as a sacred vessel—a temple for the presence of the Father—is something you are cultivating more actively as you hold this intention for yourself to nourish yourself with only that which improves your body's vitality. So few humans of this world are aware of how to do this. That you have made this effort—and it is an effort—and taken the time to do this underscores this transference of your awareness—growing understanding and appreciation of your body as a temple for the Father.

My encouragement today is to keep on this path, and to encourage others on the call to do likewise. Let your bodies be treated accordingly with the reverence and respect it deserves. While I understand how your culture has developed its food distribution system to feed the masses, you do not need to necessarily participate in the products that it promotes. Instead, turn within to your Father Fragment and ask for divine guidance on how to nourish and maintain your physical system. Be in my peace, my daughter. [Thank you, Michael.]

Student: Hello this is H. I do go through some heavy experiences lately, and I like to hear some words from you of advice or comments on one point is the idea of resonance, because my experience with what I would call left souls on this planet. Maybe I attract them or they attract me, as i have learned to help them to continue their travel.
It´s hard for me to explain but i think you know what i mean. If you could comment on that, thank you.

Michael: H, my son, you are growing in what you might call energetic bandwidth, and within this bandwidth there are various frequencies, some of which are still what you might call misaligned thought forms that you perceive from time to time. The kind of resonance that you speak of is part of the growing spiritualization of your own being and you are, you might say, an antenna for some of these thought form frequencies that your energy field and bandwidth are now perceiving.

I admonish you to be very careful as you expand your range of bandwidth, and when you feel that you are attracting those forms around you that are of a lower vibrational frequency, carry a flame of light around you so that this light is acting as a beacon for those forms to ascend to a higher dimensional resonance frequency.

It serves you not to try to use your own human mind to transform them, this you cannot do. They require the higher emanations of spirit, so when you surround yourself in this white flame—you might way of my truth, my goodness, my mercy and my love—then they have no other recourse but to start to gravitate up towards the light.

I applaud your efforts at wanting to help your world to overcome the many deficits of the miscreations that were constructed her from the rebellion. But do so with me around you, do so with my love and my spiritual armor, if you will, surrounding you. In this way you are expanding your energy field and you are bringing to bear upon these forms a higher frequency that is necessary for them to be transmuted and transformed, does this answer your question my son?

Student: Yes, thank you very much. I am also be happy to be here in this forum today because you gave me already an example for how it feels when you are around me, or us, so that was very helpful, thank you.

Michael: Continue your experimentation in this realm; always do it with me surrounding you and helping you learn more about how the energies of love and my presence will heal the world. Be in my peace my son.
My children, this is a time to develop your faith. I well understand how rugged this path is—when there are times you feel like you are not making any progress, and you do not necessarily sense where you are headed. I, too, encountered this status of mind during my earthly sojourn as your brother Jesus. You may certainly call upon me and ask you to help you move through those periods when you have doubts or are unsure of what steps to take next. This is a time when patience will serve you well.

There is a natural outworking of the WILL of our Father that is in alignment with the Father’s plans. These plans are for a far greater creation than you can imagine. Your lives are influenced by this creative design. When you feel you are in this state of confusion or uncertainty, it is always best to take a break from the ruminations of your thought processes and to come into that state of stillness and ask for that far seeing perspective to expand to your sense of patience and timing.

This is one of the ways you grow, what you might call, your spiritual bandwidth and help your sense of perspective to be colored by the splendor and beauty of the Father’s timing and His WILL. Let all things come into their divine placement as His WILL commands, and let your individual lives become more aligned in where the Father within you is guiding you. Take a few moments to let this thought make its impression within your system. Make that appeal to your Adjusters to secure you in this far-seeing perspective of the Father’s creative plan. Your Mother and I will move in you and fill you with peace. (Pause)

And now, my children, go out and play today and enjoy yourselves. Know that I am with you always as one age passes into the next. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
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