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===Topic: ''Various Components Within''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]], [[Monjoronson]], [[LIGHT]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]]===
Prayer: Divine Parents, you give us all things that we have need of,
your grace knows no end. One of the things we are grateful for is this
meeting here tonight and this counsel to which we invite you to
participate with us. We come together to raise our awareness and grow
our understanding and we ask that you join us and participate with us
in this process and help us to grasp that which you would bring to the
equation. We are certain that you hear and know of our needs and
petitions and so we proceed forward in gratitude that our prayers have
been heard and most certainly will be answered as we proceed ahead in
this process.
The Voice: Greetings, I accept what I understand to be an invitation
to join you in this process of growth and awareness. I am this ones
inner voice, a name he chooses to denote that aspect he has come to
recognize as distinct from other aspects which he has come to
recognize. There was some discussion about the various components and
parts of your composition and you recognize that there is more than
one avenue to truth and divine presence. You have your onboard partner
and assistant ever willing to influence your perception and awareness
when the offer is made by you to do so, that is, this partner is most
definitely in the passenger seat and plays a secondary role in the
maneuvering of your vehicle through the maze.

You, as the free will creatures are in the drivers seat and you
determine the ultimate route that will be taken as you proceed
forward. In your attempts to identify and perhaps distinguish these
different components of yourself, you may find it useful to view your
relationship with your indwelling guide as closely associated with
your first response, also called your instinctual response. The very
first response that you have is often times your glimpse of your most
divine and ideal response and this response arises instantaneously
with the briefest of consideration.

It is then taken into your data base, your mind, and all the other
factors are brought into consideration along with this first response
and most of the time this first response is conditioned away by virtue
of the other matters under consideration. Sometimes this first
response of truth or beauty or goodness may influence the other
factors involved in your decision making process and elevate the
overall tone of your direction. Those who are well accomplished in
recognizing this initial response as your divine connection learn to
let this initial response have a dominant influence over their other
considerations in life which could have the effect of diluting and
conditioning this first response into alternate directions.

In addition to all this that is going on within you, there is as well
another presence that was discussed earlier, that of the Spirit of
Truth which is rather on the other end of the spectrum for it is where
you go to substantiate the impulses that you have had which have been
conditioned by thought process and can be either substantiated or
invalidated by taking them into consideration under the influence of
the Spirit of Truth. So on both ends of your thought process there are
divine influences, one in the very beginning, even before you have
thought to register such thoughts and then it is up to you, the
freewill creature to decide what of these inspirations, of these
thoughts of truth, beauty and goodness and to make them real in your
lives and the Spirit of Truth is there to confirm for you beyond a
shadow of doubt that this is right for you, this is correct.

If you will learn to utilize these two influences, you will enjoy a
more fruitful relationship with both of these influences and the goal
of having you identify with these components of divinity will be
accomplished in your ascension career. As was mentioned, that is the
game that we play here and all the circumstances and issues in life
are in support of this goal and this game that is played for truly all
that you seek in your spiritual pursuit may be found within the scope
of your own personal being.

But it is quite understandable and even necessary at these beginning
stages of awareness that there is this stage of unknowing and contrast
because there will come a time in your career when you will look back
on these days of relative uncertainty and marvel that you did not
fully know and could not fully know what you have come to know and
grow to know over time. But this is the game as it is played. You must
take some turns and go around the board a few times and gain as much
experience and wisdom in the process and eventually all who play the
game succeed and win.

It is simply a method for you to traverse time and space and have the
crowning victory. You may attempt to hit the jackpot by coming to an
awareness of your relationship, your partnership with your indwelling
guide, the one who is always there ready to offer His influence when
asked but most certainly await your glance in their direction.

I am grateful for this opportunity to be asked to come forward and
interface with you about such important aspects of your career and I
look forward to our efforts yielding fruits over time as we are not
only in the process of feeding the intellect, but as well we're in the
process of nourishing the soul. I hope there has been some nourishment
provided this evening, thank you and farewell.

Monjoronson: Greetings, I am Monjoronson here as well to access this
portal that you provide for this purpose. I thank you for this
opportunity and the efforts you all make to provide this format to be
used. As you know I am in great support of all this effort to bring to
more public awareness the importance of developing an internal
relationship or relationships as you might consider your indwelling
guide, your Spirit of Truth, your personality and self; there are
literally relationships that can happen within your own being.

As you well know, this process we utilize in this moment is highly
fallible. This t/r process is certainly not a direct avenue of
approach but rather utilizes several circuits and means to bridge the
gap between the spiritual circuitry and the material thought patterns
made into words and expressed out. There are many limitations to this
process and so it is important that you use your tools of checking
within to see for yourselves the relative accuracy of anything that
happens through such a second, third and fourth hand as you are
participating in right now.

Certainly the participants involved in this process are all genuine
and sincere in their desire to facilitate this process but there are
so many restrictions on words, languages, thought patterns and the
transformation of spiritual thought patterns into material thought
patterns. So it is that this is but a rather stop-gap method to
achieve some crude result. It was never meant for masses of people to
have to hear from spirit through one individual, rather in the rules
of the game, as has been discussed, include the participants gaining
in capacity to hear their own spirit presences, to feel their own
connection and even to develop the relationship with their own divine
presence's within.

In this way, every individual will hear the word of divinity and feel
the connection to truth. It is a contrast that you are observing right
now in your ascension career, this not being connected or not hearing
directly. Again, one day you will look back at these times and recall
how starkly the contrast is between these times and your future when
you are connected and in tune with spiritual frequencies. Contrast is
so vital in assembling your reservoir of experience. You need to see
what something is in relation to something else and you are
experiencing now in your first times around the board, the uncertainty
of disconnection and as you go round and round in your experience and
develop this connection, your entire experience changes and
accommodates your new awarenesses and perceptions.

So it is that we keep going in this process, we keep returning to the
board to play another round, to gain a little more experience, to
deepen our awareness more and more, to practice that which we have
learned and in this way we may enjoy more and more the game as we are
able to bring more and more to it. But know that the goal has never been
to disseminate this ability to t/r or this sense of experiencing spiritual presence
by one individual to be spread around. The goal most certainly is that each
one and every one develop their access to hear from the spirit presence which
is already with them and available should this relationship be developed further.

You all here tonight have been actively engaged in seeking and
searching for a greater connection to those aspects of yourselves that
you recognize are greater than you and this is exactly the motivation
that brings you to the game table; to try again, to gain more and more
out of each try until you reach your milestones of success. I applaud
your efforts to reach in this direction. It is a most worthy cause for
you to spend your time and energy on and all efforts spent in this
direction will bring certain rewards.

So, keep up the good work, try, try again and most certainly you will
reap the rewards of your efforts. I thank you all for your attention
and will take my leave, thank you.

Light: Greetings, I am Light, I would have a final few words to offer
this evening for you. I encourage you to consider your internal
environment and consider the state of peace, of beauty and of goodness
that you maintain within. This is your inner citadel and you are solely in
charge of this environment, you control all aspects and I encourage you to
choose those aspects and bring them into this parlor which are helpful
in supporting peace, love and goodness. Remember that nothing that
happens outside of your inner environment, nothing that happens out
there in the real world can impact this inner environment if you so choose.

It is your choice to determine what gets brought into your inner
environment. You can actively choose to leave the reality and the news
of the outer world out there and not bring it in to color and
influence your inner environment. Nothing out there has the power to
force itself within your inner environment, you must agree to let it
in, you are the gatekeeper and I encourage you to be a mindful
gatekeeper for your inner environment. Stand guard against pollution
and negative influence of any kind. It is not necessary that you bring
the troubles of a world at large to bear on this inner sanctum.

This you do for yourself, this you do for those around you, you
maintain this inner sanctum of peace, of love, of beauty, of goodness
regardless what storm may swirl in the outer environment. You are the
gatekeeper and the chooser of what you will bring in to be a part of
this inner world and so therein is your power. Choose not those
negative things that you cannot support, choose only those positive
things that you approve and would foster in your experience. Just as
you would decorate your dwelling as please you to invoke feelings of
peace and serenity, likewise decorate your interior space with those
things worthy of a sanctuary and reject all those things that are in
contrast to that.
If you will take this responsibility seriously you will indeed be a
powerful being unable to be buffeted about by life's circumstance.
These are the words I offer tonight and I am grateful for the
opportunity to do so. I thank you all for hearing them and I bid you
all a good evening, farewell.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Lightline TeaM]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Monjoronson]]
[[Category: LIGHT]]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: Inner Life]]
[[Category: 2008]]