Talk:2022-05-22-NET PMG 30

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Among the many objections to Daniel Raphael's work are:

  • 1. He cites academic authority using a bogus Ph.D.
  • 2. His work parrots Neo Conservative US foreign policy. NEC 7NEC 8
  • 3. He cites the Rothschild family as a model of social sustainability. NEC 9
  • 4. He has spiritual beings citing the amorality of their protocols.NEC 20
  • 5. He cites the virtue of commercial AI to guide moral decisions.NET 53
  • 6. In recent years, he has referred to himself in capital letters as "This One".
  • 7. One of the members of this group is assigned "to invent a new religion". NET 96
  • 8. He has Machiventa stating in March 2020 the Covid virus "is a natural occurrence". NET 86


2022-05-02, New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group #30, Machiventa

Planetary Manager’s Group #30

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager Topics:

The planetary manager’s perspective Downturns are spiritual opportunities Maybe it’s time to try something different The war in Ukraine and ego driven politics A change of consciousness and pattern Peace Accentuate the positive Factions vs. unity of consciousness and peace Those who have prospered will always resist change Ready for something better Paternalism and the coming “fire on their pants” Speak up! Global response to Russian aggression in Ukraine Tacking into the wind This is a responsibility that you have

TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD

Invocation: JT


The planetary manager’s perspective

Machiventa: Good Morning, my friends, this is Machiventa Melchizedek, your planetary manager. The aspect of being a planetary manager is beneficial to you because I have ongoing contact [with] what you might call news bulletins from around the world simultaneously all through your day. You don't need to be a psychic, you don't need to be prescient, you don't need to be any of those things to really grasp what is occurring on your world. It is a matter of opening your perspective to that of a planetary manager which will give you a very, very broad view of what is happening on your world. And you don't need to be a genius to figure out what is happening and where it's going to go.

For instance, a very simple fact: If you look at all the news feeds from around the world whether it's the BBC, PBS, NPR, or any of the internationally known news sources that are legitimate and stable, you will see that all indicators around the world are down. Now, if you are an investor, you'd say, “I think I'm going to just kind of hedge my bets and hang on to my money before I invest it. I'll wait for everything to bottom-out before I do so.” So, on the other hand, when you see that everything is in an upswing, everything is great, all the news feeds are positive, and there is cheer and goodwill around the world, then you would say: “This is awesome, I think I'll take my family on a vacation.” And you would enjoy the peace and quiet wherever you go.

So it is that I want to review some things with you on the global scale. For instance, you probably don't know what the weather is like in Bangladesh do you, or across India? But you may be concerned because India is now having a heatwave that is going to wither the crops of grains—whether it is corn, maize, wheat, or [any of] the other grains, and it will be a greatly diminished harvest when it does occur. And, as you may know, Russia has now absconded with most of the wheat stores that were saved up in bins in the Ukraine. There are droughts across Africa, the western and southwestern United States, and many other areas around the world. As this causes a decrease in the basic grains for feeding people, you can anticipate that there will be further starvation in the most difficult, distraught nations around the world, and that the price of grains will increase tremendously for those who can afford to buy it. It will affect that economy and it will also affect the supply side of your global distribution processes. So, you can take all these things into reasonable consideration when you simply open your eyes and look past the immediate area where you are. You may be concerned only about the garden in your backyard. You would consider whether it's dry or wet, whether it's going to grow moss everywhere and the vegetables will rot in the ground or not, or whether you will have to irrigate them because it's so dry. We know those things as an ongoing part of all the reports that I receive from my teams. They provide summations which are very similar in nature to the reports that…. [temporary technical difficulties]

Downturns are spiritual opportunities

MM: This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Let us proceed. So, when you take all of the indicators as pointing down (becoming more negative) and you see how reactive and volatile the financial system is, you realize that there could be growing, definite evidence of a recession in some nations and, in the worst-case scenarios, they would be extreme. Of course, finances are the lifeblood of the world, particularly of such highly developed nations as the United States. This is the lifeblood—this is the medium by which there is exchange. And so investments will change, returns will change, and so on. You will see changes (very much so) in the cost of living, inflation, percentages of returns, and so on. Now, as students of Spirit, and you are learning your way through this, you can take all these indicators as food for thought, food for your reflective thinking and time apart, you can use this as something to consider when you are retiring, your investments, and so on.

Now for us, who are not affected by investments, the stock exchange, the bond market, commodities, and so on, we see this much differently. We see this as an opportunity for a resurgence of individual, personal increases of spiritual connection and contact. Those people who have had some degree or extent of religious experience in their life—spiritual experience—will be perhaps more diligent in their seeking solace and answers to their prayers and may be more open to receiving guidance. When people are harried by the demands of every day, time apart is something that is precious to them. And there is evidence of this on a grand scale throughout the world from the time apart that people enjoyed at home away from being in the office and so on. For others, however, the production factories and manufacturing slowed down, and it was a time of unemployment, which made it difficult.

We see all of this as an opportunity—an opportunity to create a culture change on a large scale across your world when the right influences are made available and placed in the right time, in the right way. You see, this time now is similar to the third trimester of pregnancy. It is very similar to some other robust eras throughout human history, particularly within the last 900 years. You realized that your world was coming out of the Dark Ages and into the Renaissance, and so on. That was a time of great change, a time of budding culture, development of invention, and so forth. And as the New World was discovered, this created a tremendous influence upon the world—a time in which Spirit can have great influence upon those who are listening and place people in the right place, at the right time, with the right position, with the right message, to be delivered to humankind for those years and for all years afterwards—to become a part of history. And so, if you were a historian, you would want to research these openings—I wouldn't call them crisis points, but they usually are associated with coming out of some great difficulty. And so, you will learn that this time now is pregnant with opportunity for a change in your world. From your perspective, there is a “however”—it also means that because your world is far too overpopulated, that there will be a deep population die off of your species that will be very uncomfortable in all nations. And it will have tremendous repercussions upon your culture. It will provide a time when people can sit, collaborate, discuss, and reflect together over the changing of times and what this means. And it means that you can see this as an opportunity for mortals to become a part of the culture change, part of the influence to bend the culture of nations towards social stability, peace, and social sustainability.

Maybe it’s time to try something different

It will be a time of reflection where those of you who are historians will look back and see that the organizational fabric of your civilization has consistently failed repeatedly—not dozens of times but hundreds of times—throughout the last 20,000 years of the organizational existence of humanity. Although humans, as a species, inherently have the capacity to survive, your organizations do not. And so, these people who will be reflecting upon the times will hopefully scratch their noggins and say to each other: “You know, maybe it's time that we tried something different rather than reinstituting the old model of business and the decay-ridden cultures. It’s time for us to invent a culture that wants to sustain itself—that it sees the future as a field of total opportunity to create what is needed for all humanity—not just for individuals, communities, societies, or nations, but for all nations and all humanity.”

The war in Ukraine and ego driven politics

We want you to take a global planetary manager’s perspective about the war in the Ukraine and the machinations and activities of President Putin of Russia. From our perspective, we see this development as a horrendous reminder of the 200,000 years of human existence on this planet. It's one of aggression, one of a me-before-you, ours-before-yours, and that the most powerful people try to dominate the world—the culture—as they know it. You are really seeing the last of this type of conquest, and you are seeing the first of many future developments where nations will work together peacefully to unravel the hostility and aggressions of those who would wish to impose their will upon other nations and other people—even to the point of creating waves of genocide as you are now seeing occurring in the Ukraine. We're also seeing the end of the last of the ego-driven, political individuals. It does not work. Egoism is a prescription, a recipe, for failure—one in which people are subjected to death and destruction and the same for their societies, families, and the social organization of their nations.

A change of consciousness and pattern

Why would this be the end? This is also part of this incredible change of consciousness that you have been witnessing, even on a personal basis. Your eyes are being opened, whether you like it or not, to the broader perspective of living on an overpopulated world. This is a change of your cultures as occurred from your side of the world as it emerged from the Dark Ages to the days of the Renaissance, Enlightenment, and all the other ages and eras that are noted throughout the following hundreds of years from the end of the Dark Ages. You are witnessing in the brevity of your lifetime (of let's say 80 years) the change of the world—I would not say world order, no, certainly not as there's very little order in your world. But what you're seeing is a change of pattern. You're going from a houndstooth check to a nice, striped linen pattern. You know that the world—the universe—is structured on pattern and order. And so, what is going to occur is that humans will want to create order, and that means peace and social stability and that they want this for everyone, because if there's someone who is not practicing peace, order, and pattern, then they will be opposed to what you're doing, and they will cause a disturbance in your world.


You've been told many times by philosophers and others regarding peace that the absence of hostilities is not peace. Peace really is where the hostilities begin to diminish, are eliminated, and the forces that bring about chaos and vulnerability to your world are intentionally diminished. It takes moral courage to do that on your world. There will be people who will argue against you saying it is not peaceful, is not in the interest of peace to eliminate hostile individuals. On the other hand, if you were a mortal planetary manager (without access to us) you'd see the logic of this as you want to diminish those elements—those strains—in your society and in your cultures that cause your cultures to be slow to progress and slow to evolve. What we seek to engender among you, in you, and across your societies is the aspect of perennial, social evolution, and that you see small steps of progress being made in the larger scope of the social evolution of your civilization.

Accentuate the positive

I know that I have overwhelmed you with many points concerning what I have delivered here. It is food for thought as it is food for those who will read these transcripts in the years, decades, and centuries ahead. There are truths in this delivery today which will be perennial for the next millennium or two—that you must decrease objections and hostilities while improving the beneficial aspects. You may recall the Bing Crosby song that goes: “You want to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative.” So, this is the essence of life. You want to do that in your personal lives, you want to do that for your children, and you will see that children thrive in a peaceful family. Thank you.

Factions vs. unity of consciousness and peace

Jeff: Good morning Machiventa. Thank you for the update on the world situation. From my personal perspective I have trouble with the first casualty of war (which is truth) and being able to discern what is true versus what is propaganda, so I appreciate your giving us your perspective. I have a question I have not written down, but it's been on my mind. And that is the hostilities that we see being played out in Ukraine, to me, are signaling that there is an irreconcilable clash between factions that would like to control the narrative of how large civilizations work. Both factions, in my view, are covering up the consequences of promising too much in the way of goods, services, food, lifestyle, etc. by politicians that can no longer deliver it because the Earth does not have the carrying capacity to deliver on their promises. And so, my question to you is, are both sides that are practicing a form of socialism going to fail or, from your perspective, is one ideology going to end up winning over another? How do you see the outcome in the intermediate future of this current struggle?

MM: Thank you for your statement and your question. It is excellent and it gets an A+ from me. First, let us examine this interim period. This interim period for us is the next seven years or approximately to the date of 2030. So, let's set that aside for a moment. We are making strides, inroads, to factions which are outside of the dichotomies that you mentioned. Those exist in a win-lose situation, they want to promote win-lose—that someone will win and take all the goodies and all the treasures and have their own way with the world at that time. We find that neither side is beneficial to a positive outcome. We find from our experience on this planet and other planets that when you have divisiveness of any type, you have separation. And at this point, there is too much separation in the world. What we and you must seek and find are individuals who yearn for union, oneness of interests. We’re not talking about a one-world government; we're not talking about any of that (what I would call) silliness. It's unproductive. What we want is a union of consciousness, of intent, of purposeful living, and that each individual contributes to the end result of harmonious relationships across the fence with neighbors, in the neighborhoods, communities, and across nations. This would surely be a culture change, and your world is definitely in need of a culture change. We support culture change that is positive and kind. We love the bumper stickers that say “Be kind” to your neighbor, be kind to yourself. Being kind to yourself is not self-indulgent, it is not narcissistic, it is a generous statement of peace with the world. And this is what we seek, and this is what we are involved in generating now.

What we hope you will be seeking is to find those places, those spaces, those times, those situations, [and] those individuals who want to be in union for peace. Peace is not an idealism. It is somewhat idealistic, but too often people take on the airy-fairy perspective of peace beyond all reason, which is impossible to achieve. Peace comes at a high cost—a tremendously high cost. It means that you take actions, make decisions, and you have attitudes and motivations that support other people besides yourself. It comes right out of Making Sense of Ethics—a manuscript that Avahlah and This One have created. So, I offer you no affirmations for the solutions that you gave me, but that the solutions are more general and more pervasive and apply to everyone. If you have further questions regarding this, please ask.

Jeff: It just seems to me that that the entrenchment of the leadership in both Eastern and Western nations is so great that to move to a different paradigm is going to take the extreme energy of a great number of people against the resistance to change and that's going to be probably the trauma that you predict with the catastrophes and the Earth changes, is that correct?

MM: That's correct.

Jeff: Thank you,

Those who have prospered will always resist change

MM: You see, those who are entrenched have everything to lose (in their mind, or in their estimation) by abandoning or changing to another stream of culture, cultural thinking. They see it as a win-lose situation. However, for us, we win, because the individuals who believe in a peaceful transition—a culture change—will want to join with what we have to offer, what we are offering, and will offer more explicitly in the future. And you are correct, there will be tremendous resistance to this, there will be name calling, labeling, and so on of both the East and the West against those individuals within their cultures, within their nations, and within their societies that are opting for a new way of thinking, a new way of believing, a new set of values, and so on. They will say that it is an abandonment of tradition. They will say that you are radicals, and you will cause great harm to the world. And you would want to respond by saying, “Well, compared to what?” Thank you.

Jeff: I guess my last question, then, in light of your remarks is: If there is some action that the people on this call, or the people who will read these transcripts in the near future can take to mitigate change, to activate change, if there's action that we can personally take will you be willing to share that with us so that we can “do something” during the remaining years that we have?

MM: This is Machiventa. Yes, most definitely. And it is our hope that we will be able to reveal this to you in the near future. And I define the near future as in the next six months. You see we are in an almost identical position as we were two years ago, month-to-month and year-to-year where you recall that in early 2020, you had just received the announcement in March that the COVID pandemic was real, it was global, and that there must be steps taken to isolate it. And so, your economy plummeted and all the other factors that go along with that were evident. We knew this was coming. We did not take action at that time because individuals had not made decisions concerning how to approach the COVID pandemic. We were watching what the various deliberating bodies of nations would choose, what the leaders of those bodies and political leaders of nations would choose and do. And so, we waited and developed the plans that are now in the process of being developed and made public. In the meantime, the scoundrel Putin has decided that he wants to decimate the Ukrainian population, trash its economy, and make it so it becomes uninhabitable to anyone but Russians. And that has been a destabilizing factor as well. The pandemic, the economic repercussions of the pandemic, and the supply chain problems that your economies have had will continue to exacerbate your global situation. We now have plans in place, having known what those leaders, individuals, and the populace—the opinions of the public of many nations, what they are concerned about—and [whether] they will opt for positive changes or not.

Ready for something better

As an aside, if you were to take the pulse of the public of, let's say, 50 nations, you would find in these developed nations that people are generally sick and tired of the political schemes that are going on, the military adventurisms, and the hostilities that exist in your world. They are truly ready for something better. The problem that we are faced with concerning that is that—using Americans for example—they expect to have results made by tomorrow afternoon. And this is impossible. When you're changing a culture, you're talking about the briefest segments of 5 years, and then 10 years, decades, and generations to take effect. So, as all of these developments are occurring simultaneously, we are working to promote our message to the huge bodies of masses of people who are seeking something better.

Daniel: This is Daniel. Machiventa wants to use a quote from David Thoreau: “The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation.” And this is a time for great investment by Spirit.

MM: Thank you.

Jeff: Thank you for your comments, Machiventa. This is something that I would want to think about very carefully over the next two weeks. Thank you for your comments.

MM: You're most welcome.

Stéphane: Good morning, Machiventa. Stéphane here. How are you today?

MM: Excellent. Thank you, I am not gleeful about presenting such words of doom and difficulty to you, but I personally am very well, and my Melchizedek teams and others are doing quite well in this environment, and they are looking forward to the challenge of gathering together the masses of humanity who want something new and something better. Thank you.

Paternalism and the coming “fire on their pants”

Stéphane: Indeed, and that is the topic of my question today. We're all looking for something better and ways to progress beyond the stagnant phases that we find ourselves in today. You mentioned destabilizing factors preventing you from acting in the ways that you would like and, in a way, preventing us from moving forward. It seems to me that these destabilizing factors keep happening, one after the other, and if the decimation, you know, is to continue to take place, it seems to me that there will continue to be destabilizing factors, one after the other, for the foreseeable future. Will that impede your ability to progress us in the direction that you intend?

MM: No, not really. You see, the houses of authority, whether it is a White House or whether it's parliament, or whether it's any of those bastions of political and governmental authority, they will be debased. And if you take several definitions of that word, they will be debased in that they will lose their credibility (which has been eroding consistently over the decades), they will be debased in that people will no longer believe what is being said, and they will know that the paternalism—the patriarchy—of Western government is not much different than the monarchies that existed previously except that those who are not elected try to manipulate the next election so that they become elected and become the overseeing authority. It is to our advantage to promote the broad base of individuals who want peace, who want above all social stability, economic stability, and so on. To answer your question, or to state this situation clearly, they will be too busy putting out the fire on their pants to seek any other intervention with anyone else. The difficulties that they will have will be in their homelands, rather than across nations, as each nation will have its own difficulties. Also, you can anticipate that those people who cause upsets in other nations will not always be here. Everyone dies, as you know, on your world, so everyone takes their turn at that process—even the great leaders whether they're good or bad. We are going to stay the course of seeking not the middle ground, but the high ground of this plan of Christ Michael to identify those individuals who seek peace, who will volunteer, and speak to the neighbors about what they see good is happening. You recall that it has occurred over the centuries that what happens in the pub, and the discussions in the pub are evidence of what happens in the nation. People can be great persuaders from low standing stools and soapboxes which they may find in the community.

Speak up!

To further answer Jeff's question [about] what you can do, when you see something that makes sense, you would want to promote that—you would want to share your opinions, to stand out. What we find is that the problem with Western democracies is that there are very few people of the middle culture of those nations who are willing to stand up and state their feelings, their thoughts, and their wisdoms. And so, during these times, where there is no leadership, or leadership is lacking, or leadership is neglectful, it is time for the people who know the difference to lead their friends in the right way—and that is to find the flow of life, the Tao of life, to understand the passive way of peace is sometimes peaceful demonstrations of personal opposition-taking. I've danced around your question. I hope there is some meat in it somewhere for you.

Global response to Russian aggression in Ukraine

Stéphane: There is, yes. And I see that there will continue to be disturbances that will hit us. This is the nature of our world, it seems. But I would like to think that the reaction to the Russian aggression from the nations—the United Nations—that oppose it surprised me in that it was a coordination between the nations larger than what you would call NATO nations, and that has progressed better than I expected in trying to seclude Russia from the global group and seclude them from the global economics more or less. Do you agree with me that this is a better reaction than has happened in the past?

MM: Most definitely, and we are heartened by it. And this is the trend that we hope will be established for the future. There can be greater progress by cooperation—competent cooperation—than by showing differences. What you did not hear are the individuals, the bystanders saying, “Well, but…”, you didn't hear that, did you? No, people said this is venomous, it is poisonous, it is dangerous, and we must be of one mind to oppose this and to rid ourselves of this scourge. And this is exactly the international sentiment that is part and parcel of the plan for a change of culture at the international level. Thank you for your question.

Stéphane: Yes, and I agree, I agree with you, I think this is a step in the right direction, and I'm glad to hear you say the same. Even nations such as China and India, who have much closer ties and depend on Russia in a bigger way than the rest of the world, seem to be much quieter than I would have thought in expressing any kind of alliance with Russia.

MM: You're correct.

Stéphane: Thank you. I just wish progress for this world. I think we are heading in the right direction albeit with much turbulence from our past still dragging us down. But I do see hope for this world and for the Western societies to move forward and use this as a steppingstone, as you say, for being able to manage such situations in the future in a much better way.

Tacking into the wind

MM: Yes. If I were to draw a parallel or metaphor for you, the humanity of your world is much like a sailing ship sailing into the wind. It must tack left then right to confront the wind from angles so that they make progress forward. And that is why you are seeing such slow progress in your world to change the culture. Our influence is to assist you to tack the course to the destination of peace and social stability. And it is not the same direct course that steamships or diesel-powered ships use to go straight to the port that they seek to enter. Thank you.

Stéphane: I can only imagine if we did not have those troubles where we could be heading. I have a lot of interaction with the younger folks, the younger generations, and I am amazed by their ability to steer the conversation in much more constructive and healthy ways for society. It's unfortunate that we keep being brought down because I see a lot of hope in our younger generation.

MM: As do we. You will see that, although many millennials are not God seekers and are not religious, they nonetheless are wise individuals who know the way of progress. And social progress must come in order to settle the uneven chaos and choppy waves of human conduct and history that is so widely known to everyone. Thank you.

Stéphane: Thank you.

Rick: Good morning, Machiventa. My wife (Liz) and I want to thank you for the blessing you share with us every two weeks. We’re very grateful to be a part of your community. My question: Two weeks ago, when I mentioned that this is a historic precedent of 90 plus United Nations [members] voting against Russia, Switzerland for the first time becoming non-neutral and Germany upping its game I said this is unprecedented. You said yes, it is, but the cup is only half full. Since [then] Europe is expected by the end of this week to be removing themselves from buying Petro products from Russia by the end of this week. And Sberbank, Russia's largest bank, is now in the process of being removed from Swift. How close are we to a full cup?

MM: This is Machiventa. This is another one of those “when” questions that we seek not to answer as it just sets the precedent for greater confusion and more question-asking. And so, I'm going to avoid answering your question directly, but I will tell you that the cup is now approximately five eighths full. Thank you.

Rick: Thank you

JT: That's all we have today Machiventa. Do you have a closing for us? You had quite the opening.

This is a responsibility that you have

MM: This is Machiventa, thank you. As your planetary manager, one of my responsibilities is to train individuals to take my place. Not literally as spiritual planetary managers at the level of being a Melchizedek or an Avonal son, but as a mortal. And so, these lessons over the last few weeks, months, and even a few years have been oriented towards preparing you for a larger perspective, a larger and more active role. Some of you can wear these shoes and some of you do not care too. And so, we will educate everyone. This is a responsibility that you have, and I will put it to you more directly: In this benediction I bless you with forethought, with discretion, of understanding, of making decisions that complement the positive influences that improve your world for the benefit of all future generations. For it is the future generations which will inherit (willingly or resistively) what is coming to them that you leave them. You can leave your world to your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on in great turmoil, travail, and chaos. Or you can make meaningful contributions to the welfare of their lives—to their quality of life, to their peace of mind, and the peace and generation of their children who appreciate what their grandparents and their great-grandparents did for them. And I wish you all to take note of the good that you do for your world, not as an ego-stroke, but simply as an accounting of the good that you are called upon to provide to those generations, and which is also a part of your mission and your work to do God's will and to become perfect as you are able to in this world in this lifetime. Good day.

JT: Thank you Machiventa and thank you Daniel.