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89:10.1 [[Ancient]] man only [[attained]] [[consciousness]] of [[favor]] with [[God]] through [[sacrifice]]. [[Modern]] [[man]] must develop new [[techniques]] of achieving the [[self]]-[[consciousness]] of [[salvation]]. The [[consciousness]] of [[sin]] [[persists]] in the [[mortal]] [[mind]], but the [[thought]] [[patterns]] of [[salvation]] therefrom have become outworn and antiquated. The [[reality]] of the [[spiritual]] need persists, but [[intellectual]] [[progress]] has destroyed the olden ways of securing [[peace]] and consolation for [[mind]] and [[soul]].

89:10.2 [[Sin]] must be redefined as deliberate [[disloyalty]] to [[Deity]]. There are [[degrees]] of disloyalty: the '''partial''' loyalty of indecision; the divided loyalty of [[conflict]]ion; the dying loyalty of [[Apathy|indifference]]; and the [[death]] of [[loyalty]] exhibited in [[devotion]] to godless ideals.

89:10.3 The sense or [[feeling]] of [[guilt]] is the [[consciousness]] of the violation of the [[mores]]; it is not necessarily [[sin]]. There is no real sin in the [[absence]] of [[conscious]] [[Resistance|disloyalty]] to [[Deity]].

89:10.4 The possibility of the [[recognition]] of the sense of [[guilt]] is a badge of [[transcendent]] distinction for [[mankind]]. It does not mark man as mean but rather sets him apart as a [[creature]] of [[potential]] greatness and ever-ascending [[glory]]. Such a sense of unworthiness is the initial [[stimulus]] that should lead quickly and surely to those [[faith]] [[conquests]] which [[translate]] the [[mortal]] [[mind]] to the superb levels of [[moral]] [[nobility]], [[cosmic]] [[insight]], and spiritual living; thus are all the [[meanings]] of human [[existence]] changed from the [[temporal]] to the [[eternal]], and all [[values]] are elevated from the [[human]] to the [[divine]].

89:10.5 The [[confession]] of [[sin]] is a manful [[repudiation]] of disloyalty, but it in no wise [[mitigates]] the [[time-space]] [[consequences]] of such disloyalty. But [[confession]]—[[sincere]] recognition of the [[nature]] of [[sin]]—is [[essential]] to religious [[growth]] and [[spiritual]] [[progress]].

89:10.6 The [[forgiveness]] of [[sin]] by [[Deity]] is the [[renewal]] of [[loyalty]] relations following a period of the human [[consciousness]] of the lapse of such relations as the consequence of conscious [[rebellion]]. The [[forgiveness]] does not have to be sought, only received as the [[consciousness]] of re-establishment of [[loyalty]] relations between the [[creature]] and the [[Creator]]. And all the [[loyal]] [[sons of God]] are [[happy]], [[service]]-loving, and ever-[[progressive]] in the [[Ascension Career|Paradise ascent]].

89:10.7 Presented by a [[Brilliant Evening Star]] of [[Nebadon]].

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