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===Topic: ''Basking in Spiritual Rest''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
Prayer: Mother and Father, thank you for this opportunity to receive your presence in this manner. You know what your children need to continue to progress in the transformation that is occurring upon Urantia now, and to provide those anchors of stabilization, creating these new patterns of light and love for our world to feed upon as you build more of your presence here on Urantia. We long for these changes, we long for your presence to grow, and we thank you for building us as these containers of light that we may participate with you in this Correcting Time more to our hearts’ desires. May your will be done.
Michael: Peace be upon you, my children. This is Michael. There is a type of spiritual rest that is an integral part of your spiritual adventure and what your bodies need to encode these energies of light bathing the planet in the energies of transformational change. The practice of stillness is fundamental to this idea of spiritual rest. One of the reasons your teachers have spent so much time in reinforcing the idea is because you truly do not get enough of this spiritual resting rejuvenation that your physical bodies need.

As I minister in your minds today, let your hearts open to this awareness of spiritual rest, and let your minds open to this idea—this thought form--of what spiritual rest can do to further your healing and transformation. This is your time to imprint upon me as your Father to receive those qualities of my being that I share with you that you have access to as you rest in spirit. Simply focus in your hearts. Feel that desire and intention to be at rest in spirit and allow your Mother and I to move in and through you as you train your overall energy systems to BE in my peace. (Pause)

The quality of beingness affords you that state of restful rejuvenation in spirit. Many of you have found it very difficult to elongate this sense of beingness, and yet if you were to master this state artfully, you would find you have better ability to monitor and control your various currents of the mindal system—your thoughts, your feelings, and the emotional interplay between them. Allow this word, you might say, of BE, to fill your fields with this quality of simply being a child of the Father. There is nothing that you need to do other than relax and breathe in this quality of beingness that underscores the relationship between human child and divine parent. This is that state of restful rejuvenation in the Father’s will. (Pause)

You are all being expanded in vibrations that are beyond your physical senses, yet they impinge upon those delicate threads of your physical body that are calibrated to these frequencies. During your stillness practice, continue to ask for the recalibration of your physical bodies that they may attune to these higher signals of spirit to encode these vibrations into the very depths of your physical cells. You all have a capacity for light, and although your physical bodies did not receive all of the Adamic DNA that you required, we are helping you achieve higher frequency attenuation when you set your hearts’ desires and intentions to receive them. This is part of the correction of planet’s legacy stemming from the rebellion. This path is open to any and all who seek to be upstepped and attune to the melodious invitation of their own Father Fragments to follow His way and His will. Drink deeply, my children. Drink deeply and let yourselves BE. (Pause)

Invite the cells of your body to imprint upon these energies of beingness. Hold that intention for this to occur, and if it helps for you to visualize in your mind’s eye, see the word BE simply sitting over your head as if a cap of light were infusing its luminous vibrations into the very cells of your brain—the various portions of your brain. (Pause)

My children, my love is all around you. Allow those aspects of your physical being to truly receive, penetrate through the veil of this physical density that my love may be infused more securely into your physical bodies that you know deep within your being of the love in which you live and have always lived. Let the womb of your Mother open your sensing mechanism the home in which you are truly a part. (Pause)

I will leave you now that your Mother may speak to you as She infuses you, helps you open this part of Her being to Her love, all around you. Continue to rest in my peace and know that you are growing more and more each day in divine will. I love you, my children. Good day.

Nebadonia: My precious children, this is Mother Nebadonia who speaks. As the veil of separation continues to recede, your bodies will be going through certain vibratory changes. Sometimes you may feel a bit uncomfortable as you adjust to these fluctuating frequencies. This is normal for you to feel a little disoriented from time to time as you would need some space and rest for these energies to fully encode into your physical cells. As you open to me, let my ministering spirit and your angelic sisters come close to you. Let them provide the environment for many other helpers to tweak your vibrational system that recalibration of your physical system is more in alignment for those light frequencies you need for transformation. (Pause)

As these energies of light continue to grow in you, you will begin to perceive how deeply you are loved. This depth of love has the capacity to fill you through and through. You are composed of many vibrational frequency levels. This is a part of your depth of being, and your capacity to receive this love is your divine birthright. Your Father and I wish for you to reach the maximum potential of capacity during your human lifetime. It is a matter of your desire to be filled with love. What does that mean to be filled with love? How deep is your capacity? What inherited tendencies may be in the way? This is part of the subconscious recoding that is occurring on the planet. Some people have undergone this in a more conscious manner. Truly it is a part of your divine inheritance to receive this deeply. Allow these words to settle in and let go of those energies that may be interfering with your capacity to be full to the brim with our love. (Pause)
Our love light is shining upon you and this world, and it will continue to bear this spiritual pressure so that the human heart is open and fully connected, that the children of this world allow this time of awakening in their hearts to heal and transform, to restore beauty and goodness and truth to all Urantian life. You are playing a significant role as you receive these energies and participate in your own transformation in the ways you are being guided.

Remember to stay close to us and to allow the nurturing presences of your brothers and sisters, unseen though they may be, to minister to you, help you feel you are guided and accompanied on your journey. Stay true to your desires to follow the Father’s will even though you may falter at times during the day. Know that this is all part of the process as you take these faith steps and walk in the grace of the light from within. Always will this light of grace grow and help you achieve that potential to BE the love that the Father created within you.

As I take my leave of you in this manner, my children, know that I continue to expand and minister to you especially when you place your attention on me and simply say, “Mother, I am here. Fill me with your breath of life that I may grow more Father-like in thought, word, and deed.” And I will respond. As you become more comfortable with resting in this state of being, you will surely ingest these currents of light and love, and the Father within you will help you manifest more of who you are and more of what you are here on this beautiful physical plane. Enjoy your days, my children. Do the best you can, remembering who you are and the joy in which you were created. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2012]]

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