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===Topic: ''Faith Healing''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]], [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we thank you for centering us in your presence that we may imprint upon those divine qualities that are fundamental to our spiritual growth. You know each one of us uniquely and completely and you know what we need. We thank you for sharing your divine essence with us that we may imprint upon what you know we need, and be further upstepped in mind and body according to your will and your ways. Thank you so much.
NEBADONIA: Greetings, my precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Your Father and I have been leading you down a path of faith recognition since the beginning of this year. As this year draws to its conclusion, we will spend the remaining few months on this faith topic, albeit with a different twist.

You are faith children of God. You have a living link that connects you to your Divine Source at the center of all reality. Your Father and I as your immediate Spirit Parents are here to provide you with the training ground upon which you develop this faith connection and come into a greater trust relationship with this. This happens at the emotional level as well as in your intellectual development. You begin to move from the mind that seeks to control your environment to this living trust dynamic of the Spirit’s presence within you that has the greater picture and answers for all of your life’s questions.

We have been guiding you into this exploration of faith from, what you might call, more of the emotional and mental processes of how you function. There is another dynamic to this and this is the realm of the physical body where the faith dynamic has an opportunity to communicate with those physical processes of your body to help you relax more deeply into this overall dynamic of faith which is fundamental to your development and growth as a child of God.

Many times people hear this term “faith healing” and wonder what does this mean? How does the body heal in this faith dynamic? This is an element that we wish to help you come into greater alignment with the guiding energies of faith, especially how it can help your physical bodies repattern in the regenerative energies of the life force. If this is something you wish to explore with us now, we invite you to simply place your minds on the words FAITH HEALING.

Try not to engage your intellect with the questions of: What does this mean? How does this function? Will this really heal me? Come instead into that dynamic of living trust in the presence of God within you that has all the answers and wants to communicate to your awareness this deeper level of faith that you may heal at a deeper level and be uplifted in this dynamic living trust in all things good, true and beautiful.

As we begin, you may place your internal gaze on the words FAITH HEALING and allow us to move in you now, my beloved children. (Pause)

As your internal gaze focuses on these words of FAITH HEALING I invite you to feel—experience—a deepening of this language that you may perceive a deeper trust dynamic occurring within your body of the innate intelligence the body has to heal and realign itself in the patterns of life. Let your hearts be open to this state of being contained within FAITH HEALING, feeling your need for these energies to move deeply into you that more restoration may be conducted in your physical systems to greater states of vibrational frequencies that promote healing and health. (Pause)

FAITH HEALING is an opportunity for you to trust in the organic processes of the body to repair and regenerate itself. You might consider this to be a very fundamental relationship between the body and Spirit, where Spirit has the patterns and the designs and Spirit can communicate into the physical body when the human mind is clear and free of doubt, fear, anxiety, and curiosity. This is a very challenging state of being to achieve because it takes you out of the analyzing, reasoning part of your mindal functions into that deeper realm of trust in the organic nature of Spirit’s relationship into the body.

You might consider that the presence of God within desires your full and complete state of health, but human cooperation with this state of health must be paramount. A body that is still full of toxins and poor nutrition and exercise habits that do not regenerate cell growth all contribute to the interference within the whole Spirit-mind-body continuum and cause you to be detracted from the ability of the body to repair itself, especially when engaged in this dynamic of FAITH HEALING.

I share this with you today to help you move into that deeper place of living trust that you have with your own Indwelling Spirits. Learn to rely upon them more. The Spirit Within you is so magnificent, and you can only flourish when you come into greater awareness of how this Spirit functions in you and how to direct the energies of Spirit that you may enjoy a greater range of health and happiness and mobility in your bodies. By your simple focus on these words FAITH HEALING you are providing more of that internal environment for this type of dynamic to unfold, albeit it will take time and effort on your part to maintain this focus as you sit in your state of stillness meditation and allow Spirit’s function to unfold more consistently throughout your being.

Let these words settle in as this FAITH HEALING dynamic continues to deepen within you. (Pause)

The Spirit’s presence within your being loves your body. Do you love and honor and cherish your body the way your Spirit does? There is a gap between the spiritual dynamic of love in your body and your own relationship to your body. Therefore, it is helpful to allow this dynamic of FAITH HEALING to move you away further from how you regard your body into that dimension where you can begin to perceive that Spirit loves your body and wants you to enjoy the experience of being in a body as much as Spirit does. This is a level of accomplishment very few humans have achieved in their lifetimes but it is entirely possible to come into this full integration of the Spirit manifesting more of the overcontrol in the body of its functions when there is more faith present within the human constructs of mind—feeling and thought. So continue to allow this imprinting to go deeper as I remain with you in this way for a few more moments before your Father Michael addresses you. (Pause)

Faith is a gift given to you to guide you forward on your path to God consciousness—Godliness in mind and body. Let your minds and bodies relax in this deepening dimensionality of faith that it may translate into your awareness new meanings and values of why it is so important and fundamental to your spiritual growth.

I will leave you in this manner now, my children, but you will continue to receive my ministrations. Your Father Michael is here to address you and I leave you in His capable, loving hands. Flourish in faith, as it is a most precious gift, and you are learning to develop your relationship with it and what it means for your overall life enhancement. Good day, my precious children!

MICHAEL: Greetings my children! This is Michael. Continue to focus on the energies of FAITH HEALING as my presence now moves into this endowment to anchor in certain spiritual qualities of my being to support you in this undertaking of allowing your bodies to be healed through the dynamic of faith. (Pause)

You might consider faith as a living term, a word energy that has a movement. It has life. The life present in this word energy form also discloses certain information into your bodies to activate certain tiny particles of life that structure the atomic and molecular portions of your being. Behind all of your physical structures is energy. It is life itself. And faith supports you on your life path, so it is highly synergistic in this whole inner dimensionality of your bodies to be activated by these particles of life that are actually being communicated through this faith endowment.

Your relationship with your Spirit is alive, and what can be more life affirming that when you are truly 100 percent operating in this organic relationship of living trust in the Spirit’s presence within you. It takes you to a place of childlike simplicity where you have every assurance—every assurance—that your needs are met and that you are carefully, purposefully guided and supported throughout all of your lives. Now how many people truly have cultivated this faith relationship to this extent? But you have the ability! It’s only limited by your perception.

Your Mother and I are here to expand your conceptual frame of reference to what these living spiritual energies and words mean, but the meaning is so much more powerful beyond the human construct because these energies are life itself and they support life in all ways.

So we are here to help you deepen into this faith dynamic; that you not only can perceive a deeper meaning and value of what is faith—to feel that living tether of connection between you and the Spirit Within.
We have given you much to consider now, and in time this will make more sense to your knowledge base. For now, simply allow these energies to move deeper into you as you continue to ask for FAITH HEALING to imprint upon you and do its sacred work in your bodies. (Pause)

My precious children, you have answered the faith call of your heart to open to Spirit and grow on your faith path. Now it is time to allow these energies of faith to move in your bodies and help you outwork that which is of no longer usefulness to your physical structuring and functioning.

As you go about your days after exiting this call, spend some time each day, spend some time each day in this focus on FAITH HEALING. Asking for these energies to communicate more deeply into your bodies and trust that all good is occurring through your inner faith and interaction with your Spirit and this intention.

You are all growing in a new way of being here as a human and this is good. You are only just scratching the surface of your potential, for there are mighty forces within you and upon the planet now designed to help you cultivate that which is of true and lasting value and will bring you much happiness, contentment, and peace of mind and body.

We will continue to support you in this FAITH HEALING dynamic for the remainder of our time together in this manner, for the remaining part of the year, but do not think that because we may move on to other topics that this will end for you. For you are growing in a new way of understanding of what it means to be human—to living a life of the Spirit in physical form. It is the attainment of Godliness that I achieved in my human life as Jesus, and I am here to support you on your own individual, unique journeys.

So grow and prosper each day in what you have been given, and trust that all good is in-working in you, and that which you no longer need is streaming away, and helping you build that new inner reality of experiencing the love in which you were created. I leave you in that love, my children, and I support you as you journey in it. Good day!

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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