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Monmacion - Greetings, this is Monmacion. My friend here has hesitation, but his willingness overrules this reluctance so we will proceed. My friend, Dave, I greet you and welcome you into this dialogue which we know will rebound to a deeper level of divinity attainment enriching your own work in your chosen career but not limited to this alone by any means. For as you know, when we seek to embolden the Source within you, the illumination touches every dimension of your life, but how wonderful that your profession is so focused upon the work of healing and wholeness. And so, naturally we would engage you and any others whether cognizant of the various components of our planetary government, system, constellation, and universe administration or perhaps oblivious to all of these, but focused nonetheless upon the task of healing a world one person at a time in the context of a world being healed in its entirety by virtue of the provisions for direction guided by an Avonal Son who has assumed his place in this planet’s experience.  
Monmacion - Greetings, this is Monmacion. My friend here has hesitation, but his willingness overrules this reluctance so we will proceed. My friend, Dave, I greet you and welcome you into this dialogue which we know will rebound to a deeper level of divinity attainment enriching your own work in your chosen career but not limited to this alone by any means. For as you know, when we seek to embolden the Source within you, the illumination touches every dimension of your life, but how wonderful that your profession is so focused upon the work of healing and wholeness. And so, naturally we would engage you and any others whether cognizant of the various components of our planetary government, system, constellation, and universe administration or perhaps oblivious to all of these, but focused nonetheless upon the task of healing a world one person at a time in the context of a world being healed in its entirety by virtue of the provisions for direction guided by an Avonal Son who has assumed his place in this planet’s experience.  
The larger scale of coordination between the one you know as Monjoronson and Machiventa, both of whom are focused upon the planetary dimension of this work; these nonetheless depend upon you, the mortals with whom we would work, and I, being one of many Melchizedeks who will be joining you in a more direct manner, and eventually we look forward in ways you can’t imagine, but your own excitement about this reunion of relations, this reconnection of a physical nature materializing this union of humanity and divinity, the Melchizedeks have looked for a long time upon Urantia. We are active throughout Nebadon working as you know in a teaching capacity, but we will be augmenting, supplementing, and supporting Monjoronson in his planetary work engaging each person, working from the ground level as you might say, the grassroots as he has already articulated his role will be focused more closely upon individuals nonetheless, but individuals in positions such as to enable him to gain a greater degree of influence in the existing infrastructure of your planetary civilization that is itself undergoing rather dramatic trauma at this moment, but as you have been apprised previously, this trauma is one that is very exciting form our standpoint for it’s the trauma of birth, and you who have participated in human birth, the birth of human life, know well the concerns, the anxieties, and the heightened degree of attention upon the details, very personal details, attending the one who is actually delivering this child which in this case for Urantia, is a child of planetary destiny awaking in the world at large this consciousness of being a co-creator of destiny with the Creator himself.  
The larger scale of coordination between the one(s) you know as Monjoronson and Machiventa, both of whom are focused upon the planetary dimension of this work; these nonetheless depend upon you, the mortals with whom we would work, and I, being one of many Melchizedeks who will be joining you in a more direct manner, and eventually we look forward in ways you can’t imagine, but your own excitement about this reunion of relations, this reconnection of a physical nature materializing this union of humanity and divinity, the Melchizedeks have looked for a long time upon Urantia. We are active throughout Nebadon working as you know in a teaching capacity, but we will be augmenting, supplementing, and supporting Monjoronson in his planetary work engaging each person, working from the ground level as you might say, the grassroots as he has already articulated his role will be focused more closely upon individuals nonetheless, but individuals in positions such as to enable him to gain a greater degree of influence in the existing infrastructure of your planetary civilization that is itself undergoing rather dramatic trauma at this moment, but as you have been apprised previously, this trauma is one that is very exciting form our standpoint for it’s the trauma of birth, and you who have participated in human birth, the birth of human life, know well the concerns, the anxieties, and the heightened degree of attention upon the details, very personal details, attending the one who is actually delivering this child which in this case for Urantia, is a child of planetary destiny awaking in the world at large this consciousness of being a co-creator of destiny with the Creator himself.  
The personalities that are gathered extend beyond the range of what is revealed in your Urantia text. You will grow to learn more of the nature of this extensive family of which you are a part. While you have digested a great deal already, even more awaits you. So I would encourage you to gird yourselves because as you know in reflection upon the experience you have had by encounters with a variety of initiatives put forward in the context of this Correcting Time, the Urantia text being one of the most prominent, the experience you have had in assimilating this has been what we would characterize, well, as a rather stormy course.  
The personalities that are gathered extend beyond the range of what is revealed in your Urantia text. You will grow to learn more of the nature of this extensive family of which you are a part. While you have digested a great deal already, even more awaits you. So I would encourage you to gird yourselves because as you know in reflection upon the experience you have had by encounters with a variety of initiatives put forward in the context of this Correcting Time, the Urantia text being one of the most prominent, the experience you have had in assimilating this has been what we would characterize, well, as a rather stormy course.  
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I stand ready as do others with whom I am joined to greet you, to guide you, and to befriend you. I look forward to your participation, and if you are so inclined at this moment, if the cats are not howling, and if your mind is not finding itself drifting toward your restful state, I would engage you now. Do you have any questions?
I stand ready as do others with whom I am joined to greet you, to guide you, and to befriend you. I look forward to your participation, and if you are so inclined at this moment, if the cats are not howling, and if your mind is not finding itself drifting toward your restful state, I would engage you now. Do you have any questions?
Dave - Are there other Melchizedeks present that are working with me perhaps in a similar manner as you have been working with Rob?
Dave - Are there other Melchizedeks present that are working with me perhaps in a similar manner as you have been working with Rob?