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===Topic: ''Q and A with Michael''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for this time to be with you and to receive your words of encouragement and counsel. You know the challenge each one of us faces in our lives and the help that we need; questions on our hearts and minds. We come close to you today to receive your loving ministrations within us, and to benefit greatly from what you provide to us now, that we may flow in your grace and be more consistently centered in your will throughout the day. Thank you.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. Your individual lives are very important and precious to your Mother and me, and in engaging in these types of forums, it is an opportunity to gather as a group to receive more of our presence in your lives. Today, before we address the concerns of your heart, let us draw close to one another. Let your Mother expand you in Her loving breath of LIFE. Let your bodies and your thoughts focus on being with us now, and allow your vibrational rates to attune to what we wish to provide to you. So drink deeply and be filled in our PEACE. (Pause)

The very cells of your body were designed to receive SPIRIT. Although your bodies did not receive all of the Adamic life plasm that was originally planned, we are helping to attune your frequencies so that the cells of your physical being are able to connect and communicate with these spirit sparks now flowing into you. Welcome these sparks of life. Invite your body to absorb them, and to catalyze new transactions—cellular communication of the multiple facets of information contained therein. This is beyond your intellectual comprehension, occurring at a very subatomic dimension, yet you will feel an expansion of energy, and this will help you to know in your being that you are connected to us. Continue to drink deeply as we flow our LOVE into you. (Pause)

Take a few moments now to focus on your indwelling Father Fragments—that wonderful gift from our Paradise Father which accompanies you throughout your long eternal career. You are in the early stages of developing this partnership with your Adjusters. So focus your intention to become ONE—to reach that stage of fusion, and allow your Mother and me to continue to minister to your minds, that your Father Fragments may indeed communicate more directly into your thoughts. Feel this intention to become ONE with the Father. (Pause)

One day you will be filled with spirit consciousness. You will be embarking on the eternal adventure. You are in the earliest phases of this. We invite you to enjoy your growth process, as we have encouraged you many times to savor this process much as you would enjoy the most delicious meal or to smell the sweetest fragrance. Your individual growth is not only a great joy to behold; it is so sweet to the Father. The Father wishes for you to enjoy how you unfold like a beautiful flower blossoming in the light of His LOVE. Many times you feel spirit pressure pressing upon your psyche, sometimes causing you fear, confusion. This is all part of the outworking of those energies that denied you the faith access that is always yours to experience as you grow. So let not the growth pains of your spiritual development deter you in any way to embrace the whole experience and know that the beauty inside of you is gaining greater stature, and the radiance of the Father within you is growing stronger to emanate His LIGHT through and through your being. Focus now on the Father within and we will continue to stir in you. (Pause)

The time is growing shorter for the period of the heart to open on Urantia. You might call this a planetary event when the hearts of the individuals here upon this world will receive a greater surge of my POWER presence through your Mother. We invite you to prepare yourselves for this great heart awakening by coming to us each day to receive that which we wish to impart to you, thus fostering greater bandwidth within your mind for greater Adjuster reception.

So you now may wish to change your focus to the questions of your heart. I will address them when you feel ready to speak. But if you do not wish to ask anything or comment, you will continue to receive from your Mother and me, and let those reverberations go deeper into your being.
Q&A Portion

Student: Hello, Michael, this is B. My question to you today is about the Eucharist, Holy Communion, or as the Urantia Book calls it, the Remembrance Supper. I know what the UB says about this. I know in my heart that what was done in a true sense of agape has become a divisive tool in the hands of man. I am not sure what my question is, other than for the past week something has bubbled up from deep within me to know more of the full truth about this topic. Why this has come to me, I do not know. All I know is that I feel I am to ask the question. And so I ask if you could please speak to this. Thank you.

Michael: Yes, my daughter, I would be most happy to help you understand what my actions were during that particular suppertime with my apostles. I knew I was about to leave them in the physical form. I knew that my apostles needed some type of a ritual to remember me to engage my presence. At that time, there were many traditional rituals established—not only in the Jewish tradition, but in also the other existing religious traditions at that time. So it was significant for them to have something tangible to use to connect to me.

I, you might say in the present vernacular, set up an energetic circuit whereby when a person does focus on me they make that appeal to my heart, my heart energies and theirs flow together. This is part of the imagery, you might say, of the shedding of blood. It is not a sacrificial shedding of blood, but a figurative sharing of the heart energies.

The other aspect is the living WORD, the living truth, of my presence. This was symbolized by bread. It was to help humanity remember the words—the living connection that they have to me. When I bestowed the Spirit of Truth upon all flesh this circuit was reinforced, you might say, and people now have a direct line to allow the truth within them to reverberate more resoundingly within their hearts.

Now as you know, humans seem to codify and use their own images and interpretations to standardize these rituals and make them into something more dogmatic and rote. And so what I established has lost some of its energetic meaning over the course of the last two thousand years. But truly, if the individual who partakes in this ritual of Holy Communion desires to be with me, then those energies flow. And I daresay that this perhaps is emerging in your consciousness to help your beloved husband open up to a new understanding of this long established tradition of the church practices he has been engaged in. And you may share this information with him if you feel he would be receptive to receive an expanded view of what I established for my apostles during that supper. Does this help, my daughter?

Student: Yes it does, Michael. I wondered if maybe if that is why it has been bubbling up inside of me. It is not so much for my understanding, my heart has already begun to see more of the truth, but for me to at some point share with my husband. I am not quite sure he would be ready to hear it today, but I do sense that you and Mother have been working some wonders at opening up his heart. I do sense that maybe not in the too distant future he would be open to me sharing this with him.

Michael: You will know when the time is right, for this topic will come up more naturally. And when it does, you may speak what you have felt in your heart. Be in my peace, my daughter. [Thank you, Michael.]

Student: Hi, this is Henry. I thank you, B, that you asked this question, and thank you, Michael, for your answer because this topic also relates to me and the people I meet, especially my geomancy teacher F. This topic is valuable or is important for many around me and in my area and in European traditional religion. Thank you for that, and I want to say another thing. I want to say thank you for your advice from our last Q&A session with what you said: to call on your presence when I have these strange experiences or that I feel I am growing into this awareness.

And I also like to say that I am, just by reading last night in the UB about the birth of our solar system, that I feel I grow into a bigger awareness of the gigantic undertaking of our whole creation, and it just makes me feel overwhelmed. I am very happy to be in that. This is just a comment, but I would like you to give me an advice for my upcoming travels to the British Isles. Thank you.

Michael: H my son, there is a wealth of information streaming into you now, and sometimes the emotions become so full of awe and wonder that it does seem like you are overwhelmed with the enormity of creation. And for a long period of time during your eternal adventure this will continue to be your experience to delight and inspire you to seek ever expanding understanding of the Father`s creative plan.

One of the most important elements that is necessary during this time of planetary correction is to understand the energetic connection that the earth plane has in this overall design. Your travels to a new culture to look at the ley lines of the earth is part of your ongoing training for the Father within you wishes to perform with your consent.

It would be very advisable to you to open your heart as wide as you can to the entire experience and let the energies of the earth speak into your heart. In time, combined with your continued study of the Urantia text and what you are learning from your geomancy teachers, you will be able to form a more comprehensive picture of how this creative process impacts the physical dimension.

So I encourage you to keep that heart center open and to just allow the experience to resonate deeply within. Your Adjuster knows what you need to understand; trust in that dynamic completely so that you are not overwhelmed with the ideations of too many people who have their own conceptual frame of reference as to what geomancy is. And instead allow the Spirit of Truth and my presence, your Adjuster, and the experience to form a more expansive understanding within your mind that will render you into to form this bigger picture. Does this help my son?

Student: Yes, thank you very much.

Michael: And be in my peace, my son.
Michael’s closing comments:

My children, my beautiful children, as we leave you, let us embrace you one more time to fill you with that inner assurance of how deeply you are loved and valued. Let us move in you now. Drink deeply of this LOVE. It is always yours for the asking. (Pause)

Enjoy your day, my children, and grow in my PEACE. Good day.

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