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52:3.1 When the [[original]] [[impetus]] of [[evolutionary]] life has run its [[biologic]] [[course]], when man has reached the [[apex]] of [[animal]] [[development]], there arrives the second order of sonship, and the second [[dispensation]] of [[grace]] and [[ministry]] is [[inaugurated]]. This is true on all [[evolutionary worlds]]. When the highest possible level of [[evolutionary]] life has been attained, when [[primitive]] man has [[ascended]] as far as [[possible]] in the [[biologic]] [[scale]], a [[Material Son and Daughter]] always appear on the [[planet]], having been dispatched by the [[System Sovereign]].

52:3.2 [[Thought Adjusters]] are increasingly [[bestowed]] upon the ''post-Adamic'' men, and in constantly augmented [[numbers]] these [[mortals]] [[attain]] [[capacity]] for subsequent [[Adjuster]] [[fusion]]. While [[functioning]] as [ descending Sons], [[the Adams]] do not [[possess]] [[Adjusters]], but their [[planetary]] [[offspring]]—direct and mixed—become legitimate [[candidates]] for the [[reception]], in due time, of the [[Mystery Monitors]]. By the termination of the ''post-Adamic age'' the [[planet]] is in [[possession]] of its full quota of [[celestial]] ministers; only the [[fusion]] [[Adjusters]] are not yet [[universally]] [[bestowed]].

52:3.3 It is the prime [[purpose]] of the [ Adamic regime] to [[influence]] [ evolving man] to complete the [[transit]] from the [[hunter]] and herder [[stage]] of [[civilization]] to that of the [[agriculturist]] and [ horticulturist], to be later supplemented by the [[appearance]] of the [[urban]] and [ industrial] adjuncts to [[civilization]]. Ten thousand years of this [[dispensation]] of the biologic uplifters is sufficient to effect a [[marvelous]] [[transformation]]. Twenty-five thousand years of such an [[administration]] of the conjoint [[wisdom]] of the [[Planetary Prince]] and the [[Material Sons]] usually ripens the [[sphere]] for the [[advent]] of a [[Magisterial Son]].

52:3.4 This [[age]] usually [[witnesses]] the completion of the elimination of the [ unfit] and the still further [[purification]] of the [[racial]] strains; on [[normal]] worlds the [[defective]] [[Animal|bestial]] [[tendencies]] are very nearly eliminated from the [[reproducing]] stocks of the realm.

52:3.5 The Adamic [[progeny]] never [ amalgamate] with the inferior strains of the [ evolutionary races]. Neither is it the [[divine]] [[plan]] for the [[Planetary Adam or Eve]] to [[mate]], [[personally]], with the evolutionary peoples. This [[race]]-improvement project is the task of their [[progeny]]. But the [[offspring]] of the [[Material Son and Daughter]] are mobilized for [[generations]] before the [ racial-amalgamation ministry] is [[inaugurated]].

52:3.6 The result of the gift of the Adamic [[life plasm]] to the [[Paper 51 - The Planetary Adams|mortal races]] is an [[immediate]] upstepping of [[intellectual]] [[capacity]] and an [[acceleration]] of [[spiritual]] [[progress]]. There is usually some [[physical]] improvement also. On an [[average]] world the ''post-Adamic'' [[dispensation]] is an [[age]] of great [[invention]], [[energy]] [[control]], and [[mechanical]] [[development]]. This is the era of the [[appearance]] of multiform [[manufacture]] and the [[control]] of [[natural]] [[force]]s; it is the [[ golden age] of [[exploration]] and the final subduing of the [[planet]]. Much of the [[material]] [[progress]] of a world occurs during this time of the [[inauguration]] of the [[development]] of the [[Natural Sciences|physical sciences]], just such an [[epoch]] as [[Urantia]] is now [[experiencing]]. Your world is a full [[dispensation]] and more behind the [[average]] [[planetary]] [[Agenda|schedule]].

52:3.7 By the end of the Adamic [[dispensation]] on a [[normal]] [[planet]] the [[races]] are practically blended, so that it can be truly proclaimed that "God has made of one blood all the nations,"[] and that his Son "has made of one color all peoples." The color of such an amalgamated race is somewhat of an olive shade of the violet hue, the racial "white" of the spheres.

52:3.8 [[Primitive]] man is for the most part [[carnivorous]]; the [[Material Sons and Daughters]] do not eat meat, but their [[offspring]] within a few [[generations]] usually gravitate to the [ omnivorous] level, although whole [[groups]] of their [[descendants]] sometimes remain [[Vegan|nonflesh eaters]]. This double [[origin]] of the post-Adamic [[races]] explains how such blended [[human]] stocks exhibit anatomic vestiges belonging to both the [[Vegan|herbivorous]] and [[carnivorous]] [[animal]] [[groups]].

52:3.9 Within ten thousand years of [[racial]] [[amalgamation]] the resultant stocks show varying [[degrees]] of anatomic blend, some strains carrying more of the marks of the [[Vegan|nonflesh-eating]] [[ancestry]], others exhibiting more of the distinguishing traits and [[physical]] characteristics of their [[carnivorous]] [[evolutionary]] progenitors. The [[majority]] of these world [[races]] soon become [ omnivorous], subsisting upon a wide range of viands from both the [[animal]] and [[vegetable]] kingdoms.

52:3.10 The post-Adamic [[epoch]] is the [[dispensation]] of [[internationalism]]. With the near completion of the task of [[race]] blending, [[nationalism]] wanes, and the ''brotherhood of man'' really begins to [[materialize]]. [[Representative]] [[government]] begins to take the place of the [ monarchial] or paternal [[form]] of rulership. The [[educational]] [[system]] becomes world-wide, and gradually the [[languages]] of the races give way to the [[tongue]] of the [ violet people]. [[Universal]] [[peace]] and [[co-operation]] are seldom [[attained]] until the [[races]] are fairly well blended, and until they speak a common [[language]].

52:3.11 During the closing centuries of the ''post-Adamic age'' there [[develops]] new interest in [[art]], [[music]], and [[literature]], and this world-wide [[awakening]] is the signal for the [[appearance]] of a [[Magisterial Son]]. The crowning [[development]] of this era is the [[universal]] interest in [[intellectual]] [[realities]], true [[philosophy]]. [[Religion]] becomes less nationalistic, becomes more and more a [[planetary]] affair. New [[revelations]] of [[truth]] characterize these [[ages]], and the [[Most Highs]] of the [[constellations]] begin to rule in the affairs of men. [[Truth]] is revealed up to the [[administration]] of the [[constellations]].

52:3.12 Great [[ethical]] [[advancement]] characterizes this era; the ''brotherhood of man'' is the goal of its [[society]]. World-wide [[peace]]—the cessation of [[race]] [[conflict]] and national animosity—is the indicator of [[planetary]] ripeness for the [[advent]] of the third order of sonship, the [[Magisterial Son]].

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