Talk:2014-03-07-New Era Conversations 17

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Rob Davis wrote: Fri, March 14, 2014:

As there is no discussion of these lessons outside the small circle of 'believers', I will offer brief comments on selected parts.

The presumption upon 'democracy' in New Era Conversations 7 makes one wonder about how it is used below.

You will find that because the concepts of social sustainability will be widespread in the developed democratic nations that these nations will survive more easily with less difficulty and with better preparation for the future than other nations, which have other non-democratic forms of governance.

I note with interest the aggressive reliance upon mass media so inconsistent with anything spiritual.

This was in response to one of his friends nominating him for the T.E.D. Conference, though that will not occur. Nonetheless, his preparation for that is sufficient and necessary for the other presentations. We do hope that next year, at the T.E.D. Global Conference that he is one of the speakers there, presenting our material.

And along with fascination with a mass audience naturally comes interest in 'fame'.

What we are striving to do in the development of fame is to anchor in these concepts so that the full 1% of all societies begin to recognize this and take and initiate action in their own communities to begin developing these truths.

Ironic to witness channeling being used to announce the "closing down of channeling"!

This is another reason why these materials have been developed to be totally, completely secular.......Now we must close down the importance of channeling to the general population and reserve that for a few who are charismatic enough and mystical enough to engage contact with spirit directly. These are the 1/10 of 1% who will lead your world into the ages of light and life. Given this type of transmitting (channeling) is a lower order of "spirit contact,, it seems strange to see it regarded as so rarefied.

Again, I note with interest the aggressive reliance upon mass media so inconsistent with anything spiritual.

It seems that in order to get this material in front of the 1%, the cultural creatives in our population, we would need to get it out amongst a mass audience. Would it be useful for us at this point to try and engage an author of fiction or a scriptwriter to work with us in this direction? CHARLES: Yes, overwhelmingly yes!

Daniel's interjections disavowing his thought are a signature of his transmitting. That it is done here in reference to interest in gaining publication is humorous given his longtime interest having his work published.

[This is Daniel: An idea just flashed to me very quickly—it doesn’t come from myself—is that there are editors of large book organizations who seek authors to write proposed books that would be saleable. You may want to investigate how publishing houses propagate the production of books that they have ideas for. Does that make sense?

I note here the expression of haste attributed to beings whose life span may be inconceivably long.

We can truncate, we can shorten the time of development of social sustainability being publicly recognized in the large proportion of your world population by addressing larger audiences promptly, and this is of primary interest of the Triumvirate. We have no time for the slow developmental evolution of ideas within an individual that may take another 10-20 years to develop and publish.

Again, haste expressed in the acquisition of 'fame'.

We wish to see this coming out, this development of fame to occur broadly within this year and to have an eruption next year that makes it a topic of broad discussion among many sectors of your culture.

--rdavis 02:11, 15 March 2014 (UTC)

Ginny wrote on tml Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 9:10 PM

Did I miss something? What are the 3 core values?.....ginny

Rob wrote on tml Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 9:25 PM

Thank you for the question! Based upon the early expression of these "three core values", They are:

I will give you now, the three primary values, from which all others are derived. First is the value of life. One must respect the life of another individual, as being separate, apart from you, and of equal value, which leads us to the second value, which is equality.

You who have been here so long in this lifetime, what is paramount in your lives? Why would you come here to this group? Why would you seek an education? Why you would aspire to other realms of development is because of the third value, which is growth.

I will add discussion of this lesson to its discussion page for greater illumination.

March 15, 2014

Roxanne Andrews wrote: Friday, March 14, 2014 9:19 PM

Hi Ginny,

Our group has been talking about the three core values for quite some time now. To make any social function (like education or healthcare,) institution, government, business corporation, judicial system and so on, sustainable for long periods of time--250-5000+ years--the three core values must be in place. They give each individual in that society a quality of life, the possibility for growth into that person's full potential, and equality with everyone else as God sees them, no matter their sex, nationality, race, ethnic group, age, and so on. We are all God's children and equally loved by him. We all deserve to have these three core values. We must incorporate these three values in all of our social institutions on a global basis in order to reach the days of light and life. All advanced inhabited planets incorporate these three core values for every citizen.

If you want to know more about them, or possibly take part in helping our society achieve them, look into our past transcripts of "Conversations with Monjoronson" and our new series, "New Era Conversations." You can form a local group called a "co-creative design team" with a celestial teacher for guidance for each group. We have also put out a small book called "Healing a Broken World," available through Amazon or its publisher, Origin Press, and there will be more publications in the future. We would love to have you participate. This is one aspect of Christ Michael's Correcting Time, and it is being managed by Monjoronson, our Magisterial Son and Machiventa Melchizedek, our Planetary Prince/Planetary Manager.

If I can be of further assistance, please contact me by email.

Blessings, Roxanne

Ginny wrote: March 15, 2014 at 12:12 AM

Jefferson got it right--Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness (through growth!)....ginny

Ginny wrote: Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 12:27 PM

Thank you!........ginny (re: Rob's reply above)

Rob wrote: Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 3:09 PM

You're welcome! It may help to keep in mind that human representations of divine realities are inherently compromised and at best can serve as an evidentiary basis for deeper inquiry.