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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpg ==Definition== *1. The action of correcting or setting right; substitution of what is right for what is erroneous in (a book, etc.); amendment....'

*1. The [[action]] of correcting or setting right; substitution of what is right for what is erroneous in (a [[book]], etc.); amendment. Hence, loosely, pointing out or marking of [[error]]s (in order to their removal). correction of the press: i.e. of printers' errors.
::b. phr. under correction: subject to correction; a [[formula]] expressing deference to superior [[information]], or [[critical]] [[authority]]. So saving correction.

*2. (with a and pl.) An act or instance of emendation; concr. that which is substituted for what is wrong or faulty, esp. in a literary [[work]]; an emendation.

*3. The correcting (of a person) for faults of [[character]] or conduct; reprehension, rebuke, reproof. Obs.

*4. The correcting (of a [[person]]) by disciplinary punishment; chastisement, properly with a view to amendment; but frequently in later use (now somewhat arch.) of corporal punishment, flogging.
::b. An exercise of correcting [[discipline]].
::c. Correcting control. Obs.
::d. house of correction: a building for the confinement and punishment of offenders, esp. with a view to their reformation; a bridewell.

*5. Control, regulation, governance. Obs.

*6. The counteracting or neutralizing of the ill effect of (something hurtful or unpleasant).

*7. a. Math. and Physics. The addition or subtraction of some [[quantity]] to or from the result of an observation or calculation, to bring it into accordance with certain standard conditions; the quantity so added or subtracted. correction of a fluent (in Fluxions): the determination of what is now called the constant of integration; the constant itself.
::b. Optics. The counteraction of the aberration or dispersion of the rays in a lens or other optical instrument.

*8. The condition of being corrected or correct (in style). Obs. rare. [A Gallicism.]

'''Correction''', via the identical French from the [[Latin]] ''corrigĕre'' 'to make straight (again)', is an [[action]] to rectify, to make right a wrong.

*To set straight an [[error]], clarify a mis-[[understanding]], undo resulting damage; e.g. a [[correction (newspaper)]] in a newspaper is the posting of the notice of a mistake that appeared in a past issue of a newspaper
*To rectify an il-[[logical]] [[state]], e.g. a market anomaly as in [[correction (stock market)]].
*As a euphemism for [[punishment]], of various kinds, mainly [[physical]]; in institutional terminology specifically used for imprisonment, e.g. correctional facility (prison) or [[corrections]].
*the various duties of a corrector, a political/administrative office in classical Antiquity and still an ecclesiastical one in the Catholic Church and one in the temple.

[[Category: General Reference]]

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