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71:8.1 The only [[sacred]] feature of any [[human]] [[government]] is the division of statehood into the [[three]] domains of [[executive]], [[legislative]], and [[judicial]] [[functions]]. The [[universe]] is [[administered]] in [[accordance]] with such a plan of [[segregation]] of [[functions]] and [[authority]]. Aside from this [[divine]] [[concept]] of [[effective]] [[social]] [[regulation]] or civil [[government]], it matters little what [[form]] of [[state]] a people may [[elect]] to have provided the [[citizenry]] is ever progressing toward the goal of augmented [[self-control]] and increased [[social]] [[service]]. The [[intellectual]] keenness, [[economic]] [[wisdom]], social cleverness, and [[moral]] [[stamina]] of a people are all [[faithfully]] reflected in statehood.

71:8.2 The [[evolution]] of statehood entails [[progress]] from level to level, as follows:

*1. 71:8.3 The [[creation]] of a threefold [[government]] of [[executive]], [[legislative]], and [[judicial]] branches.
*2. 71:8.4 The [[freedom]] of [[social]], [[political]], and [[religious]] [[activities]].
*3. 71:8.5 The [[abolition]] of all forms of [[slavery]] and human bondage.
*4. 71:8.6 The [[ability]] of the [[citizenry]] to [[control]] the levying of [[taxes]].
*5. 71:8.7 The [[establishment]] of [[universal]] [[education]]—learning extended from the [[cradle]] to the [[grave]].
*6. 71:8.8 The proper [[adjustment]] between local and national governments.
*7. 71:8.9 The fostering of [[science]] and the [[conquest]] of [[disease]].
*8. 71:8.10 The due [[recognition]] of [[sex]] [[equality]] and the [[co-ordinated]] functioning of [[men]] and [[women]] in the [[home]], school, and church, with specialized [[service]] of [[women]] in [[industry]] and [[government]].
*9. 71:8.11 The elimination of toiling [[slavery]] by [[machine]] [[invention]] and the subsequent mastery of the machine age.
*10. 71:8.12 The [[conquest]] of [[dialects]]—the triumph of a [[universal]] [[language]].
*11. 71:8.13 The ending of [[war]]—international [[adjudication]] of national and racial [[differences]] by continental [[courts]] of nations presided over by a supreme [[planetary]] [[tribunal]] automatically recruited from the periodically retiring heads of the continental [[courts]]. The continental courts are [[authoritative]]; the world court is [[advisory]]—[[moral]].
*12. 71:8.14 The world-wide [[vogue]] of the pursuit of [[wisdom]]—the exaltation of [[philosophy]]. The [[evolution]] of a world [[religion]], which will presage the entrance of the [[planet]] upon the earlier phases of settlement in [[light and life]].

71:8.15 These are the prerequisites of [[progressive]] [[government]] and the earmarks of [[ideal]] statehood. [[Urantia]] is far from the [[realization]] of these exalted [[ideals]], but the civilized [[races]] have made a beginning—mankind is on the march toward higher [[evolutionary]] [[destinies]].

71:8.16 Sponsored by a [[Melchizedek]] of [[Nebadon]].

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