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===Topic: ''A Lesson on Sincerity''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[The Beloved One]]===
===TR: [[Lytske]]===
The Beloved One: “Today, we will dwell for a brief [[moment]] on living life in [[sincerity]]. What exactly does sincerity entail? What is it and what is it not. Sincerity is [[honesty]] without a [[shadow]] of [[doubt]]. It is totally genuine without a shadow of any hidden agenda. The sincere [[personality]] does not entertain hidden agendas and sees everything as pristine, [[pure]] and [[holy]]. He/she always strives to see sincerity in others and refuses to [[believe]] differently until proven otherwise. This is [[innocence]] at its best, although it carries the label of [[ignorance]]. This is the reason why [[UB|your text]] stresses to [[work]] on and [[practice]] sincerity, sincerity and more sincerity.

“The only mortal ever to reach the [[apex]] of sincerity was your Master [[Jesus]]. He refused to believe that even the worst person had no [[good]] in him or her. He believed that all people had good in them and wanted to do good, as the [[human]] personality is basically good. It goes awry with wrong teachings, [[erroneous]] [[belief]] systems and sometimes circumstances. Some belief systems tell people that they are basically [[corrupt]], as they are [[conceived]] and born into [[sin]] and are therefore incapable of ever doing any good unless they believe that they are redeemed by ransom and the shedding of innocent [[blood]].

“This is a seriously erroneous [[concept]] of wrong teaching that has taken hold in the churches which bear [[Christ]]'s name. This could not be further from the [[truth]] as Jesus taught; that [[men]] and [[women]] are the [[children of God]] and that the [[kingdom of heaven]] is within if only they sincerely belief in their [[hearts]] that this is so. Jesus’ life bears testimony to this.

“It is a [[tragedy]] for [[the planet]] that so much of Jesus’ teachings got lost in this erroneous blood and [[sacrifice]] idea belief that this was to appease an [[angry]] God for the sins of mere mortals. It is time that the true teachings of [[Jesus]] get [[resurrected]] and come forth out of the burial [[tomb]] of these erroneous and [[superstitious]] belief-systems, so the [[souls]] of humankind may be [[free]] and rejoice in this saving message that they are indeed the evolving children of [[the Supreme]] God and that this Universal God holds the [[expectation]] of [[perfection]] for each mortal is It's Being, to be continued at the next level of [[eternal]] [[existence]] for those who choose to carry on into the [[hereafter]]. This goal is free for all those who believe Jesus’ words: ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is within.’

“Each mortal [[seed]]-[[soul]] carries the [[blueprint]] of its own [[perfection]] and it is through the free-will [[decision]] making [[process]] that choices are made for better or worse; to [[grow]] in the right direction by its own choices and sincere decisions, or for stunted and under-nourished soul-growth. Nothing is ever [[coerced]] as humans have [[free will]], but a lot of precious time is being squandered with materialistic pursuits, while the real reason for living this most important [[foundation]]al life is almost totally ignored or at best misunderstood. Increasing sincerity and truthfulness need to rise up in each human heart, so [[faith]] and [[trust]] can truly begin to thrive and souls begin to blossom. This is the [[truth, beauty and goodness]] of living this earth-life.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: The Beloved One]]
[[Category: Lytske]]
[[Category: 2018]]

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