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===Topic: ''Growing Your Intuition''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, as your children we rely on you to help us grow into strong cosmic citizens having an earth life experience. You know the ways in which we have been deprived of your energies and your presence, and we just thank you for expanding us in those spiritual attributes and qualities that will bolster our faith, expand our intuition. and help us follow the leadings of our Spirit. You know exactly where we are, and we thank you for coming into us today in the ways you know you can do, reaching into our consciousness to help us achieve higher levels of insight and understanding. And we thank you for your WILL being done today.
NEBADONIA: My precious children, greetings to you! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. During this auspicious time of change upon Urantia, we invite you to simply feel that innate need of your hearts to gain more spiritual dimensionality in all parts of your being. This expansion will help you access those deeper regions of your mind and cultivate your receptivity to those circuits of information streaming into the planet.

You all have innate capacities to perceive Spirit reality, and in today’s infusion we simply encourage you to hold that intention and desire to expand these intuitive capacities within you that your abilities to perceive your Indwelling Spirit’s voice may become more clear, strong, and direct. There is nothing you need to do other than hold this as a desire or intention. Take some deep breaths. Allow the mental chatter to quiet. Let your breathing deepen and soften, especially into those places where there may be physical restriction or constriction. Focus on the desire to receive from us as your Parents, and we begin. (Pause)

Your physical bodies contain much tension. Much of this is induced by the stresses in your culture that have taken you away from a more natural way of living. Your modern materialistic culture has produced so much stress and tension on the physical body that this interferes with the spiritual current within you that would help you use your intuitive faculties more effectively.

I invite you to simply ask for more of that physical tension to drain away, that let the light of love and peace and truth may expand in you, releasing the tension and the ways in which it has impacted your own overall operating system of consciousness. Hold that feeling or thought of love for your body and the compassion you feel for it for all the ways it holds this tension. Take those deep breaths that allow this compassion to go deeper to help the stress and the tension diminish in scope and size, allowing yourselves to go deeper into that place of spiritual identification with who you are as a child of God. (Pause)

The body and the mind are designed to work in a complemental, harmonious manner. There is constant communication between the currents of mind that are wired into your physical structures that convey valuable information into your bodies for its optimal functioning. What you encounter in your modern culture is a high degree of disjointedness between this communication processes. The tendency is to create this, what you might call, bandwidth, of static energy that jams the signal between the mind and body, further impeding the spiritual component of your beings to convey those higher signals through the circuits of mind into the physical structure.

Your Father and I are well aware of the conditions upon your planet that have created this disjointedness, and this is all part of the rehabilitation your planet is currently undergoing to bring the Spirit, mind, body continuum back to its rightful divine order, that you may function more optimally as cosmic citizens living on the material sphere of Urantia. We are dedicated to helping our children overcome these obstacles of this communication continuum. Much is happening unbeknownst to you in these circuits of transformation. Yet the more you desire to grow in your Spirit comprehension and your personality expression, the more you are able to connect with these higher frequencies that evoke much change, albeit it does take time for this change to fully integrate into your beings.

As you open yourselves up to what we are providing to you, you will sense that the intuitive mind capacity is operating better. Your inspired thoughts will seem more clear and pronounced. And it is intended for you to fully develop this capacity and ability of your intuition to render you more faith-dominated as you walk your life path, expressing those gifts that have been seeded into you by the Paradise Father Himself. Now this is a very serious and yet joyful undertaking. It is serious in the sense that you become more mindfully aware of how you think and what you feel throughout the day, using your abilities to align your thinking and thoughts with the higher tones and notes of Spirit. It is a mindful exercise on your parts to learn to control the mental chatter and the emotional output of your life’s expression.

As you sit with us and commune with us and your own Indwelling Spirits, this process operates organically for you. But you must exercise it in your daily activities in order for it to truly become a part of you—a living part of your soul. And as it expands, as the soul grows, so much of the tension that you experience in mind and body relaxes, helping you achieve that deeper sensation of peace that underscores your spiritual vitality and ability to follow the leadings of the Father’s WILL within.

Let these words settle upon your minds and hearts, inviting these energies to go deeper and to release more tension to find that inner core of peace that exists within yourselves. (Pause)

The time is upon you when the ways of the past no longer can condition the evolution of this planet toward its high spiritual destiny. In order that you may continue to grow and gain that heightened sense of your true purpose, your Father and I encourage you to look to the future, that you may begin to perceive where your own Indwelling Spirits are guiding you. This is the time of outworking the legacy of the rebellion, but we wish to encourage you to spend more time and more of your mental energy and emotional attitude toward what it is you wish to co-create with your own Indwelling Spirits. You all have great potential, and this is the period of your evolution when there is great receptivity for your potential to not only awaken but to be catalyzed through your thoughts and feelings, and efforts and actions.

Know that when you perceive a prior habit that seems to be detrimental to your health, recognize what it is that you are feeling and thinking about, and simply give it to me or to your Father or to your Spirit and ask for the replacement: the spiritual replacement, the positive perspective and the deeper emotional connection you need to make that perception real through your own actions. And here again is one of the ways in which you continue to expand your intuition, and this is one of the mental qualities that will help you gain more confidence in where you are being guided and how you are being guided forward by your Spirit in all that you do and say and experience.

So as these energies deepen, continue to allow your bodies to release the tension, let the communication between the Spirit and mind and body to become clearer and more precise and more intuitively experienced. (Pause)

I will leave you now, my children, that your Father will address you. Continue to breathe deeply as our presence stimulates various places of potential within you. Let the spaces of Spirit gain more presence within your beings as you rely more on the presence of God Within to share with you the human life you are currently undergoing to bring you great peace of mind and heart, and joy in the soul. My presence lives within you, and I support you in all ways. I leave you in my love. Good day!

MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children! This is Michael. Part of this infusion today is designed to bring you into deeper receptivity to the place of your personhood connection with the First Source and Center of all there is. You have enormous potential to express who you are as children of God. But as you know, it is not all accomplished during this brief life on your material world. It is a lifelong expression throughout the ascendancy of your soul to higher states and planes of reality consciousness, and you have a very, very long journey ahead of you. But what is one of the most significant achievements you can accomplish during this earth plane life is to have that willingness to express your potential. That is like giving your Spirit permission to have more access to bear upon your minds and hearts those insights you need to live your highest and best self, and then you get an opportunity to demonstrate that over and over again in your earth life relationships and circumstances that come your way.

There are challenges placed before you to help you recognize that you need a support system, and that there is both an internal and external support system to act as that safety container for the expression of your best and highest self. The external support system comes from your Guardian Seraphim who present opportunities for you to practice what you have learned and to come into that state of masterful expression of your thoughts and feelings when you are confronted with experiences with your brothers and sisters who may be contentious or difficult, or a life situation which is beyond your understanding. They present these for you so that your inclination will be to go to Spirit Within as your internal support system to ask “how can we successfully traverse this circumstance together?” And you will always receive help when you approach these types of life conditions with that attitude. And it is the intuitive capacities within you that open the door for the Spirit to convey the information you need to help you achieve success with any challenge, trial, or tribulation you may encounter.

Some of the challenges will be tribulations of the body where disease patterns have set in and have accumulated over the years. Some of the challenges may be emotional because you are reacting with baser or lower emotions from past experiences. But regardless of what challenge is before you, the Spirit Within has the solution and is ready to accompany you through that experience, provided those channels of communication are open, and here is where the intuitive mind becomes so fundamental and instrumental in helping you. Especially when you have that faith attitude that says, “I am in a situation beyond my experiential knowledge, but I know that there is the presence of God within me that has the solution, and I am ready to not only cooperate with that, but collaborate to bring that solution to bear in this circumstance.”

And this is what you practice over and over again, as you live your life, becoming masterful in this art of living as a son and daughter of God. So allow these words to settle in as your Mother and I continue to move within you. Continue to feel your need to grow in that intuitive mind. If it is helpful, I invite you to focus on the words MY PERSONALITY EXPRESSION to take you into that deeper place of desire where you co-create with the Father Himself of that which is your potential to achieve as a human. *Pause
The quality of your life is dependent upon your choices and actions. We know that this world has suffered much in its overall quality of life to be aligned in the spiritual values of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY. But do not let the planet’s overall quality of life interfere with your own. But come to us when you are in need and ask for that Mother and Father energy your require to support the rebalancing of your energy system that the communication pathways between Spirit, mind, and body may flow more directly and clearly throughout your beings to convey what you need to learn and apprehend that you may demonstrate more of those fruits of the Spirit throughout your daily lives.

You have great potential! And even though you develop it one day at a time, the trajectory of that development leads you into the greatness of who you are as children of God. And this is a very ripe moment of time for you to develop this, in spite of the challenges of your culture. But it takes effort to rise to the occasion and to train your minds to focus on Spirit that you may receive what you need and let the spiritual light grow within you even larger and brighter than it is already is.

How expansive can you become in this light of Spirit? Well, that is for you to decide! But I daresay that if you decide that you wish to expand this light to its fullest degree, you will be given much help and guidance to do so, and your faith will grow as well as your intuition to perceive the leadings of Spirit that you may indeed achieve what God has seeded in you as His beloved expression of the ways of LOVE on earth.
We have given you much to consider today, and we will continue to instill these energies within you even after you leave this call today. However, do reflect upon what you have been given today and invite the energies to imprint upon your mindal systems at even deeper levels; that what holds you back may be released, and what is seeded within you may continue to come forward and encourage and inspire you to live these lives of courageous love and dynamic service to the healing and transformation of this world.

You are my children and I hold you in my heart, and may you increasingly feel your place in my being to hold you secure and steady as you grow into who you are, and as you develop a soul of great stature in the LOVE of our Creator. Thrive in this love, my children, it is yours. And with that I take my leave and wish you a most blessed and peaceful good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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